Schema Central > OAGIS® 10 > Common.xsd > LogicalID
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Provides the logical location of the server and applications from which the Business Object Document originated. It can be used to establish a logical to physical mapping, however its use is optional.

Each system or combination of systems should maintain an external central reference table containing the logical names or logical addresses of the application systems in the integration configuration.  This enables the logical names to be mapped to the physical network addresses of the resources needed on the network.  

Note:  The technical implementation of this Domain Naming Service is not dictated by this specification. 

This logical to physical mapping may be done at execution time by the application itself or by a middleware transport mechanism, depending on the integration architecture used.

This provides for a simple but effective directory access capability while maintaining application independence from the physical location of those resources on the network

Element information

Type: IDType

Properties: Global, Qualified, ID: oagis-id-3511de121288430686c5bd8abf75be33



schemeID [0..1]xsd:normalizedStringThe identification of the identifier schemefrom type IDType_D995CD
schemeVersionID [0..1]xsd:normalizedStringThe identifier scheme version identifierfrom type IDType_D995CD
schemeAgencyID [0..1]clm63055D08B_AgencyIdentificationContentTypeThe identifier scheme Agency identifierfrom type IDType_D995CD

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Sample instance


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