A class to describe the distinctive features or characteristics qualifying an economic operator to be a party in a tendering process (e.g., number of employees, number of operating units, type of business, technical and financial capabilities, completed projects).
Complex type information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Schema document: common/UBL-CommonAggregateComponents-2.3.xsd
CCTS Properties:
- Component Type: ABIE
- Dictionary Entry Name: Qualifying Party. Details
- Definition: A class to describe the distinctive features or characteristics qualifying an economic operator to be a party in a tendering process (e.g., number of employees, number of operating units, type of business, technical and financial capabilities, completed projects).
- Object Class: Qualifying Party
- Sequence [1..1]
- ext:UBLExtensions [0..1]A container for extensions foreign to the document.
- cbc:ParticipationPercent [0..1]The extent to which this party is expected to participate in the tendering process, expressed as a percentage.
- cbc:PersonalSituation [0..*]Text describing the personal situation of the qualifying party.
- cbc:OperatingYearsQuantity [0..1]The number of years that this qualifying party has been in operation.
- cbc:EmployeeQuantity [0..1]The number of people employed by this qualifying party.
- cbc:BusinessClassificationEvidenceID [0..1]An identifier for an item of evidence to support the classification of this qualifying party.
- cbc:BusinessIdentityEvidenceID [0..1]An identifier for an item of evidence to support the business identity of this qualifying party.
- cbc:TendererRoleCode [0..1]A code stating the Tenderer Role.
- cac:BusinessClassificationScheme [0..1]The classification scheme used for the business profile.
- cac:TechnicalCapability [0..*]A technical capability of this qualifying party.
- cac:FinancialCapability [0..*]A financial capability of this qualifying party.
- cac:CompletedTask [0..*]A former task completed by this qualifying party.
- cac:Declaration [0..*]A declaration by this qualifying party. of certain characteristics or capabilities in fulfilment of requirements specified in a call for tenders.
- cac:Party [0..1]The qualifying party itself.
- cac:EconomicOperatorRole [0..1]A class to describe the tenderer contracting role.
Used in
- Element cac:AdditionalQualifyingParty
- Element cac:MainQualifyingParty
- Element cac:QualifyingParty