Element information
Namespace: urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2
Schema document: common/UBL-CommonAggregateComponents-2.3.xsd
Type: cac:TenderingProcessType
Properties: Global, Qualified
- Sequence [1..1]
- ext:UBLExtensions [0..1]A container for extensions foreign to the document.
- cbc:ID [0..1]An identifier for this tendering process.
- cbc:OriginalContractingSystemID [0..1]When reopening a tendering process, the identifier of the original framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system.
- cbc:Description [0..*]Text describing the tendering process.
- cbc:NegotiationDescription [0..*]Text describing the negotiation to be followed during the tendering process.
- cbc:ProcedureCode [0..1]A code signifying the type of this tendering procedure.
- cbc:UrgencyCode [0..1]A code signifying the urgency of this tendering process.
- cbc:ExpenseCode [0..1]A code signifying the type of expense for this tendering process.
- cbc:PartPresentationCode [0..1]A code signifying the type of presentation of tenders required (e.g., one lot, multiple lots, or all the lots).
- cbc:ContractingSystemCode [0..1]A code signifying the type of contracting system (e.g., framework agreement, dynamic purchasing system). If the procedure is individual (nonrepetitive), this code should be omitted.
- cbc:SubmissionMethodCode [0..1]A code signifying the method to be followed in submitting tenders.
- cbc:CandidateReductionConstraintIndicator [0..1]An indicator that the number of candidates participating in this process has been reduced (true) or not (false).
- cbc:GovernmentAgreementConstraintIndicator [0..1]An indicator that the project associated with this tendering process is constrained by a government procurement agreement (true) or not (false).
- cbc:AccessToolsURI [0..1]The URI where the tools for electronic communication related with the tendering process can be found.
- cbc:TerminatedIndicator [0..1]An indicator that the competition launched is terminated.
- cac:DocumentAvailabilityPeriod [0..1]The period during which documents relating to this tendering process must be completed.
- cac:TenderSubmissionDeadlinePeriod [0..1]The period during which tenders must be delivered.
- cac:InvitationSubmissionPeriod [0..1]The period during which invitations to tender must be completed and delivered.
- cac:ParticipationInvitationPeriod [0..1]The period during which the invitation to participate must be sent.
- cac:ParticipationRequestReceptionPeriod [0..1]The period during which requests for participation must be completed and delivered.
- cac:AdditionalInformationRequestPeriod [0..1]The period during which additional information about the procurement can be requested.
- cac:NoticeDocumentReference [0..*]A reference to a notice pertaining to this tendering process.
- cac:AdditionalDocumentReference [0..*]A reference to an additional document.
- cac:ProcessJustification [0..*]A justification for the selection of this tendering process.
- cac:EconomicOperatorShortList [0..*]A set of criteria used to create a short list of candidates.
- cac:OpenTenderEvent [0..*]Textual description of the legal form required for potential tenderers.
- cac:AuctionTerms [0..1]The terms to be fulfilled by tenderers if an auction is to be executed before the awarding of a tender.
- cac:FrameworkAgreement [0..1]A tendering framework agreement.
- cac:ContractingSystem [0..*]A reference to a contracting system. Only when the procedure is repetitive.
Used in
- Type CallForTendersType (Element CallForTenders)
- Type ContractAwardNoticeType (Element ContractAwardNotice)
- Type ContractNoticeType (Element ContractNotice)
- Type PriorInformationNoticeType (Element PriorInformationNotice)
- Type TenderContractType (Element TenderContract)
- Type cac:ProcurementProjectLotType (Elements cac:InterestedProcurementProjectLot, cac:ProcurementProjectLot)
Sample instance