The InvoiceLine type supports order line invoicing.
Complex type information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Properties: ID: oagis-id-da12a9f6908f45caa94fb7e2db34a56b
- Sequence [1..1]
- LineNumberID [0..1] Is the Line Number of the given Line Coponent within the document. LineNumbers are assigned by the sending system.
- LineIDSet [0..*]
- Description [0..*]
- Note [0..*]
- DocumentReference [0..*]
- Attachment [0..*] The Attachment represents binary data files that may be included within a BOD. These files replace the paper specifications and drawings attached to a BOD definition to clearly communicate design requirements. This Data Type is optional. Attachment usage is further defined by its position.
- Status [0..*] Indicates the status of the associated object by providing the Status Code along with a description and when the status is effective.
- Item [0..1] Specifies details concerning a thing which could be a product, service or virtual things. Item typically provides the details of the generic Item information.
- Quantity [0..*] Identifies the quantity of the associated service or item that is addresses by the component in which the quantity is associated.
- UnitPrice [0..1] Unit price of the item for the number of items in the unitCode specified in the PerQuantity elements. In most cases the unitCode of the PerQuantity is the same as the unitCode of the Quantity element above.
- PurchaseOrderReference [0..*] Is a reference to a PurchaseOrder
- AdditionalDocumentRequest [0..*] Request to send additional documents be sent along with item (shipment message, warranty information, financial information) and where to send
- Party [0..*] A generic Party for non-validated or application-validated parties. A work-around for situations where Schema-validation of Parties is not feasible or not desired.
- ContractReference [0..*] Is a reference to a contract
- ExtendedAmount [0..1] Is an amount not including taxes or charges. In the case of orders, this is typically the Unit Price times the Order Quantity.
- TotalAmount [0..1] Indicates the total amount of the object associated. This includes the Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes.
- AmountDiscount [0..*] Specifies details for how an amount is calculated
- OpenItemIndicator [0..1] Indicates that the line is an open item and is not to be included in the document total.
- Tax [0..*] Specifies all the details needed for specific kinds of Taxes and Tax charges
- DistributeCharge [0..*] Specifies the details for allocating a portion of a charge properly
- DistributeTax [0..*] Specifies the details for allocating a portion of a tax properly
- Distribution [0..*] A distribution of the financial credit or debit of the transaction across an organization.
- InvoiceCharge [0..*] Specifies the special Charges used in Invoicing
- InvoiceAllowance [0..*] Specifies the special Allowance used in Invoicing
- GoodsReceiptDateTime [0..1] A datetime specifying a goods receipt.
- ServicesReceiptDateTime [0..1] A datetime specifying a services receipt.
- CarrierParty [0..*] Identifies the party that serves as the carrier of the goods or services for the transaction.
- ShipToParty [0..*] Identifies the ShipToParty for the document or the line. In a lot of cases, this is the same as the CustomerParty. In multi-organization purchasing, the CustomerParty may be different from the BuyerParty
- ShipFromParty [0..*] Identifies the party that the goods or services are being shipped or sent from.
- BillToParty [0..*] Identifies the party that the bill or invoice is to be sent. In most cases this is the same as the CustomerParty however there are many cases where the CustomerParty and the BillToParty will be different.
- TransportationTerm [0..*] The terms of the transportation agreement.
- ShipmentDateTime [0..1] Is the timestamp that indicates when the associated entity(ies) are shipped.
- DunnageWeightMeasure [0..1] Specifies details of the shipped unit weight
- TareWeightMeasure [0..1] Tare weight of the associated Entity. The Tare weight is the weight of the packaging when empty (in the case of a pallet the weight of the empty pallet) that when subtracted from the Gross weight results in the Net weight.
- NetWeightMeasure [0..1] Net weight of the associaed item. The net weight is calculated by subtracting the tare weight or the weight of the container from the GrossWeight.
- GrossWeightMeasure [0..1] Gross weight of the associated entity. The total weight of the entity without reduction of packaging or container. I.e The Gross wieght of a pallet of goods includes the weight of the pallet.
- NetVolumeMeasure [0..1]
- TotalVolumeMeasure [0..1] Quantifies the volume, or amount of space, that is occupied by an item, container or shipment.
- TransportStep [0..*]
- FreightInvoiceSubLine [0..*] Is a SubLine of the InvoiceLine in order to provide a finer grained breakdown of the items being invoiced.
- Event [0..*] Specifies details about a specific occurrence in time
from type LineIdentificationBaseTypefrom type LineBaseTypefrom group FreeFormTextGroupfrom group ReferencesGroupfrom type StatusLineBaseTypefrom type FreightInvoiceLineSubLineBaseTypefrom group ShippingWeightAndVolumeGroup
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
typeCode | [0..1] | CodeType_1E7368 | from type LineIdentificationBaseType | |
actionCode | [0..1] | ActionCodeContentType | from type LineIdentificationBaseType |
Used by
- Element FreightInvoiceLine via derived type FreightInvoiceLineType
Type inheritance chain
- LineIdentificationBaseType
- LineBaseType
- StatusLineBaseType
- FreightInvoiceLineSubLineBaseType
- FreightInvoiceLineBaseType
- extended by FreightInvoiceLineType
- FreightInvoiceLineBaseType
- FreightInvoiceLineSubLineBaseType
- StatusLineBaseType
- LineBaseType