Schema Central > OAGIS® 10 > Common.xsd > ReferenceDesignatorID
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Is the reference designator on a Drawing or BluePrint where the BOM is used.

 Is an identifier used to refer to an instance of the  Item (part number) in manufacturing instructions, engineering drawings and/or CAD models. ReferenceDesignator is also often known as an installation point. There will be a single distinct ReferenceDesignatorID for each instance of an Item, however multiple distinct ItemIDs could have the same ReferenceDesignatorID value within a BOM, such as for alternate parts or parts selected from a test-fit-and-select processes. 

Element information

Type: SequencedIDType

Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable, ID: oagis-id-1f1be4407e85429d95acaaabff9b9475



schemeID [0..1]xsd:normalizedStringThe identification of the identifier schemefrom type IDType_D995CD
schemeVersionID [0..1]xsd:normalizedStringThe identifier scheme version identifierfrom type IDType_D995CD
schemeAgencyID [0..1]clm63055D08B_AgencyIdentificationContentTypeThe identifier scheme Agency identifierfrom type IDType_D995CD
sequenceNumber [0..1]NumberType_B98233When an object occurs multiple times, this sequence number can be used to provide the order.

Used in

Sample instance


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