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Miscellaneous Properties


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Schema document: fo.xsd


change-bar-class [0..1]fo:nameAssociates a name with an fo:change-bar-begin or fo:change-bar-end element so that they can be matched to each other even if other fo:change-bar-begin and fo:change-bar-end elements are interspersed. This allows for "straddling pairs" of these elements.from group fo:change-bar-class
change-bar-color [0..1]fo:colorfrom group fo:change-bar-color
change-bar-offset [0..1]fo:lengthfrom group fo:change-bar-offset
change-bar-placement [0..1]AnonymousDetermines where, relative to the column areas, the change bars will occur.from group fo:change-bar-placement
change-bar-style [0..1]fo:border-styleThe style of the change bar.from group fo:change-bar-style
change-bar-width [0..1]fo:border-widthThe thickness of the change bar.from group fo:change-bar-width
content-type [0..1]AnonymousThe content-type and may be used by a User Agent to select a rendering processor for the object.from group fo:content-type
id [0..1]fo:idAn identifier unique within all objects in the result tree with the fo: namespace. It allows references to this formatting object by other objects.from group fo:id
intrinsic-scale-value [0..1]AnonymousThe scale factor that the intrinsic size corresponds to.from group fo:intrinsic-scale-value
page-citation-strategy [0..1]AnonymousDetermines what set of page areas are considered by a page number citation formatting object. For this property definition, an area matches a ref-id trait with value V if the area is generated either (a.) by the formatting object whose id trait is matched by V, or (b.) by any descendant of that formatting object.from group fo:page-citation-strategy
provisional-label-separation [0..1]fo:length-percentage-or-inheritThe provisional distance between the end of the list-item-label and the start of the list-item-body. The value is not directly used during formatting, but is used in the computation of the value of the label-end function.from group fo:provisional-label-separation
provisional-distance-between-starts [0..1]fo:length-percentage-or-inheritThe provisional distance between the start-indent of the list-item-label and the start-indent of the list-item-body. The value is not directly used during formatting, but is used in the computation of the value of the body-start function.from group fo:provisional-distance-between-starts
ref-id [0..1]AnonymousReference to the object having the specified unique identifier.from group fo:ref-id
scale-option [0..1]AnonymousWhether the scale-factor applied to the width or the height of the graphic should be retrieved.from group fo:scale-option
score-spaces [0..1]AnonymousWhether the text-decoration property shall be applied to spaces.from group fo:score-spaces
src [0..1]AnonymousThe URI-specification to locate an external resource such as image/graphic data to be included as the content of this object, or color-profile data.from group fo:src
visibility [0..1]AnonymousWhether the boxes generated by an element are rendered. Invisible boxes still affect layout (set the 'display' property to 'none' to suppress box generation altogether). CSS2 Reference: from group fo:visibility
z-index [0..1]AnonymousFor a positioned box, the "z-index" property specifies: 1. The stack level of the box in the current stacking context. 2. Whether the box establishes a local stacking context. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:z-index