The minimum, optimum, and maximum length of an fo:leader.
Attribute information
- Union of:
- List of:
- Type based on xsd:string
- Pattern: [\+\-]?\d+(\.?\d+)?(pc|px|pt|mm|cm|in|em)
- Minimum length of list: 3
- Maximum length of list: 3
from type fo:length - Type based on xsd:string
- Type based on xsd:string
- Pattern: [\+\-]?\d+(\.?\d+)?%
- Type based on xsd:token
Valid value inherit
from type fo:length-rangefrom type fo:percentagefrom type fo:inherit - List of:
Used in
- Anonymous type of element fo:leader via reference to fo:leader-length
- Attribute group fo:leader-length
- Attribute group fo:leader-and-rule-properties via reference to fo:leader-length