The country to be used by the formatter in language-/locale-coupled services, such as line-justification strategy, line-breaking, and hyphenation.
Attribute information
- Union of:
- Type based on xsd:token
Valid value inherit
- Type based on xsd:token
Valid value Description none The country is unknown or is not significant to the proper formatting of this object.
from type fo:countryfrom type fo:inherit - Type based on xsd:token
Used in
- Anonymous type of element fo:page-sequence via reference to fo:country
- Anonymous type of element fo:scaling-value-citation via reference to fo:country
- Anonymous type of element fo:block via reference to fo:country
- Anonymous type of element fo:character via reference to fo:country
- Attribute group fo:country
- Attribute group fo:common-hyphenation-properties via reference to fo:country