Identifies the status of an item as a scrapped item
Element information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Type: IndicatorType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable, ID: oagis-id-2c9ca09126224f51b8b79ecfafa59d53
- Pattern: false
- Pattern: true
from type IndicatorType_CVW231
Used in
- Type BOMItemDataBaseType via extension of ManufacturingItemBaseType
- Type BOMItemDataType via extension of ManufacturingItemBaseType (Element BOMItemData)
- Type ItemMasterBaseType via extension of ItemMasterLocationBaseType
- Type ItemMasterLocationBaseType
- Type ItemMasterType via extension of ItemMasterLocationBaseType (Element ItemMaster)
- Type LocationItemMasterBaseType via extension of ItemMasterLocationBaseType
- Type LocationItemMasterType via extension of ItemMasterLocationBaseType (Element LocationItemMaster)
- Type ManufacturingItemBaseType
- Type ManufacturingItemType via extension of ManufacturingItemBaseType (Elements ManufacturingItem, FinishedGoodItem)
Sample instance