Element information
Namespace: urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.008.001.03
Schema document: pain.008.001.03.xsd
Other elements with the same name: Prtry
Type: Max35Text
Properties: Local, Qualified
- Minimum length: 1
- Maximum length: 35
Used in
- Type AccountSchemeName1Choice (Element SchmeNm)
- Type CashAccountType2Choice (Element Tp)
- Type CategoryPurpose1Choice (Element CtgyPurp)
- Type ClearingSystemIdentification2Choice (Element ClrSysId)
- Type CreditorReferenceType1Choice (Element CdOrPrtry)
- Type DiscountAmountType1Choice (Element Tp)
- Type FinancialIdentificationSchemeName1Choice (Element SchmeNm)
- Type LocalInstrument2Choice (Element LclInstrm)
- Type OrganisationIdentificationSchemeName1Choice (Element SchmeNm)
- Type PersonIdentificationSchemeName1Choice (Element SchmeNm)
- Type Purpose2Choice (Element Purp)
- Type ReferredDocumentType1Choice (Element CdOrPrtry)
- Type ServiceLevel8Choice (Element SvcLvl)
- Type TaxAmountType1Choice (Element Tp)
Sample instance