Element information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Type: CodeType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable, ID: oagis-id-7d3787d7363f432fb4de273360651240
from type CodeType_1DEB05
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
listID | [0..1] | xsd:normalizedString | The identification of a list of codes | from type CodeType_1DEB05 |
listAgencyID | [0..1] | clm63055D08B_AgencyIdentificationContentType | The identification of the agency that manages the code list | from type CodeType_1DEB05 |
listVersionID | [0..1] | xsd:normalizedString | The identification of the version of the list of codes | from type CodeType_1DEB05 |
Used in
- Type DiscountAllowancePricingBaseType via extension of PricingBaseType
- Type DiscountAllowancePricingType via extension of PricingBaseType (Elements DiscountAllowancePricing, ServicesDiscountAllowancePricing)
- Type MatchScreenListBaseType
- Type MatchScreenListType via extension of MatchScreenListBaseType (Element MatchScreenList)
- Type PricingBaseType
- Type PricingType via extension of PricingBaseType (Element Pricing)
- Type ScreenPartyBaseType
- Type ScreenPartyType via extension of ScreenPartyBaseType (Elements ScreenParty, ScreenParty)
Sample instance