All standard WS-BPEL 2.0 activities in alphabetical order. Basic activities and structured activities. Addtional constraints: - rethrow activity can be used ONLY within a fault handler (i.e. "catch" and "catchAll" element) - compensate or compensateScope activity can be used ONLY within a fault handler, a compensation handler or a termination handler
Group information
Schema document: ws-bpel_executable.xsd
- Choice [1..1]
Used in
- Type tCatch (Element catch)
- Type tElseif (Element elseif)
- Type tFlow (Element flow)
- Type tIf (Element if)
- Type tOnAlarmPick (Element onAlarm)
- Type tOnMessage (Element onMessage)
- Type tProcess (Element process)
- Type tRepeatUntil (Element repeatUntil)
- Type tScope (Element scope)
- Type tSequence (Element sequence)
- Type tWhile (Element while)
- Type tActivityContainer (Elements catchAll, else, compensationHandler, terminationHandler)