Associated account of the associated entity.
Element information
Schema document: Common.xsd
Type: NamedIDsType
Properties: Global, Qualified, ID: oagis-id-2ed543b96bd94b60ab0f0396cbadb319
- ID [1..*] Is the Identifiers of the given instance of an entity within the scope of the integration. The schemeAgencyID attribute identifies the party that provided or knows this party by the given identifier.
from group NamedIDsGroup
Used in
- Group FinancialAccountIDsGroup
- Type CustomerPartyMasterBaseType via extension of PartyMasterBaseType
- Type CustomerPartyMasterType via extension of PartyMasterBaseType (Element CustomerPartyMaster)
- Type FinancialAccountBaseType via reference to FinancialAccountIDsGroup
- Type FinancialAccountType via reference to FinancialAccountIDsGroup (Element FinancialAccount)
- Type PartyMasterBaseType
- Type PartyMasterType via extension of PartyMasterBaseType (Element PartyMaster)
- Type ScreenPartyBaseType via extension of PartyMasterBaseType
- Type ScreenPartyType via extension of PartyMasterBaseType (Elements ScreenParty, ScreenParty)
- Type SuppliererPartyMasterBaseType via extension of PartyMasterBaseType
- Type SuppliererPartyMasterType via extension of PartyMasterBaseType (Element SupplierPartyMaster)
Sample instance
<AccountIDs> <ID/> </AccountIDs>