Element information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Schema document: common/UBL-CommonAggregateComponents-2.3.xsd
Type: cac:TenderingTermsType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- ext:UBLExtensions [0..1]A container for extensions foreign to the document.
- cbc:AwardingMethodTypeCode [0..1]A code signifying the awarding method in a tendering process (e.g., a method favoring the tender with the lowest price or the tender that is most economically advantageous).
- cbc:PriceEvaluationCode [0..1]Textual description of the legal form required for potential tenderers.
- cbc:MaximumVariantQuantity [0..1]Maximum number of variants the tenderer is allowed to present for this tendering project.
- cbc:VariantConstraintIndicator [0..1]An indicator that variants are allowed and unconstrained in number (true) or not allowed (false).
- cbc:AcceptedVariantsDescription [0..*]Text specifying the things for which variants are accepted.
- cbc:VariantConstraintCode [0..1]A code signifying the modalities for a tenderer to submit variants of tenders.
- cbc:PriceRevisionFormulaDescription [0..*]Text describing the formula for price revision.
- cbc:FundingProgramCode [0..1]The program that funds the tendering process (e.g., "National", "European"), expressed as a code.
- cbc:FundingProgram [0..*]The program that funds the tendering process (e.g., EU 6th Framework Program) expressed as text.
- cbc:MaximumAdvertisementAmount [0..1]The maximum advertised monetary value of the tendering process.
- cbc:Note [0..*]Free-form text conveying information that is not contained explicitly in other structures.
- cbc:PaymentFrequencyCode [0..1]A code signifying the frequency of payment in the contract associated with the tendering process.
- cbc:EconomicOperatorRegistryURI [0..1]The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of an electronic registry of economic operators.
- cbc:RequiredCurriculaIndicator [0..1]An indicator that tenderers are required to provide a curriculum vitae for each participant in the project (true) or are not so required (false).
- cbc:RequiredCurriculaCode [0..1]A code signifying the conditions applying for tenderers to provide a curriculum vitae.
- cbc:OtherConditionsIndicator [0..1]Indicates whether other conditions exist (true) or not (false). If the indicator is true, the description may be provided.
- cbc:RecurringProcurementIndicator [0..1]Indicates whether the procurement is recurring (true) or not (false).
- cbc:RecurringProcurementDescription [0..*]Any additional information about recurrence (e.g. estimated timing).
- cbc:EstimatedTimingFurtherPublication [0..*]The description of the estimated timing for further notices to be published.
- cbc:AdditionalConditions [0..*]Other existing conditions.
- cbc:LatestSecurityClearanceDate [0..1]The end date until which the candidates can obtain the necessary level of security clearance.
- cbc:DocumentationFeeAmount [0..1]The amount to be paid to obtain the contract documents and additional documentation.
- cbc:MultipleTendersCode [0..1]A code signifying whether a tenderer is allowed to submit multiple tenders.
- cac:PenaltyClause [0..*]The penalty clauses
- cac:RequiredFinancialGuarantee [0..*]A financial guarantee of a tenderer or bid submitter's actual entry into a contract in the event that it is the successful bidder.
- cac:ProcurementLegislationDocumentReference [0..*]A reference to a document providing references to procurement legislation applicable to the tendering process.
- cac:FiscalLegislationDocumentReference [0..*]A reference to a document providing references to fiscal legislation applicable to the tendering process.
- cac:EnvironmentalLegislationDocumentReference [0..*]A reference to a document providing references to environmental legislation applicable to the tendering process.
- cac:EmploymentLegislationDocumentReference [0..*]A reference to a document providing references to employment legislation applicable to the tendering process.
- cac:ContractualDocumentReference [0..*]A reference to a document that will become part of the awarded contract.
- cac:CallForTendersDocumentReference [0..*]A reference to a Call for Tender associated with these tendering terms.
- cac:WarrantyValidityPeriod [0..1]The period during which a warranty for work, service, or goods associated with these tendering terms is valid.
- cac:PaymentTerms [0..*]A specification of payment terms associated with the tendering process.
- cac:TendererQualificationRequest [0..*]Required set of qualifications for a tenderer in this tendering process.
- cac:AllowedSubcontractTerms [0..*]Subcontract terms for the tendering process.
- cac:TenderPreparation [0..*]Directions for preparing a tender for the+D2057 tendering process.
- cac:ContractExecutionRequirement [0..*]A requirement relating to execution of the contract that will be awarded as a result of the tendering process.
- cac:AwardingTerms [0..1]The terms in the tendering process for awarding the contract for a project.
- cac:AdditionalInformationParty [0..1]A party that has additional information about the tendering process.
- cac:DocumentProviderParty [0..1]The party that has the contract documents for the tendering process.
- cac:TenderRecipientParty [0..1]The party to which tenders should be presented.
- cac:ContractResponsibleParty [0..1]The party responsible for the execution of the contract.
- cac:TenderEvaluationParty [0..*]A party in the contracting authority responsible for evaluating tenders received.
- cac:QualificationRequestRecipientParty [0..1]A party in the contracting authority responsible for receiving qualification requests.
- cac:TenderValidityPeriod [0..1]The period during which tenders submitted for this tendering process must remain valid.
- cac:ContractAcceptancePeriod [0..1]The period of time during which the contracting authority may accept a contract.
- cac:AppealTerms [0..1]Information about the terms to present for an appeal against a tender award.
- cac:Language [0..*]One of the default languages specified for the tendering process.
- cac:BudgetAccountLine [0..*]A budget account line associated with the tendering process.
- cac:ReplacedNoticeDocumentReference [0..1]A class defining a reference to the notice that is being replaced.
- cac:LotDistribution [0..1]List of specific ways to tender to the lots of the procurement project.
- cac:PostAwardProcess [0..1]Information about the post-award process.
- cac:EconomicOperatorShortList [0..1]A set of criteria used to create a short list of candidates.
- cac:SecurityClearanceTerm [0..*]Information about the terms to present for a security clearance.
Used in
- Type CallForTendersType (Element CallForTenders)
- Type ContractAwardNoticeType (Element ContractAwardNotice)
- Type ContractNoticeType (Element ContractNotice)
- Type PriorInformationNoticeType (Element PriorInformationNotice)
- Type TenderContractType (Element TenderContract)
- Type cac:ProcurementProjectLotType (Elements cac:InterestedProcurementProjectLot, cac:ProcurementProjectLot)
Sample instance
<cac:TenderingTerms> <cac:TenderPreparation> <cbc:TenderEnvelopeID>abc</cbc:TenderEnvelopeID> <cac:TenderEncryptionData> <cbc:MessageFormat>1.2.840.113549.</cbc:MessageFormat> <cac:EncryptionCertificateAttachment> <cbc:EmbeddedDocument>;lkajdf;lkasd;ljkasdf;lkja;sdlfkja;sldfkja;sdlfjkas;dlkfjas;dlfjas;dlkfjas;dlkfja;slkdjf</cbc:EmbeddedDocument> </cac:EncryptionCertificateAttachment> <cac:EncryptionCertificatePathChain> <cbc:Value>TRUST2408 OCES Primary CA – TRUST2408 OCES CA II</cbc:Value> </cac:EncryptionCertificatePathChain> <cac:EncryptionSymmetricAlgorithm> <cbc:OID>2.16.840.</cbc:OID> </cac:EncryptionSymmetricAlgorithm> <cac:EncryptionSymmetricAlgorithm> <cbc:OID>2.16.840.</cbc:OID> </cac:EncryptionSymmetricAlgorithm> </cac:TenderEncryptionData> </cac:TenderPreparation> </cac:TenderingTerms>