Is the multiplier to convert the source units to the target units. (e.g.) The conversion of one currency to another currency monitary amount in the from currency is multiplied by the CalculationRateNumeric to calcultate the monitary amount in the to currency. Another example maybe the conversion between units of measure.
Element information
Namespace: http://www.openapplications.org/oagis/10
Schema document: Common.xsd
Type: NumberType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable, ID: oagis-id-af9a975056834a3191813eaf54d1cd39
Used in
- Type CalculationABIEType
- Type CalculationBaseType via extension of CalculationABIEType
- Type CalculationType via extension of CalculationABIEType (Element Calculation)
- Type CurrencyExchangeABIEType
- Type CurrencyExchangeRateBaseType via extension of CurrencyExchangeABIEType
- Type CurrencyExchangeRateType via extension of CurrencyExchangeABIEType (Element CurrencyExchangeRate)
- Type UOMCodeConversionRateBaseType
- Type UOMCodeConversionRateType via extension of UOMCodeConversionRateBaseType (Element UOMCodeConversionRate)
Sample instance