The <relatedDocuments> is used in the preface and meta to hold a set of relatedDocument elements that are related to each other. This is used when multiple report parts are referenced, for example.
Element information
Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd
Type: Anonymous
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Any text (mixed) content, intermingled with:
- uslm:relatedDocument [1..*] The <relatedDocument> is a property used to identify a document (such as a committee report or chamber Calendar) that is related to this document and referenced from it in the preface or meta. If there are multiple parts to the referenced report, then the <relatedDocuments> element is used as a wrapper around the individual reports.
Used in
- Type uslm:AmendMetaType (Element uslm:amendMeta)
- Type uslm:MetaType (Element uslm:meta)
- Type uslm:AmendPrefaceType (Element uslm:amendPreface)
- Type uslm:PrefaceType (Element uslm:preface)
- Type uslm:EndorsementType (Element uslm:endorsement)
Sample instance