An angle, consisting of an optional '+' or '-' character immediately followed by a <number> immediately followed by an angle unit identifier. Angle unit identifiers are: 'deg' (for degrees), 'grad' (for grads), and 'rad' (for radians). The specified values are normalized to the range 0deg to 360deg. A property may define additional constraints on the value.
Simple type information
Schema document: fo.xsd
- Type based on xsd:string
- Pattern: [\+\-]?[1-3]?\d?\d?(\.?\d+)?(deg|grad|rad)
Used in
- Attribute azimuth via derived anonymous type
- Attribute elevation via derived anonymous type
- Attribute glyph-orientation-horizontal via derived anonymous type
- Attribute glyph-orientation-vertical via derived anonymous type
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:string
- restricted by fo:angle
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute azimuth
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute elevation
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute glyph-orientation-horizontal
- used as member of union type Anonymous type of attribute glyph-orientation-vertical
- restricted by fo:angle