The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
Element information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Other elements with the same name: Amount
Type: OpenAmountType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable, ID: oagis-id-1029fb2e6ed04e419c946c500fbfad2c
- Empty content
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
currencyCode | [0..1] | CodeType_1E7368 | The currency of the amount | from type AmountType_0723C8 |
typeCode | [0..1] | CodeType_1E7368 |
Used in
- Group LedgerAmountGroup
- Type ActualLedgerBaseType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup
- Type ActualLedgerType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup (Element ActualLedger)
- Type AllowanceBaseType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType
- Type AllowanceChargeABIEType
- Type AllowanceType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType (Element Allowance)
- Type AmountDiscountType (Element AmountDiscount)
- Type AuthorizationABIEType
- Type BudgetLedgerLineBaseType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup
- Type BudgetLedgerLineType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup (Element BudgetLedgerLine)
- Type CRMLineBaseType
- Type ChargeBaseType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType
- Type ChargeType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType (Element Charge)
- Type DistributeChargeBaseType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType
- Type DistributeChargeType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType (Element DistributeCharge)
- Type DistributeTaxBaseType via extension of TaxABIEType
- Type DistributeTaxType via extension of TaxABIEType (Element DistributeTax)
- Type DistributionBaseType
- Type DistributionType via extension of DistributionBaseType (Element Distribution)
- Type EngineeringActivityBaseType via extension of ProjectABIEType
- Type EngineeringActivityType via extension of ProjectABIEType (Element EngineeringActivity)
- Type ExemptionBaseType
- Type ExemptionType via extension of ExemptionBaseType (Element Exemption)
- Type InvoiceAllowanceChargeBaseType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType
- Type InvoiceAllowanceChargeType via extension of AllowanceChargeABIEType (Elements InvoiceCharge, InvoiceAllowance)
- Type InvoiceLedgerEntryHeaderBaseType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup
- Type InvoiceLedgerEntryHeaderType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup (Element InvoiceLedgerEntryHeader)
- Type InvoiceLedgerEntryLineType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup (Element InvoiceLedgerEntryLine)
- Type JournalEntryHeaderType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup (Element JournalEntryHeader)
- Type JournalEntryLineType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup (Element JournalEntryLine)
- Type LedgerEntryHeaderBaseType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup
- Type LedgerEntryLineBaseType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup
- Type MatchDocumentHeaderBaseType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup
- Type MatchDocumentHeaderType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup (Element MatchDocumentHeader)
- Type MatchDocumentLineBaseType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup
- Type MatchDocumentLineType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup (Element MatchDocumentLine)
- Type OpportunityLineBaseType via extension of CRMLineBaseType
- Type OpportunityLineType via extension of CRMLineBaseType (Element OpportunityLine)
- Type OrderCommissionBaseType
- Type OrderCommissionType via extension of OrderCommissionBaseType (Element OrderCommission)
- Type PayableHeaderBaseType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup
- Type PayableHeaderType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup (Element PayableHeader)
- Type PayableLineType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup (Element PayableLine)
- Type PaymentAuthorizationABIEType via extension of AuthorizationABIEType
- Type PaymentAuthorizationBaseType via extension of AuthorizationABIEType
- Type PaymentAuthorizationType via extension of AuthorizationABIEType (Element PaymentAuthorization)
- Type PaymentTermABIEType
- Type PaymentTermBaseType via extension of PaymentTermABIEType
- Type PaymentTermType via extension of PaymentTermABIEType (Elements PaymentTerm, Discount, Penalty)
- Type ProjectABIEType
- Type ProjectAccountingBaseType via extension of ProjectABIEType
- Type ProjectAccountingType via extension of ProjectABIEType (Element ProjectAccounting)
- Type ProjectActivityBaseType via extension of ProjectABIEType
- Type ProjectActivityType via extension of ProjectABIEType (Element ProjectActivity)
- Type ProjectMasterBaseType via extension of ProjectABIEType
- Type ProjectMasterType via extension of ProjectABIEType (Element ProjectMaster)
- Type ProjectReferenceBaseType via extension of ProjectABIEType
- Type ProjectReferenceType via extension of ProjectABIEType (Element ProjectReference)
- Type ReceivableHeaderBaseType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup
- Type ReceivableHeaderType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup (Element ReceivableHeader)
- Type ReceivableLineType via reference to LedgerAmountGroup (Element ReceivableLine)
- Type RegulatoryReportingBaseType
- Type RegulatoryReportingType via extension of RegulatoryReportingBaseType (Element RegulatoryReporting)
- Type SalesLeadDetailBaseType via extension of CRMLineBaseType
- Type SalesLeadDetailType via extension of CRMLineBaseType (Element SalesLeadDetail)
- Type TaxABIEType
- Type TaxBaseType via extension of TaxABIEType
- Type TaxType via extension of TaxABIEType (Elements Tax, TotalTax)
- Type WarehouseShippingAdviceLineBaseType
- Type WarehouseShippingAdviceLineType via extension of WarehouseShippingAdviceLineBaseType (Element WarehouseShippingAdviceLine)
- Type WarehouseShippingOrderLineBaseType
- Type WarehouseShippingOrderLineType via extension of WarehouseShippingOrderLineBaseType (Element WarehouseShippingOrderLine)
Sample instance