Schema Central > niem41 > biom.xsd > biom:RestorationDataGranularityCode
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A code indicates the type and level of restoration and surface information coded in Field 12.010: Tooth data detail / TDD.

Element information


  • Type based on xsd:token
    • Valid valueDescription
      11The system is capable of specifying individual restorations with the restored surface information and material composition coded separately for each restoration on the tooth; however, the submission of restorations with materials specified for each
      21The system is capable of specifying individual restorations with the restored surface coded separately; however, all of the individual material compositions are combined into a single code for the tooth. Material specification is optional. Unknown m
      31The system is capable of coding individual restorations with restored surfaces into a single code. All the materials utilized in all the restorations are combined into a single code when materials are represented. The codes are specified by tooth.
      41The presence of restorations without surface information is combined to a single code for the tooth. All materials utilized in all the restorations are combined into a single code for the tooth, when materials are represented.
      51Only the presence of restorations without surface or material information is included in the coding.
      99The level of detail contained in Field 12.010: Tooth data detail / TDD concerning restorations, materials and/or surfaces is unknown.
  • Attributes

    structures:id [0..1]xsd:IDfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:ref [0..1]xsd:IDREFfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:uri [0..1]xsd:anyURIfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:metadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    structures:relationshipMetadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup
    Any attribute[0..*]Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: laxfrom group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup

    Used in

    Sample instance
