Provides general information about the ReceiveDelivery document that is used to receive a specific quantity of material goods The EffectiveDateTime is the date/time the received material is posted to other business systems as being available for use.
Complex type information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Properties: ID: oagis-id-df581b0ad3794e05aeb5b09f97a3f467
- Sequence [1..1]
- ID [0..1] Is the Identifiers of the given instance of an entity within the scope of the integration. The schemeAgencyID attribute identifies the party that provided or knows this party by the given identifier.
- RevisionID [0..1] Is the revision of the semantically named document. The combination of the ID and its revision uniquely identifies the associated entity.
- VariationID [0..1]
- DocumentIDSet [0..*]
- LastModificationDateTime [0..1] The datetime on which the object was last modified
- DocumentDateTime [0..1] The date that document was created within the system of record.
- Description [0..*]
- Note [0..*]
- DocumentReference [0..*]
- Attachment [0..*] The Attachment represents binary data files that may be included within a BOD. These files replace the paper specifications and drawings attached to a BOD definition to clearly communicate design requirements. This Data Type is optional. Attachment usage is further defined by its position.
- Status [0..*] Indicates the status of the associated object by providing the Status Code along with a description and when the status is effective.
- ShipUnitQuantity [0..1] This contains the quantity of units or things shipped. This represents the container(s), not the product shipped. An example of this is "4 truck loads" or "2 wooden crates"
- WarehouseLocation [0..1] Is the storage facility for inventory.
- CarrierRouteReference [0..*]
- BillOfLadingReference [0..*] Is a reference to the associated Bill of Lading document.
- DeliveryReference [0..*] Is a reference to the Delivery document.
- ContractReference [0..*] Is a reference to a contract
- ShipmentReleaseDateTime [0..1]
- ActualShipDateTime [0..1] Inidicates the shipping date and time of the line item.
- ScheduledDeliveryDateTime [0..1] The scheduled delivery date provided by the supplier.
- ActualDeliveryDateTime [0..1] Is the actual delivery date and time of the line item.
- EstimatedWeightMeasure [0..1] The estimated weight of an item or object. An estimate is provided as a processing alternative when the actual weight is not known or cannot be calculated exactly.
- LoadingWeightMeasure [0..1] This is the net weight at loading time of a container in which the materials are being shipped.
- DunnageWeightMeasure [0..1] Specifies details of the shipped unit weight
- TareWeightMeasure [0..1] Tare weight of the associated Entity. The Tare weight is the weight of the packaging when empty (in the case of a pallet the weight of the empty pallet) that when subtracted from the Gross weight results in the Net weight.
- NetWeightMeasure [0..1] Net weight of the associaed item. The net weight is calculated by subtracting the tare weight or the weight of the container from the GrossWeight.
- GrossWeightMeasure [0..1] Gross weight of the associated entity. The total weight of the entity without reduction of packaging or container. I.e The Gross wieght of a pallet of goods includes the weight of the pallet.
- NetVolumeMeasure [0..1]
- TotalVolumeMeasure [0..1] Quantifies the volume, or amount of space, that is occupied by an item, container or shipment.
- HazardousMaterialCodes [0..1] Provides the hazardous material codes that are associated with the given instance of the item.
- CountryOfOriginCode [0..1] Represents the identifier of the country of origin of an item, service or shipment
- DistributionCenterCode [0..1] Indicates the DistributionCenter that the Seller will ship the items from.
- TransportationMethodCode [0..1] Identifies the general type of carrier transportation used to deliver goods.
- SpecialHandlingNote [0..*] This describes any special, physical handling needs that the freight might have. For example, the need for a lift gate
- DockID [0..1] Idenitifies the loading dock that the associate entity is to be taken.
- EstimatedDepartureDateTime [0..1]
- EstimatedArrivalDateTime [0..1]
- ShipFromParty [0..1] Identifies the party that the goods or services are being shipped or sent from.
- CarrierParty [0..1] Identifies the party that serves as the carrier of the goods or services for the transaction.
- PurchasingParty [0..1] Identifies the party that purchased the goods or services.
- SupplierParty [0..1] Identifies the supplier organization/entity of the items or inventory for the associated transaction. In most cases there is one SupplierParty per transaction. i.e. one SupplierParty for a given PurchaseOrder. However in the cases where an transaction Broker is involved there are cases where a single transaction may have different SupplierParties at the line level or in the case of a Catalog for the Catalog.
- SoldToParty [0..1] Is to be used for third party buying to indicate the buying organization. All purchasing scenario will have a CustomerParty is used to indicated the End Customer of the transaction.
- FreightTermCode [0..1] Describes how the freight cost for a shipment of goods should be billed. EXAMPLES: Prepaid, Collect, Third Party, Prepaid and Add, Consignee Billed
- Party [0..*] A generic Party for non-validated or application-validated parties. A work-around for situations where Schema-validation of Parties is not feasible or not desired.
- DistributeCharge [0..*] Specifies the details for allocating a portion of a charge properly
- ShipToParty [0..*] Identifies the ShipToParty for the document or the line. In a lot of cases, this is the same as the CustomerParty. In multi-organization purchasing, the CustomerParty may be different from the BuyerParty
- ReceivingServiceChargeAmount [0..1] This indicates the receiving service charge associated with the receiving document either as a whole, or at line level dpending on usage
- EffectiveDateTime [0..1] This is the DateTime the associated object is made effective
- ReceivedDateTime [0..1] The date and time that the associated object was received.
- BillOfLadingID [0..1] BillOFLadingID where used as a reference to the BillOfLading is deprecated in favor of BillOfLadingReference in 9.2 release. Is the bill of lading identifier.
- Container [0..1] Uniquely identifies a shipping container
- ReceivedByParty [0..1]
- ContainerQuantity [0..1] A numeric expression of the number of outer containers for product shipping.
- TrackingID [0..1] TRACKINGID is a unique identifier for the purpose of tracking an individual package or shipment Examples of a valid TRACKINGID include: •An express parcel tracking number as typically assigned by UPS, DHL, Fedex or other similar carriers. •A UCC (Uniform Code Council) Serialized Shipping Container (SCC-18) identifier, as assigned by the shipper. •A "Pro Number" (Progressive Number), as assigned by an LTL (less-than-truckload) freight carrier. Since the same Pro Number can be assigned to multiple shipping units within an LTL shipment, the SHIPUNITSEQ and SHIPUNITTOT field identifiers may be used to identify the individual pieces. •The unique identifier of a motor freight trailer, railroad box or tank car, ocean freight container or other transportation vessel.
- DeliverToParty [0..1] This is the Party (the person or organization) to receive delivery of a the associated entitles. This can be goods, services, checks, etc. Several examples of the value of this field include an office number, a complete address, or a person
- ReceivingLocation [0..1] This identifies a physical or logical point of receipt within a receiving organization
- ASNReference [0..1] This identifies an Advanced Shipment Notice document
- ReceiptDiscrepancy [0..*] Provides receiving discrepancy information for the ReceiveDelivery header as a whole, for a particular ReceiptLine, for the receipt of a shipping unit as a whole ReceiptLine, or to a particular item within the shipping unit (ReceiptUnit).
from type DocumentIdentificationBaseTypefrom type HeaderBaseTypefrom group FreeFormTextGroupfrom group ReferencesGroupfrom type StatusHeaderBaseTypefrom type ShipHeaderBaseTypefrom group ShippingWeightAndVolumeGroup
Used by
- Element ReceiveDeliveryHeader via derived type ReceiveDeliveryHeaderType
Type inheritance chain
- DocumentIdentificationBaseType
- HeaderBaseType
- StatusHeaderBaseType
- ShipHeaderBaseType
- ReceiveDeliveryHeaderBaseType
- extended by ReceiveDeliveryHeaderType
- ReceiveDeliveryHeaderBaseType
- ShipHeaderBaseType
- StatusHeaderBaseType
- HeaderBaseType