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Common Aural Properties


Attribute group information


Schema document: fo.xsd


azimuth [0..1]AnonymousCSS2 Reference: from group fo:azimuth
cue-after [0..1]fo:cueSound to be played before the element to delimit it. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:cue-after
cue-before [0..1]fo:cueSound to be played after the element to delimit it. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:cue-before
cue [0..1]AnonymousA shorthand for setting 'cue-before' and 'cue-after'. If two values are given, the first value is 'cue-before' and the second is 'cue-after'. If only one value is given, it applies to both properties. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:cue
elevation [0..1]AnonymousCSS2 Reference: from group fo:elevation
pause-after [0..1]fo:pauseA pause to be observed before speaking an element's content. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:pause-after
pause-before [0..1]fo:pauseA pause to be observed after speaking an element's content. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:pause-before
pause [0..1]AnonymousA shorthand for setting 'pause-before' and 'pause-after'. If two values are given, the first value is 'pause-before' and the second is 'pause-after'. If only one value is given, it applies to both properties. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:pause
pitch [0..1]AnonymousThe average pitch (a frequency) of the speaking voice. The average pitch of a voice depends on the voice family. For example, the average pitch for a standard male voice is around 120Hz, but for a female voice, it's around 210Hz. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:pitch
pitch-range [0..1]fo:number-or-inheritVariation in average pitch. The perceived pitch of a human voice is determined by the fundamental frequency and typically has a value of 120Hz for a male voice and 210Hz for a female voice. Human languages are spoken with varying inflection and pitch; these variations convey additional meaning and emphasis. Thus, a highly animated voice, i.e., one that is heavily inflected, displays a high pitch range. This property specifies the range over which these variations occur, i.e., how much the fundamental frequency may deviate from the average pitch. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:pitch-range
play-during [0..1]AnonymousSimilar to the 'cue-before' and 'cue-after' properties, this property specifies a sound to be played as a background while an element's content is spoken. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:play-during
richness [0..1]fo:number-or-inheritThe richness, or brightness, of the speaking voice. A rich voice will "carry" in a large room, a smooth voice will not. (The term "smooth" refers to how the wave form looks when drawn.). A value between '0' and '100'. The higher the value, the more the voice will carry. A lower value will produce a soft, mellifluous voice. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:richness
speak [0..1]AnonymousWhether text will be rendered aurally and if so, in what manner. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:speak
speak-header [0..1]AnonymousWhether table headers are spoken before every cell, or only before a cell when that cell is associated with a different header than the previous cell. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:speak-header
speak-numeral [0..1]AnonymousHow numerals are spoken. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:speak-numeral
speak-punctuation [0..1]AnonymousHow punctuation is spoken. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:speak-punctuation
speech-rate [0..1]AnonymousThe speaking rate. Note that both absolute and relative keyword values are allowed (compare with 'font-size'). CSS2 Reference: from group fo:speech-rate
stress [0..1]fo:number-or-inheritThe height of "local peaks" in the intonation contour of a voice. For example, English is a stressed language, and different parts of a sentence are assigned primary, secondary, or tertiary stress. The value of 'stress' controls the amount of inflection that results from these stress markers. This property is a companion to the 'pitch-range' property and is provided to allow developers to exploit higher-end auditory displays. A value, between '0' and '100'. The meaning of values depends on the language being spoken. For example, a level of '50' for a standard, English-speaking male voice (average pitch = 122Hz), speaking with normal intonation and emphasis would have a different meaning than '50' for an Italian voice. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:stress
voice-family [0..1]AnonymousA comma-separated, prioritized list of voice family names. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:voice-family
volume [0..1]AnonymousThe median volume of the waveform. In other words, a highly inflected voice at a volume of 50 might peak well above that. The overall values are likely to be human adjustable for comfort, for example with a physical volume control (which would increase both the 0 and 100 values proportionately); what this property does is adjust the dynamic range. CSS2 Reference: from group fo:volume

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