Schema Central > OAGIS® 10 > Common.xsd > SearchValueText
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The SearchValue is the element that identifies the search value the catalog provider (destination system or context) should query for.  As in the previous example, if the user wishes to query for a result set of only ballpoint pens, the SearchValue for this might be ‘Ballpoint.’  The catalog provider will then take this SearchValue and query for this match.  The Show URL transaction would then redirect the originating system to a URL that contains this result set

Element information

Type: TextType

Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable, ID: oagis-id-e744379a258248da9cce89165bac6851



languageCode [0..1]clm56392A20081107_LanguageCodeContentTypeThe language used in the corresponding text stringfrom type TextType_62S0B4

Used in

Sample instance


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