Schema Central > OAGIS® 10 > Common.xsd > RespondingScheduleReference
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Identifies the previously received plan schedule that this new schedule is responding to as a reference.  The typical scenario is a supplier uses a Sync PlanningSchedule or Sync ShipmentSchedule to respond to a customer demand schedule, and this will identify the customer demand schedule that this supplier previously received.  The date and time is also used in identifying the previously received plan schedule that the new plan schedule is responding to.  Note that the combination of document id, document date, and revision number can uniquely identify a plan schedule.
DateType indicates whether the dates specified on the schedule are delivery based or shipment based.  Dates specified on the schedule include FromDateTime and ToDateTime at Header and Line levels.
ScheduleType indicates whether the PlanningSchedule is a demand schedule from a customer or a supply schedule from a supplier.
For the supplier schedule to respond to the original demand schedule, the RespondingScheduleReference is used to identify the customer's original demand schedule that it is responding to.

Element information

Type: DocumentReferenceType

Properties: Global, Qualified, ID: oagis-id-84b90418c0ba4b60bea747bba37db130



typeCode [0..1]CodeType_1E7368from type DocumentReferenceBaseType
actionCode [0..1]ActionCodeContentTypefrom type DocumentReferenceBaseType

Used in

Sample instance

            <!--any element-->
         <!--any element-->

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