Schema Central > OOXML > dml-documentProperties.xsd > a:picLocks
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noGrp [0..1]xsd:booleanDisallow Shape GroupingDefault value is "false". from group a:AG_Locking
noSelect [0..1]xsd:booleanDisallow Shape SelectionDefault value is "false". from group a:AG_Locking
noRot [0..1]xsd:booleanDisallow Shape RotationDefault value is "false". from group a:AG_Locking
noChangeAspect [0..1]xsd:booleanDisallow Aspect Ratio ChangeDefault value is "false". from group a:AG_Locking
noMove [0..1]xsd:booleanDisallow Shape MovementDefault value is "false". from group a:AG_Locking
noResize [0..1]xsd:booleanDisallow Shape ResizeDefault value is "false". from group a:AG_Locking
noEditPoints [0..1]xsd:booleanDisallow Shape Point EditingDefault value is "false". from group a:AG_Locking
noAdjustHandles [0..1]xsd:booleanDisallow Showing Adjust HandlesDefault value is "false". from group a:AG_Locking
noChangeArrowheads [0..1]xsd:booleanDisallow Arrowhead ChangesDefault value is "false". from group a:AG_Locking
noChangeShapeType [0..1]xsd:booleanDisallow Shape Type ChangeDefault value is "false". from group a:AG_Locking
noCrop [0..1]xsd:booleanDisallow Crop ChangesDefault value is "false".

Used in

Sample instance

         <!--any element-->

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