An activity name.
Element information
Schema document: domains/internationalTrade/4.1/internationalTrade.xsd
Type: itcodes:LocationActivityCodeType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable
from type itcodes:LocationActivityCodeSimpleType
Valid value Description Agency Center Operational site operated by and dedicated to the mission of a federal agency at which coordination, situational awareness, and/or analysis activity/systems exist in support of detecting and interdicting threat materials; for example, reachback centers. Air Border-Fixed Fixed Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials entering the US and its territories and possessions, located at airports that are legal ports of entry. Air Border-Mobile Mobile Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials entering the US and its territories and possessions, located at airports that are legal ports of entry. Air Border-Open Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials entering the US and its territories and possessions by air transport at other than legal ports of entry. Air-Offshore Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials that may be destined for the US or its territories and possession while they are outside the US in air transport, or being prepared for air transport. Communication Services Operational site that provide communication services to the sites and organizations involved in the threat materials detection mission. Development Operational site engineering design and development of new/enhanced capabilities for support of the threat materials detection mission. ECCF Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials entering the US and its territories and possessions by the means of international mail and courier packages. EDU educational facility Exercise Operational site that exist for the purpose of conducting operational readiness and training exercises. This kind of site has a limited time period of existence defined to provide coverage of the setup, conduct, and shutdown of the exercise. A site that is created specifically for an exercise. FO field office HQ headquarters facility Information Services Operational site that provide information support service activities and/or systems to the organizations and sites engaged in the threat materials detection mission. Info Sharing Operational site that provides information to National Centers, Regional Fusion Centers, and Agency Centers. They may also receive information or information requests from the Centers. Interior-Event Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials at an event. These site have a limited time period of operational existence defined to provide coverage of the setup, conduct, and shutdown of the event. Interior-Fixed Fixed Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials within the US and its territories and possessions at other than Land Crossings, Seaports, and Airports that are legal ports of entry. This kind of site may be on waterways, roads, railways, airports, and other locations not under the control of the CBP. This includes both US airspace and points where an air transport conveyance ma Interior-Mobile Mobile Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials within the US and its territories and possessions at other than Land Crossings, Seaports, and Airports that are legal ports of entry. This kind of site may be on waterways, roads, railways, airports, and other locations not under the control of the CBP. This includes both US airspace and points where an air transport conveyance Lab laboratory facility Land Border-Fixed Fixed Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials entering the US and its territories and possessions, located at legal ports of entry at highway/road/railway and waterway border crossings. Land Border-Mobile Mobile Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials entering the US and its territories and possessions, located at legal ports of entry at highway/road/railway and waterway border crossings that are dedicated to detection of threat materials. Land Border-Open Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials entering the US and its territories and possessions by land transport at other than legal ports of entry. This includes both unprotected land and water border crossings. Land-Offshore Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials that may be destined for the US or its territories and possession while they are outside the US and in land transport or storage. LE law enforcement facility Logistics logistics support/maintenance facility Logistics Support Operational site that provide logistics support services and/or systems. Management Operational site that provide management and planning activities/systems specific to the threat materials detection mission. Medical medical facility Mil Military facility Military Operational site operated by the US Armed Forces for detection of threat materials. National Centers Operational site at which coordination, situational awareness, and/or analysis activities are performed that combine the input(s) from all US resources/activities, as well as from non-US resources/activities. Nuc facility that manufactures, processes, and/or stores materials/products that emits radiation that can be detected with radiation detectors other other facility Oversight Operational site dedicated to the on-going monitoring of the operational readiness, performance, and effectiveness of the GNDA, and identifying/assessing vulnerabilities. Regional Fusion Centers Operational site at which coordination, situational awareness, and/or analysis activity/systems exist in support of detecting and interdicting threat materials, and which address a defined region of the US, and its territories and possessions. A Regional Center may address a collection of states, a state, county(s), or city. Rel religious facility Response-Containment Operational site that perform activities required for containing/securing/transporting of interdicted threat materials. Response-Law Enforcement Operational site that performs law enforcement activities required for interdiction of threat materials. Response-Other Response site other than law enforcement and containment. Sea Border-Fixed Fixed Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials entering the US and its territories and possessions, located at seaports that are legal ports of entry. Sea Border-Mobile Mobile Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials entering the US and its territories and possessions, located at seaports that are legal ports of entry. Sea Border-Offshore Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials that may be destined for the US or its territories and possession while they are outside the US in sea transport, or being prepared for sea transport. Sea Border-Open Operational site with the mission to detect threat materials entering the US and its territories and possessions by sea transport at other than legal ports of entry. This includes waters claimed by the US and points where the sea transport conveyance may land. SRE sports, recreation and/or entertainment facility Test Operational site operated for Test and Evaluation of detection systems and operational procedures/protocols. Training Operational site that provide training activities and/or systems. A Training Node has a continuous existence, whereas an Exercise Node has a existence only during the time period of the exercise. Transport facility that supports the operations, use, or control of commercial means of transportation. unknown unknown Utility electric/gas/water utility facility WH warehouse facility WHC warehouse facility under the control of a governmental customs agency
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:uri | [0..1] | xsd:anyURI | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup |
Used in
- Type it:TransportActivityLocationType (Elements it:TransportActivityLocation, it:TransportActivityLocationInfo)
Substitution hierarchy
- it:LocationActivityAbstract
- can be substituted with it:LocationActivityCode
Sample instance
<it:LocationActivityCode>Agency Center</it:LocationActivityCode>