Schema Central > XSL-FO 1.1 > fo.xsd > stress
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The height of "local peaks" in the intonation contour of a voice. For example, English is a stressed language, and different parts of a sentence are assigned primary, secondary, or tertiary stress. The value of 'stress' controls the amount of inflection that results from these stress markers. This property is a companion to the 'pitch-range' property and is provided to allow developers to exploit higher-end auditory displays. A value, between '0' and '100'. The meaning of values depends on the language being spoken. For example, a level of '50' for a standard, English-speaking male voice (average pitch = 122Hz), speaking with normal intonation and emphasis would have a different meaning than '50' for an Italian voice.  CSS2 Reference: "stress" property


Attribute information

Namespace: None

Schema document: fo.xsd

Type: fo:number-or-inherit

Properties: Local, Unqualified


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