A data type for the character of service or function of streets or highways.
Simple type information
Schema document: domains/surfaceTransportation/4.1/st.xsd
Valid value Description 1 Rural-Principal Arterial-Interstate 11 Urban-Principal Arterial-Interstate 12 Urban-Principal Arterial-Other Freeways or Expressways 13 Urban-Other Principal Arterial 14 Urban-Minor Arterial 15 Urban-Collector 16 Urban-Local Road or Street 19 Urban-Unknown Urban 2 Rural-Principal Arterial-Other 3 Rural-Minor Arterial 4 Rural-Major Collector 5 Rural-Minor Collector 6 Rural-Local Road or Street 9 Rural-Unknown Rural 99 Unknown
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- st:RoadwayFunctionalClassCodeSimpleType
- extended by st:RoadwayFunctionalClassCodeType
- st:RoadwayFunctionalClassCodeSimpleType