Identifies the reason for an activity
Element information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Type: CodeType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable, ID: oagis-id-87eea6a480884d7893b44540bdc55f7d
from type CodeType_1DEB05
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
listID | [0..1] | xsd:normalizedString | The identification of a list of codes | from type CodeType_1DEB05 |
listAgencyID | [0..1] | clm63055D08B_AgencyIdentificationContentType | The identification of the agency that manages the code list | from type CodeType_1DEB05 |
listVersionID | [0..1] | xsd:normalizedString | The identification of the version of the list of codes | from type CodeType_1DEB05 |
Used in
- Group InventoryTransactionGroup
- Type ActualLedgerBaseType
- Type ActualLedgerType via extension of ActualLedgerBaseType (Element ActualLedger)
- Type AllocateResourceHeaderBaseType
- Type AllocateResourceHeaderType via extension of AllocateResourceHeaderBaseType (Element AllocateResourceHeader)
- Type AllowanceBaseType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType
- Type AllowanceChargeABIEType
- Type AllowanceType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType (Element Allowance)
- Type ChangeStatusBaseType via extension of StatusABIEType
- Type ChangeStatusType via extension of StatusABIEType (Element ChangeStatus)
- Type ChargeBaseType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType
- Type ChargeType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType (Element Charge)
- Type ConfirmWIPHeaderBaseType via extension of WIPHeaderBaseType
- Type ConfirmWIPHeaderType via extension of WIPHeaderBaseType (Element ConfirmWIPHeader)
- Type DistributeChargeBaseType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType
- Type DistributeChargeType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType (Element DistributeCharge)
- Type FreightInvoiceHeaderBaseType
- Type FreightInvoiceHeaderType via extension of FreightInvoiceHeaderBaseType (Element FreightInvoiceHeader)
- Type InspectDeliveryBaseType
- Type InspectDeliveryType via extension of InspectDeliveryBaseType (Element InspectDelivery)
- Type InventoryBalanceBaseType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup
- Type InventoryBalanceType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup (Element InventoryBalance)
- Type InventoryConsumptionLineBaseType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup
- Type InventoryConsumptionLineType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup (Element InventoryConsumptionLine)
- Type InventoryCountLineBaseType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup
- Type InventoryCountLineType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup (Element InventoryCountLine)
- Type InventoryDestinationBaseType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup
- Type InventoryDestinationType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup (Element InventoryDestination)
- Type InvoiceAllowanceChargeBaseType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType
- Type InvoiceAllowanceChargeType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType (Elements InvoiceCharge, InvoiceAllowance)
- Type InvoiceHeaderBaseType
- Type InvoiceHeaderType via extension of InvoiceHeaderBaseType (Element InvoiceHeader)
- Type InvoiceLedgerEntryLineType via extension of LedgerEntryLineBaseType (Element InvoiceLedgerEntryLine)
- Type IssueInventoryHeaderBaseType
- Type IssueInventoryHeaderType via extension of IssueInventoryHeaderBaseType (Element IssueInventoryHeader)
- Type IssueInventoryLineBaseType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup
- Type IssueInventoryLineType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup (Element IssueInventoryLine)
- Type JournalEntryLineType via extension of LedgerEntryLineBaseType (Element JournalEntryLine)
- Type LedgerEntryLineBaseType
- Type MessageBaseType
- Type MessageType via extension of MessageBaseType (Elements Message, ProcessMessage, ErrorProcessMessage, WarningProcessMessage)
- Type MoveInventoryLineBaseType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup
- Type MoveInventoryLineType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup (Element MoveInventoryLine)
- Type MoveProductForecastLineBaseType
- Type MoveProductForecastLineType via extension of MoveProductForecastLineBaseType (Element MoveProductForecastLine)
- Type MoveProductLineBaseType
- Type MoveProductLineType via extension of MoveProductLineBaseType (Element MoveProductLine)
- Type PayableLineType via extension of LedgerEntryLineBaseType (Element PayableLine)
- Type PickListLineBaseType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup
- Type PickListLineType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup (Element PickListLine)
- Type ProcurementScheduleBaseType
- Type ProductAvailabilityBaseType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup
- Type ProductAvailabilityType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup (Element ProductAvailability)
- Type ProductRequirementBaseType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup
- Type ProductionOrderHeaderBaseType
- Type ProductionOrderHeaderType via extension of ProductionOrderHeaderBaseType (Element ProductionOrderHeader)
- Type PurchaseOrderScheduleType via extension of ProcurementScheduleBaseType (Element PurchaseOrderSchedule)
- Type QuoteScheduleBaseType via extension of ProcurementScheduleBaseType
- Type QuoteScheduleType via extension of ProcurementScheduleBaseType (Element QuoteSchedule)
- Type RFQScheduleType via extension of ProcurementScheduleBaseType (Element RFQSchedule)
- Type ReceivableLineType via extension of LedgerEntryLineBaseType (Element ReceivableLine)
- Type ReceiveDeliveryDiscrepancyBaseType
- Type ReceiveDeliveryDiscrepancyType via extension of ReceiveDeliveryDiscrepancyBaseType (Element ReceiptDiscrepancy)
- Type ReceiveItemLineBaseType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup
- Type ReceiveItemLineType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup (Element ReceiveItemLine)
- Type RejectionDetailsBaseType
- Type RejectionDetailsType via extension of RejectionDetailsBaseType (Element RejectionDetails)
- Type RequireProductType via reference to InventoryTransactionGroup (Element RequireProduct)
- Type SalesOrderScheduleBaseType via extension of ProcurementScheduleBaseType
- Type SalesOrderScheduleType via extension of ProcurementScheduleBaseType (Element SalesOrderSchedule)
- Type ScheduleExceptionBaseType
- Type ScheduleExceptionType via extension of ScheduleExceptionBaseType (Element ScheduleException)
- Type ShopFloorControlActivityType via extension of ShopFloorControlBaseResourceBaseType (Element ShopFloorControlActivity)
- Type ShopFloorControlBaseLineBaseType
- Type ShopFloorControlBaseResourceBaseType
- Type ShopFloorControlLineBaseType via extension of ShopFloorControlBaseLineBaseType
- Type ShopFloorControlLineType via extension of ShopFloorControlBaseLineBaseType (Element ConfirmWIPLine)
- Type ShopFloorControlResourceBaseType via extension of ShopFloorControlBaseResourceBaseType
- Type ShopFloorControlResourceType via extension of ShopFloorControlBaseResourceBaseType (Element ShopFloorControlResource)
- Type ShopFloorControlSublineType via extension of ShopFloorControlBaseLineBaseType (Element ShopFloorControlSubline)
- Type StatusABIEType
- Type StatusBaseType via extension of StatusABIEType
- Type StatusType via extension of StatusABIEType (Elements Status, Disposition, ProductLeadTimeStatus, ApprovalStatus, RejectionStatus, ItemStatus, RoutingDisposition ...more)
- Type WIPDistributedEventHeaderType via extension of WIPHeaderBaseType (Elements MoveWIPHeader, RecoverWIPHeader)
- Type WIPEventHeaderBaseType via extension of WIPHeaderBaseType
- Type WIPEventHeaderType via extension of WIPHeaderBaseType (Elements MergeWIPHeader, SplitWIPHeader)
- Type WIPHeaderBaseType
- Type WIPStatusBaseType via extension of WIPHeaderBaseType
- Type WIPStatusType via extension of WIPHeaderBaseType (Element WIPStatus)
Sample instance