The note group is used to place and categorize notes, either singularly or as groups. The @type attribute is used for placement while the @topic attribute is used for categorization.
Attribute group information
Schema document: uslm-components-2.1.0.xsd
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
type | [0..1] | uslm:NoteTypeEnum | Set the @type attribute to "footnote" to indicate that the notes contained should be shown in the footnotes at the end of the page, to "endnote" to indicate the notes contained should be shown at the end of the document, or to "sidenote" if the notes should be shown on the side in the margin. If not specified, "footnote" is assumed. | Default value is "footnote". |
topic | [0..1] | uslm:MediumStringSimpleType | Set the @topic attribute to a string value in order to categorize the note or group of notes. An open, but enumerated, list of string values should be used. Using a fixed list of values will better aid in categorization of notes. |
Used in
- Type uslm:ElidedType (Element uslm:elided)
- Type uslm:NotesType (Elements uslm:notes, uslm:legislativeHistory)
- Type uslm:NoteType (Elements uslm:signatureDate, uslm:note, uslm:sourceCredit, uslm:uscNote, uslm:statutoryNote, uslm:drafterNote, uslm:editorialNote ...more)