Schema Central > OAGIS® 10 > Common.xsd > InvoiceLedgerEntryType
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A purchase ledger invoice or debit memo that has not yet  been approved for payment.
Deprecation of VOUCHER, ORIGREF:
From OAGIS 7.2.1:
ORIGREF is the link that ties back to a sub ledger transaction entry ID.  It is the identifier of an original transaction or document.  For example, it could be the receipt or the summarized inventory activity.  This is the singular field that refers to an audit record.  Together with the Sender information, the ORIGREF is part of the referencing system, which will enable drill back audit trail functionality.
PN: The ORIGREF field represents the voucher or unapproved invoice identifier.
VOUCHER is the internal identifier associated with the external supplier's invoice.
REMITTANCE refers to a reference identifier to print on remittance advice, for example, supplier invoice number.

All of these can be accomplished with an InvoiceReference. REMITTANCE field in until the RemittanceAdvice BOD is part of OAGIS.

Complex type information

Properties: ID: oagis-id-e0a783d0861d484b8d037376d0e13294



typeCode [0..1]CodeType_1E7368
actionCode [0..1]ActionCodeContentType

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