Schema Central > NIEM 2.0 > observation.xsd > om:observedProperty
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Definitive XML Schema


Web Service Contract Design and Versioning for SOA


Advanced XML Applications



Link to a description of the property or phenomenon whose value
is being described or estimated through observation
for example "wavelength", "grass-species", "power", "intensity in the waveband xy",
It is this feature-property that provides the (semantic) type of the observation.
Note that the description of the phenomenon may be quite specific and
In general the precise details of the constraints describing the observe properties
require attention to the procedure used in making the observation:
e.g. an optical sensor typically has a wavelength-dependent response.
This property may be provided for client convenience, to allow comparison
between and aggregation of observations of the same property made using different procedures.

Element information



niem-xlink:type [0..1]xsd:stringFixed value is "simple". from group niem-xlink:simpleLink
niem-xlink:href [0..1]xsd:anyURIfrom group niem-xlink:simpleLink
niem-xlink:role [0..1]xsd:anyURIfrom group niem-xlink:simpleLink
niem-xlink:arcrole [0..1]xsd:anyURIfrom group niem-xlink:simpleLink
niem-xlink:title [0..1]xsd:stringfrom group niem-xlink:simpleLink
niem-xlink:show [0..1]Anonymousfrom group niem-xlink:simpleLink
niem-xlink:actuate [0..1]Anonymousfrom group niem-xlink:simpleLink
gml:remoteSchema [0..1]xsd:anyURIfrom group gml:AssociationAttributeGroup

Used in

Sample instance

   <swe:Phenomenon gml:id="ID">
         <!--any element-->

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