Schema Central  >  XSL-FO 1.1  >  fo.xsd  >  change-bar-placement
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Determines where, relative to the column areas, the change bars will occur.


Attribute information

Namespace: None

Schema document: fo.xsd

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Local, Unqualified


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      startThe change bar will be offset from the start edge of all column areas.
      endThe change bar will be offset from the end edge of all column areas.
      leftThe change bar will be offset from the left edge of all column areas.
      rightThe change bar will be offset from the right edge of all column areas.
      insideIf the page binding edge is on the start-edge, the change bar will be offset from the start edge of all column areas. If the binding is the end-edge, the change bar will be offset from the end edge of all column areas. If the page binding edge is on neither the start-edge nor end-edge, the change bar will be offset from the start edge of all column areas.
      outsideIf the page binding edge is on the start-edge, the change bar will be offset from the end edge of all column areas. If the binding is the end-edge, the change bar will be offset from the start edge of all column areas. If the page binding edge is on neither the start-edge nor end-edge, the change bar will be offset from the end edge of all column areas.
      alternateWhen there are exactly two columns, the change bar will be offset from the start edge of all column one areas and the end edge of all column two areas; when there are any other number of columns, this value is equivalent to 'outside'.

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