Element information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Type: AddressType
Properties: Global, Qualified, ID: oagis-id-5922d9951264450d97802d6bcd1af177
- Sequence [1..1]
- Name [0..*] Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
- AttentionOfName [0..*] The name of the person or organization that the associated entity is intended.
- CareOfName [0..*] The name that the associated entity is sent by.
- BuildingNumber [0..1] The Number of the building or house on the street that identifies where to deliver mail. For example, Building 300 on Standards Parkway
- BuildingName [0..1] The building or house name on the street that identifies where to deliver mail
- BlockName [0..1]
- StreetName [0..1] The Street Name where the building/ house is located
- StreetTypeCode [0..1]
- Floor [0..1] The floor where the housename is located
- Unit [0..1] Identifies the apartment number or office suite.
- StairCase [0..1]
- Door [0..1]
- PostOfficeBox [0..1] Identifies a Post Office Box number
- DeliveryPointID [0..*] Identifies the Dock or the Mail Stop or Lane or any other specific Delivery Point.
- PlotID [0..1]
- CityName [0..1] Identifies the town or the city
- CitySubDivisionName [0..*] Qualifies the further division of the City, example a city may have many districts or Boroughs. The type attribute identifies the type of this entity e.g. City, Borough etc, and there is a pre-defined list of types supported, with the ability to add new ones as necessary
- CountrySubDivisionCode [0..*] Qualifies the further division of the Country. These may be Districts, Regions, States, Provinces etc. A possible list of values is as specified in ISO 3166-2. The name attribute identifies the name of this e.g. District, Region etc, and there is a pre-defined list of types supported, with the ability to add new ones as necessary
- CountryCode [0..1] Country in which the Address is in. A possible list of values is as specified in ISO 3166-2.
- PostalCode [0..1] Postal Code of the Address.
- Status [0..1] Indicates the status of the associated object by providing the Status Code along with a description and when the status is effective.
- Preference [0..*]
- GeographicalCoordinate [0..*]
- Usage [0..*]
- Extension [0..1] Allows the user of OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is not captured in OAGIS.This is done by defining the additional information in XML Schema and referencing the new schema in the xml instance document through the use of namespaces. Once this is done the additional information defined there can be carried in the BOD XML instance document.The Open Applications Group will make best efforts to quickly consider all proposed submissions.The Extension is always the last element in all components, except where the component has been extended inline.
from type IdentificationTypefrom type AddressBaseType
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
typeCode | [0..1] | CodeType_1E7368 | from type IdentificationType | |
actionCode | [0..1] | ActionCodeContentType | from type IdentificationType | |
languageCode | [0..1] | LanguageCodeContentType | from type AddressBaseType |
Used in
- Type LocationBaseType
- Type LocationType via extension of LocationBaseType (Elements Location, PlaceOfOwnershipTransferLocation, InstallUseLocation, SiteLocation, WorkLocation, ShipFromLocation, ShipToLocation ...more)
Sample instance
<PhysicalAddress> <ID/> <IDSet> <ID/> </IDSet> <Name/> <AttentionOfName/> <CareOfName/> <BuildingNumber/> <BuildingName/> <BlockName/> <StreetName/> <StreetTypeCode>normalizedString</StreetTypeCode> <Floor/> <Unit/> <StairCase/> <Door/> <PostOfficeBox/> <DeliveryPointID>normalizedString</DeliveryPointID> <PlotID>normalizedString</PlotID> <CityName/> <CitySubDivisionName/> <CountrySubDivisionCode>token</CountrySubDivisionCode> <CountryCode>token</CountryCode> <PostalCode>normalizedString</PostalCode> <Status> <ID/> <IDSet> <ID/> </IDSet> <Code/> <Description/> <ReasonCode>normalizedString</ReasonCode> <Reason/> <EffectiveTimePeriod> <InclusiveIndicator>true</InclusiveIndicator> <StartDateTime></StartDateTime> <StartTime>token</StartTime> <Duration>P1Y2M3DT10H</Duration> <EndDateTime></EndDateTime> <EndTime>token</EndTime> </EffectiveTimePeriod> <Extension> <AnyExtension> <!--any element--> </AnyExtension> <Amount/> <Code/> <DateTime></DateTime> <ID/> <Indicator>true</Indicator> <Measure/> <Name/> <Number>1.0</Number> <Quantity/> <Text/> <Time></Time> <ValueText>string</ValueText> </Extension> </Status> <Preference> <ID/> <IDSet> <ID/> </IDSet> <PrioritySequenceValue>1</PrioritySequenceValue> <EffectiveTimePeriod> <InclusiveIndicator>true</InclusiveIndicator> <StartDateTime></StartDateTime> <StartTime>token</StartTime> <Duration>P1Y2M3DT10H</Duration> <EndDateTime></EndDateTime> <EndTime>token</EndTime> </EffectiveTimePeriod> <AvailableTimePeriod> <InclusiveIndicator>true</InclusiveIndicator> <StartDateTime></StartDateTime> <StartTime>token</StartTime> <Duration>P1Y2M3DT10H</Duration> <EndDateTime></EndDateTime> <EndTime>token</EndTime> </AvailableTimePeriod> <UnavailableTimePeriod> <InclusiveIndicator>true</InclusiveIndicator> <StartDateTime></StartDateTime> <StartTime>token</StartTime> <Duration>P1Y2M3DT10H</Duration> <EndDateTime></EndDateTime> <EndTime>token</EndTime> </UnavailableTimePeriod> <Description/> <Note/> <Extension> <AnyExtension> <!--any element--> </AnyExtension> <Amount/> <Code/> <DateTime></DateTime> <ID/> <Indicator>true</Indicator> <Measure/> <Name/> <Number>1.0</Number> <Quantity/> <Text/> <Time></Time> <ValueText>string</ValueText> </Extension> </Preference> <GeographicalCoordinate> <ID/> <IDSet> <ID/> </IDSet> <Description/> <ReferenceSystemID/> <VerticalReferenceSystemID/> <VerticalMeasure>1.0</VerticalMeasure> <LatitudeMeasure>1.0</LatitudeMeasure> <LongitudeMeasure>1.0</LongitudeMeasure> <VerticalAccuracyMeasure>1.0</VerticalAccuracyMeasure> <HorizontalAccuracyMeasure>1.0</HorizontalAccuracyMeasure> <Extension> <AnyExtension> <!--any element--> </AnyExtension> <Amount/> <Code/> <DateTime></DateTime> <ID/> <Indicator>true</Indicator> <Measure/> <Name/> <Number>1.0</Number> <Quantity/> <Text/> <Time></Time> <ValueText>string</ValueText> </Extension> </GeographicalCoordinate> <Usage> <ID/> <IDSet> <ID/> </IDSet> <GeographicalRegionCode>normalizedString</GeographicalRegionCode> <LegalIndicator>true</LegalIndicator> <FormattedName/> <FormattedAddressUse> <ID/> <IDSet>... </IDSet> <PurposeCode>normalizedString</PurposeCode> <AddressLine/> <Extension>....................................... </Extension> </FormattedAddressUse> <EffectiveTimePeriod> <InclusiveIndicator>true</InclusiveIndicator> <StartDateTime></StartDateTime> <StartTime>token</StartTime> <Duration>P1Y2M3DT10H</Duration> <EndDateTime></EndDateTime> <EndTime>token</EndTime> </EffectiveTimePeriod> <Extension> <AnyExtension> <!--any element--> </AnyExtension> <Amount/> <Code/> <DateTime></DateTime> <ID/> <Indicator>true</Indicator> <Measure/> <Name/> <Number>1.0</Number> <Quantity/> <Text/> <Time></Time> <ValueText>string</ValueText> </Extension> </Usage> <Extension> <AnyExtension> <!--any element--> </AnyExtension> <Amount/> <Code/> <DateTime></DateTime> <ID/> <Indicator>true</Indicator> <Measure/> <Name/> <Number>1.0</Number> <Quantity/> <Text/> <Time></Time> <ValueText>string</ValueText> </Extension> </PhysicalAddress>