Simple type information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Properties: ID: oagis-id-e29b443a7f8245699ab4e340e6f08d11
- Type based on xsd:token
Valid value Description ChangeOfStandard A request to translate a change to a standard into action CostReduction A request aimed at reducing the engineering and manufacturing costs of an item CustomerRejection A request resulting from a rejection by a customer CustomerRequest A request for an activity that is necessary to solve the request of a customer DurabilityImprovement A request aimed at extending the life time of an item GovernmentRegulation A request resulting from legal requirements ProcurementAlignment ProductionAlignment ProductionRelief ProductionRequirement QualityImprovement SecuriyReason Standardization SupplierRequest TechnicalImprovement ToolImprovement
- xsd:token
Used by
Type inheritance chain
- oacl_EngineeringWorkRequestCodeContentType
- oag:EngineeringWorkRequestCodeContentType