The <affiliation> is the affiliation of the <name> in the signature.
Element information
Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd
Type: Anonymous
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Any text (mixed) content, intermingled with:
- Choice [0..*]
- uslm:inline The <inline> element is a primitive element to be used within <content> areas or within any other areas which can accept inline content.
- uslm:amendingAction An <amendingAction> is an atomic-level amendment instruction. The amending action contains the text related to that action and the type of amending action to be performed as well as optional attributes that old more information.
- uslm:ref A <ref> element is a reference or link to another document, a location within another document, or a location with the same document.
- uslm:date A <date> element is a wrapper around dates. A normalized value of the date text can be stored in the @date attribute or in the @startDate and @endDate attributes in the case of a date range.
- uslm:center A <center> element contains content text that is to be centered on the page.
- uslm:fillIn A <fillIn> is an inline spacer which denotes an area to be filled in a form designed to be printed. Usually, a <fillIn> is rendered as dotted lines with the text content within the <fillIn> tags shown just below. If parentheses are to surround the text shown below the line, then those parentheses should be included in the text content.
- uslm:checkBox A <checkBox> is an inline tick box which denotes a box to be filled in on an form.
- uslm:b A <b> is a simple inline element for text that is to be rendered in bold text.
- uslm:i An <i> is a simple inline element for text that is to be rendered in italic text.
- uslm:qualifier A <qualifier> element can be used to add a qualifier to a reference, such as the 'as amended by' language seen in amendments.
- uslm:sub A <sub> is a simple inline element for text that is to be rendered in subscript text.
- uslm:sup A <sup> is a simple inline element for text that is to be rendered in superscript text.
- uslm:headingText A <headingText> element is for text that bears some relationship to a <heading> element. It may be a reference to a heading, or an amendment to a heading, or a quoted heading. The @role attribute is used to indicate the role and thereby styling of the typeset text.
- uslm:span A <span> element is general purpose wrapper for text similar to an html span. The @role attribute can be used to specify the type of span.
- uslm:shortTitle The <shortTitle> element is used to surround the short title when it is first defined, usually in the first clause of the bill. Note that the <shortTitle> element is to be used in this case rather than the <docTitle> element.
- uslm:term A <term> is a word or phrase that is being defined. The <term> element surrounds the words for the term being defined. It is possible for multiple <term> elements to be specified within a definition. When a <term> is the words in an alternate language, then the xml:lang attribute must be used. <term> elements can also be used for synonyms or near-synonyms which are also specified within the definition. The containing element (such as a section) has a @role="definitions" to indicate that definitions are contained within it. The <term> element does not define rendering or add quote characters.
- uslm:entity An <entity> is a generic inline element to identify a text fragment introducing or referring to an ontological concept. This is modelled after the Akoma Ntoso <entity> element. The @role attribute can be used to distinguish the concept. For example, a NAICS code or SEC code would be <entity @role="NAICS"> or <entity @role="SEC">.
- uslm:marker The <marker> element is a primitive element to be used to mark or denote a spot in the text. It can be used in the <content> areas or anywhere else where an <inline> element is expected. The <marker> element contains no text.
- uslm:br A <br> is simple marker element denoting a line, page, or column break. The default is a line break; the @verticalSpace attribute can be used to denote a page or column break, or a vertical space of a defined height.
- uslm:img An <img> is a simple marker element denoting where a graphic image is to be inserted. Use the @src attribute to point to the image with a normal URL.
from subst. group uslm:inlinefrom subst. group uslm:marker
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
role | [0..1] | uslm:ShortStringSimpleType | Use the @role attribute to provide further refinement to an element's type. This is particularly useful when defining a refinement of an element from the abstract set. Another possible use is to use the customary local name for an element whenever the element name is not a complete match. For example, if the customary name for an "explanation" is "summary", then the element can be expressed as <explanation role="summary">. There is a rough equivalence between an element of a base class with a @role attribute and a derived class in the schema, although this equivalence is not explicit. For example <level role="division"> is roughly equal to <division>. When transforming XML to HTML, the @role attribute should be appended to the element name using an "_" underscore and used as the first value in the HTML @class attribute. If desired, the proposed XHTML @role attribute can be computed as either the XML @role attribute or, in the absence of the XML @role attribute, the XML element name. For example: <level role="division"> => <div role="division" class="level_division"> <division> => <div role="division" class="division"> This approach is easily reversible. In a similar way to the @class attribute, multiple role values can be specified in a space separated list. | from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
class | [0..1] | uslm:MediumStringSimpleType | The @class attribute corresponds to the @class attribute in HTML. It can be used to specify presentation characteristics of an element that are not specified by the element name and the @role attribute. For example, the @class attribute can be used to specify the presence or absence of the ending separator. Like the HTML @class attribute, multiple class values can be specified in a space separated list. | from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
style | [0..1] | uslm:LongStringSimpleType | The @style attribute is used to specify CSS attributes that override the default styles defined for an element or an element class. The current loose-leaf publication standards should be specified using an external style sheet and the use of the @style attribute should be reserved for exception cases where the default presentation must be overridden. | from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
styleType | [0..1] | uslm:StyleTypeEnum | The @styleType attribute is used to set the overall semantic type of the block. This has rendering implications. Only a small set of values is allowed. | Default value is "OLC". from group uslm:ClassificationGroup |
Used in
- Type uslm:SignatureType (Element uslm:signature)
Sample instance