Schema Central  >  XSL-FO 1.1  >  fo.xsd  >  fo:bookmark
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Identifies an access point, by name, and specifies where that access point is within the current document or another external document. A given bookmark may be further subdivided into a sequence of (sub-)bookmarks to as many levels as the authors desire.


Element information


Schema document: fo.xsd

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Global, Qualified


  • Sequence [1..1]
    1. fo:bookmark-title [1..1]Identifies, in human readable form, an access point.
    2. fo:bookmark [0..*]Identifies an access point, by name, and specifies where that access point is within the current document or another external document. A given bookmark may be further subdivided into a sequence of (sub-)bookmarks to as many levels as the authors desire.


source-document [0..1]AnonymousA pointer back to the original XML document(s) used to create this formatting object tree, in accordance with the Dublin Core definition of "Source" ("A Reference to a resource from which the present resource is derived." See: .) The value is not validated by and has no inherent standardized semantics for any XSL processor.from group fo:source-document
role [0..1]AnonymousA hint for alternate renderers (aural readers, etc.) as to the role of the XML element or elements that were used to construct this formatting object, if one could be identified during XSLT tree construction. This information can be used to prepare alternate renderings when the normal rendering of a formatting object is not appropriate or satisfactory; for example, the role information can be used to provide better aural renderings of visually formatted material. This property is not inherited, but all subsidiary nodes of this formatting object that do not bear a role property should utilize the same alternate presentation properties. (It is not inherited because knowledge of the start and end of the formatting object subtree generated by the element may be needed by the renderer.)from group fo:role
external-destination [0..1]fo:uri-specificationThe destination resource (or, when a fragment identifier is given, sub-resource).from group fo:external-destination
internal-destination [0..1]AnonymousThe destination flow object within the formatting object tree. This property allows the destination flow object node to be explicitly specified.from group fo:internal-destination
starting-state [0..1]AnonymousHow the formatting object to which it applies is initially displayed.from group fo:starting-state

Used in

Sample instance

<fo:bookmark> <--any elements or text--> </fo:bookmark>