The preamble structure defines the case where a <preamble>, an <enactingFormula>, or a <resolvingClause> can exist within the <main> part of a <lawDoc>. When a <preamble> is used, the <enactingFormula> or <resolvingClause> is found within the <preamble>, at the bottom. Notes may be defined after the <preamble>, <enactingFormula>, or <resolvingClause>.
Group information
Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd
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- uslm:preamble The <preamble> is a container for the "Whereas" clauses and the enacting formula. Modern practice is to not use the preamble, but to use a standalone enacting formula. However, for the rare cases where a preamble is desired, the elements are available.
- uslm:rulePreamble The <rulePreamble> is a container for the statements, signature blocks, and words-of-issuance within a Rule or Proposed Rule in the Federal Register.
- uslm:enactingFormula The <enactingFormula> is specified just before the main provisions of a bill. The <enactingFormula> can appear as either the last statement in a preamble or, when a preamble is not present, standalone within the main element just prior to the main provisions.
- uslm:resolvingClause A <resolvingClause> is a special type of statement that begins with "resolved", that is specified just before the main content of the resolution. The <resolvingClause> can appear as either the last statement in a preamble or, when a preamble is not present, standalone within the main element just prior to the main provisions.
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- uslm:footnote A <footnote> is a note that is to be rendered at the bottom of a page or column or table. It typically has a corresponding <ref idref="xxx"> element, where the @idref matches the @id of the <footnote>.
- uslm:sidenote A <sidenote> is a note that is to be rendered in the side margins of a page. It may have a corresponding <ref idref="xxx"> element, where the @idref matches the @id of the <sidenote>.
- uslm:endnote An <endnote> is a note that is to be rendered at the bottom logical unit of content. The logical unit can be specified in the @relativeTo attribute. It typically has a corresponding <ref idref="xxx"> element, where the @idref matches the @id of the <endnote>.
- uslm:ear An <ear> contains the text to be printed in the outside margin. It is used, for example, in the CFR.
- uslm:note A <note> is a generic element for a note associated with items in the document.
- uslm:elided An <elided> element is a replacement for text content that has been elided or omitted from this document. The optional ref attribute may point to the text that was elided. The <elided> element may only contain text content (typically asterisks, called 'stars').
- uslm:sourceCredit A <sourceCredit> is a note included to indicate the source of a provision. It usually will contain a reference to the source of the provision and the Statute(s) that have affected it. Source credits are usually set out in parenthesis. The surrounding parentheses are shown in the text - they are not automatically added.
- uslm:uscNote A <uscNote> is a note below sections and big-level headings in the U.S. Code.
- uslm:statutoryNote An <statutoryNote> is a note that becomes part of the law.
- uslm:drafterNote A <drafterNote> is a note that does not become part of the law. It is used by drafters for their own purposes (commenting out a section of drafted content, for example, or asking questions, or proposing alternative wording) and is generally deleted before the document is published to others.
- uslm:editorialNote An <editorialNote> is a note included for editorial purposes only. While present in the text of the document as printed, it is not a part of the law. Editorial notes are often used to record where provisions have been omitted or other changes have been made, or in a preface of the CFR.
- uslm:changeNote A <changeNote> is a note that records a non-substantive change that has been made to the US Code. Usually change notes are set out in square brackets and these must be set out in the text and must not be automatically added.
- uslm:authority An <authority> is a note included to indicate the authority behind a provision. In the CFR and statutes at large, the <authority> is the law which authorizes the regulation.
- uslm:source A <source> is a note included to indicate the source of a provision. In the CFR, the <source> is a citation to an entry in the Federal Register where the provision is sourced. <source> is similar to <sourceCredit> in the U.S. Code, but is specifically called "Source" in the CFR.
- uslm:effectiveDateNote An <effectiveDateNote> is a note to indicate the effectivity of a provision. In the CFR, the <effectiveDateNote> contains a heading, explanatory text, and sometimes the text of the provision that will become effective on that date. Some of this new text may be elided.
- uslm:frDocId An <frDocId> is a note identifying the Document ID of an entry in the Federal Register.
- uslm:billingCode A <billingCode> is a note containing the billing code of an item. It is used, for example, in the Federal Register.
- uslm:editionNote An <editionNote> is a note that describes the edition of the document. It is used, for example, in the preface of the CFR for the "Official Edition Notice".
- uslm:organizationNote An <organizationNote> is a note that identifies an organization associated with the document. It is used, for example, in the preface of the CFR and the statutes at large to identify the organization that publishes the document.
- uslm:citationNote A <citationNote> is a note that gives information about how to cite this document and/or about citations within the document. It is used, for example, in the preface of the CFR.
- uslm:explanationNote An <explanationNote> is a note that gives an explanation. It is used, for example. in the preface in the CFR and statutes at large to explain the document.
- uslm:findingAidsNote A <findingAids> element is one or more finding aids, typically found in the back matter of a publication. It is used, for example, in the back matter of the CFR.
- uslm:notes The <notes> is a container for sets of individual notes.
- uslm:legislativeHistory A <legislativeHistory> contains a set of notes about a piece of legislation. It is typically found at the end of a Public Law. This element does not contain the 'amended by' or 'amended through' information associated with a statute compilation; there are meta elements defined for that purpose.
from subst. group uslm:footnotefrom group uslm:NoteStructurefrom subst. group uslm:notefrom subst. group uslm:notesfrom subst. group uslm:page
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Used in
- Type uslm:MainType (Element uslm:main)