Schema Central > niem41 > agriculture.xsd > ag:LocationPolygonCoordinates
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A gml Polygon is a special surface that is defined by a single surface patch. The boundary of this patch is coplanar and the polygon uses planar interpolation in its interior.

Element information

Type: geo:PolygonType

Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable



structures:id [0..1]xsd:IDfrom type structures:ObjectType
structures:ref [0..1]xsd:IDREFfrom type structures:ObjectType
structures:uri [0..1]xsd:anyURIfrom type structures:ObjectType
structures:metadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom type structures:ObjectType
structures:relationshipMetadata [0..1]xsd:IDREFSfrom type structures:ObjectType
Any attribute[0..*]Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: laxfrom type structures:ObjectType

Used in

Substitution hierarchy

Sample instance

   <structures:ObjectAugmentationPoint>any content</structures:ObjectAugmentationPoint>
   <gml:Polygon gml:id="ID">
         <gml:GenericMetaData>Any text, intermingled with:
            <!--any element-->
      <gml:identifier codeSpace="">string</gml:identifier>