A data type for Vehicle/Boat Part Brand.
Simple type information
Schema document: codes/fbi_ncic/3.2/fbi_ncic.xsd
Valid value Description AAA Wes-Co. Boat Div. AAA AAA Mobile Home Mfg. Co. AAB A.A.B. Co., Inc. AACC American Austin Car Company AACO Arco (for reference only; see ALEX) AAI Adams Enterprises AAK Trend Mfg. Co. of America, Inc. (Jacksonville, FL) AAL Atlantic Boat Works (Boothbay Harbor, ME) AALI Aalite Co. AAN Sampson Marine AAPX AAPEX Trailers, Inc. AARD Aardvark Co. AASS AA Screen Supply, Inc. or Aaron Worldwide Machine Co., Inc. AATM All-American Trailer Mfg. Co. AATS AAA Trailer Sales AAV Sneak, The, Inc. AAVH Armet Armored Vehicles AAWS Clint R. Woods, Inc. AAWS A-A Welding Service AAY Downeast Yachts, Inc. ABAR Abarth ABBO Paul Abbot Co., Inc. ABBO Abbot, Paul Co., Inc. ABC ABC (Aluminum Body Corp.) ABCC ABC Coach Co. ABCH ABC Homes ABCO ABCO Trailer Mfg. Co. ABCP ABC Powder Coating ABER Aberdeen Boat Trailer ABFI ABF Industries ABIA ABI Leisure, Inc. ABM Apollo Boat Mfg. Co. ABTM Amco Boat Trailer ABTR A & B Trailer Mfg. Co., Inc. ABTS About Sales, Inc. ABUT Abu Trailers ABW Atlantic Boat Works AC A C (Great Britain) ACAD Acadian (GM of Canada) ACAE Academy Mobile Home Corp. ACAI Antique & Collectible Autos, Inc. ACB Alumacraft Boat Co. (Arkadelphia, AR) ACCI AC Customs, Inc. ACCU Accu-Tek, Inc. ACE Ace Trailer of America ACEC Ace Traveler Corp. ACEE Ace Enterprises, Inc. ACEI Accurate Cycle Engineering, Inc. ACEM Ace Mfg., Co. ACF Archercraft Boats ACGC American Custom Electric Cars and Golf Carts (NEV) Neighborhood Electric Vehicles ACH Achilles KCI Corp. ACKN A & C Knight, Ltd. ACKN Knight, A & C, Ltd. ACL Action Marine (Chicago, IL) ACM Action Boats ACM Action Marine, Inc. (Hollywood, FL) ACME Acme Trailer Mfg. Co. ACMM Acme Mfg. Co., Inc. ACOR Acorn Equipment Corp. ACRO Acro Tank Co. ACT A. C. Interface, Inc. (Rancho Santa Margarita, CA) ACTD Action Inds. ACTE Active Homes Corp. ACTE Homecraft ACTO Acton Mobile Inds., Inc. ACTV Activity Trailer, LLC ACUR Acura ACW A. C. Mfg. Co. ACYL A1 Cycles ADA Ada Horse Trailer ADBV AD Boivin ADD Kidd Marine Sales ADDI Penthouse ADDI Addison Homes ADEP Advance Engineered Prod., Ltd. ADET Adette ADK Atlantic Boat Works (Hull, MA) ADL Alindale Mfg., Inc. ADLR Adler (antique vehicles) ADLY Adly Moto, LLC ADME Adcock Mansell Enterprises ADMI Admiration Homes ADMR Admiral Drive Systems, Inc. ADMS Adams Engineering Co. ADMT Adams Trailer Mfg. ADO Andrus Boats ADSP Adspa Mobile Home ADVA Advance Mfg. Co. ADVC Advanced Containment Systems, Inc. ADVE Adventure Wheels Motor Home ADVL Adventurer LP ADVN Advance Machine Co. ADVP Advance Pump and Equip., Inc. ADVS Advanced Vehicle Systems ADVT Advance Trailer Mfg. AEAG American Eagle AEC Young Brothers Co., Inc. AECD A & E Custom Design Trailers AEG Aardal Boats AELI Aero Liner Co. AEON Aeon Motor Co., Inc. AEQ Airline Equipment & Service, Inc. AEQ Water Spider, Inc. AER American Marine Engineer AERA Aerocar AERG Aero Glass Boat Co. AERG Phantom AERI Aeroil Products Co., Inc. AERO Aircraft (see NCIC 2000 Operating Manual, Vehicle File chapter) AERO Aerocar (for reference only; see AERA) AETA Aeta AFAB AFAB Affordable Fabrication, Inc. or AFAB Petroleum & Steel Fabrication AFBX Acier Fabrex, Inc. AFC American Fiberglass Co. AFD Airboat Engineering AFF American Fiberglass AFG American Fiberglass AFG American Fiber-Lite (Marion, IL) AFRD Affordable Trailers AFTM A & F Trailer Mfg. AG-- Air National Guard (see Section 2.1) AGB Phantom Boats AGB Aero-Glass Boat Co. AGC Aeroglastics, Inc. (Baja Boat Co. & Sierra Boat Corp.) AGCH Ag-Chem Equipment Co., Inc. AGCH Terra-Gator AGCO AGCO, Inc. AGDC Aragon Distributing Co., Inc. AGH Applegarth Marine Yard AGR Avenger Mfg. Co. (Harvey, LA) AGRA AG-Rain, Inc. AGRI Agri-Supply Co. AGRO Agrolinea SA AGRP Agri Plastics Mfg. AGSY Ag-Systems, Inc. AGTR Kearny Div., Ag-Tronic, Inc. AGTR Sure-Weigh AGTR Ag-Tronic, Inc. AGYL Argyle AHBI After Hours Bikes, Inc. AHE Apache Airboats, Inc. AHN Scooter Boats AHN Skip Jack Boats AHQ Thunder Jet Boats (Lewiston, ID) AIH American Ironhorse LP AIL Maverick Sportsboats (West Columbia, SC) AIMX Aim-EX or Taotao Ind., Co., Ltd. AIMX Taotao Ind., Co., Ltd. or Aim-EX AIRC Aircap Mfrs., Inc. AIRE Aire-Line Mobile Homes AIRF Airflyte Mfg. Co. AIRI Air Support Inds. AIRM Air-Flo Mfg. Co., Inc. AIRO Air-O-Motor Home AIRP Air-O-Corp AIRS Airstream Travel Trailers AIRS Airstream, Inc. AIRT Air Turbine Propeller Co. AIW Alcort Sailboats, Inc. (Waterbury, CT) AJAX Ajax Trailer Co. AJIN A & J Inds. Custom Fiberglassing AJIN Tow-A-Lite AJS AJS (United Kingdom) AJTR A. J. Travelute Trailer Mfg. Co. AJW AJW AJXE Ajax Electric Motor Corp. AJXX Ajaxx Tool Company AKD Abilities N S, Inc. (Beverly Hills, CA) AKG Augies Marine Service (Pompano Beach, FL) AKR Anacapri Marine AKUM Akuma Motors AKZ Alaska Homemade Boats ALAB Alabama Trailer Co. ALAC All A Cart Mfg., Inc. ALAD Aladdin Trailer Co. ALAI Alair Coach Corp. ALAM All American Mfg., LLC ALAN Allen Camper Mfg. Co., Inc. ALAR All Around Horse Trailer ALAS Alaskan Camper ALBE Alberta Trailer Co., Ltd. ALBT Albright Trailer Mfg. ALCA Alcan American, Inc. ALCI Allen Coachworks, Inc. (Mexican mfr.) ALCM Alcom Inc. ALCO Alcoa Trailer ALD Aladdin Mfg. Co. ALD Yazoo Boats ALED Allied ALEN Allen Engineering Corp. ALEX Arco (mfd. by Alexander-Reynolds Corp.) ALEX Alexander-Reynolds Corp. ALEX E-Z Rider (mfd. by Alexander-Reynolds Corp.) ALFA Alfa Romeo ALFA Allied Farm Equipment, Inc. ALFB ALFAB, Inc. ALFL Alfa Leisure, Inc. ALFO Alforge Metals Corp. ALIE Allied ALIS Allis-Chalmers ALJO Aljo ALKO Alois Kober (AL-KO) ALL All American Campers ALL Allison Craft Boat Co. ALLA Allard ALLB Allied American Builders Corp. ALLC Allied Mfg. Co. ALLD Allied Products ALLE Allegro Motor Home ALLF Allisons Fiberglass Mfg., Inc. ALLG Allegheny Trailers ALLI Allis-Chalmers Corp. ALLI Allis-Chalmers ALLK All Lakes Trailer ALLL Allied Leisure, Inc. ALLM All Steel Mfg. Co. ALLM Rezner ALLN Alloy Machine Products Corp. ALLO Alloy Trailers, Inc. ALLP All Purpose Trailer Co., Inc. ALLR All Star Coach, Inc. ALLS All State ALLS Allstate (for reference only; see SEAR) ALLT All-State Trailer Co. ALLU All States Trailer Co. ALLW Allentown Brake & Wheel Service, Inc. ALMA Alma ALMC Al-Mac Products, Inc. ALMD Allmand, Inc. ALME Alma Trailer Co. ALMI Almac Inds., Ltd. ALMN Alumna-Weld, Inc. ALMR Almar Mfg. ALMR BCI Mfg. (Bultman Co., Inc.) ALMU Alumacar USA, LLC (low speed vehicles) ALNA Alumina, Inc. ALNM Allens Mfg., Inc. ALNZ Allianz Sweepers ALOH Aloha Trailer Co. ALOH Aloha-Trailer Co. ALOU Aloutte ALOU Alout Snow Machine (for reference only) ALPF Alpine Mfg. Co. ALPH Alpha ALPI Alpine ALPN Alpina ALPY All Pro of Yulee, Inc. (DBA-All Pro Trailers) ALS All Seasons Ind. ALSE All Seasons Motor Home ALSP Alsport/Steen (also see Tri-Sport/Steen) ALST Allied Steel & Tractor Products, Inc. ALT Allison Craft Boats (Louisville, KY) ALTA Alta ALTC The Aluminum Trailer Co. ALTE Altec Inds. ALTE Cargo Pole Trailer ALTK Allied Tank ALUC Aluma Craft ALUE Alouette ALUE Alouette Recreational Products, Ltd. ALUM Aluminum ALUT Alutrec, Inc. ALVI Alvis ALWY Alloway Mfg. Co., Inc. ALX Al Grovers Marine Base ALYT Aly Travel Trailer ALZ Alabama Homemade Boats AM A & M Boat Trailer AMAU American Augers, Inc. AMBA Ambassador AMC AMC Trailer AMCC American Clipper Corp. AMCE Ameri-Can Engineering AMCM Ameri-Camp AMCO A & M Coach AMCP AMCO Products AMCR American Cruiser Motor Home AMDB American Dirt Bike, Inc. AMDI Agricultural Machinery Div. AMDI Bean Sprayer AME American Trailers, Inc. AMEA American Beauty AMEA American Shelter Systems, Inc. AMEB American Body & Trailer Co. AMEC American Aluminum Co. AMED American Coach Co. AMEE American Duralite Corp. AMEG American Eagle Campers (for reference only; see AEAG) AMEH American Pride Homes AMEI American Pipe & Steel Corp. AMEL American Economobile Hilif AMEM American Trailer & Mfg. Co. AMEN Amen AMEP American Way Homes Corp. AMER American Motors Corp. AMER American Motors General Bus AMER American Motors Jeep (mfd. 1970-1988) AMER American Motors (see make Rambler for Ramblers mfd. prior to 1966) AMER AMC AMER Rambler (vehicle years 1966 and later) AMES Amerigo Travel Trailer AMET American Trailer Specialists AMF Roadmaster (see AMF) AMF AMF Lawn & Garden Div. AMF AMF AMF AMF Alcort (Waterbury, CT) AMFA American Dream AMFA American Family Homes, Inc. AMGN AM General Corp. AMHL American Hauler Ind. AMHO American Hoist & Derrick Co. AMI American Microcar, Inc. AMI Arima Marine International AMI Tri-Ped (mfd. by American Microcar, Inc.) AMID Amida Ind. AMIN Advance Mixer AMJE American Jenbach Corp. AMLF American Lifan Ind., Inc. AMMA Amerind-Mackissic, Inc. AMME Ammex AMPC Ampco Mfg. AMPF American Performance Cycle AMPH Amphicar AMPI American Made Products, Inc. AMPT Amphicat AMPT American Transportation AMQ American Multi-Craft AMQP Ameriquip AMQT American Quantum Cycles, Inc. AMRB American Redi-Built AMRC American Coupler Systems, Inc. AMRD Amrad Products & Supply Co., Inc. AMRI Americana Mobile Homes, Inc. AMRO American Road Machinery, Inc. AMRR Ameritrans by TMC Group, Inc. AMS American Sport Boat Mfg., Inc. (Lexington, KY) AMSC American Snowblast Corp. (for reference only) AMSC Snowblast (for reference only) AMSG American Signal Co. AMSP American Spirit or MM Spirit, Inc. AMSP MM Spirit, Inc. or American Spirit AMSU American Surplus & Mfg., Inc. AMSW American Steel Works AMT Amtec Trailer AMTC AmTran Corp. AMTC Genesis AMTC American Transportation Corp. AMTH Amthor Intl., Inc. AMTL Amera Trail, Inc. AMTN American Trencher, Inc. AMTR American Tractor Equipment Corp. AMTS American Travel Systems, Inc. AMUT American Utility Trailers AMWS American Welding Service, Inc. AMX American Mariner Inds. (Orange, CA) AMYP American Yard Products AMYP Weedeater AMYP Poulan AMZT Amaze-N-Tow, Inc. ANAL Ana-Log ANCH Ahoy ANCH Anchor Homes, Inc. ANDE Ander-Ett, Inc. ANDH Anderson Coach Co. ANDI Anderson Mobile Homes Mfg. Co. ANDM Andrea Mobile Homes ANDR Andrews Payloader ANDS Anderson Manufacturing ANF Aqua Cat, Inc. ANF American Sail, Inc. (Charleston, SC) ANG Angler Boat Corp. ANGE Angelus Trailer Mfg. Co. ANGL Angel ANMO All Nations Moped (for reference only) ANMO Intermotor (mfd. by All Nations Moped, for reference only) ANP Anchor Ind., Inc. Sterncraft Boat Co. & Deckboat Corp. ANP Anchor Ind., Inc. ANP Deckboat Corp. ANT Anthony Boat Co. ANTH Anthony Co. ANTO Anton Mfg. Co. AOD Advantage Power Yachts AOFI Apiaries & Orchard Forklift, Inc. AOKT A-OK Trailers AOL Arnold Ind. AOL Motor-Guide AOL Vac-U-Tech, Inc. AONE A-1 Trailer AP-- Civil Air Patrol (see Section 2.1) APAC Apache Coach Co. APAE Apache Trailer Corp. APAH Apacheon Coach Co. APB Appleby Mfg. Co. APEC Apeco Mobile Homes APEX Apex Travelers, Inc. APG Apollo Boats (Bountiful, UT) APH Apache API American Pacific Inflatables, Inc. (Temecula, CA) APL Apollo Boats, Inc. (Clearwater, FL) APLE Appleton Trailer APLO Apollo Choppers II APOL Apollo Homes APPA Appalachian Mfg., Inc. APPL Appleby Camper Trailer APPT Apple Trailers APRI Aprilia Motorcycles APSP Apollo Sporting Products Co., Ltd. Or Zhejiang Apollo Sporting Products Co., Ltd. APVC Apple Valley Cargo AQC Aqua-Cycle Intl., Inc. AQCR Aqua Cruiser, Inc. AQUA Aquaforge AQUB Aqua Bug Intl., Inc. AQUT Aqualand Trailers ARAB Arabi Homes, Inc. ARAB Arabian ARCA Arctic Cat ARCC Arctco, Inc. ARCC Arctic Cat ARCC Arctic Enterprises ARCO Arcos Boat Trailer ARCT Heavy Hauler ARCT Arctic Enterprises, Inc. AREC American Road Equipment ARGG Argo ARGO Argonaut State Limousine ARGS Argosy Travel Trailer ARGT Argo Trailer Corp. ARI Arlington Special Editions ARIC Aristocrat Trailer Sales ARIE Colt (model of Ariel) ARIE Ariel (British) ARII Aristocrat Industries, Inc. ARIN Emperor ARIN Ariens Co. ARIS Aristocrat Motor Home ARIT Arista ARJ Arctco, Inc. (Thief River Falls, MN) ARK Arkansas Traveler Boat ARLB Arlberg ARMA Armadillo Trailers, Inc. ARMC Armor Chassis LLC ARMH Armor Homes of Virginia ARMN Airman, Inc. ARMO Armor Mobile Homes Mfg. Co. ARMR Armor Mobile Systems, Inc. ARMR Armor Trailers ARMS Armstrong Siddeley ARMT American Road Trailer Camper ARND Arnold Travel Trailer Mfg. Co. ARNG Arising Industries, Inc. ARNL Arnold Mfg. Co. ARNO Arnolt-Bristol ARNT Arndt Trailers AROM Aero Mfg., Inc. AROS Aros ARPS Arps Div. ARPS Johnson Workhorse ARR Arrowcraft ARRC Arrow Campers, Inc. ARRM Arrow Motor Homes ARRO Arrow ARRT Arrow Trailers, Inc. ARRW Arrowhead Trailers ARSC Ascort ARSN Arsenal Trailer Mfg., Inc. ARTA Art James Mfg. ARTG Artcraft of Georgia ARTH Artcraft Mobile Homes Mfg. Co. ARTI Artie ARTM Art In Motion, LLC ARTX Artex Fabricators, Ltd. ARV Arrowhead Yachts (Vinita, OK) ARW Arrow Glass ARW Day Co. ARW Day Marine, Inc. ARZ Arkansas Homemade Boats ASA ASA ASBU Asbury Inds., Inc. ASBY Ashby Brothers ASEC All South Equipment Corp. ASG Academy Broadway Corp. ASH Ashcraft Boat Co. ASHD Ashdown Mfg. Corp. ASHL Ashley ASHT Ashton Trailer ASI ASI Trailer ASIN Ashland Inds., Inc. ASK Arizona Ski Boats ASM Anderson Suncoast Marine ASM Suncoast Marine ASMO AS Motors ASMT ASM Trailers ASP Aquasport, Inc. ASPE Aspen Camper, Inc. ASPL Asplundh Mfg. Div., Asplundh Tree Expert Co. ASPL Asplundh Mfg. Div. ASPN Aspen Trailer, Inc. ASPS Aspes ASPT ASPT ASPW American Sportworks, LLC (Parent Co.; Manco) ASR All Star AST Astroglass Boats (Pro Craft) ASTC American Sport Trailer, LLC ASTO Aston Martin ASTR Astro Mobile Homes Mfg. Co. ASUN Asuna ASVE Assembled Vehicle (see NCIC 2000 Operating Manual, Vehicle File chapter) ATAS Atlas ATCH Attachment Technologies, Inc. (ATI) ATCM Alltech Communications, LLC ATCO Atlas Copco, Inc. ATEK Atek, LLC ATEX Attex ATHE Athey Products Corp. ATHE Kolman Div., Athey Products Corp. ATHN Athens Park Homes, LLC ATJ Alcar Fiberglass & Boat Co. ATK ATK America, Inc. ATL Aristo Craft Boat Corp. ATL Atlanta Boat Works ATLA Atlantic Coast Camper ATLC Atlantic Mobile Corp. ATLD Atlas Div. ATLN Atlantic Mobile Sales ATLS Atlas Hoist & Body, Inc. ATLT Atlas Tool & Mfg. Co. ATM Atlantic Steam Works ATM Atlantic Boat Works (Camden, ME) ATOC A-T-O Construction Equipment Div., A-T-O, Inc. ATQ Atlantic Eastern Corp. ATSP Atlas Specialty Products ATTC Associated Truck & Trailer ATV All-terrain Vehicle (for further explanation see NCIC 2000 Operating Manual, Vehicle File chapter) ATWC Aluma Tower Co., Inc. ATWO Atwood Mobile Home ATZ Attex Intl. (Akron, OH) AUBN Auburn Homes AUBU Auburn AUDI Audi AUG Augustana AUHE Austin-Healy AUKR Autokraft AULI Aulick Mfg. AUPA Hongdou-Aupa Motorcycle Co. Ltd. or Aupa Motorcycle Co., Ltd. AUPA Aupa Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Hongdou-Aupa Motorcycle Co. Ltd. AUPR Austin Products, Inc. AURA Auranthetic Charger AURO Aurora Mobile Homes AURR Aurora AUST Austin AUTA Autobianchi AUTB Autobieu AUTE Automatic Equipment Mfg. AUTH Auto Homes Inds. AUTI Auto Trailer Co. AUTM Auto-Mate AUTO Autocar AUTR Autocarrier & A.C. AUTS Auto Ski, Inc. AUTT Automatic Drilling Machines, Inc. AUTU Auto Union AUWE Austin-Western Div. AVA Ava Travel Trailer AVA Seamaster Marine AVAC Avalair Corp. AVAL Available AVAN Avanti AVAO Avalon Mobile Homes AVB Seagull Marine AVB Avon Rubber Co. (Irvine, CA) AVC Acton Fiberglass, Inc. AVCO Avco Corp. AVEN Avenger AVGN Avenger Corp. AVI Advantage Boats, Inc. AVIA Avia AVIO Avion Coach Corp. AVN Advanced Marine Concepts, Inc. AVN Avenger Mfg. Co., Inc. AVNT Avant AVP Avanti Ind., Inc. AVRA Avera Motors, Inc. (electric vehicles) AVTI Avanti AVY Arrivee, Inc. AWAY Away We Go Travel Trailer AWB Alumaweld Boats AWDE All Wheel Drive Equip. Mfg., Inc. AWL Alweld Commercial Boats AXC Arctic Enterprises AXC Spirit Marine AXE Aqua Terra Mfg. Co. (Indianola, IA) AXIS Axis Corp. AXLE Axle & Equipment Sales Co. AXT Aztec Boat Corp. AYR Ayr-Way Ind. AYRW Ayr-Way Campers AZA R K Bently & Sons (Newport Beach, CA) AZAL Azalea Homes AZCA AZCAL Trailers AZMF A-Z Mfg. AZTC Aztec Products, Inc. AZTE Aztec Mobile Homes AZTM Arizona Trailer Mfg., Inc. AZTT Aztec Trailer, Inc. AZTX AZTX or Az-Tex Trailers AZUR Azure Dynamics (electric vehicles) AZUR Azure Dynamics AZZ Arizona Homemade Boats BABC Babcocks Mobile Home Mfg. Co. BACC Bar-C Horse Trailer BACK Backyard Choppers, LLC BACR Backroad Choppers or Backroad Choppers, LLC BADC Badger Construction Equipment Co., Div. of Burro-Badger Corp. BADE Balderson, Inc. BADG Badger Trailer Co. BADR Badger Machine Div. BAGG Baggetts Trailer Connection BAGL Bag Lady, Inc. (Megga Baggers) BAGL Bag Lady, Inc. (Megga Baggers) BAH Bahner Custom Boats, Inc. BAIL Baillies Tri-R Welding BAIL Tri-R BAIN Bainbridge Motor Home BAJA Baja U.S.A. BAKB Baker Trailers BAKE Baker Equipment & Engineering Co. BAKI Baker Trailer & Body Co. BAKR Baker Material Handling Corp. BALB Balboa Motor Home BALD Baldwin Enterprises BALE BaleMuvr BALI Balko, Inc. BALI Sno Van BALK Balkan BALL Ballien Mfg. Co. BALT Baltz Inds., Inc. BALT Durabilt BALZ Balzer Mfg. Corp. BAM Browning Aerocraft Marine BAM Thunderbird Products Corp. BAMA Badger-Northland, Inc. BAMC Baron Motorcycle Co. BAME Bame Three Axle Trailer BAMH Barrington Homes BAND Bandera Trailer BANE Banens Trailers BANH Bankhead Enterprises, Inc. BANK Bankhead Welding Service BANM Bantam BANN Banner Inds., Inc. BANN Banner Homes Corp. BANT Shield Telekrane BANT Bantam (for reference only; see BANM) BANT Bantam BANT Bantam (for reference only; see BNTM) BANT Bantam Camp Trailer (for reference only; see BATM) BAOT Baotian Motorcycle Ind. Co., Ltd. or Jiangmen Sino-Hong Kong Baotian Motorcycle Ind., Co, Ltd. BAOT Jiangmen Sino-Hong Kong Baotian Motorcycle Ind., Co., Ltd. or Baotian Motorcycle Ind. Co., Ltd. BAQ Bear Airboats BAQ Bear Mfg. BAR Barron Boats, Inc. BARA Bar-A-Horse Trailer BARB Telsmith Div., Subsidiary of Barber-Greene Co. BARB Barber-Greene Co. BARC Barcraft Homes, Inc. BARE Barrett Trailers, Inc. BARE Circle B Livestock Trailers BARE Baretta (for reference only; see BRTT) BARH Barth Corp. BARI Barrentine Mfg. Co. BARK Barker Trailer Mfrs., Inc. BARL Bartlett Trailer Corp. BARN Barnes Pump Drain Unit BARO Baron Homes, Inc. BARR Barret BART Bartolini Chassis Trailer BAS Bass Cats Boats (Mountain Home, AR) BASH BaShan Motor/BaShan Motorcycle or Astronautical BaShan Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd. BASH Astronautical BaShan Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd. or BaShan Motor/BaShan Motorcycle BASS Bass Trail Trailer Co., Inc. BATA Batavia Trailers, Inc. BATL B & A Trailers BATM Bantam Camp Trailer BAUG Baughman Mfg. Co. BAUR Bauer Compressors BAY Bay Trailers BAYC Bay City Shovels, Inc. BAYM Bay Marine & Propeller Co. BBBS B.B.'s Trailers BBCB B & B Custom Built Trailers BBCC Big Boar Custom Cycles, Inc. BBCH B & B Cozy-Home BBEE BeeBee Sales Co. BBK Brooks Boats (Mount Desert, ME) BBMI B & B Manufacturing BBMW Bad Boy, Inc. or Bad Boy Mowers BBMW Bad Boy, Inc. or Bad Boy Mowers BBMW Bad Boy, Inc. or Bad Boy Motors BBOY Bad Boy Buggies BBQ Brooks Fiberglass Co. BBQ Bullet Boats, Inc. BBRN Biker Barn or Biker Barn Cycles BBTM B & B Trailer Mfg., Inc. BBU Blue Buoy Yachts BBW Bourgets Bike Works BBWI Brownell Systems, Inc. or Brownell Boat Works, Inc. BCB B-Craft Boat Mfg. Co BCC Beachcraft Marine BCF Beach-Craft Boats BCF1 Boicourt Marine (Toledo, WA) BCGC Budget Custom Golf Cars, LLC BCIB BCI or Bus and Coach International BCKC Beck Corporation BCKM Buckmobile Co. or The Buckmobile Co. BCKY Backyard Trailers, LLC BCM Baycraft Marine (Irvine, CA) BCMW Beacon Metal Works BCP Brendella Custom Boats BCT Boat City Paint & Body Shop (Pensacola, FL) BCZ Buster Boat Co. BDB Blackman Boat Service (San Diego, CA) BDBY Bad Boy, Inc. (low speed elec. veh.) BDFL Bender-Florin BDG Badger Boat Builder (Couderway, WI) BEAC Beachcomber Inds., Ltd. BEAD Beardmore BEAE Beaver Monterey Motor Home BEAI Beaird Payliner BEAL Beall, Inc. BEAM Beach-Craft Motor Homes Corp. BEAN Bear Industrial Trailers BEAR Motor Homes of America, Inc. BEAT Beall Trans-Liner, Inc. BEAU Beaumont (for reference only; see ACAD) BEAV Beaver Trailer BEB Beacon Boats (Bristol, RI) BEBE Bebe BEBO Bee Bob Trailers BEC Beck Camping Trailer BEC CMF Boats BEC Fiberglass Products Co., Inc. BECK Becker, Charles H., Inc. BECK Charles H. Becker, Inc. BEDE Bedell Trailers BEDF Bedford BEDX Statesman Mobile Home BEDX Bendix Corp. BEEA Beechcraft Mobile Home BEEC Beechwood Inds., Inc. BEEE Bee-Line Travel Trailers or Mobile Homes, Inc. BEEG Beemer & Grubb Enterprises BEEH Beechwood Motor Home BEEI Bee Trailers, Inc. BEEM Beemer Trailer Mfg. & Sales BEET Beeat Truck Mount Camper BEH Berg Boats, Inc. BEIL Beiler Hydraulics, Inc. BEJ Bob E. Ayou Jr. Co. (Costa Mesa, CA) BEJE Beijing Jeep BELA Bel-Aire Campers or Coaches BELE Bel-Aire Mobile Homes BELF Bell Mfg. Corp. BELH Belshe Trailer BELL Bella Casa Co. BELN Bellamys Mfr. & Research Products BELP Bellaire Products BELR Bellews Perris Balley Campers BELS Bells Camp Trailers BELT Bells Custom Coaches BELU Belarus Machinery, Inc. BELV Belvedere Mobile Homes BEM Bemidji Boat Co., Inc. BEM Core Craft Canoes BEND Bendron Enterprises BENE Benelli (Italy) BENL Benlo Co. BENS Benson Truck Bodies, Inc. BENT Bentley BEPO Beaird-Poulan Div., Emerson Electric Co. BER Whittaker Corp. BER Bertram Yacht BERE Berkeley Pump Co. BERG Bergantine BERH Berkshire Inds. BERK Berkley BERM Bermar Mfg. Corp. BERO Bertone BERR Bering BERT Bertran Trailer BERU Bermuda Bikes (for reference only; see FLAN) BERV Ber-Vac (Canada) BESA Besasie Automobile Co., Inc. BETA Beta BETE Betten France Transportation BETH Bethany Fellowship BETT Better Built BEVR Beaver Mfg. Corp. BEZ Bezer Boats (Lake Havasu City, AZ) BFF Spectrum (Topeka, IN) BFF Blue Fin Ind., Inc. BFG Browning F/G Boat (Powell, TN) BFI Burchfiel Mfg. BFOS B. Foster & Co. BFP Biffy Fiberglass Products (Encinitas, CA) BFSC B & F Specialties Co. BGCF Big Chief Motorsports BGCH Big Bear Choppers BGDG Big Dog Custom Motorcycles, Inc. BGHM Bingham BGTI B & G Trailers, Inc. BGVW Bridgeview Mfg., LLC BHD Plastics Div. of Indus (Atlanta, GA) BHME Burlington Homes of Maine BHNK Behnke Enterprises BHS J. L. Rykard BHS Bass Hound BHWS B H Workman & Sons, Inc. (Workman and Sons, Inc.) BHZD Biohazard Cycles, Inc. BIA Zebra Marine (Pompano Beach, FL) BIAN Bianchi BIAN Snark (mfd. by Bianchi Co., Italy; national distributor is Snark Mopeds, Inc.) BIBB Bibb Welding & Trailers, LLC BIBK Big Inch Bikes BID Biddison Designs, Inc. BIDD Biddle BIEW Biewer Inds. BIGB Big Bubbas BIGF Bigfoot Ind., Inc. BIGH Big Horn Trailer BIGI Big Well Inds. BIGJ Big Joe Mfg. Co. BIGM Bigman Electric Vehicles or B.I.G. Man (low speed vehicle) BIGT Big Tex BIGV Big Valley Trailers, Inc. BILE Biltmore Mobile Homes BILK Bilken Enterprises BILL Bills Welding Model Trailer BILR Biltrite Mobile Homes BILT Biltwell (or Builtwell) BILT Builtwell BIMO Bi-Motor Stallion BIMT Bimota Motorcycles BINK Binkley Co., The BINS Binks Mfg. Co. BIOT Biot Camping Trailer BIQ Beatty Ind. BIRD Bird BIRE Bird Engineering, Inc. BIRE Max Trailer BIRK Birkin Cars (Pty), Ltd. BIRM Birmingham Mfg. Co., Inc. BISN Bison Mfg., LLC BITT Bitter BIVO Bivouac Inds., Inc. BIZZ Bizzarrini BJAA Baja Custom Trailers BJC Bojo Boat Co. BJC Durkee Enterprises, Inc. BJCT BJs Custom Trailers BJEN B & J Enterprises, Inc. BJMC BJ Mfg. Co. BJMS Bill James Trailer Sales BJTL Big John Trailers, Inc. BKA Koffler Boats, Inc. BKDN Buck Dandy Co. BKH Bass Hunter BKHM Beckham Trailer, Inc. BKT BCB Enterprises BKT Baker Custom Boats BKTK Back Track Trailers BL1 Bayliner Marine, Inc. (Pipestone, MN) BL2 Bayliner Marine, Inc. (Valdosta, GA) BL3 Bayliner Marine, Inc. (Spokane, WA) BL4 Bayliner Marine, Inc. (New Bern, NC) BL5 Bayliner Marine, Inc. (Spokane, WA) BLAB Black Built BLAC Black Diamond Trailer, Inc. BLAD Blade BLAE Blazer BLAH Blanchard Foundry Co. BLAI Blair Horse Trailer BLAK Black Diamond Enterprises BLAN Blanco (for reference only; see INGL) BLAO Blaw-Knox Construction Equipment Co. BLAR Blaze Inds. BLAS Blaines Custom Mfg. Service BLAW Blackwell Burner Co. BLAZ Blazon Mobile Homes Corp. BLB Bayliner Marine, Inc. (Seattle, WA) BLCH Builders Choice BLDC Black & Decker BLDG Bulldog Trailers Sales, Inc. BLDM Blademor BLGA Blue Gator Boat Trailer BLIN B Line Farm Equipment Co. BLIN B-Line Farm Equipment BLIT Blitz Mfg. Co. BLIX Blix Coach BLIZ Blizzard Mfg., Inc. BLJX Bil-Jax, Inc. BLKB Black Bear Mfg. BLKE Bulk Equipment Mfr., Inc. BLKH Blackhawk Motor Works, Inc., or Black Hawk Bikes BLKH Black Hawk Bikes or Blackhawk Motor Works, Inc. BLKI Bulk Solutions, LLC or Bulk International S. DE R.L. DE C.V. BLKS Bulk Solutions, LLC BLKT Blackstone Trailer Company LP BLLU Bellues Welding BLLV Bellview Camper BLMT Belmont Machine BLOM Bloomer Trailer Mfg., Inc. BLOO Bloom, Inc. BLOT Ballot BLP Bomber Raider BLRG Blueridge Trailers BLRT Bilt-Rite Trailers, Inc. BLS Blue Star Marine Corp. BLST Blake Trailers BLTR Bullet Trailers, Inc. BLUB Blue Bird Body Co. BLUE Blue Ribbon Coach Co. BLUG Blue-Ridge Pre-Built Mobile Homes BLUG Blue Ridge Pre-Built Homes BLUG Honey Motor Home BLUI Bluebird Intl. BLUJ Blue, John Co. BLUJ Blue Trailer BLUJ John Blue Co. BLUT Blue Ribbon Trailers, Ltd. BLY Bayou Boats BMBM B-M-B Mfg. Co. BMBM B.M.B. Mfg. Co. BMBR Moto-Ski BMBR Recreational Products Group BMBR Ski-Doo BMBR Bombardier, Inc. BMBR Bombardier BMC B M C BMC BMC BMCM BMC Motorcycle Co. BMEQ Boise Mobile Equipment BMFT BMF Trailer Works, LLC BMH Bay Marine Plastics BMMF B & M Mfg. Co. BMMF Sea King Boat Trailer BMMF Haul-Rite Boat Trailer BMMM Beatrice Motor Mart Mfg. BMMM Easy-Haul BMOF Blue Mountain Outfitters, Inc. BMPC Barr Marine Products Co., Inc. BMPR Baldwin Marine Products BMR Biesmeyer Boats BMTR Boat Master Trailers BMW BMW (Germany) BMW BMW X1 BMW BMW of North America BMW BMW BMX BMX BNB Bonair Boats, Inc. BNDR Bounder Motor Home BNDT Bandit Industries BNE Binder & Associates, Inc. (Osprey, FL) BNHR Ben Hur BNL Brownlow Mfg. Co. BNLX Brown Lenox & Co., Ltd. BNM Bonanza Molding Corp. BNMT BNM Trailer Sales, Inc. BNR Ski West Boats, Inc. (Merced, CA) BNS Bons Bateaux, Inc. BNST B & S Boat Trailer Mfg. Co. BNT Bonito Boats, Inc. BNTM Bantam BNU Force Engineering BNV BYI, Ltd., N.V. BNZ Bentz Craft (Old Hickory, TN) BNZ Stratos Boats, Inc. (Murfreesboro, TN) BNZA Bonanza BNZH Benzhou Vehicle Industry Grp. Co., Ltd. BOAN Boanza Mobile Homes BOAR Boardman Co. BOAS Boa-Ski Alsport, Ltd. BOAS Alsport/Boa-Ski BOAS Alsport BOAS Boa Ski BOAT Boatel Ski BOB Bob S Trailer BOBB Bobbi-Kar BOBC Bob Coons BOBK Bobko, Inc. BOBM Bobbys Custom Camper Mfg. BOCA Bocar BOCE Broce Mfg. Co. BOCK Bock Products, Inc. BOCS Bo Cats, Inc. BOCT Bobcat (for reference only; see MELR) BOCT Bobcat Skid Steer Loader (for reference only; see MELR) BODZ Bod-Eze BOER Inter-National Crane & Trailer, Inc. BOER Boerne Trailer Mfg. BOHU Bolens (for reference only; see OPED) BOIS Boise Cascade Mobile Home BOLA Boles-Aero, Inc. BOLE Bolens (for reference only; see OPED) BOLG Bolinger Flatbed Trailer BOLR Boler Mfg., Ltd. BOMA Bo-Mar Mfg. Co. BOMB Bombardier (Canada--also see Can-Am & Puch) BOMB Ski Doo BOMB Bombardier, Ltd. BOMB Bombardier BOMF Bomford & Evershed, Ltd. (England) BOMG Bomag Trailer BONA Bon-Aire Homes, Inc. BONC Bonanza Travel Coach, Inc. BOND Bond BONE Bond Mobile Homes, Inc. BONI Bonnieville Mfg. Co. BOO Boats Unlimited (Georgetown, SC) BOOM Boom Trikes USA BOON Boone Trailers, Inc. BORC Borg Co. BORF Born Free BORG Borgward BOSM Boss Motorsports BOSP Boss Powersports BOSS Boss Hoss Cycle, Inc. BOT Bradford Boatworks, Inc. BOTL Boatel Trailer BOUL Boulder Trailer BOUR Bourg Chemical Distrib., Inc. BOWE Bowers Mfg. Co. BOWI Bowie Inds. Corp. BOWM Bowman & Sons BOWN Bowen Mobile Homes, Inc. BOWN Charmer Mobile Home BOWS Bowsman Trailers BOXR Boxer Trailer BOYD E.G. Boyd Trailer Co. BOYD Boyd, E.G., Trailer Co. BOYE Boyesen, Inc. BOYL Boylon Sales, Inc. (low-speed vehicles) BOYR Boyer Inds. BOZR Bonanza & Rawhide Trailer Co. BPC Buccaneer Power Boats BQGR B Q Grills BRA Bryant Boats, Inc. (Sweetwater, TN) BRAC Braco Custom Products BRAD Brandt Trailers, Inc. BRAF Bradford Inds. BRAL Brall Motor Home BRAM Brammo, Inc. BRAN Branstrator Engineering Corp. BRAO Bravo (for reference only; see VESP) BRAS Brasinca BRAT Brantley Mfg. Co. BRAU Braughms Travel Trailer BRAV Bravo Trailer BRAW Brandywine Travel Trailer BRAY Bray Trailers BRB Barnett Boats (Green Lake, WI) BRBG Berrien Buggy, Inc. BRC Bramco, Inc. BRCK Brock's Trailers, Inc. BRCO Barco Mfg. Co. BRCT Bear Cat Mfg., Inc. BRCV Brown Cargo Van, Inc. BRCV Seaswirl Boats (Culver, OR) BRD Broadbill Marine Corp. BRDC Bradco BRDG Bridger Fire, Inc. BRDK Brooks Horse Trailer BRDL Bradley GT BRDR Broderson Mfg. Corp. BRDV Breedlove Motor Works, Inc. (VX Unlimited, Inc.) BREE Breeze Motor Home BREI Brent Inds. BREK Break BREM Bremen Sport Equipment, Inc. (Bremen, IN) BREN Brenner Tank, Inc. BREQ Brothers Equipment, Inc. BRET Brentwood Mobile Homes BREW Brewer Utility BREZ Breeze Camping Travel Trailer BRGR Bridgers Coaches, Inc. BRGS Briggs Mfg., Inc. BRGV Bridgeville Trailers, Inc. BRIC Bricklin BRID Bridgestone BRIE Port-O-Hauler BRIE Bridge Mfg. & Equipment Co. BRIG Brigadier Mobile Homes BRIH Brighton Built Trailers BRIL Brillion Iron Works Div., Beatrice Foods Co. BRIO Woodbrook BRIO Bristol Homes BRIS Bristol BRIT Bristol Mfg. Co. BRKH Burkholder Mfg. BRKL Brook Line Mfg., Inc. BRKO Barka Hydraulics, LLC BRKW Brookwood Mobile Home BRLC J. G. Brill Co. BRLL Borella BRMR BRI-MAR Manufacturing BRMR Brown Marine Engineering BRNC The Braun Corporation BRND Brandy Inds. BRNG Bering Truck Distribution-Virginia BRNN Barron Fabrications, Inc. BRNP Brenderup Trailers, Inc. BRO F & E Mfg. BRO Bracon Ind., Inc. BROA Broadlane Homes, Inc. of Indiana BROB Brobts & Associates BROC Brockway BROD Broadmore Mobile Homes BROE Brooten Fabricating, Inc. BROH Broyhill Co., The BROK Broken Arrow Mobile Home BRON Broncco (Italy) BROO Brooklyn Trailer BROR Brock Star Trailer BROS Brothers Div. BROS Bros. Div. BROT Brooks Brothers Trailers, Inc. BROU Brougham Inds., Inc. BROW Brown Trailer BROY Brown Inds. BRR Burr Brothers Boats, Inc. (Marion, MA) BRRN Braun Ind., Inc. BRRO Burro, Inc. BRRY Barry's Trailers BRS Burr Sailboat Sails BRSH Brush (antique vehicles) BRSN Branson Trailer Mfg. BRST Briggs & Stratton Corp. BRSW Brunswick Corp. BRTE Brute Equipment, Inc. BRTI Brae Trailers, Inc. BRTK Bear Track Prod., Inc. BRTO Bertolini Container Co. BRTR Bear Trailer Mfg., Inc. BRTT Baretta BRU Indian River Boats BRU Smyrna Skiffs BRUN Brunswick Travel Trailer BRUT Brutt BRUZ Brutanza BRUZ Brutanza Engineering, Inc. BRW Harwill, Inc. BRW Browning Marine Div. & Aero-Craft Boat BRWD Broward Trailer BRWN Brown BSA BSA (United Kingdom) BSB Busse Brown Trailer BSD Banshee Intl., Inc. BSEA British Seagull Co., Ltd. BSKI Bosski, Inc. BSM Bassmaster Boats BSTR Best Trailer, Inc. BSV J C Mfg., Inc. (North Webster, IN) BTD B-Craft Boat Co. BTE Bronta Boat Co., Inc. BTEC Bradtec, Ltd. BTHE Bootheel Custom Trailers BTMI Boatmate Trailers, Inc. BTPI Boat Trailers Pacific, Inc. BTR Cotton Mouth Ind., Inc. (French Settlement, LA) BTVS Regency (model of Batavus Mo-ped) BTVS Batavus Mo-ped BUCC Buccaneer Mobile Homes BUCI Bucita Pop Top Trailer BUCK Buck Camper Co. BUCM Buckeye Mobile Homes, Inc. BUCN Buckeye Flatbed Trailer BUCO Bucko, Inc. BUCS Buckskin Trailer Mfg. Co. BUCY Bucyrus-Erie Co. BUDC Budd Co. Trailer Div., The BUDD Buddy Mobile Homes, Inc. BUDG Budger Mfg. Co. BUDR Buck Dragster Flatbed BUDS Budson Knobby Flatbed Trailer BUEL Buell Motor Co. BUFF Buffalo-Bomag Div. BUG Bug BUG Burgess Ent. BUG Precision (Fairbanks, AK) BUGA Bugatti BUHL Buhl Machine Works BUIC Buick Motors (Div. of General Motors) BUIC Buick BUIC Buick Verano BUIL Built Rite Trailer BUJ Bass Tracker Corp. BUJ Bass Unlimited, Inc. BULK Bulk-Hauler Trailer BULK Killebrew Mfg. Co. BULL Bullmobile Trailer, Inc. BULM Bulk Manufacturing Co. BULP Bulletproof Trailers BULR Bulk Resources, Inc., doing business as Bulk Mfg. Co. BULT Bultaco (Spain) BUNT Bunton Co. BUNY Paul Bunyan Co. BUNY Bunyan, Paul Co. BURC Burch Trailer BURD Burrito (also see make J. C. Penney) BURE Burkeen Equipment & Supply Co. BURK Burkhart Trailer Mfg. Co. BURL Burlington Mfg. Co. BURN Burnup & Sims, Inc. BURO Burrito (also see make J. C. Penney) BURR Burris Stock Trailer BUSH Bushcraft Trailer BUSO Bushog Div. BUSO Bushog/Loadcraft (for reference only; see LODC) BUSP Buffalo-Springfield Div. BUTE Butler, L. T. BUTE L. T. Butler BUTL Butler Mfg. Co. BUTT Butterfield Musketeer BUU Bass Tub, Inc. BVCR Beaver Creek Enterprises BVD Brevard Boat Works BVD Fleetwing BVM Bandit Mfg., Inc. (Vian, OK) BWAY Better-Way Products, Inc. BWB Broadwater Boat Co. BWC Boston Whaler, Inc. BWCM Black Widow Custom Motorcycle Works, Inc. BWCT B & W Custom Trailers, Inc. BWGH Better Weigh Mfg. BWH Blue Water Boat Works BWHO B & W Homes, Inc. BWR Barracuda Boats (Long Beach, CA) BWSM BWS Mfg., Ltd. BWV B & W Plastics, Inc. (Statesboro, GA) BWY Blue Water Boats BWZ Bowland Marine BXE Bellco Boats, Inc. BXJ Billy Seebold Racing Boats BXJ Eagle Boat, Ltd. BYER Byerly Trailer & Mfg. Co. BYMW Boydstun Metal Works, Inc. BYN Bayrunner Boats, Inc. (Woodbine, NJ) BYNG Buyang Group Co., Ltd. BYOR Baker-York Forklift BYRD Byrd Ind. BYRM Byers Mfg., Inc. BYRM Sno-Trailer BYRS Byers BYRT Bye-Rite Corp. BYSN Byson Trailers BZA B & A Dist. Co. (Portland, OR) BZEL B & Z Electric Car Co. BZI Bush-Wacker Boat, Inc. CAAR Carabela (Mexico) CAB Bangor Punta Marine CAB Cal Boats CABA Cabana Motor Home CABK Campus Bike CACA Car Caddy CACC Callahan Custom Choppers CACR Can-Car (Canadian Car Trailer Sales Div.) CACV Classic Acquisitions, LLC CACY Caper Cycle CADE Cadet Coach Corp. CADF Cadillac Fabrication, Inc. CADI Cadillac CADM Cadman Power Equip., Ltd. CAFF Califfo CAGI Cagiva CAHA Campbell-Hausfeld Div., Scott & Fetzer Co. CAL California Boat Mfg. Co. CALC Calcinator CALD E. L. Caldwell & Sons, Inc. CALD Caldwell, E. L., & Sons, Inc. CALF California Camper Mfg. CALH California Mobile Homes CALI Calvia Brothers Trailer Mfg. CALK Calkins Trailer CALL Callahan Engineering Co. CALM Calumet Co., Inc. CALN Callen Camper Co. CALO Capriolo CALS Calis Travel Trailer CALT Cal Trailer Mfg. CALU Calumet Coach Co. CALW Caldweld Div., Smith Intl., Inc. CALY Calypso CAMA Cambridge Homes, Inc. CAMB Cambridge Mfg. Co., Inc. CAMC Camp Cruiser Mfg. Co. CAMD Camel Camper Trailer CAME Camp Equipment Co., Inc. CAMF Camp Four Inds., Inc. CAMI Cam-Pact Co., Inc. CAML Camp-A-While Homes Mfg. Co. CAMM Camper City Coach Craft CAMO Camper Corp. of America CAMP Camper De Ville, Inc. CAMR Campers, Inc. CAMS Campers Unlimited CAMT Camelot Camper Trailer CAMU Camp-Mor, Inc. CAMV Camp-N-All Co. CAMY Cam-O-Tel Corp. CANA Can-Am CANC Tree Farmer Equipment Div. CANC Tree Farming Equipment Div. CANC Can-Car, Inc. CAND Canadian Trailmobile, Ltd. CANE Cane River Trailer Co., Inc. CANG Canoga Classic Campers CANN Cannondale Corporation CANO Canoga Mfg. Co., Inc. CANO Canoga Classic Campers (for reference only; see CANG) CANS C & S CANT Canton Trailer Co. CANV Canadian Electric Vehicles, Ltd. CAP Capri (imported by Mercury prior to 1979) CAPA Capital Inds., Inc. CAPC Capco Flatbed CAPE Capre Carrocerias Preconstruidas SA CAPH Cataphote CAPI Capitol CAPL Capitol Trailer Coach Co. CAPM Caprice Homes Mfrs. Co. CAPR Capri CAPT Capacity of Texas, Inc. CAR Cargile, Inc. CARA Car Camp CARB Caravan Inds. CARC Carter Trailer Co., Inc. CARD Caravel Inds. CARE Cardinal Inds. CARF Care-Free Camper Mfg. Co. CARG Carriage, Inc. CARH Surry Mobile Homes CARH Cardinal Homes, Inc. CARI Caribou Craft Pickup Camper & Trailer Mfg. Co. CARK Carley CARL Carlisle CARM Carma Mfg. Co. CARN Carolina Mobile Homes CARO Carolina Travel Trailers CARP Carpenter Mfg., Inc. CARR Carrie-Craft Div. CARS Carry Craft Trailers CART Car-Tel Corp. CARW Carnes Welding & Fabricating Co. CARW Load Ease CARY Carey Trailers, Inc. CASA Casa Manana Mfg. Corp. CASC Cascade Corp. CASE Case, J. I., Co. CASE Construction King CASE J. I. Case Co. CASE Case-General Trailer (for reference only) CASH Cascade Coach Co. CASI Casita Enterprises, Inc. CASL Casal CASM Cascade Custom Mfg., Inc. CASR Cash Trailers, Inc. CAST Castle Enterprises, Inc. CAT Caterpillar Tractor Co. CAT Carolina Cat CAT Traxcavator Bulldozer CAT Caterpillar CATA Catalina Amphibious Homes CATC Classic Aluminum Trailer Corp. CATE Caterham Car Sales & Coach Works CATI Carson Trailer, Inc. CATL Catalina Motor Home CATM Cat CATO Catolac Corp. CAU Calkins CAUL Caulkins Boat Trailer CAV Criterion Co., Inc. CAVA Cavalier Homes, Inc. CAVC Cavalier Trailer Mfg. Co. CAVE Caveman Inds. CAVL Calvacade Inds., Inc. CBA Cobia Boat Co. CBC Chrysler Boat Corp. CBC Texas Marine Intl., Inc. CBCM C & B Custom Modular, Inc. CBGT Custom Built Gooseneck Trailers, Inc. CBM Cee Bee Mfg. Co. (Lynwood, CA) CBMA C. B. Mfg. Co., Inc. CBQT C & B Quality Trailer Works, Inc. CBRA Cobra Trailers CBRO Carter Brothers CBT Corson Boat Co. (Madison, ME) CBTL Custom Trikes CBTS Custom Built Trailer Sales & Mfg. CBUT Butler, C. Trailer Mfg. Co. CBUT C. Butler Trailer Mfg. Co. CBW Central Boat Works, Inc. CBW Crane Boat Works CBZ Craft Boat Works CCA Sunbird/Chris Craft (Algonac, MI) CCA Chris Craft (Algonac, MI) (see Sunbird/Chris Craft) CCAL Cen-Cal Trailer CCB Chris Craft (see OMC Chris Craft) CCB OMC Chris Craft (Sarasota, FL) CCC CCC CCC Crane Carrier Co. CCC Chris Craft (Bradenton, FL) CCCC Charlotte County Custom Cycles, Inc. CCCH Circle City Choppers, LLC CCCY Carefree Custom Cycles, LLC CCD Chris Craft CCDI C & C Distributors, Inc. CCF Chris Craft (Pompano Beach, FL) CCH Chris Craft CCH Murray Chris Craft (Holland, MI) CCK Collinscraft, Inc. CCLT Colt (for reference only; see ATAS) CCM Coast Catamaran Corp. CCM Hobie Cat CCMF C & C Manufacturing & Fab. CCMH Country Coach Motorhome CCN Chris Craft (see OMCCC, Inc. [Swansboro, NC]) CCNE OMCCC, Inc. (Swansboro, NC) CCOM Coulson Commander Trailers CCPI Carolina Custom Products, Inc. CCR Chris Craft Roamer (Holland, MI) CCT Chris Craft (Gallipolis, OH) CCTI C & C Trailers, Inc. CCU Chris Craft (Fiumicino, Italy) CCV OMCCC, Inc. (Goshen, IN) CCV Chris Craft (see OMCCC, Inc. [Goshen, IN]) CCWI Custom Chopper Werks, Inc. CCX Cruise Boats, Inc. CCY C & C Yachts, Inc. (Middletown, RI) CCYC CC Cycles CDC Craig Catamaran Corp. (Orlando, FL) CDR Cabral Boats CDR Carver Boat Corp. CEB Century Boat Co. CED CBC Enterprises CED Blackhawk Canoe Co., Inc. CEE Centurian Boats, Inc. (Merced, CA) CEEZ CZ Engineering, Inc. CEH Colorado Custom Design, Ltd. CEIQ CEI Equipment Co., Inc. CEM Cole Marine CEM Cole Boats CENA Central Inds., Inc. CENH Central Hitch & Equip., Inc. CENI Centurion Intl., Inc. CENI Gladiator CENP Central Purchasing, Inc. CENR Century Auto Body & Trailer Mfg. Co. CENT Centaur CENU Centurion Travel Trailer CENY Century Engineering Corp. CERF Certificate of Title or Origin (for use when make is not listed or when certificate is blank) CERT Certified Boat Trailer CESC C E Smith Co., Inc. CEVA Ceva Mfg. Co. CEWI Chariot Eagle West, Inc. CEZE Cezetta CFBT Custom Fab Bodies & Trailers, Inc. CFCH Colony Factory Crafted Homes CFD Custom Fiberglass Products CFD Tip-a-Canoe Stores, Inc. CFHG Chunfeng Holding Group Co., Ltd. CFLT Central Florida Trailer Sales, Inc. CFS Columbia Fiberglass CFT Cacci Craft, Inc. CFY Cobra Mfg. Co. CFZ California Homemade Boats CGC C & G Corp. (for reference only; see BARO) CGF Collins Craft, Inc. CGH Islander Marine (Winter Garden, FL) CGL Crown Custom Fiberglass CGL Royal Fiberglass CGM General Marine Ind. (Panama City, FL) CGMT Cargo Mate Trailer CGXP J & Ls Cargo Express CHAA Champ (for reference only; see PLYM) CHAC Challenge-Cook Brothers, Inc. CHAE Challenger Homes, Inc. CHAE Ranch House Mobile Home CHAG Charger Pick-up Campers CHAH Charmac Trailers CHAI Chaika CHAL Chamberlin Trailers CHAM Champion Home Builders Co. CHAM Tran Star CHAM Trans Van Motor Homes CHAM Trans Van CHAM Creger CHAN Chang Jiang or Dong Tian Enterprises CHAN Dong Tian Enterprises or Chang Jiang CHAO Chaozhong Industrial Co., Ltd. or Zhejiang Chaozhong Industrial Co., Ltd. CHAP Champ Corp. (for reference only; see CHCO) CHAP Chaparral CHAR Charlamor Corp. CHAT Chateau Mfg. Co., Inc. CHAU Chausse Mfg. Co., Inc. CHCI Chance Coach, Inc. CHCN Chemical Container, Inc. CHCO Champ Corp. CHE Challenger Boat, Inc. CHE Challenger Enterprises CHEC Checker CHEE Cherne Industrial, Inc. CHEM Chem-Farm, Inc. CHEN Cheney Weeder, Inc. CHEO Cherokee Camper CHEP Chevron Corp. CHER Cherokee Mobile Homes CHES Chesapeake Mobile Homes CHET Cheston & Eshelman Co. CHEV Chevrolet Cheyenne Orlando Sonic CHEV Chevrolet CHEV Chevrolet (Div. of General Motors) CHEX Chevelle Mobile Homes, Inc. CHFB Cherokee Fabrication Co., Inc. CHIA Chicago Pneumatic Equipment Div. CHIB Chibi CHIC Chickasha Mobile Homes CHIE Chief Ocala Trailer Mfg. CHII Bonnavilla CHII Chief Inds. CHIL Chilton Trailer Co., Inc. CHIM Chipmore Mfg. Co., Inc. CHIN Ching-Kan-Shan CHIP Chippewa Mobile Homes Corp. CHIS Chisolm Trailers, Inc. CHJ Triton Custom Boats CHJ Charger Custom Boats CHK Checkmate Boats, Inc. (Bucyrus, OH) CHKE Cherokee Mfg., Co. CHKG Chassis King, LLC CHLG Challenger Trailer CHLL Challenger (for reference only; see DODG) CHLM Changshu Light Motorcycle Factory CHLT Chalet RV, Inc. CHM Critchfield Marine, Inc. CHMC Cherokee Motorcycle Co. (previously known as Fast Trac) CHMI Chaparral Mfg., Inc. CHMM Chuanl Motorcycle Mfg., Ltd or Taizhou Chuanl Motorcycle Mfg., Ltd. CHMM Taizhou Chuanl Motorcycle Mfg., Ltd. or Chuanl Motorcycle Mfg., Ltd. CHMP Champ Horse Trailer CHMT Champion Trailers CHNA Changzhou Nanxiashu Tool Co., Inc. CHND Chandler Originals, Inc. CHNO Chinook CHNO Chinook Mobilodge, Inc. CHOC Chrysler Outboard Corp. CHOI Choice Trailer Mfg., Ltd. CHOP Chopper Nation, Inc. CHPL Chaperalle Horse Trailer CHPM Champion Pneumatic Machinery Co., Inc. CHPN Champion Bus, Inc. CHPP Chopper City USA, LLC CHPR Chaparral CHPR Chaparral Inds., Inc. CHPT Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. CHQT C & H Quality Trailer Sales, LLC CHRC Chris Craft Corp. CHRE Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. CHRI Snowflite CHRI Christianson Inds., Inc. CHRM Charming Motorcycle Mfg. Co, Ltd. Or Chongqing Charming Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd. CHRM Chrysler Corp., Marine Div. CHRO Chromalloy American Corp., Farm Systems Div. CHRS Chrysler Boat Co. CHRT Chariot Vans, Inc. CHRV LaStrada CHRV Chateau Recreational Vehicle Div. CHRY Chrysler CHRY Chrysler 200 CHSH Chop Shop Customs, Inc. CHT Cheetah Boat Mfg., Inc. CHTC Chaparral Trailer Co. of Arkansas, Inc. CHTH Cheetah CHTH Cheetah Chassis Corp. CHTI Chart, Inc. CHTM Chatham Enterprises Custom Mfg. & Sales CHUB Chubbs, Inc. CHUC Chuck Beck Motorsports CHUI Chuio CHUK Chukar, Inc. CHVL Chevallero Motor Home CHYI Chin Yuan Chi Casting Corp. CIAO Ciao (for reference only; see VESP) CICC Circle C Manufacturer CICU Circus City Custom Cycles, Inc. CIK Challenger Boat Works (Orlando, FL) CIMA Cimatti CIMA City Bike (model of Cimatti) CIMC CIMC Heavy Inds., Ltd. CIML Cimline CIMR Cimarron Mfg. Co. CIRC Circle S Star Route CIRD Circle D Trailer CIRH Circle H Horse Trailer CIRJ Circle J Stock Trailer (for reference only; see WTWI) CIRJ Western Trailer Works, Inc. (for reference only; see WTWI) CIRK Circle K Kennimore CIRM Circle M Trailers CIRR Circle R, Inc. CIRV Circle V Horse Trailer CIRW Circle W Trialers CISI Cisitalia (Consorzio Industriale Sportiva Italia) CITA Citation Travel Trailer CITC Cit E Cars (Previously Gator Moto; new MCO assigned With new company name) CITI Citicar (electric car) CITR Citroen CITY City Dump Trailer CIWE City Welding & Mfg. Co. CJC Culver-Chelle, Inc. CJGC China Jiangmen Group Co., Ltd. CJK California Rivers (Geyserville, CA) CJM Chaparral Marine Products CJM Laser Boats of Texas, Inc. CJR Carrera Boats CKB Cherokee Boat Co. CKL Concord Boat Corp. (Sherwood, AR) CKL Continental Boat CKP Cape Craft, Ltd. (St. James City, FL) CLA Classic Boat Corp. CLAA Clapper Camper CLAB Clark, B.M., Co., Inc. CLAB B.M. Clark Co., Inc. CLAC Classic Roadsters, Ltd. CLAC Dutchess (Classic Roadsters, Ltd.) CLAI Classic Motor Carriages, Inc. (Hallandale, FL) CLAM Clark Mfg. Co. CLAN Clar-Mont Mfg. Co. CLAR Clark Equipment Co. CLAR Crane Div. (LIMA), Clark Equipment Co. CLAR Construction Machinery Div., Clark Equipment Co. CLAS Classic Trailer Mfg. CLAT Expo V CLAT Hamilton House CLAT Clayton Homes, Inc. CLAX Claxton CLAY Clay Camper Co. CLAZ Clayton Craft CLBR Cleveland Brothers Equipment Co. CLCO Calico Trailers CLD Caldwell High Performance Boats (Pasco, WA) CLEA Cleasby CLEG Cleveland Mfg. Co., Inc. (CMC) CLEG CMC (Cleveland Mfg. Co., Inc.) CLEM Clement-Braswell CLEN Clenet Coach Works CLEV Cleveland Trencher Co. CLFX Colfax Trailer & Repair, LLC CLHM Calhome, Inc. CLIF Cliff Office Trailer CLIH Cliff Hall, Inc. CLIH Turn-A-Port CLIN Cline CLIP Clipper Mfg. Co. CLIT Clinton Engine Corp. CLIT Clinton Engines Corp. CLK Clark Boat Co. CLM Clipper Marine Corp. CLMB Columbia CLMC Clemco Inds. CLMN Coleman CLMS Classic Motorcycles & Sidecars, Inc. CLND Cross Lander CLON Colonial Flatbed Trailer CLOU Clough Equipment Co. CLOV Cloud Electric Vehicles CLSC Classic Motorworks, Ltd. CLSF Classic Fire, LLC CLSS Classic Mfg., Inc. CLST Claster Trailer CLTM Classic Trailers CLUA Clua CLUB Club Car, Inc. (NEV-Neighborhood Electric Vehicle) CLUM Columbia Trailer Co., Ltd. CLVA Calvade Trailer CLVR Cleavers of Bismarck CLWS Cliffs Welding Service, Inc. CLWX Clark-Wilcox CLYP Clypso Motor Home CLZ Colorado Homemade Boats CMA Crosby Marine Engr. Corp. CMAC Construction Machinery Co. CMBL Campbell Coach Co., Inc. CMBL CCC, Inc. CMCC California Motorcycle Co. CMCI Charleston Marine Containers, Inc. CMCO Birchwood CMCO Conchemco Homes Group CMCO El Camino CMCW CCM/Clews CMEO Cameo Travel Trailer CMFB Com-Fab, Inc. CMHM CMH Mfg., Inc. CMIC CMI Corp. CMIL CMI Load King CMMS Cummins Engine Co., Inc. CMN Custom Marine (Savannah, GA) CMO Cougar Marine, Inc. (North Miami Beach, FL) CMOR C-Mor CMP Camp Ways, Inc. CMPF Campfire Travel Trailer CMPG Campagna Moto Sport, Inc. CMPS Campsite Mfg. Co. CMPT Compact Equipment Co. CMSI CMSI CMSU Cam Superline, Inc. CMTL C & M, LLC CMWC CMWC Trailer Co., Inc. CNCG Continental Cargo CNE Carolina Boat Co. CNH Centark Ind., Inc. CNLS Cornelius Mfg., Inc. CNMI Contract Mfrs., Inc. CNNT Conntrail, Inc. CNO Conroy Ind. CNP Coleman Co., The (Wichita, KS) CNRD Concord Products, Inc. CNRY Conroy Inds. CNST Constructore Trailers, Inc. CNT Coronet Boats of North America CNTI Century Industries, Inc. CNTK Counts Kustom CNTL Continental Wheel & Trailer CNTR Centreville Trailer CNTX Centex CNVY Convey-All Industries, Inc. CNWD Conwed Trailer COAC Coach Craft, Inc. COAH Coachmen Homes Corp. COAH Coachmen Inds., Inc. COAH Pendleton COAH Consolidated Leisure COAI Coach House, Inc. COAM Middlebury COAS Coastal Trailer Corp. COB Classic Boats (Lindenhurst, NY) COBM Cobra Motorcycles COBR AC Cobra COBR Cobra Travel Trailers COBU Coburn Inds., Inc. COCF Country Comfort Trailers COCH Cochran Western Corp. COCH Galley Truck COCL Country Clipper COCO Conmaco, Inc. COCO Concord COCP Conceptor Inds., Inc. CODA Coda Automotive, Inc. (electric vehicles) CODY Cody Motorcycle Trailer COEQ Unlisted construction equipment make COEQ Construction equipment (for use when make is not listed) COJ Commander Boats COLB Imperial (mfd. by Columbia Mfg. Co. for Montgomery Ward) COLB Motrek (mfd. by Columbia Mfg. Co.) COLB Western Flyer (mfd. by Columbia) COLB Columbia Mfg. Co. (subsidiary of Yard-Man Co.; Columbia Commuter) COLB Yard-Man (see Columbia Mfg. Co.) COLE Coleman Camping Trailers COLF Colonial Mobile Homes Mfg. COLG Colony Mfg. & Sales Corp. COLL Collins Bus COLM Columbia Tractor Mower COLN Columbia Northwest, Inc. COLO Colorado Mobile Homes COLP Colt Camper, Inc. COLS Columbia Mobile Homes, Inc. COLT Colt COLT Colt (for reference only; see SUZI) COLU Columbine Camp & Coach COMA Comanche Mobile Homes COMC Comanche Trailer Corp. COMD Commander Motor Home COME Comet Corp. COMI Competitive Boat Trailer COML Commerical Structures COMM Com-Camp COMN Comet Construction Co. COMO Comet Mobile Homes COMP Ruffian COMP Commodore Corp. COMR Commercial Vehicles, Inc. COMR Mobile Lab COMT Comet Riding Mower COMU Commuter Inds., Inc. COMV Commuter Vehicles, Inc. COMY Commune COMY Community Homes, Inc. CON Hyundai Corp. CONC Concord Mobile Homes CONC Suwanee Mobile Homes CONC Concord Motor Home COND Condor CONE Concord Travelers CONF Confederate Motor Works, Inc. CONG Conestega Mfg. Co. CONH Condor Motor Home CONI Conestoga Mobile Homes CONL Connell Inds., Inc. CONM Contempori Mobile Homes, Inc. CONN Connaught CONO Condor Coach CONP Consolidated Mobile Inds. CONR Conner Inds., Inc. CONS Contessa CONT Continental CONT Continental Motor Home CONU Consulier CONV Continental of Colorado, Inc. CONW Continental Homes, Inc. CONX Continental Mfg. Co., Inc. CONY Cony Truck (Japan) CONZ Converto COO COOIBEE (Navy canoe) COOE Coose Trailer Mfg. Co. COOK Cook Semi Trailer COOL Coolster COON Coon Custom Coach Mfg. COOP Cooper COOP Cooper (Mexico) COOS Coos-Bilt Trailers COPA Cooper Alpine Motor Home COPC Copco Steel & Engineering COPP Copperstate Coach Co. CORB Corbitt CORD Cord CORG Corder Mfg. Co., Inc. CORN Hawkeye Eagle CORN Corn Belt Mfg., Inc. CORO Corona Coach Co. CORO Coronado Motor Home CORR Correct Craft, Inc. CORS Corsair Div. CORT Cortez House Trailer CORV Corvette Travel Trailer CORY Corey Enterprises, Inc. COSM Cosmo COSU Concrete Surfacing Machinery Div., Stewart Inds., Inc. COT Corner Utility Trailer COT Caterpillar Boat Works COTC Carry-On Trailer Corp. COTN Cotton COTT Cottage-Ette Mfg. COTZ Cortez Motor Home COUA Country-Aire Travel Trailer COUB Country Blacksmith, LLC COUI Countryside Inds., Inc. COUN Country Squire Travel Trailer COUR Courthouse Camper Trailer COVC Covingtons Cycle City COVE Covered Wagon Trailer COVT Covenant or Covenant Cargo COWM Continental World Marine COWY Conway COXS Cox Trailers COY Cypress Shores Fabric (Florence, AL) COYN Coynco Products COYO Coyote Mfg. Corp. COZA Cozad Trailer Sales COZY Cozy Traveler CP2 Coleman Co., The (New Braunfels, TX) CPG Campagna Fiberglass CPIU CPI USA CPNK Comptank Corp. CPPR C/P Products Corp. CPPR The Good Life CPPR Good Life, The CPS Capri Sailboats CPST CPS Trailer Co. CPTC Charlie Perkins Trailer Co., Inc. CPTN Competition Trailers, Inc. CPTV Competitive Trailers, Inc. CQK Cuda Craft CQU Custom Craft Unlimited CRAF Camp Craft Travel Trailer CRAF Craftsman CRAF Craftsman (also see make Sears, Roebuck & Co.) CRAM Craftmade Homes, Inc. CRAN Crane & Hoist Operations CRAW Crawler Trailer CRBN Cirbin Motors Corp. CRBN* Corbin Motors (electric vehicles) CRCF Crew Chief CRCN Cross Country Mfg. CRCO Connell Inds., Inc. CRCO Crofton Co. CREE Cree Coaches, Inc. CREL Corbin Electric CREL Corbin Motors (electric vehicles) CREO Crest Mobile Homes, Inc. CREQ Crescent Equipment Co., Inc. CRET Creightons Trailer CREX Cable Crane & Excavator Div. CRFE Crafton Equipment, Inc. CRFI Craftsman Ind., Inc. CRFT Craftsman CRGK Cargo King, LLC CRGO Cargo Craft, Inc. CRGP Cargo Pro Trailers CRGR Charger CRGS Cargo South, Inc. CRI Chris Craft Corp. CRIC Cricket Corp. CRII Cronkhite Inds., Inc. CRIM Crimson Homes CRIM English Squire CRIT Criterion Homes Mfg., Inc. CRJ Tri-Star Marine CRJ Cerne Marine CRKA Cikira RV, LLC CRKG Carrier King Trailer CRKS Creekside Products, Inc. CRKW Creek Hill Welding CRL AMF Crestliner (Crestliner Div.) CRL Crestliner Div. CRLS Carlson & Son CRLT CRL Trailers CRLY Crowley Mfg. CRMT Car Mate Trailers CRNA Carnai Trailers, Inc. CRNP Corn Pro Trailers CRO Robalo Sport Fish Boat CROE Cross Truck Equipment Co., Inc. CROF Crofton Cub CROH Cross Hill Mobile Homes CROI Crossland Inds. CRON Crown CROR Crossroads CROS Crosley CROT Croft CROW Crown Line CRPM Crop Master Trailers, Inc. CRPT Carpenter Industries, Inc. CRRN Carron Truck Repair, Ltd. CRRV Cruiser RV, LLC CRS Cruisers Div. (Mirro Marine Div.) CRSL Crosley Trailers, Inc. CRSN Carsons Mfg., Inc. CRST Crest Trailer CRT Cigarette Racing Team CRTC Cartercar Co. (antique vehicle) CRTX Car-Tex Trailer Co., Inc. CRUG Cruising Gear CRUI Cruisaire Motor Corp. CRUM Cruzmaster Camper CRUS Cruise Car, Inc. (solar powered, low speed vehicles) CRVM CRV CRVM Country R. V. Mfg., Inc. CRW Crews Craft, Inc. CRWE Craft Weld Trailer CRWN Crown Coach or Crown Cargo Coach CRYO Chrysler Outboard Corp. CRYS Crystal Welding, Inc. CRZN Cruz-In (Distributed by Jerrico Intl.) CSB Classic Boat, Inc. CSCO Wastequip Cusco, Inc. or Cusco Fabricators, Inc. CSCO Cusco Fabricators, Inc. or Wastequip Cusco, Inc. CSCT California Scooter Co., LLC CSHM Cushman CSMC Circle Supreme Mfg. CSMM Lite Line, The CSMM CSM Mfg. Co. CSNT Crescent Mfg., Inc. CSPR Clearspring Conversions, Inc. CST Aquarius Div. of Laguna Yachts CST Coastal Recreation CSTL Coastal Metal Fab., Inc. CSTM Coastal Mfg. Co. or Coastal Building Systems CSTT Custom Tank Technology CSTW C & S Trailer World CTC Correct Craft, Inc. CTCC Coast 2 Coast (C2C) CTEC Cor-Tech Manufacturing, Inc. CTL Answer Marine CTL Continental Boat Co. CTNR Cotner Trailers, Inc. CTRC Central Trailer Corp. CTRI Contrail International CTRL Cottrell, Inc. CTRN Centurian Boats, Inc. CTSI Construction Trailer Specialists, Inc. CTSV CenTech Specialty Vehicles Co., Ltd. CTTM Cleveland T-Trike Mfg., Inc. CTTU CT & T America, Inc. (electric vehicles) CTVM Creative Mobile Systems, Inc. or Creative Carts, LLC CTWI California Trailer Works, Inc. CTY Catalina Yachts CTZ Connecticut Homemade Boats CUA Eagle Boat & Body Repair CUA Custom Fiberglass CUAP Custom Amusement Products Co. CUAS Cass CUAS Custom Assembly CUB Cub Craft CUBC Cub Cadet Corp. CUBS Cubster CUBT Cub Camper Trailers CUC Custom Marine CUE Catalina Boat Mfg. CUKE Cuke, Inc. CUKH Custom King Horse Trailer CULL Cullip Inds. CULN Cullison Mfg., Inc. CULP Culpepper Trailer Co. CUMB Cumberland Coaches CUMW Custom Motorcycle Works, Inc. CUNN Cunningham CUO Contender Custom Boats CUP Custom Marine (Vallejo, CA) CURB Curbmaster of America, Inc. CURR Currahee Trailers, Inc. CURT Curtis CUS Custom Boat Mfg. Co. (St. Bernard, LA) CUSA Custom Camper Co. CUSB Custom Bond Mfg. Co. CUSB Space Master CUSC Custom Coach Co. CUSE Custom Engineering CUSF Custom Craft Mfg. Co. CUSH Cushman CUSI Custom Homes, Inc. CUSL Custom Plumbing Co. CUSM Custom Trailers, Inc. CUSO Custom Frames, Inc. CUST CMW (Custom Metal Works) CUST Custom Metal Works (CMW) CUTM Custom ATV & Trailer Mfg. CUTU Cushman Turf-OMC Lincoln CUTW Custom Trailer Works, LLC CUY Condor Custom Boats CUYL Cuyler Corp. CVB Caravelle Boat Co. CVCO Cavco Ind. CVLO Cavallo CVO Cavalier Boats, Inc. CVWE Relibilt CVWE C & V Welding and Fabricating CWBY Cowboy Classics Conversions, Inc. CWCC Cowtown Customs and Cobras CWCF CWC Feather-Lite Mfg. Co. CWCF Feather-Lite CWCF CWC Featherlite Mfg., Inc. CWJ Coloso Boat Corp. CWJ Intl. Leisure Corp. CWJT Creekside Welding and Jamar Trailers CWPC Chopper Works Performance Cycles, LLC CWTE C & W Truck & Equip. Co., Inc. CWTL C & W Trailers CWTR C & W Trailers CWX Storm Boats Ind., Inc. (Pompano, FL) CXN Crusader Custom Boats CXR Critchfield & Frobos Marina CXR Lake & Sea Boats CXR Critchfield Marine CYCE Cy-Corp Enterprises, Inc. CYCK Cycle Kamp, Inc. CYCL Unlisted motorcycle make CYCL Motorcycle (for use when make is not listed) CYG Celebrity Boats, Inc. CYIM Cycle Imagery CYOT Coyote Mfg., LLC CYSC Cyclescoot CYV Cobra Boat Mfg., Inc. CZ CZ (Czechoslovakia; also see Jawa/CZ) CZ (Czechoslovakia; also see Jawa/CZ) CZB Condor Boats CZCV Cozy Cove Trailers, LLC DAA Bauteck Marine Corp. (St. Augustine, FL) DABR Brown, Dave L., Co. Inc. DABR Dave L. Brown Co., Inc. DACO Daco Trailer Corp. DAEL Daelim Motor Co., Ltd./Daelim Motor USA DAEW Daewoo DAF DAF DAFF Daffin Mfg. Co. DAFF Irl Daffin Associates, Inc. (for reference only) DAIH Daihatsu DAIM Daimler DAIN D & A Vehicles, Inc. DAIR Dairy Equipment Co. DAIX Daixi Zhenhua Tech Trade Co., Ltd. or Huzhou Daixi Zhenhua Tech Trade Co., Ltd. DAIX Huzhou Daixi Zhenhua Tech Trade Co., Ltd. or Daixi Zhenhua Tech Trade Co., Ltd. DAKO Dakota Mfg. Co., Inc. DAKO Trail-Eze (old code TLZE) DALE Dalesman (United Kingdom) DALI Dalton, Inc. DALT Daltons Enterprises, Inc. DALW Dalewood Mfg. Co., Inc. DAMO Damon Inds., Inc. DANA Dana Truck Mount Camper DANB Danny Boy Trailer DANC Danco Trailers, Inc. DAND Dan Dee Inds., Inc. DANT Dandy Mobile Homes DANT Dans Trailer Supply, Inc. DANU Danuvia DANZ Danzer/Morrison Inds., Inc. DAQ Dagger Canoe Co. (Harriman, TN) DARB Darby Inds. DARC Darcell Inds., Inc. DARF Darf Corp. DARG Dargo Mfg. DART Dart DARV Darvon Double Trailer DARW Darwin DATO Daton DATR Dart Truck Co., PACCAR, Inc. DATS Datsun Engine (Div. of Nissan Industrial Equipment Co.) DATS Datsun DAUP Dauphin DAVC Davenco, Inc. DAVD David Mfg. Co. DAVE Dave Hicks Co., Inc. DAVI Maxi-Sneaker (for reference only; see LIGH) DAVI Davis DAVI Trimline (for reference only; see LIGH) DAVI Davis Div. (for reference only; see LIGH) DAVI Davis Trencher (for reference only; see LIGH) DAVK Da Vack Mfg., Corp. DAVM Davidson Enterprises, Inc. DAVN Davenport Trailer or Mobile Home Co. DAVO Davron Traveler, Inc. DAVY Davey Compressor Co. DAW Dawson Boat Co. DAWE Dawes Products Co. DAWS Dawson Enterprises DAYB Commando DAYB Daybrook-Ottawa Div. DAYO Daytona DAYS Days Drydock DAYT Dayton Electric Mfg. Co. DAYT Speedaire DAZN Dazon, Inc. DB D.B. DBCP D & B Cycle Parts & Accessories DBDL Double Delight, Inc. DBJ Delta Dive Boats, Inc. (Cape Canaveral, FL) DBW Dargel Boat Works (Donna, TX) DCB Dem-Craft Boat Co. DCCS Deep South Sales Co. DCF Dialcraft Boats DCH South Bay Duck Boats DCHP Diamondback Choppers, LLC DCHW Ditch Witch Trencher Trailer (for reference only; see DITC) DCI Dick Clarke, Inc. DCJ Doyle Craft DCKS Dickson Industries, Inc. DCNT Discount Trailers DCRG Diamond Cargo, Inc. DCTM Discount Trailer Mfg. DCTR Diamond City Trailer Mfg. DCZ District of Columbia Homemade Boats DD Double Horse Trailer DDFB D & D Fabrications DDQ D & D Marine Mfg. Co. (Houston, TX) DDTI D & D Trailer, Inc. DDX Concepts Boats, Inc. (Miami, FL) DEAL Deutz-Allis Corp. DEAN Dean Inds., Inc. DEBO Debonair DECA Decamp Homes, Inc. DECO DeCourville DED Down East Dories DEDI De Dion-Bouton DEEP Deep Sanderson DEER Deere, John DEER Deere, John, Trailer DEER John Deere Trailer DEER Deere & Co. DEER John Deere DEEZ Dee Zee Mfg. DEGE DeGeest Mfg. Co. DEGL Degelman Inds., Ltd. (Canada) DEIC Deico Auto Carrier Trailer DEKC Dekco Mobile Mfg. DEL Delta Marine, Inc. DELA De-Lar, Inc. DELC Delco Trailers DELH Delhi Metal Products, Ltd. DELL Dellow DELM Delmar Mfg. Co., Inc. DELN Delavan Trailer DELO De Lorean (imported from Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK) DELP Delphi Body Works, Inc. DELR Del Rey Inds., Inc. DELS Delta Homes Corp. DELT Delta Truck Trailer Co., Inc. DELU Delto Homes, Inc. DELX Deluxe Homes, Inc. DEM Delcraft DEM Delhi Mfg. Corp. DEMC Demo Horse Trailer DEMM Demco DEMN Demon Motorcycle Co. or Demon Choppers DEMP Dempster DEMU De Muth Steel Products Co. DENC Denco Manufacturing DENE Denver Trailer Supply, Inc. DENN Dennison Utility Trailer DENZ Denzel DERB Derbi Motor Corp. DERE De Rose Inds., Inc. DERE Rembrook DERH Denzin & Rahn Mfg. Co., Inc. DERH Derco Utility Trailer DES Desoto Mfg. & Supply Co. DESA De Soto Coach Co. DESG Mobile Sign DESG Design Intennt, Inc. DESI Design Structures DESO DeSoto DESP Dragon ESP, Ltd. DESP Environmental Service Products DEST Destiny Inds., Inc. DETB Detroit Brothers, LLC or Detroit Brothers Custom DETC De Tect, Inc. DETE Detroit Trailer Co. DETH Dethmers Mfg. Co. DETH Kar Kaddy DETI Detroiter Homes DETO DeTomaso DETR Detroit Diesel Allison DETT Detroit Tool, Inc. DEUT Deutz Tractor DEV Deaver Custom Boats DEV Deaver Custom Marine DEVI Deville Inds., Inc. DEVL Devil Travel Trailer DEVN Devines Machine & Design, Inc. DEWE DewEze Mfg., Inc. DEWE DEW Eze Mfg., Inc. DEWL D & E Welding DEXT Dexter Trailer, Inc. DFF Duffy Electric Boat Co. DFG Diversified Fiberglass Products DFL Dolphin Boats, Inc. (Princeton, FL) DFM Mossback Boat Mfg. Co. DFP Delco Fiberglass Products DFV Drifter Marine, Inc. DGEN Dodgen Ind., Inc. or Dodgen Mobile Technologies DHLE DHL Enterprises DHME DHM Enterprises, Inc. DHRT D Hart Designs, Inc. DIAB Diamond B DIAC Diamond C DIAD Diamond Mobile Home Mfg. DIAE Diamond E Mfg., LLC DIAG Graham Fabrications, Inc. DIAG Diamond G Trailer Co. DIAM Diamond G Equipment DIAO Diamond S DIAQ Diamond Quality Trailers DIAR Diamond Reo DIAS Diamond-Bilt DIAS Diamond Steel Co., Inc. DIAT Diamond T DIAT Diamond T Trailers DIBL Diablo Performance, LLC DICH Charlevoix Mobile Homes DICH Dickinson Homes, Inc. DICH Dover Mobile Homes DICK Dickirson Equipment Corp. DICO Dico Co. DID Tilton Boatworks, Inc. (Jensen Beach, FL) DIDI Didier Mfg. Co. DIER Dierzen Kewanee Heavy Ind. DIGM Digmor Equipment & Engineering Co., Inc. DILL Dillis Trailer Mfg. DILM Turfmaster DILM Dille & McGuire Mfg. Co. DILO Dillon Enterprises, Inc. DILY Dilly DIMD Diamond Trialers, Inc. DIMO Diamo DINA Dina Camiones S.A. de C.V. DINL Dinli DIPL Diplomat Motor Home DIRT Direct Trailer, LP DISC Discover 25 Motor Home DITC Ditch Witch DITC Ditch Witch Div. DITC Charles Machine Works, Inc., Ditch Witch Div. DITE Di Tella DITR Diamond Trailers, Inc. DIVA Diva DIVC Divco DIVE Dively Mfg., Co. DIVO Divco-Wayne Inds. DIXE Dixie Craft Trailers, Inc. DIXI Dixie DIXO Dixon Inds., Inc. DJTW DJ Trailers & Welding, Inc. DKHO D.K. Hostetler, Inc. DKR DKR DKTI D & K Trailers, Inc. DKW DKW DLHY Delahaye DLI Diversity Laminators, Inc. DLK Del-Craft (Antioch, CA) DLN Dolphin Boats, Inc. (Miami, FL) DLPE Deloupe, Inc. DLPH Dolphin Motorhomes DLVO Dulevo Intl. DLZ Delaware Homemade Boats DM DM Utility Trailer DMB Di Marco Boats DMBT DMB Trailers DMC Douglass & McLeod, Inc. (Grand River, OH) DMFT D.M.F. Trailer Mfg., Inc. DMH Hosea Mfg. Co. DMHC DMH Co. DMHC Pontiac Chief DMI DMI, Inc. DMMF DM Mfg. DMN Doggett Marine Ind., Inc. DMP DMP DMP Dayton Marine Products DMPM Dump-Master, Inc. DMPX Dump Maxx DMR Donzi Marine, Inc. DMTL DM Telai DMVE D. M. & V. Enterprises, Inc. DNAE DNA Enterprises, Inc. DNC Duranautic Mfg. Corp. DNLW Down Low Customs DNPR DNEPR (AKA - Kiev Motorzykly Zavod) DNPR Kiev Motorzykly Zavod (DNEPR) DNU Duranautic, Inc. DNX Dana Custom Boats (Garden Grove, CA) DODD Dodd Mfg. Co., Inc. DODE Dodge Woodcraft DODG Dodge DOEP Doepker Inds., Ltd. DOLA Dolan Corp. DOLI Dolphin Homes DOLI Doral DOMI Dominion Road Machinery Co., Ltd. DOMO DO-MOR Equipment, Inc. DONA Don-A-Bell Homes, Inc. DONF Dongfang Lingyun Vehicle Mode Co., Ltd. or Ningbo Dongfang Lingyun Vehicle Mode Co., Ltd. DONG Dong Feng (East Wind) DONH Donhal, Inc. DONL Donnell Boat Trailer DONM Don May Enterprises DONS Dons Boat Trailer DONU Donahue Corp., The DOO Doo Snowmobile Trailer DOOL Doolittle DOON Doonan Trailer Corp. DOR C-Dory, Inc. (Kent, WA) DORI Dormi Inds., Inc. DORS Dorsey Trailers, Inc. DORT Dort (antique vehicles) DOT Dot DOUB Double Shuffle Mobile Home DOUD Double D Distributors, Inc. DOUE Double E Trailer Mfg. DOUG Douglas Homes, Inc. DOUJ Double J Horse Trailer DOUM Douglas DOUR Double R Trailer Mfg. DOWE Downer Inds. DOWH Downey Sheet Metal Shop DPD Dolphin Canoe Co. DPWC D & P Welding Co. DQU Bosun Marine Marketing, Inc. DQU Del Quay, USA, Ltd. DRAG Drag Master Utility Trailer DRAK Drake Truck Bodies DRBI Derbi or Nacional Motors S.A. DRCH Dream Coach Trailer DRDN Dardon, Inc. DRE Drift Craft DREA Dreamer DREM Dreamer (for reference only; see DREA) DRES Dresser Inds., Inc. DREW Drewes Engineering (Electric Vehicle) DRGG Draggin Custom Cycles, LLC DRGL Draglite Trailer DRIE Drifter Mfg. Co. DRIF Driftwood Homes Corp. DRII DRI Industries, Inc. DRIV Drive On Trailer Mfg. DRM Dreamboat Co., Inc. DRML Dreamliner Trailer DROP Dropbox, Inc. DROT Drott Mfg. Co. DROW Death Row Motorcycles, LLC DRRT DRR ATVs (Access Motor Co., Ltd.) DRSN Dressen Custom Trailers, Inc. DRTI Doretti DRU Cutler Gate (Perrine, FL) DRYD Drydock Trailer, Inc. DSC Dolphin Boats, Ltd. (North Chicago, IL) DSCH Dresch Motorcycles DSGN Design Concepts, Inc. DSHE DSH Enterprises DSN Discovery Marine (Preble, NY) DSPD Desperado Motor Racing & Motorcycles, Inc. DSSC Super Cooker DST Dorsett Marine, Inc. DSWS DWS Storeway Trailer DTCH Dutch Park, Inc. DTIN Dart Ind. DTN Bumble Bee Boats (Tullahoma, TN) DTPM DTP Muscle Custom Choppers or DTP Muscle, LLC DTRL Detrail Trailer DTRV Double Tree RV, LLC DUAE Dual Evans Corp. DUAL Dual-Wide, Inc. DUAM Dual Mfg. Co. DUCA Ducati DUDE Dude Trailer DUEL Duel DUES Duesenberg DUGA Dugan Trailer, Inc. DUGO Dusgo Trailer DUKE Duke Mobile Homes DUNB Dunbar Kapple DUNH Dunham Mfg. Co., Inc. DUNL Dunham Lehr, Inc. DUNR Dun-Rite Mfg., LLC DUPA Dupage Coach Co. DUPL Duplex Truck Div. DUPN Dupont Service Center, Inc. DUPX Duplex Mill & Mfg. Co. DUR Duracraft Boats, Inc. DURA Durant DURB Durobilt DURC Durcholz Trailer DURE Dura-Craft Mobile Homes DURI Durabilt Inds., Inc. DURO Duro Mobile Homes DUS Dusky Marine, Inc. DUST Duster Camper II DUT Duratech Mfg. Co. DUTC Dutchman Mfg. DUTE Dutec Trailer DUTT Dutton-Lainson Co., Mfg. Div. DUW Duroboat Mfg., Inc. (Seattle, WA) DUX Douglas Marine Corp. (Douglas, MI) DUY Motion Marine (Clearwater, FL) DVD Davidson Motors DVGI Dymac Vehicle Group or Electric Vehicle International DVGI Electric Vehicles International or Dymac Vehicle Group ("Verde" Scooters) DVGI Dymac Vehicle Group or Electric Vehicles International ("Verde" Scooters) DVN Dar-Van Mfg. DVN Associated Recreational Products Corp. DVN Playbouy Pontoon Mfg. DWD Darrah Ind., Inc. (Myrtle Beach, SC) DWE Chief Mfg., Inc. DWE D & W Enterprises DWE2 Fiber-Tech Products, Inc. (Rockledge, FL) DWNS Downs Clark Trailer DWTE Down (2) Earth Trailers DXA Dixie Airboats, Inc. DXD Dixie Devil Mfg. Co. DXE Dixie Boat Works DXF Dixie Fiberglass Products DXIE Dixie Chopper DXM Dixie Craft DXM Dixie Marine Mfg. DYB Dynamaglas Boat Co. DYCY Dynacycle DYE Anchorage, Inc., The DYE Dyercraft Boats DYEC Dynasty Electric Car Corp. DYMC Dynamic Inds., Inc. DYMX Dynamax Corp. DYNA Dynahoe Truck DYNC Dynacruiser Mount Trailer DYNG Luoyang Northern EK-Chor Motorcycle Co., Ltd. DYNG Dayang/Dayang North America aka Luoyang Northern EK-Chor Motorcycle Co., Ltd. DYNM Dynamark Tractor Mower DYNP Dynapac, Inc. DYNS Dynamics Corp. of America DYNV Dyna-Vac Equipment, Inc. (Jet-N-Vac) DYNV Dyna-Vac Equip., Inc. (Jet-N-Vac) DYNW Dynaweld Trailer DYST Dynastar/Dynastar Motorsports, Inc. DYTC Daytec Center EACR Eagle Crusher Co., Inc. EADU East Dump Trailer EAGB Eager Beaver Trailer EAGC Eagle Custom Coach Mfg. Co. EAGE Eagle Equipment EAGI Eagle Intl., Inc. EAGL Eagle Trailer Mfg., Inc. EAGR Eagle River Homes EAK Karelsen Custom Boats EALO Easy Loader Trailer EARI Easy Rider Trailer EASD Eastside Machine Co. EASE Eastern-Bilt, Inc. EASI Energy Absorption Systems, Inc. EASM Easom Engineering EAST Easton Car & Construction EASU East Se Trailer EASV Easy Vehicle Co., Ltd or Zhejiang Yongkang Easy Vehicle Co., Ltd. EASW Easy Traveler Trailer EASY Easyown Mfg. Co. EATN East Tennessee Trailers, LLC EATO Eaton Corp. EATO Yale, Material Handling Div. EATO Eaton Corp., Kenosha Div. EATR Easy Trail, Inc. EATW Easytow Boat Trailers EBA Explorer Boat & Canoe Co. EBK Ebko Ind. EBON Ebony Line Products EBUS E-Bus EBV Eastern Boat Works ECB Bell Yachts (Destin, FL) ECHE Echelon Motorcycles ECHO Echo Mfg., LLC ECHT Echo Trailers, LLC ECLI Eclipse Recreational Vehicles, Inc. ECLN Econoline Utility Trailer ECLP Eclipse Aluminum Trailers, LLC ECMI Electric City Motors, North America, Inc. ECMY Economy Camper Co. ECNO Econoline Trailers, Inc. ECOB Eco-Bike Elec Motorcycle ECOF Econo Flo Bulk Service ECOH Ecohl Trailers ECON Economy-Wisconsin ECSA Ecsa ECTA Ecstasy Trikes of Allentown, Inc. ECX Rigid Plastics, Inc. ECX Cane Cutter, Inc. ECX Ed Cain, Inc. EDEY Edey & Duff EDEY Dovekie EDMX Endura, Max, LLC EDSE Edsel EDWA Edwards Trailer EDWN Edwins EEVM Suzhou Eagle Electric Vehicle Mfg. Co., Ltd. EEZY EE-ZY Trailer Co. EFG Page Powerboat, Inc. (Gallatin, TN) EGBD Eagle Body, Inc. EGG Egg Harbor Boat Co. EGGC Egg Camper EGIL Eagle EGLE Eagle EGLR Eaglerock Trailers, Inc. EGM Eagle Mfg., Inc. EGOV E GO Vehicles, LLC EHMC EHM Mfg. Co. EHT Cantrell Marine (Little Rock, AR) EHWA E. H. Wachs Co., Marine Div. EIDA Eidal Intl. Corp. EIDL Eidal Intl. Corp. EIGH Eight Point EJAY El-Jay Div. of Iowa Mfg. Co. EKCH Shanghai EK-Chor Motorcycle Co. EKH Carolina Skiff, LLC EKW Marlin Boats, Inc. EKW Performer Fiberglass Products ELB Eliminator Boats ELCA Elcar Mobile Homes, Inc. ELCO Elcona Homes Corp. ELCO Memory ELCT Electric Wheel Co. ELCY Electric Cycle ELD Eldo Craft Boat Co. ELDC El Do-Craft Boat Co., Inc. ELDE Elder Trailer & Body ELDN El Dorado National Subsidiary of THOR Ind. Co. ELDO El Dorado Mfg., Ltd. ELDO El Dorado Intl., Inc. ELE Elite Boats ELEC Elec-Trac ELET Electra Vacation Home ELG Elgin ELGI Elgin ELGI Eglin Electronics ELGN Elgin Sweeper Co. ELH Elco Marine (Santa Ana, CA) ELIB Eli Bridge Co., Inc. ELIT Elite Mfg. ELJA Eljay Mfg. Co. ELKA Elk Automotive, Inc. ELKC Elkhart Coach ELKH Elkhart Mfg. Co. ELKR Elk River Corp. ELLE Elgin-Leach Corp. ELLI Elliott Mobile Home Mfg. ELLS Ellis Trailer Co. ELLT Elliott Machine Works, LLC ELMA Ellis Mfg. Co., Inc. ELMS Electric Motorsport, Inc. ELOM Electric Outboard Motors ELTC Elete Trailer Co. ELTS Elliott Trailer Sales ELVA Elva ELVC Electric Vehicle Corp. (mfrs. of replicas, Minneapolis, MN) ELVT Electric Vehicle Technologies ELWN Easy Lawn, Inc. ELX Eli Laminates Co., Inc. EMAX E-Max/GGC-Global Generation Cult GMBH EMBA Embassy Homes EMBB Embassy Mobile Homes EMCO Emmco Trailer EMD Caribe Inflatable USA, Inc. (Miami, FL) EMER Emerson Trailers, Inc. EMH Enterprise Mitchell Co. EMME Emmert Mfg. Co., Inc. EMML EML EMO Eagle Marine Boat Mfg., Inc. EMON Emergency One, Inc. EMOT E-Moto, LLC or Jinhua Shiwei Vehicle Co., Ltd. EMOT Jinhua Shiwei Vehicle Co., Ltd. or E-Moto, LLC EMPC Empire Corp., Inc. EMPG Empire Generator Corp. EMPI Empire Trailer, Inc. EMPL Empire Plow Co. EMPR Empress Inds. EMW EMW ENAN Enderby-Anderson Co. ENB Enterprise Boats, Inc. ENCO Encore ENCR Encore ENER Energy Mfg. Co. ENGF English Ford (British) ENGI Economy ENGI Engineering Products Co., Inc. ENGI Power King ENGL English Inds. ENGN Engine (for use when make is not listed) ENMC Encore Motorcycle Co., USA ENN Ensign Yachts ENNS Ennis Trailer Mfg. ENPR Enterprise Motor Home ENRT En Route, Inc. ENSE Ensenada Mobile Homes ENTG Entegra Coach, Inc. ENTI Environmental Technology Ind. (DBA-Entech Ind., Inc.) ENVA Envases de Acero S.A. de C.V. ENVI Envirotech Corp., EIMCO Process Machinery Div. ENVY Envoy ENZM Enzmann EONE E-One EPB ECO Products EPB ECO Plant Brokers EPCC EPI Erwin Precision Inc. & EPI Custom Cycles EPOK Epoke North America, Inc. EQPR Milron Co., Inc. EQPR Equipment Pro EQPT Equipt Mfg. EQSP Equispirit Trailer Co. EQST Equest Trailers ERCE Eric Enterprises, Inc. EREK Erectors & Fabricators, Inc. ERF Easy Rider Fiberglass ERIC Erickson Corp. ERIC Erick ERID E-Ride Industries (Electric Vehicles) ERIE Erie City Welding & Spring ERIG Erie-Go Mfg., Inc. ERIN Erin Truck & Body Equipment ERIS Erie-Sprayer Co. ERMC Elk River Machine Co. ERSK Erskine ERTH Earthbound RV Corp. or Earthbound, LLC ERY Ericson Yachts, Inc. (Irvine, CA) ESCA Escape Trailer ESCC Esco Corp. ESCO Exco Boat Trailers ESCP Escapade Motor Home ESCT Escort Trailer Corp. ESEM ESE Machines ESHL Eshelman Sportabout ESIX Essix ESK Eskay Plastics, Ltd. ESKA Eska Co. ESLY Easley Trailer Mfg., Inc. ESM Duckworth Boat Co. ESMC East Mfg., Corp. ESN Randall Craft, Inc. ESPD Industries Espadon, Inc. ESQU Esquire ESSE Essex ESSI Essick/Hadco Div. ESSK Essick Trailer ESTA Establishment ESTE Estevan Inds., Ltd. ESTM Estate Mfg., Inc. ETC Ebbtide Corp. ETF East Tex Fiberglass Products ETK Edwards Boats & Tanks (Fort Pierce, FL) ETNY Etnyre & Co., E. D. ETNY E. D. Etnyre & Co. ETNY Etnyre, E. D. & Co. ETON E-TON Dynamics Technology Industry Co., Ltd. ETW Bennington Marine Corp. ETXL East Texas Longhorn Trailers, LLC ETY Eagle Trawler Yachts ETY Miller Yacht Sales, Inc. EUCL Euclid, Inc., Subsidiary of White Motor Corp. EUCL Euclid, Inc. EVAC Evaco Acquisition Corp., Inc. EVAN Evans Mfg. Co., Inc., John EVAN John Evans Mfg. Co., Inc. EVAP Evans-Plugge Co., Inc. EVAS Evanston Coach Co. EVCR Evcor LLC, Mfg. EVEN Evens Trailer Mfg., Inc. EVER Evergreen Log Trailer EVES Eversman Mfg. Co. EVGR Evergreen Recreational Vehicles, LLC EVIN Evinrude Motors EVLT Everlite, Inc. EVN Envision Boats, Inc. (Monmouth, IL) EVNI Electric Vehicles Northwest, Inc. EVNS Evans Automobiles EVRT Everett-Morrison Motorcars EVRY Everybodys Motor Car Mfg. EVSI Electric Vehicle Systems, Inc. EVTT EVT Technology Co., Ltd. EVTX Electric Vehicles of Texas EWAL Red Ewald, Inc. EWC Eckler Watersports (Titusville, FL) EWV Walker Bay Boats, Inc. EXC Excel Motor Home Truck EXCE Excell Travel Trailer EXCH Exotic Choppers EXCI Excel Inds., Inc. EXCI Hustler EXCL Excalibur EXCL Excalibur Trailer EXCN Excellance, Inc. EXCR Excelsior EXCY Extreme Cycles EXEC Executive Inds., Inc. EXEZ Excel Ezload Trailers, LLC EXH Exclusive Enterprises EXHE Excelsior-Henderson Motorcycles EXIS Exxiss Aluminum Trailers, Inc. EXPD Expedition Motor Homes EXPL Explorer Motor Home EXPL Explorer EXPR Express Trailers EXPT Expedition Trailers, Inc. EXPW Express Welding Co. EXRV Extreme RVs, LLC EXT Experts Intl. (San Francisco, CA) EXTL Extend-Ell Inds. EXTO E Z Tow Mfg. Co. EXTR Extreme Custom Trailers EXTX Exotic Cycle & Motor Werx, Inc. EXU Astro Plastics Corp. EXU Excello Corp. EXV Executive Boats EZAC E.Z.A. Mfg. Co. EZCK E-Z Camper (or Kamper) EZCN E-Z Screen EZDU EZ Dumper EZGO E-Z Go (Div. of Textron, formerly: Polaris E-Z Go) EZHA E Z Haul EZLD E-Z Loader Boat Trailer EZR Ezy-Ryder Corp. (Clanton, AL) EZSP E-Z Sportsmen EZTD EZ Trade EZTL E-Z Trail, Inc. EZUT E-Z Utility Trailer EZZN Eezzzz-On, Inc. EZZY Ezzy Load Boat Trailer FAA Bruce Faer (Dunwoody, GA) FAAL Fabricated Alloy Building Co., LLC FAB Fabuglass Co., Inc. FABC F.A.B. Mfg. Co. FABO Fabco FABW Fabweld, Inc. FACE Facel-Vega FACL Facellia FACT Factory Outlet Trailers FAIH Fairmont Homes, Inc. FAIH Shannon FAIH Colonnade Mobile Homes FAIH Kingsley FAIH Village Green FAIM Redi-Haul Trailers FAIM Fairmont Steel Products FAIR Fairthorpe FALC Falcon (British) FALL Falls FALM Falco Mfg. Co. FALM Michigan Lo-Loader FALN Falcon Coach Co. FAN Sparkman Marine (Saugus, CA) FAN Fanc Motor Home Truck FANC Fan Coach Co. (for reference only; van conversion) FARB Farber Specialty Vehicles FARG Fargo FARH Farmhand, Inc. FARK Farm King, Ltd. (Canada) FARM Farm and garden equipment (for use when make is not listed) FARM Unlisted Farm or Garden Equipment Make FARW Farenwald Boat Trailer FARY Farymann Marine Diesel Div. FAST Fast, Inc. FATC Fat City Choppers FAV Quality Fabricators of Franklin, Inc. FAWN Fawn Corp. FAYE Fayette Trailer FBB Formosa Boat Building Co. FBC Henderson Mfg. FBC Jim Henderson Mfg. FBC H & H Fiberglass, Inc. FBE Carstens Ind., Inc. (Melrose, MN) FBF Fiber-Form (Div. of Bayliner Marine) FBG Fiberform FBG US Ind., Inc. FBIM Fat Baggers, Inc. or FBI Motor Co. FBIM FBI Motor Co. or Fat Baggers, Inc. FBK Fiberking, Inc. FBK Fiberking Boat Co. FBN Fantasy Boats, Inc. (Glassport, PA) FBQ Florida Bay Coaster Co. (Green Cove Springs, FL) FBT Diversified Products FBT Forester Boats, Inc. FCL Fiber-Cell, Inc. FCN Falcon Boats of California FCP Fibercraft Mfg. Co. FCS Falcon Boats, Inc. FDGD Ford Goldline (for reference only; see FORD) FDX Freeland Mfg. (Cape Coral, FL) FEA Feathercraft FECH Fechtner Trailers FEDC Federal Coach, LLC FEDE Federal Trailer Co. FEDL Federal FEIL Yanzhou City Feilong Motor Machinery Co., Ltd. or Feilong Motor Machinery Co., Ltd. FEIL Feilong Motor Machinery Co., Ltd. or Yanzhou City Feilong Motor Machinery Co., Ltd. FEIL Feilong Motor Machinery Co., Ltd. or Yanzhou City Feilong Motor Machinery Co., Ltd. FELB Felber FELD Feldman Custom Trailers FELL Fellwon Trailer FELP Felps Mfg. Corp. FEMC Feldman Engineering & Mfg., Co. FENX Fenex or Team Fenex FERE Ferree Trailer Corp. FERG Ferguson Mfg. Co., Inc. FERO Ferocity Inds. FERR Ferrari FERR Ferrari 458 Italia FERT Fertilizer Dealer Supply, Inc. FEST Festival Homes of Ohio, Inc. FEST Sandpointe FETE Feterl Mfg. Co. FETE Feteri Mfg. Co. FEYF Fey, Frank & Co. FEYF Frank Fey & Co. FFG Franklin Fiberglass (Eustis, FL) FFL F & F Boat Co. FFRI Factory Five Racing, Inc. FGB Chaparral Boats, Inc. FGB Fiberglass Fabric, Inc. FGD Fiberglass Unlimited FGE Cobalt Boats FGQ Fountain Powerboats, Inc. (Washington, NC) FHL FHL FHMC F & H Mfg. Co. FHS Offshore Performance Ind., Inc. FIA F. A. McCullough, Inc. FIAA Fiat-Abarth FIAC Fieldacre Horse Trailer FIAL Fiat-Allis Construction Machinery, Inc. FIAT Fiat FIAT Fiat Freemont 500 FIBE Fiberfab, Inc. (Minneapolis, MN) FIBI Fiberglass International, Inc. FIBR Fiber Trucks & Trailers, Inc. FICH Fischer Motor Co. FIEA Alex Fiegelson Co. FIEA Fiegelson, Alex Co. FIED Field Office Mfg. Co. FIEL Field & Stream FIEM Fields Mfg. Co. FIES Fiesta Trailer FIFE Fife Trailer FIFT Fifty Eighth (58th) Street Customs FIGU Figura, Mike FIKO Fiat-Kobelco FILK Finger Lakes Trailer FIN Centurian Boats FIN Fineline Industry, Inc. FIN Hondo Boats FINN Finn Corporation FIRB Fireball Trailer Mfg. FIRE Firestone Tractor FIRS First American Coach FIRT Firestone Tire & Rubber Products FIRT Air Buoy FISC Fischer FISD Fireside Recreational Vehicles FISK Fisk Tank Carrier, Inc. FISK Fiskar/Pisces FIST Fiesta (imported by Ford) FIVE Five (5) Star Engineering FIVE Five Star Engineering, Inc. FIVK Sheppard FIVK Five-K Trailer Co., Inc. FIW Fiber Sport, Inc. (Amory, MS) FKWA Furkawa FLAG Flag Ship Boat Trailer FLAH Flaherty Mfg. Co. FLAI Flair Inds. of Illinois, Inc. FLAM Flamingo Trailer Mfg. FLAN A. Claeys Flandria (Belgium; imported by St. Tropez) FLAN Flandria, A. Claeys (Belgium, imported by St. Tropez) FLAN Bermuda Bikes (mfd. by A. Claeys Flandria) FLAS Flasko Mfg. Co. FLB Folbot Corp. FLBR Felburn Flatbed Trailer FLD Flying Dutchman FLE Fleet Capn Trailers FLEA Fleet-Aire Camper Co. FLEE Fleetcraft Corp. FLEI Flexi-Coil, Ltd. FLEM Fleetwing Mobile Homes FLEN Fleming Mfg. Co., Inc. FLEO Flexco Products Co. FLEO Big Bear (mfd. by Flexo Products Co.) FLEO Scrambler (mfd. by Flexo Products Co.) FLEX Flxible (formerly Flexible) FLGS Flagship Marine Engine Co., Inc. FLI Felt Ind., Inc. FLIN Flintstone Inds. FLIN Vega Mobile Home FLMG Fleming Equipment Co. FLMR First Line Refinishing FLNG Sauk Centre Welding & Machine Works, Inc. FLOA Float-On of Florida FLOD Florida Trailer Co. FLOE Floe International FLOI Florida Wholesale Distributor FLOR Florig Equipment Co., Inc. FLOT Flote-Aire Corp. FLOW Flow Boy, Inc. FLQ Flagship Yacht Sales, Inc. FLYB Flybo or Fly Bo FLYI Flying Dutchman FLYL Flying L Trailer, Inc. FLZ Florida Homemade Boats FMC Material Handling Equipment Div., FMC Corp. FMC Sweeper Div., FMC Corp. FMC FMC Corp. Fire Apparatus Operations, Tipton, IN (mfr. Bean Sprayers; for reference only; see AMDI) FMC Fisher Marine, Inc. (Topeka, IN) FMC FMC Corp. FMS Boston Whaler Multihull FMS Formulae Racing Sailboats FMSH Farm Shop, Inc. FMST Fast Master Products, Inc. FMY FM Marine FN FN FNM FNM FNQ Flare Marine, Inc. (Lake Wales, FL) FNTM Fantic FOHO Four Horseman Motorcycle Co., LLC FOLA Foland Enterprises FOML Formaloy Flat Snowmobile Trailer FOMO Foremost (also see J. C. Penney) FONA Fontaine Truck Equipment Co. FONS Fontaine Specialized FONT Fontenelle Homes, Inc. FOOT Foot Hill Horse Trailer FOR Forte Trailer FORA Forage King Inds., Inc. FORC Forrest City Machine Works, Inc. FORD Ford (see English, French, German, and Italian Ford) FORD Courier FORD Ford FORD Ford Goldline Camper FORD Ford Motor Co. FORE Fords Mobile Home Mfg. FORF Foreman Mfg. Co. FORG Foremost Mobile Home Mfg. FORH Forester FORI Forest City Inds., Inc. FORL Forlyn Engineering Co. FORM Formcaster, Inc. FORN Forney Horse Trailer FORR Fostrons Factory Outlet Trailers FORS Fort Lupton Campers FORT Fort Smith Camper Mfg. Co. FORU Fortune Homes Corp. FOSJ Fost Joe Dog FOST Foster Flatbed Trailer FOTX Fotografix Boat Trailers FOUN Fountain Flatbed Trailer FOUR Four Seasons Travel Trailer FOUS Four Star Coach Co. FOUT Four State Inds., Inc. FOUT Ultra-Lite FOUW Four Winds FOUW Four Winds International Corp. FOWN Four Winns FOX Fox FOXI Foxi FPEC Fairplay Electric Cars, LLC (low speed vehicles) FPK Formall Plastics, Inc. FPWI First Place Welding, Inc. FPY California Sport Boats (Newport Beach, CA) FRAC Frank Motor Homes, Inc. FRAI Franklin Coach Co. FRAI Franklin Coach Co., Inc. FRAK Franklin Homes, Inc. FRAK Riverchase FRAN Franklin FRAZ Frazier FRBA Francis-Barnett FRCS Francis Travel Trailer FRDM Freedom Trailers, LLC FREA Freeway, Inc. FRED Frederick-Willys FREE Freeway Travelers, Inc. FREF French Ford FREN French Horse Trailer FRES Friess Trailer FRHH Four-H Trailer Manufacturing, Inc. FRHT Freightliner Corp. FRI Frost Marine FRI Reactive Power Boats FRIE Friendship Inds. FRIE Homes American FRIG Friggstad Mfg., Ltd. (Canada) FRIN Firestone Coated Fabrics Co. (Div. of Firestone Industrial Products) FRIS Frisky FRK Kurtis Kraft Boats FRKS Forks RV, Inc. FRMI Farm Master, Inc. FRMT Farmtrac FRNA Frazer-Nash FRNK Franklin Equipment Co. FRNT Frontier Cargo, Inc. FROB Frost Boats FROL Frolic Homes, Inc. FRON Frontier Homes Corp. FROS Frost Trailer Co. FRRA Ferrara Fire Apparatus FRRS Ferris Ind. FRRV Forest River, Inc. FRSV Frank Siviglia & Co. FRTV Foretravel, Inc. FRUE Fruehauf Corp. FRUN Fruin FRV Feather River Boat Co. (Yuba City, CA) FRYE Frye FSC Fiber Steel Corp. FSF Four Star Fiberglass Corp. (Hallandale, FL) FSH Fish -N- Ski FSJ Fiber Skiff, Inc. FSKR Fisker Automotive FSLD Fast Load FSM Fishmaster FSO Fiberglass Sales & Products FSTI Fosti Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd. or Foshan City Fosti Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd FSTI Foshan City Fosti Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd. or Fosti Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd. FSTL Fastline Ltd. FSTR 4 Star (Four Star) Trailers, Inc. FSTR Four Star (4 Star) Trailers, Inc. FTCA FTCA, Inc. FTRC Fast Trac (currently known as Cherokee Motorcycle Co. as of May 2002) FTRV Frontier RV or Frontier RV Georgia, LLC FTWD Avion FTWD Fleetwood Enterprises, Inc. FTWD Oak Park FTWD Prowler FTWD Santana FTWD Taurus FTWD Terry Travel Trailer FTWD West Field FTWD Wilderness FTWD Fleetwood Travel Trailers of VA, Inc. FTWD Santana Motor Home FTWD Fleetwood Folding Trailers, Inc. FUER Fuerst Brothers, Inc. FUJI Fuji Robbt Jr. (Mfd. by H-M Vehicles, Inc.) FULL Fuller Mfg. Co. FULT Fulton Boat Trailer FUNK Funke & Will AG FUNL Funliner Mfg. Co. FUNT Funtime Camper Trailer FUQU Fuqua Homes, Inc. FUR Fury Boats FUR Fury Speed & Marine FURA Furatell Inds. FURA Honeybee FUTO Futong Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Wuxi Futong Motorcycle Co., Ltd. FUTO Wuxi Futong Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Futong Motorcycle Co., Ltd. FUTR Futura Mobile Home FUTU Futurama FWD FWD Corp. FWM Far West Marine Service FWN Four Winns, Inc. (Cadillac, MI) FWST Fair-West Trailers FWTI FWT, Inc. FWZ Fiberglass Works FXBB Fox Better Built Trailers GAAC General Amer Aero Coach GAB Gore Mfg. GABB Gabbianno GABR Gabriel Auto Carrier GACM GAC Machine Co. GADA Gad-About Trailers GADB Gadabout GAE Galaxie Boats, Inc. GAFN Gafner Machine, Inc. GAG Gagnier Mfg., Inc. GAL Galaxy Boat Mfg. Co. (Columbia, SC) GALA Galactic Corp. GALB Galbreath, Inc. GALE Gale Products Div. GALI Galion Mfg. Div. GALI Galion Mfg. Div. (Hercules) GALI Hercules Galion (or Galion) GALT Gallatin Homes GANN Gannon Mfg. Co., Inc. GARB Gar-Bro Mfg. Co. GARD Gardner, Inc. GARE Garelli GARG Garges Custom Trailers GARH Garway Homes, Inc. GARI Garia A/S (low speed veh.) GARL Garlock Equipment Co. GARN Gardner-Denver Cooper Inds., Inc. GARO Garwood GARP Gardner-Pacific-Sunrader, Inc. GARP Sunrader GARR Garrett-Weldco Inds., Inc. GARS Garson Flatbed Trailer GARY Gary Carolina Co. GASE Garber Seeders, Inc. GAST Gast Mfg. Co. GAT G-Cat Corp. GATE Gates, Walter C. GATE Walter C. Gates GATM Gator Moto, LLC (low speed vehicle, LSV) GATM Gator Moto, LLC GATO Gator Trailers Corp. GATP Gator Products, Inc. GATP Turtle GATR Gator Made, Inc. GAW G & W Enterprises Engineering Div. GAW Aqua-Paddle GAZ GAZ GAZ Georgia Homemade Boats GBC Gregor Boats GBC Gregor Boat Co. GBC W. W. Gregory GBCO Gilson Brothers Co. GBF Osagian Boats, Inc. GBM Grumman Allied Ind., Inc. (Grumman Boats) GBN Gibson Fiberglass Products GBP Grumman Boats (Grumman-Carmichaels) (Corcoran, CA) GBW Galaxie Boat Works, Inc. GCMC G. & C. Mfg. Co. GCV Glastron-Carlson GDAN Great Dane Trailers, Inc. GDMC GDM Company, LLC GDV Go-Devil GDY Godfrey Conveyor Co. GE General Electric GEAR Gear Jammer Customs GEB Golden Era Boats (Noank, CT) GECA General Coach America, Inc. GECI General Engines Co., Inc. GEEB Gee-Bee-Dee Mfg. & Supply Co. GEEC Geer Co. GEEN General Engines Co., Inc. GEER Geering Inds., Inc. GEHL Gehl Co. GEHL GEHL Co. GELM Green Emotor, Inc., or Green Elec-Motors, Inc. GELT Gelt Trailers GEM Gem Inds., Inc. GEM Little Gem GEM Gem Trailers, Inc. GEMI Gemini GEMI Gemini Trailer GEMT Gemtop GEN General Marine Ino, Inc. GEN General Coach Works of Canada GEN1 Generation III, Inc. (Lebanon, MO) GENA General GENC General Engines Co., Inc. GENE General Trailer Co., Inc. GENF General Coach of Florida GENG General Coach Mfg. Co. GENH General Coach Works, Inc. GENI Genie GENM General Homes Div. GENR General Moped Co. (New York, NY) GENT Gentry GENU Genuine Scooter Co. GEO GEO GEOR Cruisemaster Motor Home GEOR Transmaster GEOR Georgie Boy Mfg., Inc. GEOT Georgia Trailer & Equipment Corp. GERA Gerard Lowboy Trailer GERC Generac Corp. GERL Gerlinger Foundry Machine Works GERR Forest Park GERR Gerring Inds., Inc. GERR Sunny Brook GETM Getman Brothers Mfg. Co. GFHT G & F Horse Trailer Repair GFST Gulf Stream GFTR G & F Trailer GGA Gigi Boat Manufacturers GGB G & G Boat Repair & Mfg. (Hollywood, FL) GGMA Gas Gas Motors of America, LLC GHE Gheenoe GHE Gheen Mfg. Co. (Titusville, FL) GHIE Ghieapy Jol Trailer GHMI G & H Mfg., Inc. GIAA Giant GIAN Giannini GIAT Osterlund, Inc. GIBL Gibraltar Coach Mfg. Co. GIBR Gibraltar Inds., Inc. GIDD Giddings Machine Co., Inc. GIG Gig Harbor Steel-Craft (Danville, IA) GIGI GIGI Inds., Inc. GILB Gilbern GILD Giles Inds., Inc. GILD Alan GILD Kentuckian Mobile Homes GILE Gilera GILG Gillig Bus GILL Gill Mfg. Co. GILM Gilmore Trailer, Inc. GILS Gilson Brothers Co. GILS Senator GILT Gilmore-Tatge Mfg. Co., Inc. GIND Gindy Mfg. Corp. GINE Ginetta GINR Gin Ray Mfg. Co. GIRA Girards Mfg. Co. GISN Gilson GITA Gitane GIVE Givens Mfg. Co. GLA Glastron Boat Co. GLAD Gladding Travel Trailer GLAS Glas GLAT Glasstite, Inc. GLAV Glaval Bus GLBE Globe GLBL Global Electric Motor Cars GLCG Great Lakes Cargo, LLC GLDH Goldhofer Fahrzeugwerk GMBH U Co. or Goldhofer AG GLDI Golden Horse Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. GLDS YongKang Golden Appliance Co., Ltd. Or Golden Sunrise Appliance Co., Ltd. GLDS Golden Sunrise Appliance Co., Ltd. Or YongKang Golden Appliance Co., Ltd. GLDV Goldenvale, Inc. GLEA Gleason Corp. GLEB Glenbrook Homes of Tennessee GLEC Glen & Cecil Mobile Home Mfg. & Sales GLEH Glen Manor Homes, Inc. GLEL Glendale Mobile Homes GLEN Glenhill Road Machinery GLF Gulfstream Boats, Inc. GLFI Feedliner GLFI Globe Fabricators, Inc. GLID Glider Mobile Homes Corp. GLIT Glitsch GLMB Golfmobile GLND G & G (Gilliand & Gilliand) GLNL Glen-L Trailers GLOB Globe Camper Mfg. GLOM Globemaster Mobile Homes GLOR Gloria (for reference only; see INGL) GLOS Globestar Inds., Inc. GLOV Glover Plastic Sprayer GLRD Glasride Trailer GLRV Glendale Recreational Vehicles GLS Glasspar GLSC Glassic GLSS Glass Stream Trailers GLST Glastron, Inc. GLTM Globe Trailer Mfg., Inc. GLUT G & L Utility Trailers GLWO Glass-Wood Products, Inc. GLWO EZZ Pull GLX Great Lakes Inflatable, Inc. GLX GIL, Inc. GM General Motors GMA General Marine Co. GMC GMC GMC General Motors Corp. GMC General Motors Corp. (Truck & Coach Div. through vehicle year 1987) GME Global Motorboat Corp. (Columbia, SC) GMRE GMR Enterprises, Inc. GMSP General Motors Sprint (for reference only) GMST Gem State Mfg., Inc. GNMI General Marine Inds. GNRE General Rich Enterprises GNSH General Shelters GNTC Giantco Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Jiangmen Giantco Motorcycle Co., Ltd. GNTW Great Northern Trailer Works GNTY Gentry Motorworks of Indiana, LLC GNWF General Welding & Fab., Inc. GOAT Billy Goat GOCO Go Corp. GOEB Goebel Trailer Co. GOEV Gorilla Electric Vehicles GOF Greatest Marine Products of Florida GOFF Goff Mfg. Corp. GOFF Sea Craft Boat Trailer GOFF Snow Master GOGA Go-Tag-Along GOGE Go-Tel Leasing Corp. GOGO Gogomobile GOKA Shanghai Goka Sports Motor Co., Ltd. or Goka Sports Motor Co., Ltd. GOKA Goka Sports Motor Co., Ltd. or Shanghai Goka Sports Motor Co., Ltd. GOKT Go Kart GOLA Gold Leaf Engineering Co. GOLD Gold Star Mobile Homes, Inc. GOLE Golden Coach Mfg. Co. GOLI Goliath GOLK Golden Isle Trailers, Inc. GOLL Golden State Mobile Homes GOLM Golden West Mobile Homes GOLM Golden West Mobile Homes, Inc. GOLN Go-Lite, Inc. GONA Gonard Enterprises, Inc. GONU Golden Nugget Travel Trailer GOOD Mayfair Trailer GOOD Good Mfg. Co. GOOS Gooseneck Trailer Mfg. Co., Inc. GOOY Goodyear Camper Mfg., Inc. GORB Gorbett Brothers GORD Gordon GORE Gore Trailer GORM Gorman-Rupp Co., The GORO Gordon Smith & Co., Inc. GORO Smith, Gordon & Co., Inc. GPC Glass Master Plastics GPC Glassmaster Boat Co., Inc. GPD Beachcomber Boats & Glass Products Co. GPD Boats Unlimited Corp. GPE Grand Prize Boat Building, Inc. GPG Glassline Products, Inc. GPII Grimes-Parker Ind., Inc. GPIN Great Plains Ind. GPL Glas-Ply Boats, Inc. GPP Gazelle Products Co., Inc. GPRX Grand Prix Trailer Mfg. GPW EZE Drift (Grants Pass, OR) GPZ Genesis Powerboat Corp. (Sandusky, OH) GRAB Grady-White Boat Co. GRAC Graciela GRAD Gradall GRAE Graves Mfg. Co. GRAE Grace, W. E., Mfg. Co. GRAE W. E. Grace Mfg. Co. GRAF Graffin Wellpoint Corp. GRAH Graham GRAM Gramm GRAO Graco, Inc. GRAP Graham-Paige GRAV Gray-Velle Mobile Homes GRAY Graymarine Engine Div. GRCH Gerich Fiberglass, Inc. GRDN Great Dane GRDP Grand Premier Travel Trailer GREA Great Divide Coach Mfg. GREB Great Bend Mfg. Co., Inc. GREE Green Boat Trailer GREG Air-Flo Mobile Homes GREG Gregory Mfg. Co. GREI Greenville GREI Greenvilla GREL Great Lakes Mobile Homes GREL Great Lakes Mobile Home GREM Green Mfg., Inc. GREN Greencastle Coach Co. GRER Gregory Trailer Sales GRES Great Escape GRET GreenTech Automotive, Inc. My Car GREV Greeves GRIF Griffith GRIM Grimmer-Schmidt Corp. GRIZ Grizzly Mfg. Co., Inc. GRJ G. R. Intl. of Miami (Miami, FL) GRLK Great Lake GRMA Grumman Allied Inds., Inc. GRMF Germfree Laboratories, Inc. GRMP Grumpy's Custom Motorcycles, Inc. GRND Grandeur Cycles, Inc. GRNE Green & Green Mfg. Co., Inc. GRNH Greenhaven Mobile House Trailer GROE Gronewegen B.V. GROV Grove GRRM GRM GRSO Sheffield GRSO Coventry Mobile Home GRSO Great Southwest Corp. GRSP Gran Spree Mini Camper GRTL G R Trailers, LLC GRUE Gruendler Crusher & Pulverizer Co. GRUM Grumman Motor Home GRUM Grumman-Olsen GRVE Gravely GRVE Clark-Gravely Corp. GRVL Gravely Auto & Trailer Service GRVM Grove Mfg. Co. GRYE Grycner GRZ Design Concepts GRZL Grizzly Corp. GSCR Garden State Chassis Remanufacturing, Inc. GSD Fiberstress, Inc. GSD Sure Cast Boats, Inc. GSEN Gold Star Enterprises GSEQ General Safety Equip. Corp. GSF Griffis & Sons Fiberglass (Starke, FL) GSIN G. S. Inds., Inc. GSM GSM GSSS Gas Service & Supply GSTM Goldstar Trailer Mfg. GSW California Boats GSY Glasstream Boats GTMI G.T. Mfg., Inc. GTWY Gateway Materials GTX Glastex Co. GUAN Guangyu Motorcycle Mfg. or Chongqing Guangyu Motorcycle Mfg. GUAN Chongqing Guangyu Motorcycle Mfg. or Guangyu Motorcycle Mfg. GUER Statler Mobile Home Trailer GUER Van Dyke GUER Guerdon Inds. GUER Twin Lakes GUER Woodhaven GUES Guest Inds., Inc. GUF Gulfline Boats GUID Guidon Camper Trailer GUIZ Guizzo GULA Guerilla Customs GULF Gulf States Mfg. Corp. GULL Gull Wing Ind., Inc. GUM Gulf Master GUST Gustafson Mfg. Co., Inc. GUTH Guthrie Trailer Sales, Inc. GUZO Guazzoni GWC Gulf Wind Boat Co. (Geneva, AL) GWD George W. Davis & Sons, Inc. GWD Davis, George W. & Sons, Inc. GWD Queen Craft GWM Ottawa Truck Div., Gulf & Western Mfg. Co. GWM Gulf & Western Mfg. Co., Inc. GWM Ottawa GWVC Great West Van Conversions GWVC Great West Vans GYEL Gypsum Express, Ltd. GYPS Gypsy Campers, Inc. GZL Gazelle HAB HAM Boat Works (Downers Grove, IL) HABN Haban/Agri-Fab HABN Agri-Fab/Haban HACH Hatch Mfg. HACK Hackney & Sons, Inc. HADL Hadley Trailer Mfg. Co. HADX Haddox Quality Trailers HAF Sunshine Boats HAFA Hartman-Fabco, Inc. HAFL Haflinger HAHN Hahn, Inc. HAIL Yongkang Haili Industrial Co., Ltd. or Haili Industrial Co., Ltd. HAIL Haili Industrial Co., Ltd. or Yongkang Haili Industrial Co., Ltd. HAIR Hairgrove Inds., Inc. HAIR Sundowner HAL Hallet HALC Halco Co. HALE Hale Horse Trailer HALL Hall, R. D. Mfg., Inc. HALL R. D. Hall Mfg., Inc. HALM Hallmark Motor Home HALN Haulin Trailers, LLC HALR Halliburton Co. HALZ Hals-EZ Trailer Mfg. HAMB Hamby Co. HAMB Hamby Co., The HAMI Hamilton Trailer HAML Hamlite HAMM Hammerdown Trailers & Fabrication HAMP Hampton Homes, Inc. HAMP Hampton Rhoads HAMR Hampton Amusement Rides, LLC HAMR Umbrella Rides, Inc. HAN Hancock Boatworks HANK Hanks Mobile Home Service HANM Hanma HANN Clifford B. Hanney & Sons, Inc. HANN Hanney, Clifford B. & Sons, Inc. HANO Hanover HANS Hansa HANS Hanson Machinery Co. HAO Hardin Marine (Anaheim, CA) HAPP Happy Wanderer Ind., Inc. HAPY Happy Travlr Coaches, Inc. HARB Harbortown Mobile Home HARB Harbormaster Div. HARC Harris Honker Camper Mfg. HARD Hardee Mfg. Co. HARF Harrison Trailer Mfg. Co. HARG Harding Trailer Co. HARH Hart Mobile Homes Corp. HARI Hartford Homes, Inc. HARK Harklau Inds., Inc. HARL Hartline Travel Trailers HARM Hart Mfg., Inc. HARN Harnischfegar Corp. HARR Roanoke-Hustler HARR Harrington Mfg. Co., Inc. HARR Roanoke-Hustler Forklift HARR Hustler HARS Harsco Corp. HART Hartman HARV Harvest Motor Home HARW Harlow Travel Trailer HAT Hatteras Yacht Div. HAUA Haul-A-Day Trailers HAUI Haulmark Inds., Inc. HAUL Haulette Trailer HAUR Haul Rite, Inc. HAUT Haul-It-All-Flatbed Trailer HAWG Hawg Ty HAWK Hawkeye Camping Trailer HAWN Hawn Freeway Trailer Sales HAWT Hawthorne HAWT Hawthorne Trailer HAYB Haybuster Agricultural Equip. HAYE Hayes Equipment Corp. HAYE Enerex HAYN Haynes Mfg. Co., Inc. HAYS Hayes Log Truck HAYV Hay Van or Hayvan Mfg.; BK 3 Investments, LLC HAZ Hawaii Homemade Boats HBG Hawaiian Boats, Inc. HBTC H & B Trailer Co. HBU Holeton Boat Works HBVW Harborview Choppers, Inc. HBW Hughes Boat Works HBW Hofeman Boat Works HBY Howmar Boats, Inc. HCB Howard Custom Boats HCCH HCCH Inds., LLC HCCK Heacock Welding, Inc. HCHE Her Chee Industrial Co., Ltd. HD Super Glide (mfd. by Harley-Davidson) HD Harley-Davidson HDBT Hardeebilt Trailers, Inc. HDGC High Desert Golf Cart (low speed vehicles) HDH Harley Boat Corp. HDHM H. D. Hudson Mfg. Co. HDKP HDK Plastic Factory, Ltd., USA HDMC AMF HDMC Harley-Davidson Motor Co., Inc. HDSN Hudson Trailer HEAL Super-Tryke (mfd. by Heald, Inc.) HEAL Heald, Inc. HEAL Super Bronc (mfd. by Heald, Inc.) HEAL Trail Bronc (mfd. by Heald, Inc.) HEAL Mini Bronc (mfd. by Heald, Inc.) HEAR Hearthside Mobile Homes HEAT Heathkit HECD Heckendorn Mfg. Co. HECK Heckaman Mfg., Inc. HECL TCI Inc. (for reference only; see TCIP) HECL Herculift (for reference only; see TCIP) HECL Herculift Forklift (for reference only; see TCIP) HECO Heco Boat Trailer HEDW Hed-Way, Inc. HEIL Heil Co. HEIL Heil Co., The HEIN Heinkel HEIT Heilite Trailers, Inc. HELB Hell Bent Iron (Widowmaker brand cycles) HELL Hell Bound Steel, LLC HELM Helm Mfg. Co. HELR Helmers Custom Coach HELT Heltzel Co. HEND Hendrickson Mfg. Co. HENE Henred-Fruehauf (Pty.), Ltd. HENK Henke Mfg. Corp. HENM Hendrix Mfg. Co. HENN Henderson Mfg. Co. HENR Henry J. HENS Henslee Mobile Homes, Inc. HER Herters, Inc. HERB Herbst Brothers HERC Hercules HERD Herd Seeder Co., Inc. HERI Heritage Mobile Homes HERM Hermiston Trailers HERO Heron Travel Campers HERR Herrli Inds., Inc. HERR Swift Haven Mobile Homes HERT Herter Snowmobile Trailer HERZ Herzig Mfg. Co. HESC Hesston Corp. HESC Woods Div., Hesston Corp. HESS Hesse Corp. HEST Hester Plow Co., Inc. HETG Franklin Coach Co., Inc. HETG Heritage by Abel Corp. HEW Hewes Marine Co. HEWC Hewco Mfg. HEWE Hein-Werner Corp. HEWI Hewitt-Lucas Body Co. HFB Horizon Mfg., Inc. HFB Holmes Fiberglass Boat Co. HFEC Hensley Fabricating & Equip. Co., Inc. HFTY Heafty Trailer Mfg. & Sales HGG Higginbothan Boat Co. HGGL Hagglunds HGON Hagon HGRV Hairgrove Construction Equipment HGTO Heritage One RV, Inc. HGYN Zhejiang Huangyan Sanye Group Co., Ltd. or Huangyan Sanye Grp. Co., Ltd. HGYN Huangyan Sanye Grp. Co., Ltd. or Zhejiang Huangyan Sanye Group Co., Ltd. HGZ Hydro Glass (Hagerstown, MD) HHTC H & H Trailer Co. HI Hi-Lo Travel Trailer HIAA Hiawatha Mobile Homes HIAB Hiab Cranes & Loaders, Inc. HIAW Hiawatha HIBB Hibbard Iron Works of Hampton HIBC Hiebco, LLC HIBD Hibdon Mfg. Co. HIBR HI-Bird Motorcycle Ind., Co., Ltd. or Chongqing Hi-Bird Motorcycle Ind., Co., Ltd. HIBR Chongqing Hi-Bird Motorcycle Ind., Co., Ltd. or HI-Bird Motorcycle Ind., Co., Ltd. HIBT Hilbilt Mfg. Co. HICH High Chaparral, Inc. HICK Hickey Trail-Blazer HICO HICO Corp. of America HICS Hicks HIDE Hide-A-Way Camper HIDG Highly Dangerous Motorcycles HIF Hifley America Sports, Inc. HIGA Highway Cruisers, Inc. HIGC High Country Trailer Sales & Mfg. HIGE Highway Sleeper Corp. HIGG Higgins Delta Corp or Higgins-Delta HIGH Highway Trailer HIGK Highway Trailer of Wisconsin & California HIGL Master House HIGL Highlander Travel Trailer (for reference only; see YARB) HIGP High Peak Trailers, Inc. HIGW Highway Mfg. Co. HIGY Highway Inds. HIHK Hitch-Hiker Mfg., Inc. HII K. L. Inds. (Muskegon, MI) HII Harris Inds. HILB Hillsboro Inds., Inc. HILC Hill Country Homes, Inc. HILD Hill Dump Trailer HILF Hill Mfg. Co. HILI Hillco, Inc. HILL Hill Dump Trailer (for reference only; see HILD) HILL Hillman HILM Hillcrest Homes, Inc. HILN HiLine Carts & Cars, Inc. (low speed vehicles) HILO Hilton Mobile Homes, Inc. HILP Hilltopper Mfg. Corp. HILS Hilo Snyder Travel Trailer HILT Hilltop Mfg., Inc. HILT Trailflex HIN Hustler Ind. (Hampton Bays, NY) HIND Hindustan HINE Hines Mfg. Co. HINO Hino HINS Hinson Mfg. Co., Inc. HINT Hinomoto Tractor Sales USA, Inc. HIP Shipskills, Inc. HIRE Hire Dump Trailer HIRO Hi Rollin Trailer Mfg. HISP Hispano-Suiza HIST Highstone Trailer HITA Hi-Tech Automotive Ltd. HITC Hitching Rail Trailer HIUT Hi-U-Trailer Mfg. HIVW High View, Inc. HIWY Hi-Way Star, Inc. HKEG Truck Trailer Sales & Service HKN Haakon Boats, Ltd. HKRY Hickory King Horse Trailer HKW Heritage Kayaks HLDH Holandia Holder HLEI H L Enterprise, Inc. HLFM Haul-A-Fame, Inc. HLK Heritage Marine, Inc. HLME Holmes Trailers HLMK Haulmark or Haulmark Ind. HLPK Holly Parks, Inc. HLR Master Fabricators HLRI High-Lite Rides, Inc. HLTI Hays Liquid Transport, Inc. or Liquid Transport, Inc. HLWD Hellwood Trailer HM HM HMC Hiliner Marine Corp. HMCC HMC - Cruise n Carry HMD Hugh McGinnis Boats HMD McGinnis Boats HMDE Homemade Trailer Code (for further explanation, see NCIC 2000 Operating Manual, Vehicle File chapter) HME HME, Inc. HMJ Holiday Mfg. HMST Homesteader, Inc. HMVE Free-Way II (mfd. by H-M Vehicles, Inc.) HMW Haskell Marine (San Fernando, CA) HND Hondo Boats (Merced, CA) HNK Hans Klepper Corp. HNLC HNL Corp. or Henry N. Lanciani HNMR Hahn Motors, Inc. HNS Huckins Yacht Corp. HNSM Hensim USA, Inc. or Chongqing Hensim Group Co., Ltd. HNSO Hanson Camping Trailer HOAN Holman HOAN Holman Compressor Trailer HOBA Hobart Brothers Co. HOBB Hobbs Trailers HOBI Hobie Cat HOBO Ho-Bo Trailers HODA Ace (model of Hodaka) HODA Hodaka (Japan) HODG Hodges Custom Haulers HOF Hoffman HOG Hoog Boats, Inc. HOGG Hogg and Davis, Inc. HOHT Hoosier Horse Trailers, LLC HOI Superior Hovercraft (Imperial Beach, CA) HOIN Hornet Inds., Inc. HOL Holsclaw Brothers, Inc. HOLA Holland Transplanter Co. HOLD Holden HOLE Holden Trailer Mfg. Co. HOLH Holiday House HOLI Holiday Inds., Inc. HOLK Holmes Wrecker HOLL Holland Trailers HOLM Fairway HOLM Holiday Mobile Homes HOLN Maxi-Barbeque HOLN Holstein Mfg., Inc. HOLO Holiday Royal Travel Trailer HOLP Hole Pumps HOLR Holiday Vacationer HOLR Holiday Rambler HOLR Aluma-lite HOLR Free Spirit HOLR Holiday Rambler Corp. HOLR Rambler Trailer HOLR Wide World HOLR Monitor Mini-Motor Home HOLS Holiday Trailer Sales & Mfg. Co. HOLT Holt Trailer HOLU Holland Camper Co. HOLV Holva Travel Trailer HOLW Hollywood Mobile Homes HOLY Holly Inds. (or Coach Co.) HOLZ Holmes-Craft HOMA Holiday Marine Sales, Inc. HOMA Holiday Trail HOMD Homemade motorcycles (for further explanation see NCIC 2000 Operating Manual, Vehicle File chapter) HOME Aly Alliance HOME Homette Homes (or Corp.) HOMI Homes of Merit, Inc. HOML Homelite HOMM Homeway Mobile Homes HOMS Holmes, Ernest Div. HOMS Ernest Holmes Div. HOND Honda HOND Honda (Japan) HOND American Honda Motor Co., Inc. HONE Honeywell Motor Products, Honeywell, Inc. HONG Hongki or Hong-Chi HONL Hongling Motorcycle Corp. or Shanghai Hongling Motorcycle Corp. HONO Honorbuilt Trailers, Inc. HONO Honorbuilt Trailer Mfg. HOOP Hooper Trailer Sales, Inc. HOOS Hoosier Mobile Homes HOP Hop Cap P/U Camper Trailer HOPK Hopkins Mfg. Corp. HORC Horch Limousine HORI Horizon Mobile Homes HORN Horner-Golem Co. HORS Horseman Camper HORT Hornet Flatbed Trailer HORX Horex HORZ Horizon Motor Home HOTC Hotchkiss HOUE Houle Inds., Inc. HOUF House of Architecture HOUG Hough Brothers, Inc. HOUH House of Harmony, Inc. HOWA Cycle-Sleeper HOWA Howard Mfg. Co. HOWC Howard Commercial Turf Equipment Co. HOWD Howdan Mfg. Co. HOWE Howe Engineered Sales Co. HOWE Kutter HOWH Howhit Machinery Manufacturer Co. HOWH Shanghai Howhit Machinery Manufacture Co. or Howhit Machinery Manufacture HOWL How-Lo Campers Co. HOWR Howard Rotavator Co., Inc., Subsidiary of Howard Machinery, Ltd. HOWS Howse Implement Co., Inc. HPL Hy-Ryder, Inc. (Tomahawk, WI) HPS American Honda Motor Co., Inc. (personal watercraft/jet skis) HPY Happy Traveler Marine HPY Traveler Boats, Inc. HRBK Hard Bikes, LLC HRBN Harben, Inc. HRG HRG HRIG HRI (Heartland Rig) HRIG Heartland Rig (HRI) HRLD Heartland Recreational Vehicles, LLC HRLL Harrell Mfr. HRMR Harmar, Inc. HRMY Harley Murry, Inc. HRNY Harney Coach or Harney Coach Works HRRM Harriman Sales, Inc. HRSE Horse Creek Mfg. & Fabrication HRTG Heritage Custom Trailers HRTI Herters, Inc. HRTK Harmon Tank Co. HRTL Heartland Trailer Manufacturing & Sales, Inc. HRTO Horton HRTR Herter HRVT Harvey Trailer Sales, Inc. HRVY Force Mfg., Inc. HSB Hustler Boats HSI Hydro-Step Corp. HSKE Huskee Outdoor Equipment HSKY Hus-Key Mfg., Inc. HSL Hustler, Inc. HSL Hustler Marine Co. HSL Hustler Boat Co. HSMI H. & S. Mfg., Inc. HSMI H & S Mfg. Co., Inc. HSP Hydro Stream Boats HSPT Hot Springs Performance Trailers HSQV Husqvarna HST Hurst Enterprises, Inc. HST Master Enterprises, Inc. HSTR Hostar Marine Transport Systems, Inc. HSUM Hot Summer Industries HSX Hydra-Sports, Inc. HTB Custom Marine HTB Mach One Boats HTB Hot Boat Alley HTCH Hitachi HTCI Herring Tank Co., Inc. HTFD Hatfield Welding & Trailer Sales, Inc. HTGP Heritage Park Models HUAM Huanan Motors Grp. Co., Ltd. Or Guangzhou Panyu Huanan Motors Grp. Co., Ltd. HUAM Guangzhou Panyu Huanan Motors Grp. Co., Ltd. or Huanan Motors Grp. Co., Ltd. HUAN Huansong Ind. Grp., Ltd. or Chongqing Huansong Ind. Grp. Co., Ltd. HUAN Huansong Ind. Grp. Co., Ltd. or Chongqing Huansong Ind. Grp. Ltd. HUAR Huari Group Co., Ltd. or Jiangmen City Huari Group Co., Ltd. HUAR Jiangmen City Huari Group Co., Ltd. or Huari Group Co., Ltd. HUAW Huawin Motorcylce Co., Ltd. or Zhejiang Summit Huawin Motorcycle Co., Ltd. HUAW Zhejiang Summit Huawin Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Huawin Motorcylce Co., Ltd. HUB Hubbs Yacht Sales, Inc. HUBE J. M. Huber Corp. HUDS Hudson HUDS Hudson (for reference only; see HDSN) HUFF Huffy HUFY Prothunder (mfd. by Huffy Corp.) HUFY Huffy Corp. (Dayton, Ohio) HUGH Hughes HUL Hulls, Inc. HUL Valco Aluminum Boats HULL Hullco (Sikeston Trailer Sales) HUMB Humber HUME Humbee Surrey HUML Hummel HUMM Hummer HUMS Humes Truck & Trailer Mfg. Co. HUNE Hunter Custom Trailers HUNG Huntington Distributors HUNM Hunts Trailer Mfg. HUNT Huntsman, Inc. HUP Hunt Products, Ltd. HUPM Hupmobile HUR Hurricane Fiberglass Products Co. HURO Huron Inds., Inc. HURR Hurricane Cargo HURS Hurst Trailers, Inc. HURU Hustler-Rustler HUS Hustler Boat Co., Inc. HUSA Husaberg Motor AB HUSF Husky Farm Equipment, Ltd. HUSK Husky HUSQ Husqvarna HUSS Huss Sales, Inc. HUSS Powerful Paul Jr. HUST Hustler Boat Trailer HUTC Hutco Boat Trailers HUTR Hunter Structures Trailer HUU Hurst Enterprises, Inc. HUWA Huber-Warco HUX Hustler Marine, Inc. HUYE Yantai ETDZ Huyue Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Huyue Motorcycle Co. HUYE Huyue Motorcycle Co. or Yantai ETDZ Huyue Motorcycle Co., Ltd. HVC U. S. Hovercraft HVM Bonaventure Ind., Inc. (Rockledge, FL) HWE Hollywood Enterprises, Inc. HWKL Hawkeye Leisure Trailer, Ltd. or HLT, Ltd. HWKN Hawkline or Hawkline, LLC HWKT Hawk Trailers, LLC HWMC H. & W. Mfg. Co. HWRO Hewitt-Robins Crushing & Vibrating Equipment Div. HWTM Hank Williams Trailer Mfg. HWTT Howe Truck & Trailer HYCA Hycaloader Co., Inc. HYD Dyna-Pac, Inc. HYD Hydroswift Corp. HYDE Hyde Corp. HYDF Hydra-Fab Mfg. HYDY Hy-Dynamic Div. HYLD Hylander Utility Trailer HYLN Hy-Line Enterprises, Inc. HYLT Hylton Homes, Inc. HYST Hyster Co. HYST Hyster Corp. HYTK Hydro Tek Corp. HYTR Hyundai Trailers HYUN Hyundai HYUN Hyundai Veloster HZL Hostler Canoe IAME I. A. M. E. IAS Impact Auto Sales (Red Oak, TX) IAZ Iowa Homemade Boats IBEN Iben Boat Trailer ICL ICL Cargo Trailer ICRP IC Corp. IDEC I.D.E.C.O. IDEL Ideal Inds. IDLE Idle-Time Cabover Camper Trailer IDZ Idaho Homemade Boats IGN Signature Group, Inc. IGN Signature Group, The IHHI Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co., Ltd. IHTM Iron Horse Trailer Mfg. IJBD International Jet Boats de Mexico S.A. de C.V. IKA I. K. A. IKAR Ikarus Buses and Coaches ILZ Illinois Homemade Boats IMAG Imago IMCO Intermountain Wholesale, Inc. IMFI Interstate Mfg., Inc. IMPA Impala Mobile Homes & Travel Trailers IMPB I. M. P. (U.S.) IMPD Imperial Inds. IMPE Imperial (for vehicle years 1955-1983, use VMA/IMPE; for vehicle years prior to 1955 and vehicle years 1990-1993, see make Chrysler) IMPI Imperial Mobile Homes IMPT Imperial Trailer Corp. IND Indian (Taiwan) INDA Indies House, Inc. INDE Independent Products Co. INDI Indiana INDI Indian Motorcycle Company INDM Indio Trailer Mfg. Corp. INDN Indian Campers, Inc. INDP Independent Mfg. Co., Inc. INDU Industrial & Municipal Engineering, Inc. INDU IME INFI Infiniti INFY Infinity Trailer Sales INGE Ingerson Mfg. Co. INGI Inergii, Inc. INGL Scout (model of Intramotor Mopeds) INGL Blanco (model of Intramotor Mopeds) INGL Intramotor Mopeds (Verona, Italy) INGL Gloria (model of Intramotor Mopeds) INGR Ingram Mfg. Co. INGS Ingersoll-Rand Co. INGT Inger-Teco Corp. INLA Inland Equipment Corp. INLI Inline Southwest Horse Trailer INMA Insley Mfg. Co. INMC Independence Motorcycle Co. INME Intermeccanica INMN Inman Trailers INNO Innocenti INNT Innovative Trailers, Inc. INNV Innovative Trailer Mfg, Inc. INO Innovative Sports (Hudsonville, MI) INOR Idaho Norland Co. INOV Innovative Trailer Mfg. INPX Indiana Phoenix INRP Intrapid Trailer INSC Insane Custom Cycle INSG Instigator, Inc. INSL Insley Four Wheel Tag Trailer INSM Innovative Street Machines, LLC INST International Specialized Trailer Mfg., LLC INTC Interconsult Mfg. Co. INTE Intl. Coach Mfg. INTE International Coach Mfg. INTG R & D Fabrication INTG Integrity Custom Trailers INTI Intl. Inds., Inc. INTI International Inds., Inc. INTL Custom Scout I INTL Transtar INTL International Harvester INTL Intl. Harvester Co. INTL Cub Cadet INTL Farmall INTL International Harvester Co. INTL Intl. Harvester INTM International Mobile Homes of California INTM Intl. Mobile Homes of California INTP Interstate Products INTR International Trailer Corp. INTR Intl. Trailer Corp. INTS Interstate Travel Trailer INTT Interstate Trailers, Inc. INTW Interstate West Corp. INTY Integrity Trailers, Inc. INVA Invader Travel Trailer INVO Inno Van INVT Indian Valley Trailers INZ Indiana Homemade Boats IOMO Iowa Mold Tooling Co., Inc. IONI Ioni-A-Home Mfg. Co. IOWA Iowa Mfg. Co. IPSC IPSCO-Lambton Steel IRBK Irabeck & Co. IRD IRD IRDG Irondog Trailers IREG Iron Eagle Trailers IRNH Ironhorse Trailers, Inc. IRNP Iron Panther, Inc. IRON Ironworks Motorcycle Co. IRWI Ironworks, Inc. or 102 Ironworks, Inc. ISEI I.S.E., Inc. ISET Isetta ISLA Islander Motor Home ISO ISO ISTG Insta-Gator Choppers, LLC ISU Isuzu Diesel of North America ISU Isuzu ITAF Italian Ford ITAI Italia ITAK Italika Motorcycles ITAL Italjet ITAS Itasca Motor Homes ITAT Pacer Moped (mfd. by Italtelai Mfg. Co.; imported by AEON Intl. Corp., Ronkonkoma, NY) ITAT Italtelai Mfg. Co. (Italy) ITAV Italvelo ITC Intercoastal S E, Inc. (Annapolis, MD) ITDI Innovative Trailer Design Industries ITIT ITI Trailers and Truck Bodies, Inc. ITLR Indiana Trailer Manufacturing ITMI Indiana Tool and Machine, Inc. ITNL International Truck & Engine Corp. ITOM Itom ITPD Intrepid Cycles, Inc. ITST Interstate Trailers, Inc. ITTI in Tech Trailers, Inc. IVEC Iveco Trucks of North America, Inc. IVEC Magirus JAB Allmand Boats JAB John Allmand Boats, Inc. JAC Jackson Trailer JACB Jacobsen Trailers, Inc. JACC Jac-Trac, Inc. JACG Jack Green Co. JACK Jacks Trailer Mfg. JACL Jaclen Mfg. Co. JACO Estate JACO Jacobsen Mfg. Co. JACS Jacobsen Mobile Homes JACT Jacks Trailer Mfg. of Florida JAEG Jaeger Machine Co. JAGM JAG Mobile Solutions or JAG Solutions, Inc. JAGU Jaguar JAHN Jahn Flatbed Trailer JAJ Jason Fiberglass JAKL China Jialing Ind. Co., Ltd. or Jackel Motorsports JAKL Jackel Motorsports or China Jialing Ind. Co., Ltd. JALL Jalldee, Inc. JAMA Ja-Mar Mfg., Inc. JAMB Jamboree Motor Home Truck JAMC Jamco Trailers JAMI Jamies Welding JAMM Jammer Cycle Products, Inc. JANT Jantz Mfg., Inc. JARC Jarco, Inc. JASO Jason Mfg. JAWA Babetta (mfd. by Jawa; imported by American Jawa, Ltd., Plainview, NY) JAWA Jawa/CZ (Czechoslovakia; also see CZ) JAY Jayco, Inc. JAY Ortiz Boat Mfg. (Westminster, CA) JAYD Jay Dee Inds. JAYK Jay-Kee Mfg., Inc. JAYS Jays Hy Lift Mfg. Co. JAYW Jay Wren Trailer JB JB JBC Aluma-Weld JBC Jett Boat Co. JBE Jay Bee Boats JBEN J B Enterprises JBL Jackson Boat Shop JBLC Jiangsu Baodiao Locomotive Co., Ltd. JBN Jet Boat Engineering JBN Performance Engineering JBTS J & B Trailer Sales JBX Jet Boat Engineering of Oklahoma JCBA Jacobs & Assoc JCBE JCB Excavators, Inc. JCE Astroglass Boats (Maiden Craft & Pro Craft) JCEB Jimmy Catawba E Bikes (Erie Shove Marketing) JCL J.R. Custom Marine, Inc. JCM California Yachts/Carver (Tustin, CA) JCY Werks Marine, Inc. JCY Waterwerks Boat Co. JDB John Dory Boat Works, Inc. JDER Deere & Co. JDER John Deere JDHS D.J. Steele & Construction JDHS JD Handling Systems, Inc. JDJ Contender Boat, Inc. JDJ J.D. Marine JDSI JDS Industries, Inc. JEA Jet Boats, Inc. (Tacoma, WA) JEB Webb & Co. JEB Jet-Ster Boats (Rochester, WA) JECK Jeck Industries JECR Jec Ro JEEP Jeep (vehicle year 1989 and after) JEEP Jeep JEEP Jeep (for vehicle years prior to 1970, use VMA/JEP; for vehicle years 1970-1988, use VMA/AMER; for vehicle years 1989 to present, use VMA/JEEP) JEHM JEHM Powersports JEMI J & E Mfg., Inc. JENE Jen Sell Corp. JENN Jennings Trailers, Inc. JENS Jensen JEP Jeep (prior to vehicle year 1970) JEP Jeep JERA Jeraco Enterprises, Inc. JERR Jerrytime Camper JERS Jersey Trailer JERW Jerrys Welding Service (JWS) JET Glen-Coe Boat Mfg. JETM Jetmobile JETS Jet Stream Camping Trailer JEWE Jewel Trailer, Inc. JFG Jefferson Fiberglass JFG Jeffersons Fiberglass Co. JFW J.F.W. Mfg., Inc. JGXI Jiangxi Campell Co., Ltd. JHGS JH Global Services, Inc. (low speed vehicles) JHNS Johns Corp. JHNY Johnny Pag.Com JHR Indian River Boats JHWE J. H. Westerbeke Corp. JIAH Jianghuai Automotive Co., Ltd. or Anhui Jianghuai Automotive Co., Ltd. JIAJ Jiajue Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd. or Zhejiang Jiajue Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd. JIAL Jialing Ind., Co., Ltd. Group JIAN Jianshe Industries Group Corp. JIB Jim-Bar Co., Inc. (Manchester, TN) JIEE JI-EE Ind., Co., Ltd. JIJM Jinjie Motor Mfg. Co. Ltd. or Jiangsu Jinjie Motor Mfg. Co., Ltd. JIMA Jim Dandy, Inc. JIMD Shop-Built JIMD Jim & Daves Trailer Mfg. JIMG Jim Glo Trailers JIMS Jims Trailer Shop JIND Jindo Corp. JINL Jinling Vehicle Co., Ltd. or Yongkang Jinling Vehicle Co., Ltd. JINL Yongkang Jinling Vehicle Co., Ltd. or Jinling Vehicle Co., Ltd. JINS Jincheng Group JIS Hot Sports USA, Inc. (Newport Beach, CA) JJ J & J Flatbed Trailer JJJ J.J.J., Inc. JJJ Foxcraft Boats, Inc. (Carbon Hill, AL) JJK Joel Jenkins (Decatur, AL) JJNE J-J-N Enterprises JJT Jerry James Trailers JJTM J & J Trailer Mfg. or J.D.J. Trailer Mfg., Inc. JLEQ J & L Equipment JLGI JLG Ind., Inc. JLGI J. L. G. Inds. JLM Fast Tracker JLM JLM Inds., Inc. JLM Bass Tracker JLTL J & L Tank, Inc. JMAC Jomac JMAR Jomar JMCY Jet JMGL Jimglo Trailers & Products JMS James JMST Jmstar or Shanghai Jmstar Motorcycle Co., Ltd. JMST Shanghai Jmstar Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Jmstar JNB Sensation Boat Co., Inc. JNB J.B. Boat Co., Inc. JNC Jemcraft JNC Southwind by Jemcraft (Orange, CA) JOBS Job Site Trailer JOES Joes Custom Boat Trailer JOEW Joes Welding Service JOEW JWS JOHN Johnson Corp. JOHO Johnson Motors JOHS Johnsons Trailer Building & Repair JOLI Johnny Lightning JOMA Johnson Mfg. Co., Inc. JONS Johnson, C. S. Co. JONS C. S. Johnson Co. JONW Jonway Group Co., Ltd. JOPL Joplin JOPR Johnston Propeller Works JORG Ira Jorgenson JORG Jorgenson, Ira JOSH Joshua Trailer JOSO Carl A. Johnson & Sons JOTO Johnson & Towers JOUR Journey Motor Homes, Inc. JOWE Jowett JOYC Joy Mfg. Co. JOYC Joy Mfg. Co. (Air Power Group) JOYH Joyhon Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Chongqing Joyhon Motorcycle Co., Ltd. JOYN Joyner JPME Jeep Corp. JPTR Jupiter JPUT J. P. Utility Trailers & Welding JRCC JRC Custom Trailers, Inc. JRDN Jerr-Dan JREH Jireh, Inc. JRH HMC Mfg. Co. JRH Port Star Boat Co. JRLC JRL Cycles, LLC JRMC J & R Mfg. Co., LLC JROD J-Rod Trailer Co. JRS JRS Fiberglass Unlimited, Inc. JRS Kona Boats, Inc. JRTL JRTL JRWT JRW Trailers, Inc. (dba-Walton and Byson) JRY J.R. Yacht Sales JSB Jet-Ster Boat Co. JSC Aqua Images, Inc. (Adel, GA) JSMH J.S. Mobile Homes JSWP Johnston Sweeper Company JTA Jet-Ster Boats of Alabama JTB Jet-Ster Boats of Memphis JTC Crownline Boats, Inc. (West Frankfort, IL) JTIL J.T. Ind., Ltd. JTIL Westlake JTMO Jetmoto Motors USA JUDE Jude Tent Trailer JUIL Five-Star ST, LTD Edition or C2 (mfd. by Juili Enterprises Co., Ltd.; imported by General Moped Co., Inc.) JUIL General 5-Star (mfd. by Juili Enterprises Co., Ltd.; imported by General Moped Co., Inc.) JUIL Juili Enterprises Co., Ltd. (Kaohsiung, Taiwan) JUIL Juili Honey 50 (mfd. by Juili Enterprises Co., Ltd., imported by General Moped Co., Inc.) JUNR Junior Camping Trailer JVS Jole Vecchi Sciomachen JW J & W Trailers JWBC Christie, J. W. Bill, Inc. JWBC J. W. Bill Christie, Inc. JWSS Johnson Welding & Steel Supply JWSS JWSS JZRC JZ Riders Custom Motorcycles KAB Caliber 1 Boats (Anaheim, CA) KAES Fahrzeugwerke GMBH KAIK Kaikai Meiduo Locomotive Co., Ltd. Or Zhejiang Kaikai Meiduo Locomotive Co., Ltd. KAIK Zhejiang Kaikai Meiduo Locomotive Co., Ltd. or Kaikai Meiduo Locomotive Co., Ltd. KAIR Kaier Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd. or Chongqing Kaier Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd. KAIR Chongqing Kaier Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd. or Kaier Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd. KAIS Kaiser KAIT Kaitong Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd. KAIZ Kaizo Unibodies, Inc. KAJ Kajun Ind., Inc. KAJU Kajn Homes, Inc. KAKI Kamp King Utopian KAL Kal-Custom Boat Trailer KALL Kallio Co. KALM Kalmar Ind. Corp. KALY Kalyn Co. KALY King Goose Trailers KAM Kama KAMA Kamp-A-While Inds. KAMI Kami KAMP Kampers Kabin KAN Roos Brothers, The (Miami, FL) KANE Kane Trailers KANG Kangdi Vehicles Co., Ltd. or Zhejiang Kangdi Vehicles Co., Ltd. KANG Zhejiang Kangdi Vehicles Co., Ltd. or Kangdi Vehicles Co., Ltd. KANH Kan Haul Trailer Sales KANN Kannon Motorcycles, LLC or SJH Mfg., Inc. KANN SJH Manufacturing, Inc. or Kannon Motorcycles, LLC KANZ Kanzol Enterprises, Inc. KARA Karavan Trailers, Inc. KARC Karcher North America (KNA) KARD Kard Co. KARG Karmann-Ghia (for reference only; see VOLK) KARI Kari Cool Trailer KARO Kar-Go Metal Stamping Co. KARR Kar-Rite Corp. KARS Karson Inds., Inc. KART Kartote KASB Kassborth (for reference only; see KASS) KASE Kasey KASI Kasi Infrared or R. Filion Manufacturer, Inc. KASS Kassborth KAST Kasten Mfg. Co. KATL Katolight Corp. KATO Kato Engineering, Subsidiary of Reliance Electric KAUF Kaufman Trailers, Inc. KAW Kawasaki Motors Mfg. (Lincoln, NB) KAWK Kawasaki Motors Corp. KAWK Kawasaki KAX Kay Park Recreation Corp. (Janesville, IA) KAY Kayot, Inc., Marine Div. KAY Harris-Kayot, Inc. KAYD Kaydel, Inc. KAYF Kayout-Forester Travel Trailer KAYO Kayot, Inc. KAYO Kayot Motor Home Div. KAYW Kaywood Homes, Inc. KAZ Kansas Homemade Boats KAZU Kazuma (Stannic Mfg. Co., Ltd.) KBAR K-Bar Inds., Inc. KBHC KBH Corp. KBM Kindsvater Boats (Fresno, CA) KBT Invader KBT Kachina Boats KBT Kaecker Enterprises KBW Kennedy Boat Works KBW Lobo Boat Works KBW Kennedy Boat Co. KCBI Kings Custom Builders, Inc. KCCF Killer Chopper Cycle Fabrication, LLC KCCT K C Custom Trailers KCK K-Craft, Inc. KCPW KC Powersports KDEE K-Dee Supply, Inc. or K-Dee Launcher KDMA K-D Mfg. Co. KEAR Kearney Trailers Co. KEEN Keen Perception Industries, Inc. KEEW Keeway America, LLC KELE Kelley Mfg. KELL C. C. Kelley & Sons KELL Kelley, C. C. & Sons KELO Kellogg-American, Inc. KELS Kelson Engineering Co. KEMP Kempf Car Hauler KEN Ken Trailer KEN Kenner Mfg. Co., Inc. (Knoxville, AR) KENA Kent Air Tool Co. KENC Kden-Craft Products, Inc. KEND Kendon Ind., Inc. KENM Kent Mfg. Co., Inc. KENN Kenron Corp. KENO Kenskill Trailer Corp. KENS Kentuckian Mobile Homes (for reference only; see GILD) KENS Kensington Motor KENT Kentucky Mfg. Co. KENW Kenway Campers, Inc. KENY Kenny Boyce Motorcycles KEPT Kempter Trailer KERR John Kerr Mfg. Co. KESL Kesler Manufacturing, Inc. KEVC Kevco, Ind. KEYI Key Inds., Inc. KEYO Keystone Trailer & Equipment Co. KEYS Keystone Coach Mfg. Co. KEYW Keyway Fabrication & Design KFB Coastal Marine KFD Coochee Craft KFD K & F Boat Co. KFD Aggressor Boats, Inc. KFL Comanchee Boats KGHY Kings Highway KGMF K & G Mfg. Co. KGR King Enterprises KIA Kia Motors Corp. KIA Kia KIBB Kibbi, Inc. KIDR Kidron KIEF Kiefer Built, Inc. KIEK Kiehaefer Aeromarine Motors KIKK Kikker KILG Kilgore Inds. KILL Kill Brothers KIMB Kimble Chassis KIMI King Midget KINA King Fish Boat Trailer KINC King Homes, Inc. KINC Buckingham KIND King Richards, Inc. KINE King Trailer Co., Inc. KINF King-Co KING Kings Highway (for reference only; see KGHY) KING Kingring Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Cixi Kingring Motorcycle Co., Ltd. KINL Kinlon or Chongqing Kinlon Science & Tech. Grp. KINL Chongqing Kinlon Science & Tech. Grp. or Kinlon KINS Kingston Horse Trailer KINZ Kinze Manufacturing, Inc. KIOT Kioti KIPC Kipco KIRK Kirks Trailer Mfg. KISM Kismet Mfg. Co. KISS Kissel Motor Car Co. KIT Kit House Trailer KITK Kitty Cat (Kit Kat) KITM Golden State KITM Kit Mfg. Co. KITM Companion KITM Kit Kamper KITM Kit Mfg. Co., Inc. KKC Ghost Ind., Inc. (Island Park, NY) KKF Kustom Kraft Performance Boats KLA Klassic Boat Co. (Cleburne, TX) KLAE Klassen Homes, Ltd. KLAS Klassic Trailer Mfg. KLCL Kelly-Creswall Co., Inc. KLEI Klein Products, Inc. KLI Kiel, Inc. (Goshen, IN) KLI K Line Trailer KLIN Klinger Products KLLY Kelly Enterprises, Inc. KLMK Klimek Welding & Mfg. KLO Klamath Boat Co., Inc. KLO Climate Boat Co., Inc. KMAR Kmart Camper Foldup KMBL Kimble Mfg., Inc. KMCU Kawasaki/Sno*Jet KMCU Kawasaki Motors Corp., USA KME Tri-State Custom Fiberglass, Inc. (Bailey, NC) KMGI KMG International KMMC K & M Mfg. Co. KMNM KMN Modern Farm Equipment, Inc. KMP K-Mac & Co. (Addison, TX) KMPL Kamplite Mfg. Corp KMSI Keller Marine Services, Inc. KMSR Kamasura (U.S.A.) KNAP Knapheide Truck Equipment Company Southwest KNBR Ken-Bar KNC Ken Craft Trailer KNC Kennedy Kraft, Inc. KNC Dons Marine KNC Shaw Co., Inc. KNCD Konced Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Cixi Konced Motorcycle Co., Ltd. KNG King Horse Trailer KNG Kingfisher Fiberglass KNG Master Molders, Inc. KNGA King American, LLC KNGH Kingham KNGS Kingsway Travel Trailer KNGT King Trailers, Inc. KNGY Kingsley Coach, Inc. or The Kingsley Coach, Inc. KNGY The Kingsley Coach, Inc. or Kingsley Coach, Inc. KNIG Knight Mfg. Corp. KNIV Knievel Motorcycle Mfg., Inc. KNLH KNL Holdings, LLC KNNW Kenworth Northwest, Inc. KNOW Knowles Mfg. Co. KNOX Knox Homes Corp. KNTC Kinetic Engineering, Ltd. (Pune, India; mopeds) KNTI Kent Inds., Inc. KNXM Kinroad Xintian Motorcycle Mfg. Co., Ltd. KNXX Knox Automobile Company KODI Kodiak Coach & Mfg. Co. KOEH Master Div., Koehring Co. KOEH Farm Equipment Div., Koehring Co. KOEH Koehring Co. KOEN Koehn Mfg., Inc. KOFF Koffel Machine & Metal Fabricating, Inc. KOFF KMM KOHL Kohler Co. KOLB Kolberg Mfg. Corp., Subsidiary of Portec, Inc. KOMA Komatsu American Corp. KOMA Komatsu Forklift (USA), Inc. KOMA Komatsu, Ltd. KOMC K & O Manufacturing Co., Inc. KOME Kometik KOME Kometic KOME Moto Kometik, Inc. KOMF Komfort Travel Trailer KOMP Kompak Camping Trailer KOMR Komar KONK Kon Kwest Mfg. KONT Kontiki Camper Trailer KOO Sportco of Minden, Inc. (Minden, LA) KOOL Kools Brothers, Inc. KORY Kory Farm Equipment Div. KOSC Kosch Co. KOST Koster Mfg., Inc. KOTR King of the Road Trailer Co. KOUN Kountryaire Travel Trailer KOVA John R. Kovar Mfg. Co., Inc. KOZY Kozy Coach Co. KPB K Enterprises KPB Porta-Bote Intl. KPRC Kay Park-Rec Corp. KRA Kramsco Mfg., Inc. KRAE Krager Kustom Koach, Inc. KRAF Kraft/Tech, Inc. KRAU Krause Plow Corp., Inc. KRC Kustom Enterprises, Inc. KRC Kustom Rigging KRDL Kreidler KREM Kremin Welding KRFT Kraftsman Trailers, Inc. KRG Image Boat Co. KRG Kronenberg Ind., Inc. KRGO Kargo Trailers KRIS Kris Kraft Mobile Homes KRKM Kirkham Motorsports KROB Kro-Built Co. KROM Kromag (subsidiary of Puch) KROP Kropf Mfg. Co., Inc. KROS Kross Kountry KROW Krown Camper KRST Kristi Trailer Inds., Inc. KRU Cruisers, Inc. KRUZ Kruz, Inc. KRYS Krystal Koach, Inc./Krystal Enterprises KSEA Kasea Motorsports KST Charloma Fiberglass, Inc. (Cherryvale, KS) KSTN Karsten or Karsten Homes KTM KTM KTMX KTMMEX Motorcycle Mfg. KTPE Kleepsie Tank & Petroleum Equipment, Inc. KUBO Kubota Tractor Corp. KUHN Kuhn Farm Machinery, Inc. KUKU Kuntry Kustom RV, LLC KURM Kurmann Trailer Mfg. Co. KURT Kurtis Kraft KUST Kustom Kraft KUTK Kut-Kwick Corp. KUTZ Kutz Farm Equipment, Inc. KVA Kenova Ind. KVCH Kovatch KVH KV Hydros (Winter Springs, FL) KW Kenworth Motor Truck Co. KWDT KW Dart KWDT Dart, KW KWE Key West Boats, Inc. (Ridgeville, SC) KWIK Kwik-Loc Corp. KWKT Kwick Kit Cement Mixer KWMH K & K Mobile Homes KWNS Kensington Welding & Trailer Co. KYMC Kymco KYRV Keystone RV Co. KYZ Kentucky Homemade Boats KZRV KZ, Inc. or KZ Recreational Vehicles LABE Lady Bea Trailers LABT Loadmaster Aluminum Boat Trailers, Inc. LACC Laconia Custom Cycles LACG L. A. Cargo Trailers, Inc. LACH Lawn Chief LACR La Crosse LACY Lacey, W. E. & Sons LACY W. E. Lacey & Sons LADA Lada (imported from USSR) LAE Baja Boat Co. (Sierra Boat Corp.) LAE Sierra Boat Corp. LAER Let's Go Aero, Inc. LAFR American La France LAFY Lafayette Motor Home LAGO Lagonda LAGU Lagusa Motor Coach LAKE Bestrail LAKE Lakeside Inds. LAKL Lakeland Camper & Mfg. LAKO Lakota Corp. LAKR Lake Raider, Inc. LALL LaSalle LAMB Lambretta LAMO Lamborghini LAMO Lamborghini Aventador LAMR Lamar Trailers LAN Lane Flatbed Trailer LANA Lancer Mobile Homes LANC Lanchester LANC Lance Truck Mount Camper (for reference only; see LNCE) LAND Landcraft Corp. LANE Lane Horse Trailer LANG Langley Mfg., Div., M.D. Knowlton Co. LANH Landola Homes, Inc. LANL Easy Rider LANL Landoll Corp. LANM Landmaster LANP Lanes Pacesetter Trailer LANR Lancer LANS Landis Steel Co. LANT Lanheim, Inc. LANU Landau Motor Home LAOT Brindle LAOT LaOtto Metal Fabricating Co., Inc. LAR Larson Boat Co. (Little Falls, MN) LAR Larson Ind., Inc. LAR Glasspar Boat Div. LARA Larado Mobile Homes LARI Lawrimore Mfg., Inc. LARK Lark Trailer LARN W. F. Larson, Inc. LARO Larson Machine, Inc. LARS Larsen Lapline Trailer LARV Larvin LARV Firma Lenko LASA La Salle LASE Laser LASH Lake & Shore Camper LASL La Salle Homes LASL La Vega LAVE Laverda LAWC Woods, L. A. Co., Inc. LAWC L. A. Woods Co., Inc. LAWN Lawndale Homes, Inc. LAWR Lawrence Trailer LAY Laguna Yachts, Inc. LAYO Layton Mfg. Co., Inc. LAYT Layton Homes Corp. LAZ Louisiana Homemade Boats LAZE Lazer LAZJ Lazy J Horse Trailer LBAU Le Beau Enterprises LBC Livingston Boat Co., Inc. LBCT L&B Custom Trailers LBD Landau Boat Co. LBHR Liebherr LBL Lucraft Boats-Labray LBO Landau Boat Co. LBOS Load Boss, Inc. LBOY Lawn Boy LBRN Lebaron Ambulances LBRY Liberty Seamless Ent., Inc. or Liberty Electric Bikes LBRY Liberty Electric Bikes or Liberty Seamless Ent., Inc. LBT LBT LBTY Liberty, Inc. LBV Cimmaron Marine LBV Litton Boats, Inc. LCB Lyn-Craft Boat Co. LCCC LC 3 (Formerly Lafayette Country Car Co.) LCHG Long Chang LCIN Loncin Group Import & Export Co., Ltd. LCN Lincoln Canoe Co. LCN Maine Marine Co. LCON Lucon, Inc. LCR Radisson Canoes LCR George Ross Association LCRT L-Cart, Inc. LCTS Lanchester Trailer Supply, LLC LCX Small Craft, Inc. LD L & D Trailers LDAZ Lazy Daze Motor Home LDLN Load Line Mfg., Inc. LDMS Loadmaster, Inc. LDMX Load Max Trailers, Ltd. LDTC Loadmaster Trailer Co., Ltd. LDTL Load Trail, Inc. LDVI Lynch Diversified Vehicles, Inc. LEAD Leader Horse Trailer LEAF Lea-Francis LEAR Lear Siegler, Inc., Hutchinson Div. LEBR Leber Coach Mfg. LECH Lechmere Construction LECT Lectracan LEDW Ledwell & Son Enterprises, Inc. LEE Lee LEEB Lee Boy Construction Equipment LEEC Lee Coaches LEEN L & E Enterprises LEER Leer, Inc. LEES Leesburg Div. LEHM Lehman Trikes USA, Inc. LEHM Lehman Power Corp. LEIR Leisure Craft LEIS Leisuretime Motor Home LEIT Leisure Home Trailer LEIU Leisure Products, Inc. LEJ Lee Boats LEKT Lektracycle LEL Cajun Special Boats (Lolell, IN) LELA Leland Engineering, Inc. LELA Tri-Trak LELY Lely Corp., The LEM Lem LEM Morini Mini (see LEM, imported by Herdan Corp., Port Clinton, PA) LEMC Lemco Tool Corp. LEND Len Dar (Lendar) Campers LEND Len Dar Campers or Lendar LENT Lee Enterprises Mfg. Co., Inc. LEON Leon Mfg. Co., Ltd. (Canada) LERY Le Roi Div. LERY Leroi LES Leisure Imports, Inc. LESA Les Autobus M.C.I. LESC Lesco, Inc. LESR Leisure Manor, Inc. LETO Letourneau, R. G. LETO R. G. Letourneau LEVC Levco Mfrs., Inc. LEVI Levis LEWA Lewaub Trailer Mfg. LEWI Lewis-Shepard LEXS Lexus LFA LEXS Lexus LEYL Leyland Tractors LEYL Leyland LFET Lifetime Custom Coach LFP Lake Flite Plastics (Knoxville, TN) LFTL Lafayette LFTY Lefty Brothers Cycles, LLC LFZA Laforza LG L & G Trailer LGBO Longbo (Parent Co.-Chuanl Motorcycle Mfg., Ltd.) LGCH Long Chih Industrial Co., Ltd. LGCY Legacy RV, LLC LGK Legend Craft, Inc. LGLX Legendary Luxury Coach, LLC LGND Legend Trailers, Inc. LGNM Legend Mfg., Inc. LHR Luhrs (St. Augustine, FL) LHRN Longhorn Tank & Trailer, Inc. LIBA Liberty Coach Co. LIBB Libby Corporation LIBC Liberty Trailer Co. LIBE Liberty Travel Trailers LIBH Liberty Homes, Inc. LIBH Sylvan Mobile Homes LIBY Liberty Industries LICH Lichtys Blacksmithing, Inc. LICH Little Champ Camper LICH Strongboy LICO Linco Trailer Home LIEB Lieber Inds., Inc. LIFE Lifetime Mfg. Co. (for reference only; see LFET) LIFM Liftmaster, Inc. LIFN Lifan Ind. Group Co., Ltd. LIFT Lifetime Products, Inc. LIFT Liftall Forklift (for reference only; see LION) LIGC Little Giant Crane & Shovel, Inc. LIGH Light Equipment Div. LIGH Maxi-Sneaker LIGH Trimline LIGH Light Equipment Div. (old code DAVI) LIGN Lightning Rod Motorcycles LIGP Little Giant Products, Inc. LIGT Lighter-Bilt Trailers, Inc. LII Laser Ind., Inc. (Fort Lauderdale, FL) LIL Little Dude Cycle Trailer (for reference only; see LITD) LILA Lilac LILB Lil Bubba LILC Lil Cat, Inc. LILL Lilliston Corp. LILN Lil Indian LILT Lil-Tag-Along Trailers LILZ LilZ LIME Lime City Equipment, Inc. LINC Lincoln-Continental LINC Lincoln LIND Linde LINF Lincraft Inds. LINH Linhai LINK Link-Belt LINM Apache LINM Lindig Mfg. Corp. LINP Lincoln Park Mobile Homes, Inc. LINT Lintzcraft Travel Trailer LINV Linville Horse Trailer LINW Linwood Mfg., Inc. LIOL Lional Enterprises, Inc. LION Liftall Forklift LION Lion Mfg. Co., Inc. LIPP Lippert Components Mfg., Inc. LIPR Little Prospector Motor Home LIQU Liquid & Bulk Tank Div. LISL Lislet Foundries, Ltd. LITC Little Chum Mfg. Co. LITD Texas Royal Boat Trailer LITD Little Dude Trailer Co. LITK Lift Truck, Inc. LITP Little Prince Travel Trailer LITS Little Sport Enterprises LITT Trail-O-Roller LITT Littleford Brothers, Inc. LKWD Lakewood LLMO Lectric Limos (low speed vehicles) LLOD Lloyds Trailer Finishing LLOY Lloyd LLT Leisure Life, Ltd. (Grand Rapids, MI) LLTR L & L Trailers LMA Caddo Boat Mfg. Co., Inc. LMC LMC LMK Lorequin Marine, Inc. LML Lion Mar Boat Corp. (Miami, FL) LMLC LML Corp. LMLL LML Limited LMM L & M Mfg. Co. LMMC L & M Trailer Mfg. LNC Land -N- Craft LNCE Lance Truck Mount Camper LNCI Lancia 300C RT53 LNCI Lancia LNCO Lincoln Electric Co. LNCO Lincoln Electric Co., Inc. LNCO Lincoln Welder LNCP Lance Powersports (AKA-Znen Powersports) LNCT Lancaster Mfg., Inc. LNDA Landa Cleaning Systems LNDN London Taxi LNDR Land Rover LNEW La New Industries, Inc. LNGB Landgrebe Mfg., Inc. LNGH Longhorn Trailers LNGH McKinley Enterprises LNGT Longting Power Equip. Co., Ltd. LNGZ Liangzi Power Co., Ltd. or Shandong Liangzi Power Co., Ltd. LNGZ Shandong Liangzi Power Co., Ltd. or Liangzi Power Co., Ltd. LNM Lenhan Ind. LNPD Land Pride LNRD Leonard Aluminum Utility Buildings, Inc. LNS Lone Star Fiberglass Co. LNST Lone Star Trailer LNWF Lone Wolfe LOAD Load Rite Trailers LOAK Load King Trailer Co. LOCK Locke Enterprises of New York, Inc. LOCO Locomobile LODA Lodal, Inc. LODC Loadcraft Div., Bushog LODC Bushog/Loadcraft (Div. of Allied Products Corp.) LODE Load Star Corp. LODK Lode King LODZ LOAD-EAZ Trailer, Inc. LOFT Loftness Mfg. Co. LOGI Logic Motor Co. LOGN Logan Coach, Inc. LOLA Lola LOM Lombard LOMC Lomac Boat Trailer LONA Lonaire Mfg. Corp. LONB Lone Star Boat Mfg. LONC Lone Star Classics (Kits & Replicas) LOND London Motors LONE Lonergan Corp. LONE Crestlane LONF Triax-Tube LONF F. A. Long LONF Long, F. A. LONG Long Mfg. N.C., Inc., Construction & Ind. Div. LONG Long Coach Corp. (for reference only) LONG Long Mfg. NC, Inc. LONH Longmark Mobile Homes LONL Longlife LONN Lonnies Trailer Sales LONR Longrun LONT Long Trailer Co., Inc. LOOD Loodcraft LOOK Look Trailers or LGS Ind., Inc. LOPR Loprofile Boat Trailer LORA Lorain Div. LORK Lorak, Inc. LOTU Lotus LOTU Lotus 2 Eleven LOUD Loudo Enterprises, LLC LOVB Lovebug Travel Trailer LOVE J. E. Love Co. LOWB LowBoy Trailer LOWE Lowe Inds. LOWP Low Pro Custom Trailer LPB Lynch Performance Boats LPB Mako Shark Boats LPM Leisure Products Marketing System LPR Laminated Products Co. LRNG Loranger Enterprises, Inc. LRSN Larson International, Inc. LSKP Lori Engineering Corp. LSTS L and S Trailer & Supply, LLC LSUR Leisure Travel Vans, Ltd. LSX Lock Stock & Barrel (Elkhart, IN) LTB Ultra Marine Corp. LTB Ultra Boats, Inc. LTCH Leitchfield Truck Equipment, Inc. LTCO Latco, Inc. LTEC Load Tec (Load Technology, Inc.) LTF Little & Upton, Inc. LTT Lott-Craft Boats LTVA LTV Aerospace LUBB Lubbock LUCK James L Lucky Enterprises LUCR Lucra Cars LUED Luedtke Mfg., Inc. LUFK Lufkin Trailers LUG Luger Ind., Inc. LUGR Luger Inds. LUKY Lucky LULL Lull Engineering Co. LUN Lund American, Inc. LUND Lundell Mfg. Co., Inc. LUND Lundell LUNG Lundgreen Flatbed LUVI Luv-It Mfg. LUX Luxury Marine LUX Cougar Marine, Inc. LUXO Luxor-Leffingwell Coach LUXU Luxury Homes, Inc. LVIN Livin Lite Corp. or Livin Lite RV, Inc. LWLF Lone Wolf Trailer Co., Inc. LWMR Law Mar Trailers LWN Lowe Ind. (Lebanon, MO) LWN Carl A. Lowe Ind., Inc. LYCO Lycoming Marine Products LYG Sea Fox Boat Co., Inc. LYMA Lyman Metal Products Corp. LYN Lyn Craft Boat Co. LYNC Lyncoach & Truck Co. LYNH FloTrail LYNH Lynch Mfg. LYNN Lynnton Mfg. Co. LYNR Lynn-Towtruck LYNW Lynwood Dump Trailers MAC MacGregor Yacht Corp. MACA MacDonald Camper Kit MACC McDonald Camper Kit Distributor MACD MacDonalds Mobile Homes MACG MacGregor Yacht Corp. MACK Mack Trucks, Inc. MACL Mac-Lander, Inc. MACO Macoma Engineering, Inc. MACR Master Craft Industrial Equipment Corp. MACS Mac's Metal Materials MAD Mad River Canoe Co., Inc. MADD Madden Trailer MADF Mad Fabrication, LLC MADM Madami (Motor Scooters) MADR Del Rio MADR Madrin Homes MADS Marine Drive System MAEN Mays Enterprises, Inc. MAEN Martec Engineering Corp. MAG Magnum Marine MAGA Magna American Corp. MAGC Magic Tilt Trailer Mfg. Co., Inc. MAGI Magic Touch, Inc. MAGL Tiltster MAGL Magline, Inc. MAGM Magnum Products, Inc. MAGN Magnolia Mobile Homes Mfg. MAGO Magnolia Travel Trailer MAGS Magster MAGT Magnum Custom Trailer Mfg. Co. MAGY Magna Steyr MAHA Marmon Harrington MAHI Mahindra MAHO Mahoning Homes, Inc. MAI Mai Mfg. Co. MAIC Maico (West Germany) MAIC Maico (Germany) MAIN Mark Line Inds., Inc. MAIR Mair & Son, Inc. MAJE Majestic Corp. MAJO Major Way MAJR Majestic Rides Mfg., Inc. MAK Monark Boat Co. MAKV Mark V Trailer MAL Mal Tractor MALA Malaguti MALE Marathon Le Tourneau Co. MALH Malheur Mobile Homes, Inc. MALI Malibu Campers MALL Mallard Coach Corp. MALN Malanca MALO Malro USA Distributors MALR Mallard MALS Marliss Inds., Inc. MALY Malyette MAMM Mammoth Trailers MANA MANAC, Inc. MANC Manco Products, Inc. MANE Manet MANG Mangar Co. MANI Manitowoc Engineering Co., Inc. MANK Mankato Mobile Homes, Inc. MANM Mann Made Products, Inc. MANN Richard Manning MANN Manning, Richard MANO Manor Homes, Inc. MANT Manatee Homes MAPL Maple Leaf, Inc. MAPO Marion Power Shovel Co., Inc. MAQI Marque, Inc. MARA Mark Twain Mfg. Co. MARA Twain, Mark, Mfg. Co. MARB Marbrough Boat Trailer MARC Marcos MARF Youll Haul It MARF Long Haul, The MARF Mark Fore Vatco Inds. MARG Marine Group, LLC MARH Alexandria Mobile Home MARH Marietta Homes MARI Marine Camper Trailer MARK Marking Mfg. MARL Marshall MARM Marmon MARN Marion Metal Products Co. MARO Marlette Homes, Inc. MARP Marathon Homes Corp. MARQ Marquette Custom Boat Trailer MARR Marlin Mfg. MARS Mars Camper Co. MART Martin Trailers, Ltd. MARU Marusho MARV Mar-Val Inds., Inc. MARW Marshfield Homes, Inc. MASC Mascot Homes, Inc. MASE Maserati MASG Master Liner Mfg. Co. MASL Masterbilt Trailers, Inc. MASN Massons Welding MASP MAS Racing Products MASR Mastercraft MASS Massey-Ferguson, Inc. MASS Ski Whiz MAST Masterline Co., Inc. MASV Master View MASY Massey MATA Matra MATE Mate, Inc. MATL Matlock Trailer Corp. MATM Mid-Atlantic Trailer Mfg., Inc. MATR Matrette MAU Crest Pontoons (Owosso, MI) MAUL Mauldin Mfg. Co., Inc. MAUM Maurer Mfg., Inc. MAUR Maurell Trailer MAV Maverick MAVE Maverick Mobile Home MAVI Maginniss Vibrator Equipment Co. MAVL Marvell Mobile Home MAVN Marvin Landplane MAX Maxum MAXC Maxcraft Trailer Mfg. MAXE Maxey Mfg., Inc. MAXI Maxim Ind., Inc. MAXL Maxwell MAXM Maxum Trailers MAXO Maxon Eagle MAXO Maxon Inds., Inc. MAXP Maxi Products Co., Inc. MAYA Mayfair Mobile Home MAYB Maybach (Brand within Mercedes-Benz) MAYB Maybach MAYC Mayco Pump Corp. MAYC Mayco Two Wheel Trailer MAYF Mayflower Trailers or Homes MAYH Mayhem Mfg. MAYR Mayrath Inds., Inc. MAYS Mays Inds., Inc. MAZ Macs Airboats & Skiffs MAZD Mazda Mazda MAZD Mazda MB2 Malibu Boats MBC Mastercraft Boat Co. MBCC McBurnie Coach Craft, Inc. MBCG M-B Co., Inc. of Wisconsin MBCP Mobile Concepts MBD Marlin Boat Co. MBE Mantra Boat Co. MBEE Motobee MBG Magus Boat Co. MBG Magus Marine Co. MBHE Minuteman Boat Handling Equip., Inc. MBIE Mobile Intl. MBIL Mobile Traveler MBJ Mize Boats MBK Makaira Boats, Inc. (Dana Point, CA) MBK Makai Boats, Inc. MBKI MBK Industries MBM M.B.M MBP Mitchell Boat Co. (Div. of Wilson Products) MBSI Mobile Specialties, Inc. MBTR Mobile Traveler MBV Mastercrafters, Inc. (Winnsboro, LA) MBVO Motobravo MBWI M-B-W, Inc. MC2 Marine City MC2 Silverado Boats MCAF M. P. McCaffrey MCAF McCaffrey, M. P. MCBM McCloskey Brothers Mfg. Canada, Ltd. MCC Mich-Craft Corp. MCCA McCain Inds. MCCB Powers MCCB McCabe-Powers Body Co. MCCK McCook Mfg. Co. MCCL McClain Trailer Mfg. Co. MCCM McCrabb Mfg., Inc. MCCO McCoy Mfg. & Sales Co. MCCR McCarthy Trailers MCCU McCullough Ind. MCCU McCulloch Mite-E-Lite, Inc., McCulloch Corp. MCCU McCulloch Corp. MCCY Pacer MCCY McClenny Machine Co. of Virginia, Inc. MCD McDaniel Boat Co., Inc. MCEL McElrath Trailers MCFA McFarlane Mfg. Co., Inc. MCH Unicraft Boats (Bradenton, FL) MCIN Motor Coach Inds., Inc. (MCI) MCKA John A. McKay MCKA McKay, John A. MCKT Mack Trailer Mfg. Co., Inc. MCKY McKay Mfg. Co., Inc. MCLA McLaren Automotive MCLN McLendon Trailers MCNA McNamee Coach Corp. MCNM MCN Mobile Homes Corp. MCOA Mac Corp. of America MCOL McCollough Corp. MCOX Mecox Resources SA DE CV MCOY McCoy/Taylor, Inc. MCQU McQuerry Tan Trailer MCQV McQuerry Horse Trailer MCRD McCord Mfg. Co. MCRR Mc Kee Roughrider MCS Mayburys Canoe Shop MCSI The Marine Cradle Shop, Inc. MCSK McCloskey International MCTM MC Trailer Mfg. MCTY Mercoty Trailer MCX River Jammer Canoe Co. (Brentwood, NH) MCYM McCoy Miller MCZ Michigan Homemade Boats MDAM Mid America Mfg., Inc. MDEP MD Enterprises MDLR Modular Systems, Inc. MDNA Modena MDOW Meadow Creek Welding, LLC MDQT MDQ Trailer Mfg., Inc. MDS MDS MDST Mid States Camping Trailer MDT Middle Tennessee Fiberglass, Inc. MDTR M-D Trailer Co. MDYN 3M Dynamic Message Systems MDZ Maryland Homemade Boats MEAD Meade MEAN Mean MEBT Meb Trailer Sales MECH Mech Handling Co. MEDA Medallion Mobile Homes MEDF Medford Inds. MEDI Medical Coaches, Inc. MEDT Medtec Ambulance Corp. MEID Meidou Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Zhejiang Meidou Motorcycle Co., Ltd. MEIT Shanghai Meitian Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Meitian Motorcycle Co., Ltd. MEIT Meitian Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Shanghai Meitian Motorcycle Co., Ltd. MELA Melmar Motor Home MELG Melges Boat Works, Inc. MELM Melmak Motor Home MELO Timco MELO Melody Home Mfg. Co. MELR Melroe Div. MELR Bobcat Skid Steer Loader MENG Mengdeli Electrical Co., Ltd. or Zhejiang Mengdeli Electrical Co., Ltd. MENG Zhejiang Mengdeli Electrical Co., Ltd. or Mengdeli Electrical Co., Ltd. MENS Mecanismos Ensamblados S.A. de C.V. MERB Mercury Boat Co. MERC Mercury MERD Merdian (for reference only; see TRUM) MERD Merdian (England) (for reference only; see TRUM) MERH Mercury Coach Corp. MERI Merritt Equipment Co. MERK Merkur MERM Merrimac Corp. MERM Charisma MERR Mercury Trailer Inds. MERT Merit Tank & Body MERW Merhow Inds. MERY Merry Mfg. Corp. MERY Merrytiller MERZ Mercedes-Benz MESA Mesa III Travel Trailer MESS Messerschmitt META Metal Craft Mfg. METE Meteor (Canadian Mercury) METL Mercantile Mfg. Co., Inc. METM Metro Metal & Design, Inc. METO Metoo Travel Trailer METR Metropolitan METV Metavic METZ Metzendorf Trailer Mfg. MEY Meyers Ind., Inc. MEYE Meyer Morton Co. MEYR Meyer Mfg. Corp. MEZ Maine Homemade Boats MFAB Metal Fabrication, Inc. MFBS Maintenance & Fabrication Services MFG MFG Boats MFG Molded Fiber Glass Boat MFGP Marine Fiberglass Products, Inc. MFJ Myers Fiberglass MFJ Myers Fiberglass Products MFL Mobile Fiberglass Services (Navarre, FL) MFN Marben Marine MFP Midwestern Fiberglass Products MFS Mike F. Shannon Co. MFS Witchcraft & Apache MFS1 Glassline, Inc. (Redding, CA) MG MG MGE Magic Boats, Inc. (Lake Havasu City, AZ) MGI Marine Group, Inc. MGK Mike Gault Canoes MGM Magnum Boat MGM Magtex Co. MGM M.G.M., Inc. MGNL Magnolia Trailers, Inc. MGNM Magnum Mfg. MGNO Mgnol Tandem Boat Trailer MGOS Mongoose Trailers MGS MGS, Inc. MGW Montgomery Ward Co. MGZ Mirage Boat Co., Inc. MGZ Triad MHA Milford Haven Marine MHEB Eby, M. H., Inc. MHEB M. H. Eby, Inc. MHMC Manufactured Housing Mgmt. Corp. MHMC Blair House MHP Mel-Hart Products, Inc. (Conway, AR) MHTI M & H Trailers, Inc. MHV Mini-T Mariners Haven MHV Mariners Haven, Inc. MIB Miller Boats (Rockport, TX) MICA Michalke Mfg. Corp. MICB Micro Bird, Inc. MICC Micro Concept Cars MICF MIC Fabricating Corp., Inc. MICG Michigan Central Airlines MICH Michigan Tractor & Machinery Co. (for reference only) MICK Mickey Truck Bodies; originally W.F. Mickey Body Co. MICL Michael Mfg., Inc. MICW Michigan Wheel (Div. of Dana Corp.) MIDA Midas Mini Motor Home (for reference only; see MIDS) MIDA Mid-Atlantic Homes Co. MIDB Middlebury Trailers, Inc. MIDC Mid-Cal Forklift, Inc. MIDD Middlesex Equipment Co. MIDE Midway Engineering Co. MIDI Midwest Inds., Inc. MIDI Shore-Lander MIDL Sunrise Park Mobile Homes MIDL Capella MIDL Midland Inds., Inc. MIDL Village Park Mobile Homes MIDM Midmark MIDN Mid-Nebraska Truck and Trailer MIDQ Mid-Equipment Corp. MIDS Midas Intl. Corp. MIDT Midwest Mini-Tote Co. MIDT Mini-Tote MIDW Midwest Mobile Homes & Trailer Mfg. Co. MIEV Miles Electric Vehicles MIFU Mitsubishi FUSO Truck of America, Inc. MIJ Mirage Marine Corp. MIKA Mikasa MIKR Mikrus MIL Miller Electric Mfg. Co. MILA Millan Flatdeck MILC Milco Tank & Boat Co. MILE Miller & Smith MILL Miller Trailers, Inc. MILR Miller Equipment Div., Miller Equipment Company MILT Miller Tilt-Top Trailer, Inc. MILW Milwaukee Electric Co., Inc. MILW Milwaukee Electric Tool Corp. MILY Exhibitor MILY Miley Trailer Co., Inc. MIMI Mighty Mite Marine MIMO Minneapolis-Moline (MOTEC), Inc. MIMO Minneapolis Moline MIN Minn-Kota MIND Miller Industries MINI Miniscooter MINN Minelli MIRA Mirage Motorhomes, Inc. MIRE Mirage Enterprises, Inc. MIS Midwest Seat Mfg. Co., Inc. MISC Unlisted or unpublished boat make (see Section 4.1) MIST Mistral MIT Mitchell Camper Trailer MITC Mitchell Industrial Tire Co., Inc. MITC Mitco MITS Mitsubishi MITT Mitts-Merrill, Inc. MITT Mitts & Merill, Inc. MIZ Mississippi Homemade Boats MJC M & J Boat Co. MJCK MI-JACK Products MJI Dynasty Boats MJI Midsouth Fiberglass, Inc. MJK Majek Boat Works MJME MJM Enterprises, Inc. MJMT M.J.M. Trailer Mfg., Inc. MKC McKee Craft MKE Mike Butler Marine Design MKE Record Seven Performance Boats MKEE McKee Farm Technologies, Inc. MKH Metzeler Kautschuk MKMH MK 5-1400 Motor Home MKS Mako, Inc. MLBL MLBLT MLHI Maple Leaf Homes, Inc. MLLM Millennium Trailers, Inc. MLLR Miller MLNG Moling Corp. MLNG Car King Dolly Trailers MLRO Melroe Tractor Truck MLTI Multition Hydraulic Truck MLTK Multitek, Inc. MLXC Mobilux MMB Muir Maid Boats MMCL Mini-Marcellino MMCO Milwaukee Motorcycle Co. MMFG M Manufacturing, Inc. MML Melen Marine, Ltd. MMM Merrimack Marine, Inc. MMMC M & M Mfg. Co. MMN Mohawk Mfg. Co. MMP Montgomery Marine Products MMS Muncie Metal Spinning, Inc. MMTL Marine Master Trailers MMY Middle Bay Boats (New Bern, NC) MNAC Monaco Motor Home MNAR Monarch (Sweden) MNB Manning Enterprises MNDI Mond Industries, Inc. MNIT Manitou or Manitou North America MNJ Borum Boats, Inc. MNJ Memco, Inc. MNL Mannix Plastics MNLN Main Line, Inc. MNN Manate Marine MNNI Mini MNRC Monarc MNRK Monark MNRO Monroe Motors, Inc., Wally-Mo Div. MNSN Monsoon Motorsports MNT Manatee Marine Products, Inc. MNTA Manta MNTA Three R Inds., Inc. MNTC Mountain Trailer Co., LLC MNTE Montebello Mobile Home Trailer MNTG Montgomery, Bill MNTS Mantis Choppers, Inc. MNX Mannino Boats MNZ Minnesota Homemade Boats MOAL Monte Aluminum Trailer Dump MOBB Mobilaire Mobile Homes MOBC Mobile Chapel Trailer MOBE Moto Beta MOBF Mobile Freeze MOBG Mobile Engineering Co. MOBH Mobile Facility Engineering Co. MOBI Motobic MOBJ Mobile Garage Mfg. Co. MOBK Mobile Holding Corp. MOBL Mobile Home Co. MOBN Mobile Home Service MOBO Mobile Mfg. Corp. MOBP Mobile of Marysville MOBR Mobile Office, Inc. MOBS Mobile Products, Inc. MOBT Mobile Scout Mfg. Corp. MOBU Cinderella Mobile Homes MOBU Mobile Structures, Inc. MOBV Mobile Tops, Inc. MOBW Mobile Unit Mfg., Inc. MOBX Mobilemanor, Inc. MOBY Mobylette (for reference only; see MTBE) MOCA Monte Carlo Mobile Homes MOCC Mobley Metal Works MOCR Motocicletas Carabela S.A. MOCY Mod Cycles Corp. MOD Modum Executive Services, Inc. MODE Model A and Model T Motor Car Reproduction Corp. MODH Modern Mobile Homes MODI Modernistic Inds. MODL Lamplighter MODL Moduline Intl., Inc. MODN Modern MODR Modern, Inc. (farm and garden equipment) MODU Module, Inc. MOFF Moffett MOFO Moto Fino USA, Inc. MOGA Morgan Equipment Co. MOGU Moto Guzzi (Italy) MOH Muhlen Ind. (Cincinnati, OH) MOHA Mohawk, Inc. MOHO Mobile Home Inds., Inc. MOHO Tiffany Mobile Home MOJA Mojave MOK Moon Boats MOLL Molloy Mobile Crafts MOLY Mobility, Inc. MOM Wesmor Co. (Inverness, FL) MOMO Moto Morini MONA Monarch MONB Monarch Boat Co. MONC Monarch Inds., Inc. MONC Daytona Mobile Homes MOND Mondial MONG Lac St.-Jean Motoneige, Ltd. MONG Montagnais MONH Monarch Mobile Homes MONH Monarch Motor Home MONI Monitor Coach Co. MONN Monon Trailer Div. MONO Mono MONR Monroe Tractor MONS Monson & Sons Trailer MONT Monte MONU Montgomery Mfg. Co. MONV Monticlaire Mobile Homes MONW Montone Mfg. Co. MOOD Moody Mfg. Co. MOON Moonshine Trailers MOOR Moore Equipment Co. MORB Morbark, Inc. MORD Moridge Mfg., Inc. MORD Grasshopper MORE Moretti MORG Morgan MORI Morris Brothers MORM Morgan Mobile, Inc. MORN Morgan Trailer Mfg. Co. MORR Morris MORS Morse Horse Trailer MORT Moritz, Inc. MORT Super Goose MORU Moto Rumi MORW Morger Welding & Mfg., Inc. MOS Morris Boat Shop MOSE Moser MOSE Vim Trailer Mfg., Inc. MOSK Moskovitch MOSL Mosler MOSW Mobile Sweeper Div. MOTA Motoc Semi Flatbed Trailer MOTB Motobecane U.S.A. MOTE Motel Mobile Corp. of America MOTM Motom MOTN Classic (model of Motron Corp.) MOTN Fairway (model of Motron Corp.) MOTN Medalist (model of Motron Corp.) MOTN Motron Corp. (Italy; distributed by Midway Distributing Co., Chico, CA) MOTO Motoroam Inds., Inc. MOTR Mo Trailer Corp. MOTS Montesa (Spain) MOU Ventura Wholesale, Inc. MOUA Mount Vernon Mobile Home MOUE Mountain Valley Enterprises MOUM Mountain View Campers MOUN Mountaineer Mfg. Co. MOUT Mountain Mfg. Co., Inc. MOV Man-O-War Performance MOWA Montgomery Ward MOWE Mowett Sales Co., Inc. MOZ Missouri Homemade Boats MPB Corsa Marine, Ltd. (Opa-Locka, FL) MPC MPC Cruiser Camper Trailer MPD Brunswick Marine Power (Topeka, IN) MPH Marshland Marine, Inc. (Baytown, TX) MPHI MPH Industries, Inc. or MPH Automotive Service MPHY Murphy Diesel Co. MPM Combee Airboats, Inc. MPRT Maine Portage MQPW MQ Power MQW Maelstrom Marine, Inc. (Sarasota, FL) MRAU Marauder Travelers, Inc. MRB Marquis Boat Co., Inc. MRCM Mercury Marine (Div. of Brunswick Corp.) MRCO Marco MRCT Honeysuckle Enterprises, Inc. MRCT M & R Enterprises, Inc. MRCU Mercury Marine MRCU Mercury MRE Moore Enterprises MRED Mr. Ed Boat Trailer MRG Mirage Marine, Inc. (Palmetto, FL) MRGN Morgan Built, Inc. MRGY Margay Cycles & Karts MRH Mariah Boats MRIN Jamaica MRIN Marion Homes, Inc. MRIO Marion Trailer Sales MRIO Vault Carrier MRJ Marquis Boats, Inc. MRK Mako Marine, Inc. MRND Miranda's Welding Service, Ltd. MRNE Marine Transportation Co., Inc. MRNI Mariner Intl. Co. MROB Mercury Outboard (Div. of Brunswick Corp.) MRQM Marquez Mfg., Ltd. MRR Mirro Marine Div. MRR Mirrocraft MRR Mirro Marine MRRA Murray Marine Corp. MRS M-R-S Mfg. Co. MRTE Motorette MRTH Marathon Coach MRTI Martin Lowboy Semi Trailer MRTN Martins Enterprises MRTZ Martinez Trailer MRX Mariner Marine, Ltd. MRY Catalina Yachts (Largo, FL) MRY Morgan Div. (Largo, FL) MSC Manset Marine Supply (Rockland, ME) MSFI Massey-Ferguson, Inc. MSFI Massey/Ski-Whiz MSFI Ski Whiz MSHN Marshin Motorbike Co., Ltd. MSI M-System, Inc. MSIM Mid-States International Motorcross, Inc. MSTG Mustang MSTW Master Tow, Inc. MSTY Misty Meadow Trailer Sales MSZ Massachusetts Homemade Boats MTBE Lemoped (model of Motobecane Moped) MTBE Sebring (model of Motobecane Moped) MTBE Traveler (model of Motobecane Moped) MTBE Velosolex Moped (model of Motobecane Moped) MTBE Mobylette (model of Motobecane Moped) MTBE Motobecane Moped (mfd. by Motobecane of France; imported by Motobecane America, Ltd., Hackensack, NJ) MTBE Solex (model of Motobecane Moped) MTC Mitsui (Miami, FL) MTCH Matchless MTCI Mississippi Tank Co., Inc. MTCI MTC MTD MTD (Modern Tool & Die) MTD Modern Tool & Die (MTD) MTD Lawn Flite MTD Ranch King MTD MTD Products, Inc. MTLC Metal Craft Trailers, Inc. MTM Mark Twain Marine Ind. (West Frankfort, IL) MTMV Mighty Mover Trailers, Inc. MTNA Montana MTNE Monotone Trailer Co. MTNI Martin Industries MTNK Monster Tanks, Inc. MTPA Maxwell Trailers & Pickup Accessories MTPI Columbia MTPI MTD Products, Inc. MTRA C & C Inds. MTRA Mastertrack MTRG Motor Guide (Div. of Arnold Ind.) MTRO Metro Rider, LLC MTRX Matrix Mfg. Co. MTRY Trailers De Monterrey, S.A. MTTI M.T. Trailers, Inc. MTUA MTU of North America MTW Team Ward, Inc. (Monticello, AR) MTZ Montana Homemade Boats MUDC Mud Cat Div., National Car Rental System, Inc. MUDD Mudd-Ox MUHL Muhlberg MULE Multech Corp. MULL Muller Machinery Co. MULQ Multiquip MULT Multi Trailer MUNC Muncy Homes, Inc. MUNT Muntz MURE Murena MURM Murray Mfg. Co. MURM Carry-All MURP Murphy Engineering Co., Inc. MURR Murray Ohio Mfg. Co. MURT Murray Trailers MUSG Mustang Trailer Mfg., Inc. MUST Mustang MUTG Mustang Trailers MUVA Muv-All Trailer Multech Corp. MVAC Madvac MVAU M. V. Agusta MVEN Marine Venture Enterprisers, Inc. MVH Olson & Co. Custom Yachts MVH Olson Co. Custom Yachts MVI Maverick Boat Co. MVI Atlantis Fiberglass MVR Moravia Ind. MWCH Mid-West Choppers, Inc. MWE Bobcat Boats (Gloster, LA) MWGE M & W Gear Co., Inc. MWK Manufacturers Wholesalers, Inc. MWK Invader Boats, Inc. MWMC M & W Mfg. Co. MWST Martco Waste System Equipment MXAT Max-Atlas Equipment International, Inc. MXJ Midnight Express, Inc. MXRL Maxi-Roule, Inc. MXU Monza Marine MYCO Myco Inds. MYD Tarva Custom Boats (Clovis, CA) MYFA Mayfairer Motor Home MYTE My-te Products, Inc. MYW American Fiberlite, Inc. MYWA My-Way Corp. MZ MZ MZMA Mzma NAB North American Boat Corp. NABI North American Bus Ind. NABO Nabors Trailer, Inc. NACB North Alabama Trailer Co. NACR National Crane Corp. NACR National Crane Corp.; Subsidiary of Walter Kidde & Co., Inc. NAD Naden Ind. NAHE Nash-Healy NAIR Nairobi Trailer NAMC N & Ha Mfg. Co. NAMO Namco, Inc. NAMO National Mower Co. NAMO Namco Inds. NANJ Nanjing Automobile Grp., Corp. NANL Nanlong Group Co., Ltd. NAP Lighting Boats NAP Excalibur Marine Corp. NARD Nardi-Danese NARV National RV, Inc. NAS North American Sleekcraft NASA Nasan Trailer NASH Nash NASM Nash Mfg. NASU Nashua Mfg. Co. NATL National Mobile Homes NATM National Mfg. NATV North American Traveler, LLC NATW Nationwide NAUT Nautical America NAVI Navistar NAVJ Navajo Horse Trailer NBA Norton Boat Works NBAY Northern Bay Co., Inc. NBC National Boat Corp. NBCC Nebraska Custom Cycles NBO Marathon Boat Co., Inc. NBS Normans Boat Shop NBZ Nebraska Homemade Boats NCTB North Coast Truck Body, LLC NCZ North Carolina Homemade Boats NDC Nordic Boats NDMC Nissan Diesel Motor Co. NDZ North Dakota Homemade Boats NEAL Neal Mfg. Co., Inc. NEAL Seal-Mor NEBM New Bame Trailer NECK Neckar NECT Neckover Trailer Mfg. Co. NEDL Nedland Inds., Inc. NEG Neodesha Plastics, Inc. NEGR Negrini (Moonachie, NJ; imported by Marina Mobili, Inc.) NEGR Harvard (model of Negrini) NELL Nallej of Florida NELN Nelson-Dykes Co. NELS Nelson Mfg. Co. NEOC Neo Classic Mfg., LLC NEOP Neoplan USA Corp. NEOS Neosho Custom Coach Co. NEPT Neptune Corp. NER Norieaster Yachts NERA New Era Trans Co. NERC Nerco Trailer NESC Northeast Steel Corp. NESS Arlen Ness Motorcycles or Ness Motorcycles NESS Ness Motorcycles NEUF Karl M. Neufeld NEUF Neufeld, Karl M. NEVA Nevada Air Products Co. NEVD Nevadan Mfg. Co. NEVI Neville Welding, Inc. NEVL Nevlen Co., Inc. NEVM Neval Motorcycles, Ltd. NEW Newman Ind., Inc. NEWC New Comer Inds., Inc. NEWD New Dimension NEWD Saint Charles NEWE New England Homes or Trailers NEWH New Holland NEWH Sperry New Holland NEWI New Idea Electric Lawn Garden Tractor NEWK New Yorker Homes Corp. NEWL Newell Coach Corp. NEWM Newham Enterprises NEWN Newman Trailers NEWP Newport Homes, Inc. NEWS New Style Homes, Inc. NEWT New Paris Traveler Corp. NEXT Nextrail NFLD Enfield India, Ltd. (Madras, India) NFLY New Flyer NFZ Noles Fiberglass Boats (Winter Haven, FL) NG-- National Guard (see Section 2.1) NGBO Longjia Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Or Ningbo Longjia Motorcycle Co., Ltd. NGCS Nomad Global Communication Solutions, Inc. (GCS) NGCS Nomad Global Communication Solutions, Inc. NHGT New Heights, LLC NHRZ New Horizons NHRZ Horizons, Inc. NHYD Northern Hydrolics, Inc. NHZ New Hampshire Homemade Boats NIAG Niagara Trailer Co. NICE Niceson Boat Trailer NICH Nichols Mfg. Co., Inc. NICK Nickel & Holman NICW Nichols Custom Welding NIMR Nimrod Tent Trailer NIS Nissan Marine & Power Products (Carrollton, TX) NISS Nissan Leaf NISS Nissan NIVI National Innovative Visions, Inc. AKA-Trailers, Inc., of Hill City NJZ New Jersey Homemade Boats NLBC NLB Corp. NLSN Nelson, LC NMC Intrepid Mfg. Co., Inc. NMF Twentieth (20th) Century Pool Builders NMF Fiberglass Builders, Inc. NMF Unique III Mfg. NMR Nitro Marine NMS Northside Mercury Sales NMS Royal American Northside NMS Northside Mercury Marine NMZ New Mexico Homemade Boats NNA Nona Boat Co. NNRQ N & N Remorque, Inc. or N & N Elite NOBI Nobility Homes, Inc. NOBL Noble Cultivators, Ltd. NOCO North Country NODE Nodine Mfg. NODE Hauler-Trailer NODI Nordic NOEL Noel Mfg. NOLE Nolena Foster Trailer NOMN Nomanco, Inc. NOMO Northwestern Motor Co. NOR Crestliner, Inc. (Little Falls, MN) NORC Norcal Boat Trailer NORD Nordine Mfg. Co. NORH Northwest Engineering Co. NORI Norris Homes, Inc. NORJ Norjack, Inc. NORM Norman NORN North American Mfg. Co. NORO North American Shipbuilding NORR Northern Cruisers NORS Norse Trailer NORT Norton (England) NORU Northern Star Mobile Home NORV Northland NORW Northwest Trailers NORX Northwestern Mobile Homes NOSL Noslo Trailer Mfg. NOTH Nothsway Tandem Trailer NOVA Nova Fabricating NOVB Nova Bus NPC Janco Plastics, Inc. NPC Nelson Plastic, Inc. NPR Danlyn Fiberforms NPR Dan Wertz NPR Olympia Boat Sales NRMD Normand Co., Ltd. NRSE Norse Trailer (for reference only; see NORS) NRTH North Star Trailers NRTL Northtail Trailers (Div. of L & B Moore Co., Ltd.) NRTS Northway NRTS Northway Snowmobiles NRTW Northway Trailer NRVR North River Homes NRWD Northwood NRWM Northwood Investments Corp. NRWN Norwin Trailer NSHT Nash Car Trailers NSU Nsu Prinz NSU NSU NSUF Nsu-Fiat NTL Grady-White Boats, Inc. NTL National Boat Works, Inc. NTNS Nations Trailers or The Nations Trailers, Inc. NTNS The Nations Trailers, Inc. or Nations Trailers NUCN Nu-Century NUEL Nuell Coach Corp. NULF Nu-Life Environmental, Inc. NUM Nuzums Marine (Los Alamitos, CA) NUON Number One NUTT Nuttall Trailers NUVN Nu Van Technology, Inc. NUWA Nu-Wa Campers, Inc. NUWE NuWay Mobile Home Mfg. Co. NUWH NUWA Horizon Camper Trailer NUWY Nu Way Mfg. NVAE Novae Corp. NVTA NVT America (moped) NVY Navigator Yachts, Inc. (Perris, CA) NVZ Nevada Homemade Boats NWCT Northwest Custom Trailer NWD Northwest Watercraft (Salem, OR) NWEC Northwestern Electric Co. NWMC New McGrath NWMR Newmar Corp. NWN Newton Boats, Inc. (Slidell, LA) NWRI NEWRI (Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute) NWST New Star Group NYCC New York City Choppers NYZ New York Homemade Boats OAKC Oak Coach Co. OAKL Oakland OASI Oasis Travel Trailer OBER Oberlin Trailers, Inc. OBI OBrien Intl., Inc. (Redmond, WA) OBR Obar Marine, Inc. OBRI Obrect Trailer OCB Oceanic Boats OCCH Orange County Choppers OCIM OCI Mfg., Co. OCKE Ockelbo Ind. AB OCMI* Owens-Classic, Inc ODDI Oddi Cycles, LLC ODEL ODell Mfg. Co. ODGL Ontario Drive & Gear, Ltd. ODGL Argo ODOM Odom Boyd Trailer Mfg. Co. ODSS Odyssey ODYS Odyssey Trailer Co. OELR Oelrich Mfg. Co. OFF Offshore Ind. OFF Offshore Marine Ind., Inc. OFFC Office Master, Inc. OFFI Officer, The OFFI The Officer OFPC Ohio Fluid Products Co. OFS Offsounding OGLE Ogle OHIO Ohio Body Mfg. Co. OHSE Olinghouse Steel OHTA Ohta OHZ Ohio Homemade Boats OKCK Oak Creek Homes, Inc. OKHT OK Horse Trailer OKLA Oklahoma Horse Trailer OKLH Oklahoma Trailer, Inc. OKZ Oklahoma Homemade Boats OLAT Olathe Mfg. Co., Inc. OLDK Oldenkamp, Inc. OLDS Oldsmobile (Div. of General Motors) OLDS Oldsmobile OLDT Olds Trails Trailer OLGE Olgen Mfg. Co. OLIV Oliver OLSO Olson OLYM Olympia Motor Home OLYP Olympic Trailers OLYT Olympus Technologies, Inc. OMAH Omaha Standard Flatbed Trailer OMAS Omaha Tank and Equipment, Inc. OMB Omniboat Intl. (Mount Pleasant, SC) OMC Outboard Marine Corp. OMCD OMC Drive System OMCI Omicron Motors OMCJ OMC Johnson OMCJ Johnson Outboard Motors OMCP OMC Parts & Accessories OMEG Omega (Italian) OMEG Omega OMM Starline Boats, Inc. OMNI Omni Motorsports, Inc. OMST Omsteel Products Corp. ONAN Onan Corp. ONAN Onan Corp ONEI Oneida Coach Mfg. ONGB Orange Blossom Trailers, Inc. ONOI Ono, Inc. ONRD On the Road ONTR Orion Bus Inds., Inc. ONTR Ontario Bus Inds., Inc. ONYX Onyx Flyer OPED Outdoor Power Equipment Div. OPED Bolens OPEL Opel OPEL Opel (imported by Buick) OPEL Opel Ampera (Electric Veh.) AMP 4D OPEN Open Road Inds. OPER Open Roadsters of Texas OPER Dutchess (for reference only; see CLAC) OPL Opel OPNR Open Road Campers, Inc. OPTI Optima Ind., LLC OPTM Optima Bus, LLC OQWK Oquawka Boats & Fabrications, Ltd. ORBI Orbit Inds., Inc. ORC Orca Marine & Fiberglassing, Inc. ORCO Orcon Inds. OREG MANG OREG Oregon Mfg. Co., Inc. ORIG Original Equipment Mfg., Ltd. ORIG Snowbug ORIO Oriole Trailer Mfg. Co. ORLA Orlando Boar Co. ORMW Oregon Machine Works ORRV Open RV Co. ORST ORS Trailers, Inc. ORTH Orthman Mfg., Inc. ORVM Outdoors RV Mfg. ORZ Oregon Homemade Boats OSAG Osage Trailer Mfg. Co., Inc. OSB Offshore Boat Corp. OSBO C. D. Osborn & Son OSBO Osborn, C. D. & Son OSCA Osca OSCH Oschool Choppers, LLC OSCO OSCO Motors Corp. OSHK Oshkosh Motor Truck Co. OSI Osi OSSA Ossa (Spain) OSTD Oshkosh Trailer Div. OTAS Otasco OTC Otter Craft, Inc. (Grants Pass, OR) OTLW Outlaw Trailers OTOS Otosan OTPE Outdoor Power Equipment OTTE Otterbacher Mfg., Inc. OTWA Ottawa Truck, Inc. OUTD Outdoor Equipment OUTM Evinrude OUTM Johnson OUTM OMC Johnson OUTM Outboard Marine Corp. OVBL Overbuilt, Inc. OVBT Overbilt Trailer Co. OVEL Overland Mfg. Co. OVER Overland OVRL Over-Lowe Co. OWAT Owatonna Mfg. Co., Inc. OWED Owen Div., Anvil Attachments, Inc. OWEN Owens Car Trailer (for reference only) OWES Owens-Classic, Inc. OWES Mighty Midget OWNA Ownahome, Inc. OWNG Owens Cargo, Inc. OWNS Owens Mfg. Co. OWNT Owen Trailers, Inc. OWSM Owens & Sons Marine, Inc. OYI Off Shore Yachts Intl. OZAR Ozark Trailer & Mobile Homes OZBK Ozbike PAC Pacemaker Corp. PACB Pacemaker Boat Trailer PACC Pacemaker Mobile Homes & Travel Trailer PACC Pacific Coach, Inc. PACE Pacemaker PACI Pacific Campers PACK Packard PACS Pacesetter PACW Pac West Co. PADA Panda Motor Home PADC Pennsylvania Development Co. PADG Padgett, Inc. PAEN Page Engineering Co. PAGE Page Trailer PAGS Pagsta PAIN Paccar, Inc. PAIS Paris PAIU Paiute Trailers PAKH Parkhurst Mfg. Co., Inc. PAKM Pak-Mor Mfg. Co. PALC Pal Mfg. Co., Inc. PALE Palace Corp. PALL Palliser (racing car) PALM Palm Trailers PALN Palmetto Sales of Laurens PALO Palamino Camping Trailer PALW Palmers Machine Works, Inc. PAMA Pama Camper PAMC Pamco Trailer PAMR Pace American, Inc. PAMU Pace American of Utah, Inc. PANA Pan American Mobile Homes PAND Panda Motor Sports North America, Inc. PANE Panther Westwinds, Ltd. PANH Panhard PANN Pannonia PANO Panorama Homes, Inc. PANT Panther PANZ Panoz Auto Development Co. PAP Panther Airboats Corp. PARA Paragon Gears, Inc. PARC Paris Trailer Co. PARD Pardonnet Mfg. Co. PARE Park Estates Homes PARH Skoolsout PARH Park Homes, Inc. PARH Siesta PARH Bunkhouse PARI Parilla PARK Park Lane Mobile Homes PARL Park Royal PARM Parmiter, P. J. & Sons, Ltd. PARM P. J. Parmiter & Sons, Ltd. PARO Pace Arrow PARP Park Trailer Corp. PARR Parker PARS Parkmaster PART Part (for use when make is not listed) PARU Parkway Mfg. Co. PARW Parkwood Homes, Inc. PARX Parkwood Mobile Homes of Florida PASI Perfection Architectural Systems, Inc. PASO Parson Co. Div. PASQ Pasquali USA PASS Passport PAST Pastime Mfg. Co. PATF Pathfinder Marine PATH Pathfinder Mobile Homes PATR Patriot Motorcycle Corp. PATT Patterson Welding PATZ Patz Co. PAUG Paughco, Inc. (Carson City, NV) PAUL Pauli Cooling Systems, Inc. PAUL Picnic Caddy PAX Panther Boats PAX Industrial Plastic Systems PAZ Pennsylvania Homemade Boats PBCS Phil Borriello Chopper Shop, LLC PBLY Pisten Bully PBMS PBM Supply & Mfg., Inc. PBTI Pacific Boat Trailers, Inc. PCCW Pacific Coachworks, Inc. PCCY Paramount Custom Cycles PCER Pacer Moped (for reference only; see ITAT) PCFC Pacific Mfg. Corp. PCG Pacific Northwest Designs, Inc. (Bellingham, WA) PCH American Hovercraft & Sport (Anaheim, CA) PCJ Place Craft by Hamilton, Inc. PCM Pleasure Craft Marine Engineering Co. PCM PCM Div. PCTI Paros Custom Trailers, Inc. PCTL Paris Custom Trailers, Co. PCW Precision Boat Works PDAA P/D PDC P & D Boat Corp. PDL Prindle Catamarans (Surfglas, Inc.) PDRS Pederson PDV PDV PEAB Peabody Solid Waste Management PEAC Peace PEAK Peak Mfg., Inc. PEAR Ben Pearson Mfg. Co., Inc. PECO Peco, Inc. PECT Pennstyle Campers, Inc. PEDA Pedalpower Electroped PEDD Peddlers Choice PEEK Peek PEEL Peel PEER Peerless PEER Peerless Gear Machine Div., Tecumseh Products Co. (for reference only) PEER Peerless Div. (for reference only; see PERL) PEGA Pegaso PELI Pelican Aluminum Mfg. PELT Pelletier Mfg., Inc. PEMB Pemberton Fabricators, Inc. PEMC Pennsbury Mfg. Corp. PEMF Pemfab Trucks PENC Pennco Inds., Inc. PEND Pendlay PENI Peninsula Camper Mfg. PENN J. C. Penney PENN J. C. Penney Co., Inc. PENN Penney, J. C. PENN J. C. Penney (also see makes Burrito and Foremost) PENN Penney, J. C. (also see Burrito and Foremost) PENS Pennsylvania Furnace & Iron PENT Penton (KTM, Austria) PENU Penn-Cupit Inds., Ltd. PEOR Peoria Custom Cookers, LLC PEQU PEQUEA PER Performer Boat Co. PERC I. B. Perch Co. PERC Perch, I. B. Co. PERF Performance Products, Inc. PERK Perkins Engines PERL Peerless Div. PERM Perma Tent Camper PERO Perone Trailer PERR Perris Valley Campers PERS Peerless Intl. Co., Inc. PETE Peterson PETM Pettibone Michigan Corp., Subsidiary of Mercury Mfg. Co. PETM Pettibone Corp. PETR Peter Pirsch & Sons Co. PETR Pirsch, Peter & Sons, Co. PETT Pettibone Mercury, Subsidiary of Mercury Mfg., Co. PEUG Peugeot PEV Sea-Raider Boats, Inc. PFAP Precision Fire Apparatus PFAU Pfaudler Co. PFD Pitsburg Fiberglass, Inc. (Pittsburg, IL) PFS Performance Sailcraft PGAS Pegasus Vans & Trailers, Inc. PGI Progression Ind. PGR Progressive Mfg. Co. PGRM Pilgrim Intl., Inc. PGS Pegasus Products PHAA P & H PHB Phantom Boat, Inc. PHEL Phelan Mfg. Co. PHEP Phelps Horse Trailer PHII Phillips Trailers PHIL Phill Trailer PHIM Phillips Mfg. Co., Inc. PHIM Travel-lite Campers PHLI Philift Equipment Sales Co. PHNX Phoenix (for reference only; see PHOE) PHOE Phoenix PHOE Phoenix Camping Trailer PHON Phoenix (for reference only; see PHOE) PHU Phantom Boat, Inc. PHU Phantom Brothers, Inc. PHV Pacific Hovercraft PHX Phoenix Products, Inc. PHXT Phoenix Trailers PIAG Piaggio Group Americas, Inc. PIAZ Piazio PICK Pick-Up Top Mfg. PICW Pickwick PIED Piedmont PIER Pierce Lowboy Trailer PIKE Pike Trailer Co. PILG Pilgrim Mfg. Co. PINC Pincor Products PINE Pines Trailer Corp. PINI Pinifarina PINS Pinson Truck Equipment Co. PINT Pinto PIO Sea-Pro Boats, Inc. (Chapin, SC) PIOE Pioneer Coach Mfg. PION Pioneer Sales & Mfg. Co. PIPE Pipestone Tandem Boat Trailer PIPR Piper Inds., Inc. PIQU Piqua Engineering, Inc. PIR Piranha Marine PIRC Pierce Mfg., Inc. PIST Pister Pro PITD Pitman Div., Emerson Electric Co. PITJ Pitts by JJ PITL Haulass Trailers PITM Pitman Brothers Co. PITN Pitman Div., A. B. Chance Co. PITT Pittsburgh Forging Co., Farm Tools Div. PITZ John Pitzer Mfg. Co. PIXI Pixie Piker Travel Trailer PJRD Paul Jr. Designs, LLC PJTM P. J. Trailer Mfg., Inc. PKA Paynes Boat Works (Milton, FL) PKD Novurania of North America PKD Proko Intl. Ind. PKLC Lindsay Co., Inc., P. K. PKLC P. K. Lindsay Co., Inc. PKM Peterson Mfg. Co. PKTS Parker Trailer Sales Co. PLAC Plastic Engs. & Consultants PLAG Plattsburg Mfg. PLAI Plains Inds., Inc. PLAL Play-Mor Trailer, Inc. PLAM Playmate Coaches PLAN Planet Plows, Inc. PLAS Plastic Forming Co. PLAT Platt Trailer Co. PLAY Playboy PLBY Playbuoy Pontoon Mfg., Inc. PLC Pro-Line Boat Co. PLCB PL Custom Body & Equip. Co., Inc. PLD Pollard Enterprises, Inc. PLE Polaris Ind. LP (Minneapolis, MN) PLEA Pleasure Homes Mfg. PLEM Pleasureway Mfg. PLEN Pal Engineering, Ltd. PLES Pleasuremate Inds. PLF Play-Craft Pontoon Co. PLKG Polar King International, Inc. PLMA Palm Aire, Inc. PLMI Palmer Ind. PLMM Palmer Mfg., LLC PLMO Palomino Mfg., Corp. PLMT Parliament Coach Corp. PLOT Plot USA, Inc. (DBA-Zero Engineering) PLR Polar Kraft Mfg. Co. PLRN Poloron PLTM Platinum Manufacturing, LLC PLYC Playcat Inds., Inc. PLYM Plymouth PME Precision Marine PMMI Park Models Mfg., Inc. PMR Panther Marine Corp. PMUS Pioneer Motors USA, LLC PNHD Panhandle Trailers PNHL Pine-Hill Mfg. Co. PNNT Penn Trailer PNS Pensacola Boat Mfg. Co. PNT Pioneer Boats PNTA Panterra PNY P F C, Inc. PNY Stingray Boats, Inc. PNZR Panzer Motorcycle Works, LLC POCL Poclain Div., J. I. Case POIE Pointer-Willamette POIN Pointer POIR Poirier POLA Polar Mfg. Co. POLB Raybon Mfg. Co. POLB Polar Bear/Whip It POLB Polar Bear POLI Polini POLL Pollock Inds. POLO Poloron Products POLR Poloron Products POLR Poloron Homes of Pennsylvania, Inc. POLS E-Z-Go POLS Textron, Inc. POLS Polaris Inds., Inc. POLS Polaris POLY Poly-Coat Systems, Inc. POND Ponderosa Homes, Inc. PONE Ponderosa Inds. PONI Pontiac (Canadian) (Also see make Pontiac) PONT Pontiac PONX Pony Xpress PONY Ponycycle POOL Poole, Inc. POPC Popcycle Motors, LLC POPE Pope Mfg. Co. POR Por Trailer PORB Portable Elevator Mfg. Div., Dynamics Corp. of America PORC Portec, Inc. PORC Pioneer Div., Portec, Inc. PORD Porta-Dock, Inc. PORE Portable Structures PORK Porta-Kamp Mfg. PORL Portland Wire & Iron Works PORS Porsche PORT Porta-Built Inds. POTT Polar Tank Trailer POV Pro Advantage (Salt Lake City, UT) POV Sports Advantage, Inc. POWE Powerline Products POWL Powell POWM Powell Mfg. Co., Inc. POWR Power Curber, Inc. PPB Petes Plastic Boat Works (Blue Hill, ME) PPE Performance Plus Products PPJ Paramount Powerboats PPN Powerquest Boats, Inc. PPY Pinch-A-Penny PQC Hydrotech Systems, Inc. (Medford, OR) PRAE Prairie Trailer Sales & Service PRAI Prairie Schooner PRAM Preston Amusements, Inc. PRAR Prarie Schooner, Inc. PRAT Pratt Industries, Inc. PRBW Precision Boatworks PRCA Pierce Arrow PRCW Precision Cycle Works PRDE Pride Heavy Vehicle Ind. & Pride Enterprises PREB Prebuilt Mfg. PREC Precision Deburring & Fabricating, Inc. PREC Keel-Hauler PREI Pre-Built Structures PREM Premier PREM Premier Trailer PREO Prevost Car, Inc. PREQ Precision Equip. Mfg., Inc. PRES Presidential Mobile Homes PREV Presvac Systems (Burlington), Ltd. PREW Prew Proco Travel Trailer PRG Fin & Feather Mfg. Co. PRGV Progressive Ind. or Progressive Trailers PRHL Pro Hauler Trailer, Inc. PRHT Parkhurst PRIB Pribbs Steel & Mfg., Inc. PRIC Elkton PRIC London PRIC Price-Meyers Corp. PRIC Sovereigh Mobile Homes PRIJ Pride & Joy Mini Motor Home PRIM Prime Mover PRIN Princess Homes PRIO Prior Products, Inc. PRIT Prime Timing Mfg. (Div of Forest River, Inc.) PRIV Private Coach PRKA Pine Grove Mfg. PRLP Proline Products, LLC PRLT Pro Lite Trailers PRMC Premco Products, Inc. PRME Prime Trailer Products PRMO Prince Motors PRN Prout USA (Baltimore, MD) PRNC Princeton Delivery Systems PRNE Pro One PRO Pro Craft, Inc. PROF Proform Trailers, Inc. PROG Progress PROG Progress Inds., Inc. PROL Pro Line Trailers PROM Promark Products Corp. PRON Les Machineries Pronovost, Inc. PROP Proper Chopper Motorcycles PROT Pro-Trail, Inc. PROW Prowler Inds. PRPC Purple Chopper, LLC PRST Prestige Custom Trailers PRTG Prestige Housing, Inc. PRTN Protainer, Inc. PRTR Porter Mfg. Corp. PRTT Port Trailer Mfg. Co. PRVN Provan Inds. PRX Porter Mfg., Inc. PRYE Pryer Inds. (Ada, OH) PSCC Pure Steel Custom Cycles, Inc. PSD Pearson Unlimited (Elkhorny, CA) PSL Laser Sailcraft PSL J Boats West PSL Performance PSTI Portersville Sales & Testing, Inc. PSTK Pro Stock Trailer Mfg. PSTR Pro Star, LLC PTJ American Radhial PTJ Para-Tech Intl. PTMC Potomac RV PTMI Peterson Motor Industrial Co., Ltd. PTRB Peterbilt Motors Co. PTRK Pro-Trak Trailers, Inc. PTRT Independence PTRT Patriot Homes, Inc. PTTS P & T Trailer Sales, Inc. PTV PTV PTWL PT Welding, LLC PUCH Newport (model of Puch) PUCH Maxi (mfd. by Puch) PUCH Magnum MK II (model of Puch) PUCH Puch PUCH Maxi Luxe (model of Puch) PUCK Puckett Brothers Mfd. Div. Co., Inc. PUCK Power Box Utility Trailer PULD Pull-Do Trailers PULL Pull A Long Mfg. & Sales PULM Pullman Trailmobile (for reference only; see TRIM) PULP Murphys Welding PULP Pullers Pride, Inc. PUMA Puma Camper Sales PUMI Pullman Modular Ind. or Pullman Coach Co., LLC PUMM Puma PUZE Puzey Brothers, Inc. PVCO Pivco As (Bought by Ford 1999, Discontinued 2002) PVT Privateer Mfg. Co., Inc. PVTT Pleasant Valley Teardrop Trailers, LLC PWAY Pleasure-Way Ind., Ltd. PWB Exclusive Power Boat (Hialeah Gardens, FL) PWDY Power Dyne PWL Powell Lead Co. (Wallace, NC) PWN Power Marine, Inc. (Fort Lauderdale, FL) PWR Power Cat Mfg., Inc. PWS Pacific Water Sports (Seattle, WA) PWTC Power Trac PWTR PW Trailer PXM Parker Marine Enterprises, Inc. (Beaufort, NC) PYB Penn Yan Boats, Inc. PYH Python Boats PYLE Pyle Haul-It-All Flatbed PYRA Pyramid Mobile Homes QBS Jet Craft Boats (Div. of Westwinn Grp., Corp.) QDQ Quessy Canoes, Inc. QE QE Mfg. Co., Inc. QING Quingqi Group, Inc. QINJ Qianjiang Motorcycle Group Corp. QIPA Qipai Motorcycle Co., Ltd.or Jiangmen Qipai Motorcycle Co., Ltd. QIYE Qiye Scooter Co., Ltd. or Zhejiang Qiye Scooter Co., Ltd. QLNK QLink or QLink, LP QLPY Quality Products, Inc. QLS Supercraft Boat Mfg. (Port Alberni, BC) QLTY Quality Built Trailers, Inc. QNK Necky Kayaks, Ltd. (Abbotsford, BC) QNTY Quantya SA QSAP Quality Steel & Aluminum Products QSIV Qingdao Singamas Industrial Vehicle Co., Ltd. QSR Mercury Marine (Fond du Lac, WI) QUAK Quaker City Iron Works, Inc. QUAL Quality Trailer QUIC Quickload QUIK Quick Mfg., Co. QUIN Quincy Compressor Div. QUTY Quality Manufacturing Co., Inc. QVAL Qvale Automotive Group QWSE QWS Express Trailers, Inc. QYEV Tianjin-Qingyuan Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd. (aka-Qingyuan Electric Vehicle Co., Ltd.) QZT Zeppelin Technologies, Inc. (Fort Lauderdale, FL) RA1 AMF Robalo Div. RABB Rabbit RABJ Rabbit, Jr. RACE Fifty-One Fifty (5150) or Race Trailers RACE Race Trailers or Fifty-One Fifty (5150) RACH Rach Welding RACH Snow Treck RACI Racine Construction Tool Div., Racine Federated, Inc. RACK The Rack Factory RACM Racmac Trailer RADC Roadcraft Mfg. & Leasing RADE Radamacher Trailer RADI RAD Industries RADM Richardson Homes Corp. (for reference only; see RICH) RAES Raes Utility Trailer RAGE Rage N, Inc. (DBA-Weekend Warrior Trailers, Inc.) RAIB Rainbow Camper Co. RAIC Rainbow Corp. RAID Raider RAID Leisure Vehicles, Inc. RAIN Rainway Mfg. Co. RAL AMF Robalo (AMF Crestliner & AMF Powerboat ) RALL Rallymaster Travel Trailer RAMA Ramada Tent Camping Trailer RAMB Rambler (mfd. prior to 1966; 1966 and later Ramblers - see make American Motors) RAME Ram Enterprises, LLC RAMK Ramika Inds. RAML Rambler Trailer (for reference only; see HOLR) RAMN Ramlin RAMP R & A Manufacturing Partners, Ltd. RAMR Ramsey Trailers RAMS Ramses RAN Ranger Canoe Co. (Ashland, NH) RANA Ranchette Travel Trailer RANC Rancho Trailers, Inc. RAND Randall, Walter RAND Walter Randall RANE Randolph Coach RANG Ranger Boats & Trailers RANG Ranger Mobile Homes (for reference only; see RITZ) RANH Ranch King Enterprises, Inc. RANL R-Anell Homes, Inc. RANS Ransome Lift Equipment Co., Subsidiary of Giles & Ransome, Inc. RAPI Rapid Traveler Coaches RAPS Rapsure, Inc. RAS Rayson Marine RAS Raysoncraft RATC Ratco Welding RAVE Ravens-Metal Products, Inc. RAW Rawhide Stock & Horse Trailer Mfr., Inc. RAW Arkansas Traveler RAYC Rayco Manufacturing, Inc. RAYE Rayne Plane, Inc. RAYF Rayfab, Inc. RAYG Raygo, Inc. RAYI Raymond Products Co. RAYM Raymur Acceptance Corp. RAYN Raynell Campers RAYT Ray-Tech Infrared Corp. RBD Ray Bond Boats RBM Renken Boat Mfg. Co. RBMF RBM Mfg. RBOS Road Boss Trailer, Mfg. RBRC R.B.R. Corp. RBRC Mini-Cruiser RBTS Roberts Metal Mfg., Inc. RBYD Recreation By Design, LLC RCB Rogers Custom Boats RCCI Rooster Custom Cycles, Inc. RCCM RC Components RCH Rich Line Boats RCH Richland Mfg. Co. RCHS Richards Utility Trailer RCII R.C. Inds., Inc. RCIN R.C. Inds., Inc. RCKC Rocking Chair Mfg. RCKL Rickel Mfg. Corp. RCKL Big A RCKN Rockin L. Riggin Corp. RCKY Rocky Top Trailers RCLP Road Clipper RCMH RC Motor Home RCMS RC Motors or RC Motorsports RCON Reconstructed Trailer or Motorhome RCON Reconstructed Motor Home RCT Rabco Competition Marine RCY Rose Craft Mfg. Co. RDA Charger Boat Co. RDBT R & D Baker Trailers, LLC RDCC Radical Curves Custom Motorcycles RDER Raider RDGL Ridgeline, Inc. RDID Redid Flatbed Trailers (for reference only; see FAIM) RDJ Sebrich Craft, Inc. RDKG Road King Travel Trailer RDLY Ridley Motorcycle Co. RDMR Roadmaster (for reference only; see AMF) RDOG Road Dog Trailers RDSK Red Streak Scooters (Product of Meitian Motorcycle Co., VMA/MEIT) RDTE R & D Trailer and Equip. Sales REA Rea Trailer Co. READ Redi-Built Trailers REAL Realco Trailer REAR Rears Mfg. Co. REBE Rebel Mobile Home REBL Rebel Boat Trailer RECB R.E. Custom Boat Trailers RECG Reco Goliath Tent Trailer RECO Reconstructed motorcycle (see NCIC 2000 Operating Manual, Vehicle File chapter) RECR Recreative Inds., Inc. RECS Rec-Sha Trailer REDA Red Arrow Trailer Co. REDC Red Cat Motors REDD Red Dale Coach Co. REDG Red Gooser Horse Trailer REDH Red Horse Motorworks REDI Redi-Go Traveler REDK Reddick Equipment Co., Inc. REDM Walden Mobile Homes REDM New Moon REDM Granville REDM Redman Homes, Inc. REDM Crescent REDM Riverview REDM Country Estate REDM Crownhaven REDM Eaton Park REDM Las Brisas REDN Redneck Engineering REDR Red River Custom Trailer REDS Redstone Coach Co. REED Reed Enterprises, Inc. REEG Reed Mfg. Co. REEL Reel Trailers REEV Reeves Trailer REG Regatta Boats REGE Regent Homes Corp. REGI Regis Corp. REID Reids Trailers, Inc. REIN Reinell Boat Trailer REIT Reitnouer, Inc. RELA Reliant RELB Reliable Tank, Inc. RELC Relco Corp. RELI Reliance Trailer Mfg. RELM Reliart Trailer Mfg. Co. RELT Realite Trailer REMB Rembrant Mobile Home REMC Remco REMC Rome Engineering & Mfg. Co. REMH Reconstructed Motor Home (for reference only; see RCON) REMI Countryside Mobile Home REMI Remic Inds., Inc. REMK Remke Trailer REMO Remolques Tanques Y Equipos S.A. DE C.V. REMQ Remeq, Inc. REMT Remtec or Columbia-Remtec REN Reinell Boats, Inc. RENA Renault RENA Renault USA, Inc. RENE Renegade Trikes RENT Rent-A-Trailer Corp. REO Reo RETL RE's Trailers RETT Rettig Enterprises, Inc. REVC Revcon (for reference only; see REVN) REVE Revella Camping Trailer REVN Revcon REVO Revo North America REVS Reeves Roofing Equipment Co. REWA Rewaco-Trikes, LLC or Rewaco-Trikes USA REX Rex REXH Rexhall REXM Rex Mobile Homes REXN Rexnord, Inc. REYN Reynolds Mfg. Co. RFCM RFC Mfg., Inc. RFD Renegade Fiberglass, Inc. (Rancho Cordou, CA) RFG Reed Fiberglass RFG Reed Marine RFO Sea Core-Inwoods (Ventura, CA) RFR Reef Roamer Marine RFR American Boat Building RFXT Rons Fix-It Shop RGAA R & G RGF Seabring Marine Ind. (Archer, FL) RGH Roughneck Boat Co. RGI Sea Ranger Marine, Inc. RGL Regal Fiberglass, Inc. RGL Hewes Boat Co. RGM Regal Marine Ind., Inc. RGN Road Basin Fiberglass RGP Rivers-Gilman Mould Products RGUE Rogue Industries, Inc. RHE Rochell Craft Corp. RHEA Rheas Trailer Sales, Inc. RHFE Ringo Hill Farms Equip. Co. or Ringo Trailers RHIN Rhino Tool Co. RHNO Rhino Trailer Mfg. RHON Rhon Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Qingqi Grp. Ningbo Rhon Motorcycle Co., Ltd. RHT Surf-Jet Corp. RHY Rhyan-Craft Boats Mfg. RICA Vohl RICA Richard Piche, Inc. RICD Darian Mobile Homes RICD Richardson RICE Rice Trailer Co. RICH Richardson Homes Corp. RICK Rickman RICK Rickman Trailer RICL Richards & Clark Mfg. Co. RICN Richland Homes Mfg. Co. RICP Rich's Portable Cabins or Rich's Vacation Cottages RICR Richardson Mfg. Co., Inc. RIDE Ride-On, Inc. RIDG Ridgecraft Corp. RIF Reef, Ltd. RIF Addictor Boats, Inc. RIGH Right Products, Inc. RIIN R & I Inds. RILE Riley RILY Riley Forestry Equipment RIME Rimer, Inc. RIND Rich Inds. RING Ring-o-Matic Mfg. Co. RINK Rink Mfg. Co. RIPC Ripco, Inc. RITB Rite-Bilt RITE Rite-On Trailer RITT River Trail Trailers RITW Rite-Way Trailer, Inc. RITZ Ritz-Craft, Inc. of Pennsylvania RITZ Ranger Mobile Homes RIV Riverview Marine, Inc. (Port Richey, FL) RIVC Rivercraft Boat Trailers RIVE Riverdale Steel Works RIVI Riviera RIVM Riverman Boatworks or The Riverman Boatworks RIVN Rivinius, Inc. RIVN Brown Trecher Div., Rivinius, Inc. RIVR Bill Rivers RIVR Rivers, Bill RIVS Montgomery Ward (Riverside) RIVS Montgomery Ward (see Riverside) RIVS Riverside (Montgomery Ward) RIVS Wards (see Riverside) RIVS Montgomery Ward RIVS Riverside RIVT Riverside Trailer Mfg. Co. RIVU River Run RIVW Riviera Mfg. Co. RIZ Rhode Island Homemade Boats RJA Radiant Marine Corp. (Sarasota, FL) RJMS Remorques JMS Trailers RJNK R. Jenkins Trailer Sales or RJs Welding RJNK RJs Welding or R. Jenkins Trailer Sales RJS R.J. Smith Co. RJS Olympian Boats RJTL R & J Trailers Company RKO River Lakes Mfg. (Little Rock, AR) RKRL Rock and Roll RKTA Roketa RKTA Roketa Powersports RKWL Rockwell RLAC R. L. Allen Co., Inc. RLAC XTZ Horse Trailer RLAC Allen, R. L. Co., Inc. RLBL Reliable Custom Trailers, LLC RLPI Rock Line Products, Inc. RLS Charleston Fiberglass Co. RLST Rollingstar Mfg., Inc. RLY Royal Craft Boat Co. RMST Roadmaster, LLC RMWC Country-Boy RMWC Reids Mfg. & Welding Co. RNCE Rance Aluminum, Inc. RNF Reynold Fiberco, Inc. RNG Forrest Wood Mfg. Co. RNG Wood Mfg. Co., Inc. RNG Ranger Boats RNK Rinker Boat Co., Inc. RNKE Reinke Manufacturing Co., Inc. RNMT Renaissance Motors RNSM Ransome RNSO Rinso Forklift RNSP Ransome Engine Power (Div. of Giles & Ransome, Inc.) ROAB Roam-A-Bout Camper ROAC Road Roamer Campers ROAD Road Motor Home ROAE Roadliner Mfg. Div. ROAF Roadmaster Mfg. Co. ROAG Roadrunner Mfg. Corp. ROAL Roadway Trailer, Ltd. ROAM Roaminghome Co., Inc. ROAR Roadmaster Rail, Inc. ROBB Robb Kaufman, Inc. ROBI Robin Mfg. Co. ROBM Robinhood Motor Homes, Inc. ROBR Robin Hood Travel Trailers ROBT Robert Horse Trailer ROCB Rockin-Bar Trailer, Ltd. ROCE Rocket Trailer, Ltd. ROCF Rockford Welding & Machine ROCH Rochdale ROCK Rockford Inds., Inc. ROCK Rockford ROCM Rockie Mountain Mfg., Inc. ROCN Rockland Homes, Inc. ROCO R. O. Corp. ROCS Manitou Mobile Homes ROCS Rochester Homes, Inc. ROCT Rockport Trailer Mfg. Corp. ROEN Royal Enfield ROGE Rogers Brothers Corp. ROGM Rogue Marine, LLC ROGR Rogers Trailers, Inc. ROGU Rogue River Trailer Mfg. Co. ROK Rockne ROKL Rockland Mfg. Co., Inc. ROKN Rokon ROKW Rockwood Motor Home ROKW Rockwood, Inc. ROL Rolls-Royce Ghost ROL Rolls-Royce ROLA Roland Curtains USA ROLB Rolling Boat, Inc. ROLC Rolco Mfg. Co. ROLF Roll-O-Flex, Ltd. ROLG Rolligon-NV LP ROLH Roll-A-Long & Sterling Coach Co. ROLI Rolite, Inc. ROLL Rollfast ROLM Rolling Homes, Ltd. ROLN Roll In Trailers ROLP Mayberry ROLP Rollohome Corp. ROLR Rolls Rite Trailers, Inc. ROLS Rolls Intl. Trailer ROLT Rolling Thunder ROLY Royal Land Yacht ROMA Romae Inds. ROME Rome Engineering & Mfg. Co. (for reference only; see REMC) ROMI Rome Inds., Inc. RONC Ronco Coaches, Inc. RONS Rons Trailers, Inc. ROOF Roofmaster ROOS Roose Mfg., Inc. ROOT Rootes ROPE Roper Outdoor Power Products ROPR R. O. Products (for reference only) RORA Road Ranger Camper Trailer RORM Roar Motorcycles, LLC RORU Road Runner ROSA Rosa Trailer, Mfg. ROSC Rosco Two Wheel Trailer ROSC Rosco Mfg. Co. ROSE Rosemont Mobile Home ROSO Royal Sovereign (for reference only) ROSS J. H. Ross Co. ROSS Ross, J. H., Co. ROTC Rotochopper, Inc. ROTE Rotech, Inc. ROTI Rockett Trailers ROTO Rotocraft Boat Trailer ROUL Roulette Caravan Co. ROUS Roust-About ROV Rover ROWS Rowse Hydraulic Rake Co. ROXN Roxon (Officina Italiana S.R.L.) ROYA Royal Brothers ROYC Royal Crest Co. ROYE Royer Foundry & Machine Co. ROYE Royer Shredder ROYF Royco Mfg. Co. ROYG Royal Cargo Trailers, Inc. ROYH Roycraft Coach Co. ROYL Royal Inds. Noble Div. ROYS Royals Intl. RPII H & H Snowmobiles RPII Rupp Inds., Inc. RPMC RPM-Co. RPTL RP Trailers, LLC RPTR Raptor RQA River Queen Boats (Eutaw, AL) RQE Hydrocraft, Inc. (Scottsdale, AZ) RRAA R & H Horse Trailer RRB Rogue River Boat Shop RRH Robert Hammond & Associates (Austin, TX) RRMA R & R Mfg. Co. RRMA Fat Cat RRMM Royal Ryder Motorcycle Co., Inc. RRNR Ridge Runner Inds., Inc. RROV Range Rover of North America RRS Recreation Research RRS Goldenhawk Products RRSC Road Rescue RRTI R & R Trailers RRTS R & R Tractor Sales & Parts RSB RSB Fiberglass Forms RSBG Roseburg Trailer Works RSCT R&S Custom Trailers, Inc. RSD Bernard Rolsma & Co. (Topsfield, MA) RSE Charger Custom Boats RSE Russell Mfg. RSTB R/S Truck Body Co., Inc. RSTR Reelstrong, Inc. RSYS Road Systems, Inc. RTMU RTM Uraguay SA or RTM Group, Inc. RTN Bear Creek Canoe, Inc. (Limerick, ME) RTR Roberts Marine RTRK Roadtrek RTRR R.T.R. Trailers, Inc. RUCH Ruchmore Homes RUCK Rucker Performance Motorcycle Co. RUDD Rudds Trailer Sales RUDG Rudge Whitworth or Rudge-Whitworth RUF Ruf-Maid Boat Works (Marathon, FL) RUFA RUF Automobiles of America RUFF Ruff & Tuff Electric Vehicles, Inc. RUGG Rugg Mfg. Co. RUII Rush Inds., Inc. RUMI Rumi RUNA Run-About RUPP Rupp RUSE Frank Russell Mfg. Co. RUSE Russell, Frank Mfg. Co. RUSH Rushmore Homes RUSO Rush & Son, Inc. RUSS Russco Lowboy Trailer RUST Rustler Horse Trailer RUTM Ruttman RUTT Rutt RVF Riverside Associates (Francetown, NH) RVG Rivercraft Marine (Panama City, FL) RVII RV Inds., Inc. RVIS R-Vision, Inc. RVIS Trailbay Travel Trailers RVJ Rivermaster, Inc. (Live Oak, FL) RVK River Runner Kayaks RVKO Hitch Hiker RVKO R. V. Kompacts, Inc. RVLA Rivalair (1993), Inc. RVOK River Oaks Homes, Inc. RVP Riva Yachts of Florida, Inc. RVR Rivera Boat, Inc. RVRW River Wolf Drift Boats RVTI Randalls VIP Trailers, Inc. RWMI Rice & Woolard Mfg., Inc. RXN Reaction Marine (Miami, FL) RXO Ryan Craft (Cape Coral, FL) RYAN Ryan Mfg. RYCS Rycsa RYDR Ryder RYOB Ryobi RYY Sunray Products (Oldsmar, FL) RZD R & D Investments RZJ Raven Boatworks, Inc. (Martinsville, VA) RZRB Razorback Trailers RZT T. & S. Boats, Inc. (White Bluff, TN) SAA Saab SAAB Saab SAB Shew & Burnham (South Bristol, ME) SABB Sabb-Dreadnought SABE Recreatives, Inc. SABE Sabre SABI Sabine Mfg., Inc. SABQ Sabre Equipment Div. SABR Sabra SABS Sabers Specialties, LLC SABT Sabertooth Motorcycles, LLC SACH Sachs SAFA Safari SAFE Safeway Mobile Homes Div. SAFT Safti SAG San Augustine Fiberglass Products SAG Ray Craft SAGE Sage Mfg. Co. SAHA Sahara Mobile Homes SAIC St. Clair Custom Built SAIJ St. Joseph Marine Trailer SAIL Sailboattransporter Trailers, LLC SAL Tiderunner, Inc. (Tacoma, WA) SALB Salsbury SALC Salsco, Inc. SALE Salem Mobile Home SALE Salem Mobile Home Trailer SALI Saling Mfg. Co. SALM Salem Tool Co., The SALN Sailin Center, Inc. SALV Salvaco, Inc. SAMC Safari Motor Coaches, Inc. SAME Same & Lamborghini Tractors of North America, Inc. SAMP Sampson SAMS Sams SAN Sanger Boat Mfg. SAND Sands Welding, Inc. SANG Sangyong SANI Sani-Cruiser Co. SANJ San-Jo Trailer Mfg. SANK Sanker Mfg. & Supply SANL Santa Cruz Trailer Mfg. Co. SANP Santa Fe Springs Div. SANR Santeler Brothers SANT Santo SAPP Sapporo (for reference only; see PLYM) SARA Saracen SARC Starcraft Mfg. Co. SATO Satoh Japanese Tractor SATR Saturn Corp. SATU Saturn Homes SAUB Sauber Mfg. Co., Inc. SAV Sea Arrow Marine Corp. SAVA Savage Coach Mfg., Inc. SAVG Savage Mfg. Corp. SAVN Savannah Homes, Inc. SAW Sawyer Canoe Co. SAXN Saxon Motorcycle Co. SAZ Shasta Aluminum Products SB2 Sunbird Boat Co., Inc. SBC Summer Boat Co. SBI Spartan Boats, Inc. SBM Sooner Boat Mfg. Co. SBQ I.M.A. Manufacture Unlimited SBQ Seahawk Boat Corp. SBQ American Power Boats SBRT Seabring Home, Inc. SBT Ozark Fiberglass Products SBTI S & B Trailers, Inc. SBTI Sport Boat Trailers, Inc. SBTT Sebring Home Corp. SBW Stauter Boat Works SBY Superboats, Inc. (Amityville, NY) SCAD Scad-A-Bout Mfg. & Aluminum Co. SCAG Scag Power Equipment SCAM Scamp SCAN Scania SCAP Scamper Coach Trailer SCAT Skat (or Skat-Kitty) SCC Scat-Craft Marine, Inc. SCCI Southern Comfort Cabins, Inc. SCEN Scenic Campers Co. SCEP Scepter Utility Trailer SCF Sail Craft of Canada (Ile Perrot, PQ) SCHA Schantz & Sons, Inc. SCHD Schrader Dump Trailer SCHE Schenkel Brothers Mfg. Co. SCHF Schifsky Trailers SCHI Schertzer Equipment Co. SCHK Schetzky Equipment Corp. SCHL Schevelle Homes Sales Corp. of Alabama SCHM Schiebout Mfg. Co. SCHN Schien Body & Equipment Co. SCHR Schlemmer Boat Co. SCHT Schult Mobile Homes Corp. SCHU Schnure Ho Trailer SCHW Schwartz Mfg. Co. SCIO Scion SCIO Scion iQ SCIT SCI Trailer SCLR Schuler Mfg. & Equipment Co., Inc. SCMI Scott Midland Div. SCMM Schramm, Inc. SCMP Scamp Trailer SCN Seacrest Marine Corp. SCN1 Scorpion Marine, Inc. (Merritt Island, FL) SCO Hawaiian Resources, Inc. SCO Seawind Catamaran USA SCOA Scootalong SCOC Scotsman Inds., Inc. SCOE Scott Equipment Co. SCOM Scotsman Mfg. Co. SCOR Scorpion Trailer SCOR Scorpion SCOT Scott SCOU Scout Motor Home SCP Starbuck Custom Boats-Products SCPR Scorpion Motorsports, Inc. SCR Sport Craft, Inc. SCRM Scrambler (for reference only; see FLEO) SCRP Scorpion, Inc. SCS Stowe Canoe (Stowe, VT) SCSP Santiago Choppers Specialties SCT Scott Boat Co., Inc. SCT Ankorcraft SCTA Scott Atwater Foundry SCTB Scoutboat Trailer SCTC Scott, Hugh J. Co. SCTI Star Custom Trailers, Inc. SCTK Scat Trak SCTS Scotts SCTT Scottie Travel Trailer (for reference only) SCUL Scully Coach Co., Inc. SCUS Seating Constructors USA W, Inc. SCUT Scout (for reference only; see INGL) SCVW Scenic View Welding, LLC SCWZ Schwartz's Trailer Sales, Inc. SCZ South Carolina Homemade Boats SDA Schiada Boats SDB Stur-dee Boat Co. SDCT San Diego Custom Trailers SDD Seda Products SDJ Sabrejets SDJ Sailing Dakota, Inc. SDMP Si Dump R SDZ South Dakota Homemade Boats SEA Sea Nymph Mfg. SEA Stanray Corp. SEAB Sea Breeze Trailer SEAC Seacamper Boat Trailer SEAF Seagrave Fire Apparatus SEAG Seagull SEAK Sea King Boat Trailer (for reference only; see BMMF) SEAL Sea Lion Utility Trailer SEAM Seal Mate SEAN Seaman Digz-All SEAR Allstate SEAR Sears Roebuck & Co. SEAR Allstate (also see Sears, Roebuck & Co.) SEAR Sears, Roebuck & Co. (also see Allstate and Craftsman) SEAR Free-Spirit (Sears brand) SEAR Sears SEAR Sears, Roebuck & Co. SEAS Sea Stallion Trailers SEAT Seat SEAW Wendell Sears SEAW Sears, Wendell SEC Sea Craft, Inc. SECI Star Electric Cars SECO Seco Mfg. Co. SECU Security Inds. SECY Servicycle SEE Sunrise Enterprise (West Jordan, UT) SEEM Seemore Flatbed Trailer SEI S.E.I. Corp. SEID Seiden Mobile Homes SEJ Seajay Boats, Inc. SEK Sea King SELB Selburn Flatbed Trailer SELM Selma Trailer & Mfg. Co. SELO Selox Mfg., Ltd. SELR Sellers Trailer SELY Selby Mfg. Co. SEMA Specialty Equip. Market Assoc. SEMC Semlac Corp. SEMN Seminole Boat Trailer SEMO Semo Tank/Baker Equip. Co. SEN Seabird Ind., Inc. SENO Senora Trailers SEOV Searover TC Camper SER Sea Ray Boats, Inc. SERA Sera SERR Scotty Sportsman SERR Serro Travel Trailer Co. SERS Sears, Roebuck & Co. (for reference only; see SEAR) SES Sears Roebuck & Co. (Marine Div.) SETR Setra of North America, Inc. SETR Setra SEV Sevylor USA, Inc. SEV Sevylor of North America SEVC Sunn Electric Vehicle Company SEWP Jenkins Equipment Co., Inc., Subsidiary of Sweepster, Inc. SEWR Sewer Equipment Co. of America SEXT Sexton Motorcycle Co. SEZ Dynaflite Mfg. Co., Inc. SEZ Serendipity, Inc. SFET Safet Camper SFI Sikes Fiberglass Products (Cobbtown, GA) SFM SFM SFQ Fiesta Boats SFS Surfside Houseboats, Inc. (Prattville, AL) SFWL Southern Field Welding SGA Sunset Boat Co., Inc. (Silverton, OR) SGAC South GA Cargo SGN Signa Corp. SGN Thunderbird Products SGNL Signal Truck Motor Co. SGP Stanga Enterprises SGP Southeastern Glass Laminators, Inc. SGZ Shamar Glass SHA Shamrock Marine Div. SHAC Shamrock Campers SHAK Shakespeare SHAM Galway SHAM Shamrock Homes SHAN Shanghai Jialing Vehicle Business Co., Ltd. SHAR Sharratt Mobile Homes & Supplies SHAS Shasta Inds. SHAS Shasta Motor Home SHAU Snowhauler Trucks, Inc. SHAV Shaver Mfg. Co. SHAW Shaw-Wynn Homes Corp. SHBA Sherwood Baronet Tent Trailer SHDO Shadow Trailers SHDW Shadow Trailers, Inc. SHEB Shelby American SHEL Shelby Mobile Homes SHEM Sherman & Reilly, Inc. SHEM Puller-Tensioner SHEN Shenke Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Shanghai Shenke Motorcycle Co., Ltd. SHER Shertzer Dump Trailer SHET Shetron Mfg., LLC SHGO Short Go, Inc. SHIB Shipbuilt Van Trailer SHIL Shiloh Homes SHIM Shipmate SHIN Shineray Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Chongqing Shineray Motorcycle Co., Ltd. SHIN Chongqing Shineray Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Shineray Motorcycle Co., Ltd. SHIP Shippette Mobile Homes SHIV Shivvers, Inc. SHIW Shiwei Vehicle Co., Ltd. or Jinhua Shiwei Vehicle Co., Ltd. SHJZ Shijiazhuang Mfg. Corp. SHL SHL SHLF Shelf Above Mfg., Inc. SHOM Sho-Me Campers Co. SHOO Shoops Horse Trailer SHOP Shopmade Flatbed Trailer SHOR Shoreline Trailer (for reference only; see YARB) SHOV Shovel Supply Co., Inc. SHOW Showco Nomad Trailer SHQI Zhenjiang Shengqi Motion Apparatus Co., Ltd. or Shengqi Motion Apparatus Co., Ltd. SHQI Shengqi Motion Apparatus Co., Ltd. or Zhenjiang Shengqi Motion Apparatus Co., Ltd. SHRA Sahara or Joslin Corp. SHRA Joslin Corp. or Sahara SHRC Sherco SHSY Sherwood Sentry Horse Trailer SHTE Shortstop Enterprises, Inc. SHTR S & H Trailer Mfg. Co., Inc. SHTW Showtown Mfg. Co., Inc. SHU Sherwood Ind., Inc. SHWG Schwing America, Inc. SHWI Schwinn Motor Scooters SHWM Show-me Trailers, Inc. SIAT Siata SIC Tracker Seacraft of Florida (Tampa, FL) SICC S.I.C. Choppers (Style in Custom Choppers) SIDI Side Dump Ind. SIDK Sidekick RV, Inc. SIEA Silver Eagle Travel Trailer SIEB Siebert Trailers, Inc. SIEM Siems Enterprises SIER Sierra Campers Mfg. SIES Siesta (for reference only; see PARH) SIGA Sigame Corp. SIGN Signal Div. SIGN Lear Siegler SIJ Quest Aqua Products, Inc. (Spokane, WA) SIKK Sikk, Inc. SILA Sila Autoretta SILC Silvercrest Inds., Inc. SILC Dorsett Mobile Homes SILE Silver Leaf Mfg. Co. SILL Silverline SILP Silver Pigeon SILT Silent Hoist & Crane Co. SILV Silver Streak Trailer Co. SILW Silver Crown SIM Simca SIMA Simon Access SIMC Sierra Motor Corp. SIME Simek Mfg., Inc. SIMM Ron Simms Bay Area Custom Cycles SIMN Simenson Mfg. Co. SIMO Simon Utility Trailer SIMP Simplicity Mfg. Co., Inc. SIMP Landlord SIMS Simson SIMT Simpson Enterprises, Inc. SIMW Simpson Welding & Custom Trailers SIN Muffs Boatworks (Ponchatoula, LA) SIN Singer SING Single Tilt Trailer SIRC Sun International Racing SIST Silver Star Trailer SISU Sisu USA, Inc. SIT Wet Jet Intl. SIT Shark Ind., Inc. SITE Sightseer Motor Home SIXP Six Pac Camper SIZ Sea Crest, Inc. SJC Sebring Boats (Div. of C & S Enterprises) SJCI SJC Ind., Corp. SJEP S & J Enterprises SJN Sunkisst Jet Boats Mfg. (Cordova, TN) SJR Star Boat Co. SKAM Skamper Corp. SKB Dilks & Co. SKG Shockwave Custom Boats SKIK Ski Kart SKIM Skim Air Trailer SKIP Skipper B Trailer Co., Inc. (formerly Brown Ind.) SKIR The Coleman Co. SKIR Ariens Arrow SKIR Skiroule SKIR Coleman SKIR Ariens SKIR Skiroule, Ltd. SKIT Ski-Tow Mfg. Co., Inc. SKJ Ski Boats, Inc. SKM Skimmar Boats SKMD Skyline Motorized Div. SKMD Jamee Motor Home SKMD Academy Mobile Homes SKOD Skoda SKPP Skippy Trailer SKTM Skyteam Corp., Ltd. SKYC Skycraft Trailer SKYG Sky-Go Motorcycle Manufacturer or Chongqing Xgjao Motorcycle Co., Ltd. SKYG Chongqing Xgjao Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or SKYH Skyhomes, Inc. SKYI Skylark Inds., Inc. SKYJ Skyjack SKYL Crestwood Homes SKYL Arlington Mobile Homes SKYL Greenbriar SKYL Golden Falcon Homes, Inc. SKYL Key Largo SKYL Layton SKYL Fifth Avenue SKYL Freedom Mobile Homes SKYL Aly SKYL Cameron Mobile Homes SKYL Custom Villa SKYL Nomad SKYL Skyline Corp. SKYT Skytrak SLAK Slack's Trailers SLB Shell Lake Boats (Div. of Lund American) SLC Sailcrafter Yacht Kits (Costa Mesa, CA) SLE Sleek Craft Boats SLEE Saleen, Inc. SLEL Solo Electra SLGT Stephan L. Green Trailers SLK AMF Slickcraft (AMF Powerboat & AMF Robalo) SLMS Sealmaster SLOA Sloat Mfg. Co. SLON Sloans Easy Load, Inc. SLP Scout Boats, Inc. (Summerville, SC) SLPE Sleep Easy Trailer SLS Sailnetics, Inc. SLV Silverline, Inc. SLV Moorehead Plastics, Inc. SLVD Silverado Trailers, Inc. SMAL Smalley Mfg. Co. SMAR Smartlee SMBT SMB Teleiamotre (Bologna, Italy) SMBT Yankee Peddler (see SMB Teleiamotre; imported by Manumark, Inc., Atlanta, GA) SMD Sea Maid SMEA Smeal SMEV Smith Electric Vehicles or SEV SMIH L. B. Smith, Inc. SMIH Smithco SMIL Smily SMIR Smith-Roles, Ltd. SMIT Smith, T. L., Co. SMIT T. L. Smith Co. SMK Smoker Lumber Co., Inc. SMLX Simplex SMMO S M Moon SMOK Smokey Trailer SMPI Sam Patton Industries SMPX Simplex Inds. SMRT SMART SMT Sacramento Boat Mfg. SMTC S & M Trailer Co. SMTI Smart Trailers, Inc. SMTS Southern Missouri Trailer Sales SMWD Smallwood SMWI SMW, Inc. SMYD Southmayd Equipment Corp. SNA Snark Products, Inc. SNAK Snake River Trailers SNAP Snapper SNAR Snark (for reference only; see BIAN) SNAT Snatcher Trailer Co. SNBO Sunbird Boat Co. SNBR SunBird, Inc. SNBT Sun Belt Energy Housing, Inc. SNCT Sun Country Trailers SNDI Taixing Sandi Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Sandi Motorcycle Co., Ltd. SNDI Sandi Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Taixing Sandi Motorcycle Co., Ltd. SNDP Sandpiper Trailers SNDR Hainan Sundiro Motorcycle Co. SNF Sing Fisher, Inc. SNFL Sunflower Travel Trailer SNHU Sunhou S & T Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Jiangsu Sunhou S & T Motorcycle Co., Ltd. SNHU Jiangsu Sunhou S & T Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Sunhou S & T Motorcycle Co., Ltd. SNLG Sun L Group, Inc. SNLT Sun-Lite, Inc. SNOB Sno-Bird Trailer Co., Inc. SNOB Sea Bird SNOC Snow Tri Scat SNOE Snowflake Coach Ind. SNOJ Sno*Jet, Inc. SNOJ Sabre Jet SNOK Sno Shack, Inc. SNOP Snopro, Inc. SNOW Unlisted snowmobile make SNOW Snowmobile (for use when make is not listed) SNPY Sno-Pony SNRG Southern Energy Homes, Inc. SNRZ Remington Homes (Div. of Sunrizon Homes, Inc.) SNSA Sensation SNT Santa Rose Boats-Campers SNT Collins Craft, Inc. SNTA Santa Fe Trailer Co. SNTE Santee Industries SNTR Sun Trailer & Utilities SNTT Snowton Trailer SNUB Snub Harbor Trailers SNWB Snowbear, Ltd. SNWC Snow Co., The SNWC SNOW Co. SNX Sundance Marine SNYD Snyder Trailer Co. SOCI Society Coach Builders SOCO Southco Ind., Inc. SOCT Southern Classic Trailer Mfg., Inc. SODE Soderstrom Machine Shop SOE Maritec Ind., Inc. SOIL Soil Mover Mfg. Div. SOIL Soil Mover Mfg. Div., Automatic Equipment Mfg. Co. SOL Sol Cat Boat Trailer SOLE Solectria SOLO Solo Motors, Inc. SOLS Southern Lifestyle Homes, Inc. SOLT Solar Technology, Inc. SOLX Solex (for reference only; see MTBE) SOM Seaark Boats, Inc. SOND Son-Dyke Trailer Co. SONI Soni II SOON Sooner Mfg. SOP Scorpion Power Boats SOPK Sopko Mfg., Inc. SOPR Southern Pride Dist., LLC SOSL Southern Sales, Inc. SOTH South Bay Trailers SOTT Scotty Travel Trailer (for reference only) SOTW Southwest Welding & Mfg. Co. SOUA Southeast Mfg. Co., Inc. SOUC Soucy Laliberte, Inc. SOUD Soudure Kerr, Inc. SOUE Southeastern SOUF South Florida Choppers, Inc. SOUH Southern Trailers SOUT Southlane Horse Trailer SOUW Southwest Truck Body Co. SOVA Sovam SOWI Southwind Motor Home SP3 Sunsation Performance Boats SPA Space Craft Boats Works, Inc. SPAA Space Motor Home SPAC Space Age Campers SPAE Space-Craft Trailers Mfg. SPAH Sparrowhawk Trailer Co. SPAM Spacemaster SPAN Spano Crane Sales & Service Corp. SPAR Sparta SPAT Spartan Aircraft Co. SPBD Speed Bird SPBW Spencer Bowman Customs; also see B&B Welding, Inc. SPBW B&B Welding, Inc. (DBA-Spencer Bowman Customs) SPCE Space Assemblies, Inc. SPCT Spector Mfg., Inc. SPCY Springcycle SPE Spectra Marine SPEA Spears, Marvin A., Co. SPEA Marvin A. Spears Co. SPEC Special (dunebuggy, go-cart, golf cart, motorized wheelchair, or motorized ride-on toy; see NCIC 2000 Operating Manual, Vehicle File chapter) SPED Speed SPEE Speedway Trailer Div. SPEG Spirit Eagle SPEI Speicher Brothers, Inc. SPEK Speed King Mfg. Co., Inc. SPEL Special Endeavors, Inc. SPEM Specialty Mfg. Co. SPEN Spen & Co. SPEP Spencer Sports Products SPET Speedex Tractor Co. SPHA Sport Hauler, Inc. or Sports Haulers SPHL Sport Hauler Trucks, LLC SPIE Spiesschaert Enterprises SPIR Spirit Cars, LLC (NEV-Neighborhood Electric Vehicle) SPLT Sportsliner Tent Trailer SPLZ Specialized Trailers SPMC Speedster Motorcars SPMN Sportsman SPNR Sprinter SPNT Sprinter SPOC Sportcoach Corp. of America SPOK Spokane Travel Homes SPOM Sportcraft Homes, Inc. SPOM Toronado SPOM Shalimar Mobile Homes SPON Sport King Campers SPOR Sportsman SPOS Sportsmans Dream Mfg. Co. SPPI Speedway Products, Inc. SPPR Spartan Products SPR Superior Plastics, Inc. SPR Marlin Boats SPRA Sprayline Two Wheel Trailer SPRD Sperry Rand SPRE Sprite SPRG, LLC SPRI Sprite SPRK Spurlock Vehicles, Inc. SPRM Sportmasters of Tennessee, Inc. SPRN Springtrail Mfg. Co. SPRO Sprout, Waldron & Co., Inc. SPRR Superior Office Trailer SPRS Hoosier SPRS Spreuer & Son, Inc. SPRT Sportcoach Motor Home SPRY Sprayrite Mfg. Co. SPT Sportster Mfg. Co. SPTC Spectre Mfg., Inc. SPTL Sportsliner Camping Trailer SPTM Spectrum Steel Co. SPTN Spartan Motors, Inc. SPTR Superior Trailers of GA, Inc. SPU Sportsman Canoe Co. SPWY Speedway SPX Sportspal, Inc. SPYD Spyder SPYK Spyker Motorcars SQUI Squire Travel Trailer SRC Steury Corp. SRCO Sears, Roebuck & Co. SRCO Sears SRF Starfire Ind. SRFX Sreco-Flexible, Inc. SRK Helm Ind. SRK Sea Shark Boats, Inc. SRN Sea Shark Boats, Inc. SRN Scariano Boats, Inc. (New Orleans, LA) SRRA Sierra Motorcycle Co. SRTL SR Trailers SRW Savage River Work (Swanton, MD) SSB Sea Sprite Boat Co., Inc. SSDL S & S Dura-Line SSII Shredding Systems, Inc. SSM Southern Star Mfg., Inc. SSR Sea Star Boat Co. SST Sumerset Marine SST Somerset Boat Co. SSTK SS Trike, LLC SSTL SS Trailer Co. SSTL BP SSTL GN Custom SSU S2 Yachts, Inc. SSU Tiara Slick Craft STA Stamas Yacht, Inc. (Tarpon Springs, FL) STAA Star Machine Shop Co., Ltd. STAC Stack Truck, Inc. STAD Standard Steel STAF Stam Mfg. Co. STAG Stage Coach Mfg. Co. STAH Stahl A Scott Fetzer Co. STAL Statler Homes Mfg. STAL Grenadier Mobile Homes STAM Starmaster Camping Trailer STAN Standard STAO Starcraft Corp. STAP Star Tank & Trailer Mfg. Co. STAR Star STAS Star Fire, Inc. STAT Startrek STAU K. Stauffer Mfg., LLC or Kodiak Stauffer Mfg., LLC STAV Starlite Mfg. Co. STAW Star Meteor Florida STAX Star Mobile Homes STBO Stratos Boats, Inc. STCB Starcraft Bus (Div. of Forest River, Inc.) STCC Stucco Trailer STCH Strictly Chopper, LLC STCL Stone Canyon Lodges, Inc. STCO Starcraft Corp. STCR Steelcraft Log Trailer STDP Steyr-Daimler-Puch STDV Stevens - Duryea STE Stemco Marine STE Skeeter Products, Inc. STEA Steadman Containers, Ltd. STEC Steco Trailer Co. STEE Steed-Pollak Mfg. Co. STEF ST & E Fabrication, LLC STEG Stew-Gar, Inc. STEI Stainless Tank & Equip., Inc. STEL Stealth Enterprises, LLC STEM Sterling STEO Steelco, Inc. STEP Stepper Trailer STER Sterling Industrial Corp. STET Stewart, Inc. STEU Steury Trailer STEW Stewart Engineering & Equipment Co. STEY Steyr-Puch STF Sterncraft Boat Co. STHH Southern Heritage Trailers, LLC STHL Stohl Trailers STHS Steelhorse Custom Motorcycles, Inc. STID Stidham Horse Trailer STIG Stigers Trailer Sales, Inc. STIL Stillwater Supply Co. STLC Stelco Fabrications Co. STLD Streamline Designs, Inc. STLE Sterling Engine Co. STLG Sterling STLM Stealth Manufacturing, LLC (low speed electric vehicles) STLN Sterline Flatbed Trailer STLO Stilo Trailer STLY Stanley STM Saf-T-Mate, Inc. STM Four Winns STMC Supertrail Mfg. Co., Inc. STMF Storm Mfg. STMG Star Mfg. STMI Streme Trailer Mfg., Inc. STMP Stampings, Inc. STN Silverton Marine Corp. STNH Stanley Hydraulic Tools STOC Stockland STOD Stoddard Mfg. Co. STOE Stone Construction Equipment, Inc. STOL Stoll Trailers, Inc. STON Stoner Trail STOP Stopover Traveler & Camper Co. STOT Stoner Totter Trailer STOU Stoughton Trailers, Inc. STOW Western (Stow Western) STOW Stow Mfg. Co. STOW Econoroll STPH Stephens Pneumatics, Inc. STPK Stewart Park Homes, Inc. STR Starcraft Co. STR Starcraft Marine STRA Strale STRB Starbuck Trailer STRC Strahan Mfg. Co. STRD Stardust Travel Trailer STRE Streamline Trailer Co. STRG Sterling STRH Strohl Corp. STRI Strick Trailers Corp. STRK Stark Brothers Motor Sales STRK Star Trail STRL Starline Trailer Mfg. Co. STRM Streamline Motor Home STRN Saturn STRP Streamline Precision STRR Starcrest Motor Home STST Stewart & Stevenson STTL Statler Mobile Home Trailer (for reference only; see GUER) STTR Star Trans STTT Star Transport Trailers, Inc. STU Studebaker-Worthington, Inc. STU Studebaker STUA Stuart STUZ Stutz STWF Stone Well Forge STWL Steairs Welding STWS Stewart & Stevenson Services, Inc. SUBA Subaru SUBK Sunny Brook RV, Inc. SUBL Sun Blazer Travel Trailer SUBT Suburban Motors, Inc. SUE Superior Plastics SUEQ Superior Equipment Co. SUFL Super Flea SUFW Sunflower Mfg. Co., Inc. SUGG Suggs Manufacturing Co., Inc. SUKP Sucker Punch Sallys SULL Sullair Corp. SULL Sulliscrew SUMA Supreme Mid-Atlantic Corp. SUMI Superior Mfg., Inc. SUMM Summers Mfg. Co. SUMT Summit Trailer SUN Smoker-Craft (New Paris, IN) SUN Sun SUNB Sunbeam SUNB Funwagon SUNC Sun Coast Trailer Manufacturers, Inc. SUND Sundial Motor Home SUNE Sunliner Motor Home SUNF Sunbeam Funwagon (for reference only; see SUNB) SUNH Sunhome Mfg. SUNI Sunset Mobile Homes SUNL Sun State Mobile Homes SUNM Flamenco SUNM Sundancer SUNN Sun Valley SUNO Sunline Coach Co. SUNP Sunset Park & RV, Inc. SUNR Sun Recreational Inds., Ltd. SUNR Sun Chaser SUNS Topaz Star SUNS Sunshine Homes SUNT Sunset Travelers SUNV Sun Devil Trailers, Inc. SUNW Hoger SUNW Sundowner Trailer Co. SUNY Sun Ray Recreational Vehicles SUPE Superior Motor Home SUPF Superformance International (Maker of replica vehicles) SUPG Super Glide (for reference only; see HD) SUPI Superior Ideal, Inc. SUPL Superline Trailers SUPM Supreme Inds., Inc. SUPR Superior Trailer Works SUPT Super Two SUPW Superior Metal Works SUR Surfglas, Inc. (Prindle Cat) SURE Sureload SURF Surf-Rider, Inc. SURG Surgical Steeds SURV Surveyor Motor Home SUSP Suspensions Unlimited SUSQ Susquehanna-Santee Boat Works, Inc. SUT Sutphen Marine Corp. SUTP Sutphen Corp. SUTR Sutter Welding & Mfg., Inc. SUVE Suvega Tiger SUZI Suzuki Intl. SUZI Colt (mfd. by Suzuki Motor Corp.) SUZI Suzuki Pickup Truck SUZI Suzuki SUZU Suzulight Su SVAC Super Vacuuming Mfg. Co., Inc. SVCC Sun Valley Car Carriers SVCH Specialized Vehicles Corp. SVNC Seven Custom Cycles, Inc. SVTR Silver Trail SVU Stinger Boat Co. SWAE Swan Inds. SWAN Swanee Trailer Mfg. Co. SWE Mansfield Canoe SWE Stowe Canoe Co., The SWED Swede Built Motorcycles SWEE Sweetheart Motor Home SWEM Sweetwater Metal Products Co., Inc. SWEM SMP SWEP Sweepster, Inc. SWGN Southwest Gooseneck SWGR Swinger Snowmobiles SWGR Griswold Inds. SWIF Swift Motorsports, Inc. SWIM Swisher Mower & Machine Co. SWIN Swinger SWIS Swiss Colony Travelers, Inc. SWIT C.M. Cub (mfd. by SWI Tong Corp.; imported by Convenience Machines) SWIT SWI Tong Corp. (Taiwan; imported by Convenience Machines) SWL Sea Swirl SWM Sidewinder of Wisconsin SWM Sidewinder Marine, Inc. SWM SWM SWNG Swinger Camper Mobile Home SWNS Swanson Tilt Trailer SWT Switzer Craft, Inc. SWTM Southwest Trailer Mfg., Inc. SWTZ Swartz Welding & Mfg. SWX Mac Ind. SWX Sea Wind SWX McCulloch Boat Mfg. SWXP Southwest Expressline SXE South Dade Boat Repair & Mfg. SXJ Sea Vee Corp. SXL North American Catamarans SXL Sol Cat (Denver, CO) SXL Sol Catamarans SXL Tom Roland Sailboats SXO Speedo Boat, Inc. (Miami, FL) SXV Signature Marine Co. SYB Schucker & Associates (Cape Coral, FL) SYBQ Southern Yankee Bar-B-Q SYCA Sycamore Mobile Homes SYK R & R Fiberglass Co. SYK Stryker Boats SYL Sylvan Ind., Inc. SYLV Sylvan Double Snowmobile Trailer SYMG SYM U.S.A. or Sanyang Motorcycle or Sanyang Industry Co., Ltd. SYMG Sanyang Industry Co., Ltd. or SYM U.S.A. or Sanyang Motorcycle SYRE Syrena SYX Starboard Yacht Co. (Stuart, FL) SZA Shoal Runner Boats (Rolla, MO) SZG Spindrift Yacht (Newport, CA) SZX Shallow Sport Boats (Port Isabel, TX) TAA Tadd Mfg. Corp. (Poplar Bluff, MO) TACO Tacoma Trailer TACQ Tacquito TACR Tracer Horse Trailer TADN Tecnica Automotriz del Noroeste S.A. TADO Tadano America Corp. TAGA Tag-A-Long Trailers TAGE Target Products Div., Federal-Mogul Corp. TAH Bell Ind. TAH Tahiti Boats TAHI Tahiti Ski Trailers TAHO Tahoe Motor Home TAIL Tailor Maid Inds. TAIZ Taizhou Hisource Intl. Trade Co., Ltd. TAJ Jackson Corp. TAJ Jackson/Rubber Queen TAJ Sand Piper Boat Co. TAKA Taka (imported by Rockford) TAKE Takeushi Mfg. (U.S.), Ltd. TAKT Take 3 Trailers, Inc. TALB Talbert Mfg., Inc. TALG Tailgater TALM Taylor Metal Works, Inc. TALR Taylor Mfg. Co., Inc. TAMA Tama TAMP Tampo Mfg. Co., Inc. TAND Tanden Boat Trailer TANK Tankraft Trailer TANM T & M Enterprises TANN Tannehill Trailer TANO Tandom Boat Trailer TAOI Taotao Industry Co., Ltd. or Zhejiang Taotao Industry Co., Ltd. TAOI Zhejiang Taotao Industry Co., Ltd. or Taotao Industry Co., Ltd. TARA Tara Products, Inc. TARG Target Coach Mfg. Co. TARN Tarnel USA TART Tartan Corp. TASP Tarasport Trailers, Inc. TATR Tatra TAUB Taube Tool Corp. TAUN Taunus (German Ford) TAWA Tawas Trailers, Inc. TAY Taylor Boats TAYD Taylor-Dunn Industrial Electric Vehicles TAYI Taylor Ironworks TAYL Taylor Mobile Homes TAYO Tayo Motorcycle Technology Co. or Guangdong Tayo Motorcycle Co. TAYO Guangdong Tayo Motorcycle Technology Co. or Tayo Motorcycle Technology Co. TAYR Taylor Machine Works, Inc. TAZ Pemberton Airboats, Inc. (Inverness, FL) TBA Teels Boat Works TBB Tom-Boy Boat Co. TBC Travel Cruiser TBCT TBC TBH Blue Hole Canoe Co., The TBI Thomaston Boat Works, Inc. TBTW T & B Trailers & Welding TCB T-Craft Boat Co., Inc. TCBC TCB Choppers TCHA Tchaika TCHO T-Choice or TC Products TCI Talbot-Carlson, Inc. TCI TCI TCIN TC Inds., Inc. TCIP TCI Power Products, Inc. TCIP Herculift TCMC TCM Corp. or TCM Lift Trucks TCRW Triple Crown Trailers, Inc. TCSN Tech Sun Trailers TCT Thunder Craft Boat, Inc. TCWI Thunder Chopper Works, Inc. TCZ Tremblay Custom Boats (Chiefland, FL) TDA Lazer TDA Performance Sailcraft TDA Tadco (Div. of Performance Sailcraft) TDC Tide Craft, Inc. TDEN T & D Enterprise, Inc. TDP Steyr-Daimler-Puch of America Corp. TDS Trident Marine Sales, Ltd. TDVL Transamerica Delaval, Engine & Compressor Div. TEAR Tear Drop, Inc. TEBB Tebben Mfg. Co., Inc. TEC TEC TECL Techline Engineering TECM Tecumseh Products Co., Engine Div. TECN Tecnoma, Ltd. (Canada) TECU Tecumseh TEEE Triple E Recreational Vehicles TEEH T & E Enterprises of Herscher, Inc. TEEN Tee Nee Trailer Co. TEJ Team Majic TEJ Shadow, Inc. TEJA Tejas Trailers, Inc. TELS Tel Star Trailers TEMC Temco Mfg., Inc. TEMI Temisko TEMK Tem Ken Trailers Mfg. TEMP Tempo TENA Tennant Co. TENN Tennessee Trailer TEPE Tempe Trailers TER Terry Bass Boat TERA Terra Cruiser Div. TERF Terra-Marina Mfg. Co. TERM Terramite Corp. TERR Terravac Corp. TERS Terry Inds. of Virginia TERX Terex Div. TESC T.E.S. (Truck Equipment & Sales Co.) TESI Testi TESK Teske Mfg. TESL Tesla Motors TETC Teenee Trailer Company TETO Teton Travel Trailer TETT TET TEXA Texan Trailer Mfg. Co. TEXK Texarkana Div. TEXL Tex Willett Co. TEXL Willett, Tex, Co. TEXO Texoma, Inc. TEXP Texas Pride Trailers TEXS Texas Bragg Enterprises TFFB Tuff Boy, Inc. TFFT Tuff Trailer, Inc. TFLG Tuff/Lugg Manufacturing TG Tote Gote TGCT Tigercat Forestry TGF Fish-Rite Boats (name change; originally called Two Guys Fabrication, name changed in 1980) TGMI TGMI, Inc. or Tailgate Mulcher, Inc. TGMI TGMI, Inc. TGO Tide River USA, Inc. (Tampa, FL) TGRL Tigerline Trailer THAC Thackery Co., Inc., The THAM Thames THAT Joseph Thatcher THAT Thatcher, Joseph THAW Thawzall, LLC or Machine Co. THAY Thayco Trailer Corp. THB Thunder Hawk Boats (Nashville, GA) THBD Thoroughbred Motorsports, Inc. THBT Thunderbolt Trailer THD Thunderbird Racing Technology (Portland, OR) THE Boathouse, The THE Sorenson Marine Mfg., Inc. THER Thermo Electron Engine Corp. THEU Theurer Atlantic, Inc. THGH Highland Group, The THGH The Highland Group THIE Thiermann Utility Equipment Div. THII Thoroughbred Industries, Inc. THIL Thiele, Inc. THIM Thimsen Mfg. Co. THM Trophy Sportfishing Boats THMC THOR Motor Coach, Inc. THMP Thompson Concrete Pump Trailer THMS Thomas Built Bus Co. THND Thunderbikes, Inc. THNK Think North America, Inc. City THOA Thomas Mfg. THOA Boatoter THOC Thor California, Inc. THOE Thomas Equipment, Ltd. THOM Thomas & Co. THON Thorns Trailer THOP Thor Power Tool Co. THOR Thoroughbred Boat Trailer THOS Thomas Conveyor Co. THPN Thompson THRC Three Cs, Inc. THRE Three-Dimensional Mobiles THRM Three-Way Campers Mfg. THRU Thru-Air Trailers, LLC THSE Thomsen Equipment Co. THTC Taiwan Helio Technology Co., Ltd. THUG Thug Custom Cycles, LLC THUL Thule Trailers, Inc. THUM Thumpstar THUN Thunderbird Castles THUR Thurston Mfg. Co. (TMC) THWK Tomahawk Fabricating THWY Thru-way Trailers TIAK Triangle-K Trailer Co. TIAN Tianma Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Guangzhou Tianma Group or Tianma Group TIAN Guangzhou Tianma Group or Tianma Group or Tianma Motorcycle Co., Ltd. TIAN Tianma Group or Tianma Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Guangzhou Tianma Group TIAR Tiara Inds. TIBR Ti-Brook, Inc. TICO Tico Terminal Services, Inc. TIDE Tide Craft, Inc. TIDW La Donti TIDW Western Mansion TIDW Dorado Mobile Homes TIDW Tidwell Inds., Inc. TIED Tie Down Engineering TIFF Tiffin Motor Homes, Inc. TIG Sportboats, Inc. (Justice, IL) TIGE Tiger Trailer TII Triton Ind., Inc. (Lansing, MI) TIK Tiki Intl. TILM Tilman Dump Trailers, LLC TILT Tilton-Hilton TIMB Timberline Mfg. Co. TIME T.O. Corp. TIME Time Out TIMK Timken Bearing Boat Trailer TIMM Timmins Trailers TIMP Timpte, Inc. TINK Tinker Clubs of America, Inc. TINK U-Totem TIOG Tioga Motor Home TISO Tisong Group Co., Ltd. TIST Tri-State Homes, Inc. TITA Titan Trailer Corp. TITL Titleist Travel Trailer TITN Titan Custom Motorcycles TIX Tige Boats, Inc. TJAA Tjaarda TJHR T & J Horse Trailers TJJJ Triple J Custom Trailers TKB Sunset Boat Co. TKF Canoe Outfitters, The (Birchwood, WI) TLCC TLC Carrossiers TLDO Toledo TLE Glassmate Mfg. Co., Inc. TLE Tri Lakes Enterprises TLIN TL Industries, Inc. TLMC Ozark Trailway TLMC Tri-Lakes Mfg. Co., Inc. TLMM Trailmaster Mfg., Inc. TLT T & L Trailers TLTC The Little Trailer Co., Inc. TLTM Trailerman Trailers TLTR Trailite Trailer TLUN Trailers Unlimited TLY Tollycraft Corp. TMBL Timberland RV Co. TMBW Timberwolf TMC Transportation Mfg. Corp. TMC Taft Marine, Inc. TMCC Thunder Mountain Custom Cycles TMCI TMC, Inc. TMCT The Metal Connection TMD Troller Boat Corp. (Butler, PA) TMEC Wuxi TMEC Power Technology Co., Ltd. or TMEC Power Technology Co., Ltd. TMEC TMEC Power Technology Co., Ltd. or Wuxi TMEC Power Technology Co., Ltd. TMH Tomahawk, Inc. TML Tradewinds Marine, Inc. TMMI T & M Mfg., Inc. TMMY Tommy's Trailer Sales TMO Talon Marine Co. (Sarasota, FL) TMPA Temp-Air, Inc. TMR Tom Sawyer Boats TMS Thompson Brothers Boat Mfg. TMTL TM Trailer TMTO 2 Moto, Inc. TMTR Travel Mate Trailer TN1 Thunderbird Products Corp. (North Miami, FL) TNA Tana Corp. TNKC Tanckon FRP, Inc. TNKI Tank Sports, Inc. TNR Thunderbird Products Corp. (Decatur, IN) TNRX Tentrax TNSC Transco Trailer TNTL TN Trailers, LLC TNTT TNT Trailers, LLC TNV Tennessee Valley Fiberglass Co. TNZ Tennessee Homemade Boats TODC Todco TODD Toddy Custom Built Trailers TOGO Tow Go Trailers TOHA Tohatsu TOHA Tohatsu America Corp. TOHO Tourhome Camper Trailer TOKE Token Flatbed Trailer TOLO Tour-A-Lodge TOLV Total Livestock Concepts or Truck & Livestock Concepts TOMB Tomberlin Automotive Group (Electric Vehicles) TOMB Tomberlin Automotive Group TOMC Towmotor Corp. TOMO Tomos (Yugoslavia; distributed nationally by United Trade Representatives, New York, NY) TOMO Towmotor Corp. (for reference only; see TOMC) TOMO Silver Bullet (model of Tomos) TOMS Toms Trailers, Inc. TONC Tonco Lowboy Trailer TOPB Top Brand Trailers TOPC Top Campers TOPK Top Kat TOPP Topper Mobile Homes, Inc. TOPT Top-3 Trailers TOR Thomas Marine (Chekotah, OK) TORA Tora (imported by Rockford) TORC Torch Inds. TORI Torino TORK Tork or Tork Lift Intl. TORN Tornado (British) TORO Toro Co. TORR Torrot TOTA Totem Total Trailer TOTC Tote Co. TOTE Totemall TOTL Total Performance, Inc. TOTM Topline Trailers Mfg. TOU Cajun Persuasion Boat Builders (Lafitte, LA) TOUA Toura Products TOUR Tourite Mobile Homes Mfg. TOWC Towncrier Camper TOWD Tow Mor Products TOWE Towner Mfg. Co. TOWL Tow Low TOWM Tow Mobile Forklift TOWN Town & Country Mfg. TOWN Ticonderoga Mobile Homes TOWN New Castle TOWP Tow Pro, Inc. TOWR Towmaster TOY Toyo-Tire & Rubber Co., Ltd. TOYO Toyocar Van Container Trailer TOYP Toyopet TOYT Toyota Motor Co., Ltd. TOYT Toyota TPC Triple C Enterprises TPHD Top Hand Trailer Mfg. TPHT Top Hat Industries, Inc. TPI Team Warlock, Inc. (Corona, CA) TPL TPL Boats TPLN Topline Mfg. Co., Inc. TPP T & P Plastics, Inc. TPP Topaz Marine Corp. TPPL Trailer Parts Plus TPPL Trailer Parts Plus (aka Sikeston Fender) TPPL Sikeston Fender-AKA (Trailer Parts Plus) TPST Tempest Cycles TQAA Tradewind Inds., Inc. TRA Trailorboat Co., Inc. (Sonoma, CA) TRAA Trader Horn Trailer Supply TRAB Trabant TRAC Trail Aire, Inc. TRAD Trail Car Boat Trailer TRAE Trail Haven Div. TRAF Trailmaster Tanks, Inc. TRAG Trailco-Norwin TRAH Trail-R-Craft, Inc. TRAH Art Roll Mfg. Co., Inc. TRAI Trailex, Inc. TRAJ Trail-It Coach Mfg. Co. TRAK Trailorama TRAL Trail-Or-Floats TRAM Trail-Wide Corp. TRAN Trans Canada Rent-A-Trailer System TRAO Transcraft Corp. TRAP Transit TRAQ Transporter TRAR Transvair TRAS Travel Equipment Corp. TRAT Travel Homes, Inc. (for reference only; see TRVL) TRAU Travel Inds. TRAV Travoy Motor Home TRAW Travelaire Trailer Mfg. TRAX Traveleze Trailer (for reference only; see TRVE) TRAY Travelmaster, Inc. TRAZ Travelpak Car Topper Sales TRBA Travette Mfg. TRBB Trav-L-Homes TRBC Trav Otel Inds. TRBD Travois Trailer TRBE Transfer TRBF Trainliner TRBL Trailblazer Trailer TRBN Trail Bronc (for reference only; see HEAL) TRBO Trailboss House Trailer TRBO Trail Boss TRBR Trail Breaker TRBZ Trail Blazer TRCA Trailer Corp. of America, Inc. TRCC Tracker Corp. TRCF Trailcraft Boat Trailer TRCM Tramco, Inc. (for reference only; see TRMC) TRCO Trailer Coach Metal Spec. TRCP Tracpac Snowmobile Trailer TRCR Travel Car Motor Home TRDD Trac TRDE Trade Winds Co., Inc. TREA Treasure Chest Products TREC Trevco Enterprises TREK Trek, Inc. TREM Tremcar, Inc. TRET Trail-Et Horse Trailer TREX Trailers Express, Inc. TRFL Trail Flight TRFR Trailer Wheel & Frame Co. TRFR TWF TRGR Traeger TRGT Target Trailer Mfg. Co. TRHK Trail Hawk TRHM Travelo Homes Co. TRHO Trail Horse TRI Three R Ind. (Almont, MI) TRI Tri-Way HD Snowmobile Trailer TRIA Trail Mate Trailer Co. TRIB Triple B Mfg. Co., Inc. TRIF Tri Fun or Tri-Fun, Inc. (3-wheel electric vehicle) TRIG Triggs-Miner Corp. TRIH Trihawk, Inc. TRIK Trike TRIL Chancey TRIL Trail-O-Matic Trailer TRIM Trailmobile TRIM Pullman Trailmobile TRIN Trinity Products TRIP Triple R Trailer TRIS Triumph Sales & Service TRIT Tri-Star Corp. TRIU Triumph (for motorcycle reference only; see TRUM) TRIU Triumph TRIV Trivellato TRIW Tri-Way Trailer TRJ Trojan Yacht Div. TRJN Trojan Inds., Inc. TRKG Trail King Travel Trailer TRKK Trakker Trailers TRKM Tracker Marine, Inc. TRKR TC Trekker or Trekker TRKS The Trike Shop TRLB Trail Boss Trailers, Inc. TRLC Trailco Mfg. & Sales Co. TRLD Trail Dust Trailers TRLE Trail-Easy Travel Trailer TRLG Trailer Giant, LLC TRLI Trail It Horse Trailer TRLK Trail King Inds. TRLL Trillium Trailer TRLM Trail Master Trailers, Inc. TRLN Skeeter TRLN Trailers, Inc. TRLO Travel Long, Inc. TRLP TRL Enterprises, Inc. TRLR Trailer (for use when make is not listed) TRLR Unlisted trailer make TRMA Trac-Machinery Corp. TRMB Trailmobile TRMC Tramco, Inc. TRMF T & R's Mfg., Inc. TRMI Traveler Mfg., Inc. TRMN Transmission (for use when make is not listed) TRMP Triumph Machinery Co. TRMR Trail Manor, Inc. TRMT Tramont Corp. TRND Trend Motor Sports or TMS TRNH Transhaul, Inc. TRNS Transliner Insulated Tank Trailer TRNT Transport Trailers TROH Trojan Homes TROJ Trojan TROM Trombly Woodworking Co. TROP Tropicana Mfg. Co. TROQ Trophy Travel Trailer TROR Troyer Mfg. Co. TROT Trotwood Trailer TROU Troy Inds. TROX Troxell Trailer Mfg. TROY Troyler Corp. TRPE Terraplane TRPH Trophy Homes, Inc. TRPR Tramper Travel Trailer TRPT Tri-Sport/Steen (formerly Alsport/Steen) TRQN Travel Queen Motor Home TRQU Travel Queen Coaches TRR NACR (North American Catamarans & Tom Roland Sailboats) TRRD Tri-Rod TRRI Aquarius TRRI Trail-Rite Trailer Mfg. Co. TRRM Terra Marc Ind. TRRR Triple R Trailers TRRT Trailerette Trailer TRRY Terrys Utility Trailer TRS Tri-Sonic Marine Div. TRSG Transglobal TRSM Transmobile Trailer TRSP Trans-Sport TRST Trail Star Tent Trailer TRST Trailstar TRST Trailstar Travel Trailer TRSU Travel Supreme, Inc. TRSY Tri-Pak Systems Co. TRT Skandia Co., The (Green Cove Springs, FL) TRTC Custom Built AG Ind., Ltd. TRTC Trailtech, Inc. TRTE Tr-Tec (PTY), Ltd. TRTL Triad Trailers, Ltd. TRTN Triton Trailer Corp. TRTQ TRANSTEQ (Transportation Techniques, LLC) TRTR Truck & Trailer Equipment Co. TRTR Trail Tramp TRTT Traveliner Travel Trailer TRUC Truco TRUE Truck Equipment Service Co. TRUK Unlisted truck make TRUK Truck (for use when make is not listed) TRUM Triumph (England model mfd. by Merdian; old code TRIU) TRUM Triumph Motor Co. (TRIU for auto entry) TRUT Tru-Trailer Co. TRUW Tru-Tow Trailers TRV Stanry TRV Traveller Boats TRVA Travelcraft, Inc. TRVA Cozy Craft TRVC Travco Corp. TRVE Traveleze Inds., Inc. TRVL Travel Home, Inc. TRVM Traveliner Motor Home TRVN Trivan Truck Body, LLC TRVO Stow & Go TRVO TRV Corp. TRVR Trailevator TRVS Travis TRVS Travis Trailer TRVT Travertson, Inc. TRWD Travel World, Inc. TRWK Trailer Works TRXC Traxcavator Bulldozer (for reference only; see CAT) TRYB Troy-Built TRYC Tryco Mfg. Co., Inc. TSA South Coast Boat Co. TSA Explorer Yacht, Inc. TSB Storie Co., The TSB Champion Boats (The Storie Co.) TSCC AKTIV TSCC Tucker Sno-Cat Corp. TSCC Twin Pines Equipment, Inc. TSEI TSE International, Inc. TSP Tillotson-Pearson-Henry, Inc. TSSY Tessy TSTL Team Spirit Trailers TSW Sillinger America (Irvine, CA) TTAN Titan Homes TTDT Timeless Teardrop Trailers (Robert L. Barr Ent., Inc.) TTEM Totem Equipment & Supply, Inc. TTII T & T Inds., Inc. TTIN Titan Trailers, Inc. TTMC Cycle-Mate TTMC T & T Inds. TTMI Trinity Trailer Mfg., Inc. TTP Bobby Jones Airboats (Davenport, FL) TTRN Homelite (Div. of Textron) TTS Tims Trailer Sails & Boats TTS2 Creek Craft Mfg., Inc. (Green Cove Springs, FL) TTSI Transport Systems, Inc. TTTI Transport Trailers, Inc. TTTR Trans-Trail Trailer TUBO Turnbow Trailer TUCE Al Tucker Trailer Co. TUCE Tucker, Al, Trailer Co. TUCK Tucker TUCR Sno-Cat TUCR Tucker Sno-Cat Corp. TUF Glasway, Inc. TUF Tuffy TUFB Tufby Converter Dolly TUFC Tuff Cat Trailers, Inc. TUFF Tuffy TUFN Tuff-N-Lite TUFT Tuff Thom Trailers, Inc. TUKA Tuk-A-Way-Trailer TUND Tundra Travel Trailers TUOH Tuohe Enterprise Group or Shanghai Tuohe Enterprise Group TUR Viz Ind. TURN Turner TURT Turtle Top TUSA Trailers USA, Inc. TUTR Tule Trooper TVLC Travelcraft Motor Home TVR TVR TWEN Twentieth Century Mfg. Co. TWGB Taiwan Golden Bee Co., Ltd. TWIC Twin City Racing TWIC Necedah Flyers TWIG Twin Grove Mfg., Inc. TWIL Twilight Coach Mfg. TWIN Twin Trailer TWIS Twist N Go (TNG) TWIT Twilite Mobile Home Mfg. TWMI Trails West Mfg. of Idaho, Inc. TWN TWN TWND Twin Disc, Inc. TWOT 280 Trailers, LLC TWRI Tow-Rite Mfg. TWRT Towrite Mfg. TWST Twister TWTM Twister Trailer Mfg., Inc. TWTS Trans World Transportation Services, LLC or TWT, Mfg. TXMX Tex Mex Trailers TXNX Tex-Nex Trailers TXTT Traxcavator Tract TXUG Texas Underground, Inc. or Pipehunter, Inc. TXZ Texas Homemade Boats TYA Flying Dutchman, Ltd. TYA Ta Yang Yacht Building Co. TYAN Tyran TYBE Tybex Corp. TYCB Trailers y Casetas Bonanza SA TYCO Toyoco TYEC Tye Co., Inc., The TYGR Tygar Mfg., Inc. TYLE Tyler Coach Mfg. TYLM Taylor Made Choppers TYLR Tyler TYLR TCI, Inc. TYR Hi-Performance Marine TYR Taylor Boats TYS Tyler Diesel Power Systems TYSO Tyson Skylark Trailer TZ TZ TZM Treasure Marine UAZ UAZ UAZ UAZ (Ulianovsk Automobile Zavod) UBM Uncle Bruces Marine UBM UBM Mfg. UBUS U.S. Bus Corp. UCHW United Coachworks UD UD UD Formerly Nissan Diesel Motor Corp. UDC Udisco, Inc. UDMP U-Dump, Inc. UDMP U-Dump Trailers, LLC UHAU U-Haul Co. ULAC Ultra Acquisition Corp. ULMC Ultra Motorcycle Co. ULPC Unlimited Power Corp. (UPC) ULTI Ultimate Trailers ULTM Ultima Motorcycles ULTR Ultra, Inc. ULVA Ultra, Inc. (for reference only; see ULTR) UMC Universal Marine Service UMOG UNIMOG UNCC Universal Cycle Corp. UNCR Unit Crane & Shovel Corp. UNEX United Express Line, Inc. UNF Murray Chris Craft (Bellingham, WA) UNGE Unger Motor Home UNHY United Hydraulics, LLC UNIA Union Machine & Tool Works UNIC Unicar UNID United Fiberglass UNIE United Mfg. Co. UNIF Mountaineer UNIF United Farm Tools, Inc. UNIG Uni-Go UNII Univision Inds., Ltd. UNIL United Mobile Sales UNIM United States Aluminum Co. UNIO United States Mobile Homes UNIP Unipower UNIR Universal Tractor Foreign Trade Co. UNIS United States Mobile Homes (Florida) UNIT United Trailer Service & Supply Co. UNIV Universal Camper Mfg. UNLI Unilli UNMM Universal Motors-Medalist UNMO United Motors UNSP United Specialties, Inc. UNTD United Rock Picker Co. UNVE Unverferth-McCurdy Mfg. Co., Inc. UNVT Universal Trailers, Inc. URAL Ural URIL Urili Flatbed Trailer USA U.S. Army (see Section 2.1) USA Quick Silver Inflatable (Fond du Lac, WI) USAC USA Motor Corp. USAF U.S. Air Force (see Section 2.1) USAM USA Motortoys, LLC USAV U-Save Trailers USCA U.S. Cargo, Inc. USCG U.S. Coast Guard (see Section 2.1) USCH USA Choppers, LLC USCR U-Screen USA, Inc. USCW U.S. Coach Works, Inc. USEL U.S. Electricar Corp. USH Maxum Marine (Pipestone, MN) USJ Bayliner Marine Corp. (Miami, OK) USMC U.S. Marine Corps (see Section 2.1) USN U.S. Navy (see Section 2.1) USSM U.S. Suzuki Motor Corp., Ltd. USTN U.S. Titan Imports USTS USTS Mfg., Inc. UTAH Utah King Motor Home UTBC Utility Tool & Body Co., Inc. UTE Ute Trailer UTEL Uteliner Motor Home UTHM Utah Mobile Homes UTIL Utility Trailer Mfg. Co. UTIM Util-I-Van UTIM Utilimaster UTOP Utopia Coach Corp. UTZ Utah Homemade Boats VAB Valley Aluminum Boats VAB Valco Aluminum Boats VACA Vacation Homes VACD Vacation Inds. VACD Big Sur VACE Vacationar Motor Home Truck VACG Vacation Wagon, Inc. VACN Vac-Con VACR Vector Aeromotive Corp. VACT A Complete Assembly VACT Vactron Trailers VADA Vada Open Top Cattle Trailer VADO Vador VAG Vagabond Sailboats, Inc. VAGA Vagabond VAL VAL VALA Valiant Mobile Homes VALC Valley Campers VALE Vale Motor Company or Vale VALG Valley Engineering, Inc. VALI Valiant VALK Valkrie VALL Valley Foundry & Machine Works VALU Value Trailers VALY Valley Trailers VAM Vampire Boat Corp. (Minooka, IL) VANA Van Art, Inc. VANB Van Bibber Enterprises VANC Van Camp Equipment VANG Vanguard (Canada) VANL Vanland, Inc. (DBA-Our Family RV Center) VANM Van American, Inc. VANO Van Car Corp. VANP Vance Campers, Inc. VANQ Vanquish V8 Motorcycles, LLC VANR Van Guard Trailer, Ltd. VANS Vanson Boat Trailer VANT Vanette VANV Van Veen VAQU Vaquero Trailer VATC Van Tech VAUX Vauxhall VAZ Virginia Homemade Boats VBC Viking Boat Co. VCAT Vacationeer Trail Trailer VCHO V8 Choppers, LLC VCL Caravelle Boats, Inc. (Americus, GA) VCLV Van Conversions of Lehigh Valley DBA-Van Conversions, Inc. VCTX Vectrix Corp. VCTY Victory Motorcycles VEAM Vehiculos Automores Mexicano S.A. de C.V. (Mexican mfr.) VEAM Vehiculos Automores Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V. VEEN V. E. Enterprises VEGA Vegas Mfg. Co. VEGL Veglia VELO Velosolex Moped (for reference only; see MTBE) VELO Velorex USA VENC Venus Coaches VENG Vengeance Motorcycles; Div. of Vengeance Performance Products, LLC VENM Ventura Mfg. & Implement Co. VENT Ventoura Corp. VENU Venus VERA Versatile Power Corp. VERI Veritas VERM Vermette Machine Co. VERN Vermeer Mfg. Co. VERS Versatile Mfg. Co. VERT Vertex VERU Verucci Motorcycles Mfg. Co. VESE Vesely Co. VESP Vespa VESP Grande (model of Vespa) VESP Piaggio (model of Vespa) VESP Ciao (model of Vespa) VESP Bravo (model of Vespa) VET Vet Boat Trailer VHMC Virginia Homes Mfg. Corp. VHPG Vehicle Production Group, LLC MV-1 VIBO Dynapac Mfg., Inc. VIBO Vibro-Plus Products, Inc. VIC Vican, Inc. VICH Victorian Homes, Inc. VICN Vicon Farm Machinery, Inc. VICO Victory Implement Co. VICR Victor Mobile Homes VICT Victoria VIKI Viking VILL Villiers VINC Black Knight (model of Vincent) VINC Vincent VIND Vindale Corp. VINT Vintage Homes VIPE Viper Trailers, LLC VIPR Viper Motorcycle Co. VIRG Virginia Mobile Homes Inds. VIRI Virginian Coach Camper Corp. VISC Viscount Trailers VISQ Vista Queen Trailer VIST Vista Liner Coach & Trailer VITO Vito Mfg. Co. VIVA Viva Motor Home VIVI Vivian Industrial Plastics VKB Viking Boats (Stamton, CA) VKNG Viking Snowmobiles, Inc. VKP Viking Boats (Stamton, CA) VKST VKing-Vee, Inc. (DBA-Viking Spirit Trailers) VKX Viking Boats (Groton, CT) VLCN Vulcan Works, Inc. VLCT Velocette VLLA Villager Travel Trailer VLS Seminole Boat Co. (Valdosta, GA) VLT Volunteer Corp. VLTG Voltage Vehicles VM VM Boat Trailer VNB Ventura Boats, Inc. VNCO Vanco U.S.A., LLC VNDN Vanden Plas VNG Vanguard, Inc. VNGI Vanguard, Inc. VNGM Vanguard Industries of Michigan, Inc. VNHL Van Hool Buses & Motor Coaches VNJS VN & J Sales VNMO Van-Mor, Inc. VNTC Vanguard National Trailer Corp. VNTG Vantage Dump Trailers, Inc. VNTL Vintage Trailers, Ltd. VNTO Vento Motorcycles, U.S.A. VNTR Venturi Paris S.A. VNTU Ventura Tent Camper VNTV Vantage Vehicle International, Inc. VOGA Volga VOGU Vogue Motor Home VOLK Volkswagon VOLK Volkswagen VOLO Voloci VOLP Volvo Penta of America VOLU Volunteer Mfg. Corp. VOLV Volvo VOOD Voodoo Choppers VOUG Vought Inds. VOY Voyager Marine (Camdenton, MO) VOY Lake Raider (Camdenton, MO) VREN VOR (Italy) VRMO Vermont Traveler VRSA Versa Two Wheel Trailer VRTR Vertical Reality VSM Vansant Marine VSTA Vista Custom Trailer VSVC VT Specialized Vehicles Corp. VTEC Vac-Tec VTMT Vertemati VTNR Venture Trailers VTWN V-Twin Custom Mfg., LLC or V-Twin Cycles VTZ Vermont Homemade Boats VULC Vulcan Trailer Mfg. Co. VVN Vivian Ind. Plastics VVV RPL, Inc. VVV Chrysler Boat Corp. VVVA Viva Motorsports VW V & W VW Veenema & Wiegers, Inc. VWTC Truckin Trailer VWTC V.W.T. Corp. VXP VIP Marine Ind. VXX Mariah Boats, Inc. VXX Magnum Marine, Inc. VYGR Voyager Trailers VYN Victoria Yachts, Inc. VYN Ria Yachts VYTT Voyager Travel Trailers WABC Wabco Construction & Mining Equipment Group WAC Waco Mfg., Inc. WACH E.H. Wachs Co. WACH Wachs Co., E. H., Marine Div. WACK Wacker Corp. WADE Wade Services, Inc. WAG Tim Wagner (Sarasota, FL) WAGC Wago Campers WAGL War Eagle Customs WAGM Wagon Master Trailer WAGN Wagner WAGO Wagon-Haven, Inc. WAGS Wags Unique Motorcycle Trailers WAGT Wagon Train, Inc. WAJ Watercraft America, Inc. WALA Ward LaFrance Intl., Inc. WALD Waldon, Inc. WALE Walker Tractor Mfg. WALH Walsh Body & Trailer WALI Walinga Body and Coach Ltd. WALK Walker Stainless Equipment Co. WALL Wallstrong Boat Trailer WALM Wallstrom Boat Trailer WALR Walker Mobile Homes WALT Walter Motor Truck Co. WAMA Walter Machine Co. WANA Wanamaker Trailer WANC Wabash National Corp. WAND Wanderer Camper WANE Wa-Nee Homes Corp. WARD Montgomery Ward WARD Ward Inds. WARE Warren Mfg. Co. WARH Warhawk Mfg. Co. WARI Warrior WARM Warrior Mfr. WARN Warner Gear Co. (Div. of Borg-Warner Corp.) WARO Wain-Roy, Inc. WARR Warrenville Trailer Mfg., Inc. WARS Warszawa WART Wartburg WARW Warwick WASP Wasp WAST Waverly Structures WASW Warner & Swasey Co. WATF Watford WATR Walter Products & Engineering Co. WATS Watson Inds. WATT Watt Camper WAWR Water Wars Co. WAYC Wayne Corp. WAYF Wayfarer Coach Mfg. WAYM Waymatic Welding & Fabricating Co. WAYN Wayne WAYN Wayne Sweeper WAYP Wayne Metal Products WAYS Wayside Campers WAZ Water Ventures (Irvine, CA) WB2 Westwind Boats, Inc. WBB Webbcraft, Inc. WBC White Boat Co. (Baldwinville, MA) WBD Willard Boat Works WBHL W B Hill, Inc. WCCH West Coast Choppers WCH Equinox Boats (Louisville, TN) WCLH West Coast Leisure Homes, Ltd WCMS W.C. Mfg. & Specialty Co. WCTR West Coaster Mailster WCW Pantera Marine, Inc. (Miami, FL) WDB Weldbilt (Alexander, AR) WDC Warrencraft Distributor, Inc. WDMZ Wood-Mizer Products, Inc. WDN Woodson WDPP Werner Doppstadt WDS W.D. Schock Corp. WDS W.D. Schock Marine Fiberglass WDT Wreidt Custom Boats WEAV Weaver & Sons WEB Westbay Boat & Mfg. Co. (Sequim, WA) WEBE Weber WEBK Westerbeke Corp., J.H. WECR Westcraft Mobile Homes WEDG Wedgewood Homes WEEK Week-N-Der Pickup Camper WEER Weeres Trailer WEGC Western Gear Corp., Power Transmission Div. WEHL We-Haul WEIE Weirs Trailer Sales WEL Wellcraft Marine WELB Circle L WELC Welch Mfg. & Engineering Co. WELD Weld-It Co. WELE Webco Letourneau (for reference only) WELL Wells Cargo, Inc. WEM Perception, Inc. WEM William Masters WEM Marba Glas WEMA WeMac Mfg. Co. WEN Wenzel Fiberglass Boats WEND Wendax WERG Wenger Mfg. WERN Siefmund Werner WERN Werner, Siefmund WERS Werts Corp., Inc. WERT Werts Welding Service WERT Werts Bilt WES Dave Westphal Boats WES Westphal Boats WESC West Coach Mfg. Co. WESD West Wind Trailer Co. WESE Western WESF Westfield Sportscars WESG Westgo Inds., Inc. WESH Western Coach Corp. WESI Western Dynamics Corp. WESL Western Trailer Coach WESM Westholt Mfg. WESN Westinghouse Equipped Mobile Home WESR Westland Trailer Co. WESS Westward Coach Mfg. WEST Westways Mfg. WETR Western Products Div., Douglas Dynamics, Inc. WFE Custom Weld Boats WFF Wilson Fiberglass, Inc. (Theodosia, MO) WFMI W. F. Mickey Body Co., Inc. WFP Warrior Boats WFP Warrior Fiberglass Products WFX Worlds Finest Product (Fort Lauderdale, FL) WGN Marian Boat Works (Anchorage, AK) WHB White Water Boats WHEE Wheel Horse Products, Inc. WHEL Wheel Campers Corp. WHES Wheel Estate Sales & Service, Inc. WHGM WhiteGMC WHGO Wheego Electric Cars WHHA Whitehaul Kaler Trailer WHIA White Star Trailer WHIB White Bear Equipment, Inc. WHIE White Line Mfg. & Dist. Co. WHIP Whippet WHIS George White & Sons Co., Ltd. (Canada) WHIT White Motor Corp. (for models through year 1987) WHIT White Motor Corp. WHIY Whitley Mfg. Co. WHKA Whitehead & Kales WHKE Whites/Keene Mfg. WHLE Wheeler Truck Trailer WHMA White Materials Handling, Subsidiary of White Motor Corp. WHO Wahoo Boats Unlimited WHSP Whispering Pine WHT White House WHTF White Freightliner (for reference only; see WHIT) WHTM Whiteman Mfg. Co. WHTN Whiteman Ind. WHTP White Pine Campers, Inc. WHWN White Western Star Log Truck (for reference only; see WHIT) WHZR Whizzer WIBH Wisconsin Body & Hoist WICH Style-Craft Mobile Homes WICH Wickes Homes WICK Wicks Engineering & Construction Co. WICM Williams Craft mini-motor (for reference only; see WICT) WICT Williams Craft, Inc. WIGA Wig-A-Wam, Inc. WIGG Wiggins Lifts Co., Inc. WIGW Wigwam Motor Home WII Windspeed Intl., Inc. WIJ Starwing (Newport, RI) WIL Willies R & D WILA Willmar Mfg. WILC Will Craft Camper Trailer WILD Wildcat Travel Trailers WILD Wildcat WILF Wildfire WILG Wildgoose WILK Wilkens Manufacturing, Inc. WILL Willys-Overland WILL Willmar Mfg. (for reference only; see WILA) WILM Wilson Trailer Mart WILM Sun-Ray WILO Wil-Ro, Inc. WILR Willborn Brothers WILS Wilson WILT Wilten Mfg., Inc. WILW Williamsen Truck Equipment Corp. WILX Wilson Trailer Co., Inc. WILY Wil-Trail Corp. WILZ Wilray Mfg. WIN Water Buster, Inc. WINC Winco Div. WIND Windjammer Motorcoach WINE Windward Enterprises WING Winger Mfg. Co. WINI Winston Inds. WINK Wink Trailer Corp. WINL Winder Liberator Camper WINN Winnebago Inds., Inc. WINO Winnebago Inds., Inc. (for reference only; see WINN) WINP Winpower Corp. WINS Windsor Mobile Homes (old code WIND) WINT Winter Weiss Co. WIPT Melvin Mfg. Corp. WIPT Whip It Snowmobiles, Inc. WISC Wisconsin Trailer Co., Inc. WISD Wise Welding, Inc. WISG Wise-Craft Mfg. WISH Wishbone Trailers, Inc. WISO Penn Royal WISO Wisconsin Homes, Inc. WITA Wisconsin Tag-A-Long Trailer WITZ Witzco Trailers, Inc. WIZA Western Auto Supply Co. WIZA Wizard WIZA Western Auto Stores WIZZ Wizzard (for reference only; see WIZA) WJI Wave Industry, Inc. (Dickson, TN) WJW Ultranautics Corp. (Oxnard, CA) WKG Weldcraft Mfg., Inc. (Benton, AR) WKM Walkiki Marine WKY Wilderness Systems (High Point, NC) WLB Weldon Boats WLCH Welchel Enterprises, LLC WLDS Weldship Corp. WLDT Weldtite Trailers WLKR Walker WLLS Willys WLLY Will Dog Corp. wlng Wuling Group WLNG Wuling Group or Liuzhou Wuling Special Purposes Vehicle Mfg., Co. or Wuling Motors Corp. WLNG Wuling Motors Corp. or Wuling Group or Liuzhou Wuling Special Purposes Vehicle Mfg., Co. WLNG Wuling Motors Corp. or Wuling Group or Liuzhou Wuling Special Purposes Vehicle Mfg. Co. (low speed vehicles) WLNG Liuzhou Wuling Special Purposes Vehicle Mfg., Co. or Wuling Group or Wuling Motors Corp. WLR Wolverine Marine Co. WLST Wilson Trailer Sales, Inc. WLT Wilgate WLTR Waltron, Ltd. WLTR Aldura Trailer & Equipment, Ltd. WLWE Western Recreation Mfg., Inc. WLWE Wells Western Trailers WLZ Whiteline Marine Center (Blounstown, FL) WMB Newman Co. WMB Newman Import Co., The WMEI W & M Enterprises, Inc. WMIN Westmor Ind., LLC WMP West Marine Products (Watsonville, CA) WMQ Waitsboro Mfg. Co., Inc. (Corbin, KY) WMRK West-Mark WNB Winner Boats WNCO Wanco, Inc. WNDA Wandas Trailers WNDH Windham Mfg. Co., Inc. WNGY Wangye Power Co. Ltd. or Zhejiang Taizhou Wangye Power Co., Ltd WNP Winterport Boat Co. (Winterport, ME) WNR Winner (Div. of Harbour, Inc.) (Eldorado, IL) WNR Harbour, Inc. WNZ Washington State Homemade Boats WOEQ Woods Equipment Co. WOL Wolfer Boats WOLF Wolfe, G.T., Mobile Homes WOLF G.T. Wolfe Mobile Homes WOLM Wolfe Mfg. Co. WOLS Wolseley WOLV Wolverine Camper WOMO Woods Mobilette Company WOND Wonder Land Camper WOOA Woodland Camper Co. WOOC Wood/Chuck Chipper Corp. WOOD Woodill Wildfire WOOM Wood Mfg. Co., Inc. WOOM Ranger Trail Trailers WOON Woodline Custom Camper WOOS Woodsmen Camper WORH Work Horse Mfg. WORI Worthington Compressors, Inc. WORK Work-N-Play WORL World Wide Inds. WORR Worrell Trailer Mfg. WORT Worthington Champ WPAR Woodland Park, Inc. WPC Wilderness Products Co., Inc. WPP Winnebago Power Products (Oshkosh, WI) WPQ Walden Paddlers, Inc. (Concord, MA) WQU West Coast Ultra Boats, Inc. WRA Advanced Marble System (Cocoa, FL) WRAG Wrangler Trailers WRAN Wrangler Recreational Products WRGH Wright WRIG Wright Inds., Inc. WRIG Hunters Dream WRIH Wright Brothers, Inc. WRIH Kitty Hawk WRKH Workhorse Custom Chassis WRLD World Trailers, Inc. WRLK Warlock Trailers WRN Warren Craft WRN Hurricane WRN Warren Custom Boats WRRN Warren Equipment, Inc. WRS Weeres Ind. WRVI Western Recreational Vehicles, Inc. WSBT Wonder State Boat Trailer WSE Weins Salest Engineer WSE WSE Marine WSF Windsurfing Intl., Inc. WSH West Shore Boat Co. (Hope, RI) WSK WSK WSP Wave Sports, Inc. (Steamboat Springs, CO) WST Pisces Boat Co. WST West Wind Boat Co. WSTI Western Trailers, Inc. WSTN Western (NEV) Neighborhood Electric Vehicles WSTR Western Star WSTX Wes-Tex Mfg., Inc. WSW Kozloff Enterprises WSW Sales Sports, Ltd. WSZ Wisconsin Homemade Boats WTCI Watson Tractor Co., Inc. WTCI W.T.C. WTE Scandy White Boats, Inc. (Blounstown, FL) WTKI Westank Inds., Inc. WTMI WTM, Inc. WTML Wichita Tank Mfg., Ltd. WTMM WTM, Inc. WTSN Watsonian WTTS Wesco Truck & Trailer Sales WTU Western Aluminum Products (Fresno, CA) WTWI Western World, Inc. WTWI Circle J Stock Trailer WTWI Western Trailer Works, Inc. WTXD West Texas Dollies WTZR I. R. Witzer Co., Inc. WVZ West Virginia Homemade Boats WW W-W Trailers WWEK Westerwalder Eisenwerk WWMC Wild West Motor Co. WWTH Worthington Welding, Inc. WWTI Weekend Warrior Trailers, Inc. WWTM W.W. Trailer Manufacturers, Inc. WWTR Worldwide Trailer Mfg., Inc. WWWH W & W White Horse Trailer WXH W I Hudson Co., Inc. WXH Falcon Boats, Inc. WYDR Wydro, John T. WYDR John T. Wydro WYFR Wy Frame Corp. WYK Inflatable Boat Center WYK Wiking Inflatables WYLI Wylie Mfg. Co. WYLS Wylie Mfg or Wylie & Son, Inc. WYLS Wylie Mfg. or Wylie & Son, Inc. WYM Watkins Yacht & Marine WYM Watkins Yacht, Inc. (Clearwater, FL) WYNN Wynn Trailer Works WYNO Wynona Corp. WYR Seaworthy Yachts, Inc. WYZ Wyoming Homemade Boats WZR Bryant Enterprises, Inc. (Maryville, TN) XAA Bahama Ind., Inc. (San Carlos, CA) XAG Argosy Tours Service XAM Seminole Boat Co. (Willacoochee, GA) XAN Allen Marine Mfg., Inc. (Pomona, CA) XBD American Intl. Airboat, Inc. XBQ Maas Boat Co. (Richmond, CA) XBW Ozark Boat Works XCA Icon Boat Works, Inc. XCEL X-Cel Trailers, Inc. XCI Caribbean Yachts, Inc. (Fort Lauderdale, FL) XCM Michael Creech (Bradenton, FL) XCS Carrera Powerboat Corp. XCSC Xtreme Cycle Supply or XCS Choppers XDC Zodiac of North America XDY ODay Corp./ODay (Fall River, MA) XDY Bangor Punta Marine XEC Outlaw Marine, Inc. XEC OME, Inc. XEE Intex Recreation Corp. XEP Clackacraft River Boats (Clackamas, OR) XET Southeastern Plastic Tooling XFE Integrity Marine Corp. XFR SFC Corp. XFR Seidelmann Yachts XHC Sunrider Hovercraft XHC British Sports Hovercraft, Ltd. XIXI Xianshing Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Xiamen Xiashing Motorcycle Co., Ltd. XKA Ocean Kayak (Ferndale, WA) XKB Supra Sports, Inc. XKEL Xkeleton Motorcycles, LLC XKX Seaway Boats, Inc. XLD Excel Marine (Avon Park, FL) XLM Olympic Boat Co. (Gunnison, UT) XLR Sinbad the Sailor XLY Islander Yachts, Inc. XMA Omaha Fiberglass Co. XMA Stevens Boats XMG Omega Boat Corp. XMG Tricorp Boats, Inc. XMOT Xmotos Co., Ltd. or Zhejiang Xmotos Co., Ltd. XMP Apeco Corp. XMP Imp Boats XMR River Marine Corp. XMR Ouachita Marine & Ind. Corp. (Arkadelphia, AR) XMRK Exmark (X-Mark) XNA North American Fiberglass XNGF Xingfu Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Shanghai Xingfu Motorcycle Co., Ltd. XNGF Shanghai Xingfu Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Xingfu Motorcycle Co., Ltd. XNP Interpublic Ind. (Montreal, PQ) XOE Adventure Boats, Inc. (Cobb, CA) XPFI Explorer Motor Home; Div. of Frank Industries, Inc. XPK Stott Craft XPLO Xtra Room XPLO Xplorer Enterprises of Constantine XRR Orrion Mfg., Inc. XRR Orrion Boats XSA Coastal Marine Product XSA Hans Christian Yachts XSB Osborn Boat-Marine, Inc. XSF Sabre Marine, Inc. XSK Sunseeker USA, Inc. XSW Ski Boats of Wisconsin XSW Ski Boats, Inc. XTB Supreme Ind., Inc. XTC Old Town Canoe Co. (Old Town, ME) XTFF Xtra Tuff Trailers XTG Speed Specialties Marine XTL Sterling Marine, Inc. XTMD Xtreme Motorcycle Design, Inc. XTRA X-Tra Camper Co. XTRE Xtreme Companies XTRM Xtreme ATV XTZ XTZ Horse Trailer (for reference only; see RLAC) XUE Sun Runner Marine XUS Sinterplast XVA Invader Corp. XWC Old Wharf Dory Co. (Wellfleet, MA) XWI Tradewind Inflatables, Inc. XYM Irwin Yacht & Marine XYV Commodore Yacht Corp. XYX Ocean Yachts Co. XYZ XYZ Trailer YACH Yacht Club YADR Yadro Trailers YAFF Paul Yaffe Originals, LLC YAGE Yanger Mobile Homes YALE Materials Handling Div., Eaton Corp. YALE Yale, Material Handling Div. YAM Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. YAMA Chappy (mfd. by Yamaha Motor Corp.) YAMA Yamaha Motor Corp., USA YAMA Yamaha YAMP Yampa Coach Mfg. YAMT Yamoto YANG Yangzhou Tonghua Semi-Trailer Co., Ltd. YANK Yankee YANM Yanmar Tractor USA, Inc. YANM Yanmar Diesel Engine Co. YAR Yar-Craft, Inc. YARB Lil Tail Gator YARB Shoreline Products, Inc. YARB Shoreline Trailer YARB Comet Motorcycle Trailer YARB EZ-Roller Boat Trailer YARB Lil Pup YARB Yarbrough Mfg. Co., Inc. YARB Highlander Travel & Boat Trailers YARD Yard-man (for reference only; see COLB) YARD Yard-man Co. YARM Yard Machines YAT Yates Mfg. Co. (Cocoa Beach, FL) YAXI Yaxi Motorcycle Co., Ltd. YAZO Yazoo Mfg. Co., Inc. YBWL Y.B. Welding, Inc. YELL Yellowstone, Inc. YENC Yenco YENK Yenko YENT Yentes Brothers Welding YETT Yetter Mfg. Co. YHN Y & H Products (Costa Mesa, CA) YINX Yinxiang Motorcycle Group or Chongqing Yinxiang Motorcycle Group YLN YLN (Yue Loong Motor Co.) YMCL Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. YMSK Yamasaki Motorcycle Co., Ltd. Or Changzhou Yamasaki Motorcycle Co. Ltd. YMSK Changzhou Yamasaki Motorcycle Co. Ltd. or Yamasaki Motorcycle Co., Ltd. YNGM Yantai Youngman Automobile Co., Ltd. or Yantai Youngman Automotive Grp. YOC Yontech Marine USA, Inc. (Dania, FL) YONG Suzhou Industrial Park Yonghe Motorcycle or Yonghe Motorcycle YONG Yonghe Motorcycle or Suzhou Industrial Park Yonghe Motocycle YORK York Trailer YORK York Forklift YORM York Modern Corp. YOUG Young Corp. YOUN Young Spring & Wire YPRO Yard Pro YSI Seminole Marine (Havana, FL) YSOB Ysob Co. YUCH Yuchi Mobile Homes YUK Yukon Inflatables USA (Soquel, CA) YUKO Yukon Delta YWAA Y W ZAGA Zagato (for reference only) ZAPO Zaporozhets ZAPP ZAP (Zero Air Pollution) ZAPP ZAP ZARC Zar Car ZAS Aqua Sport of Canada, Ltd. ZBI Campion Marine, Ltd. ZCB Alcan Products, Ltd. ZCB Canadian Boats ZCZY Zastavia (ZCZ-Yugoslavia) ZED Wedco Ind. ZEF D.B.R. Sports, Inc. (Grandes-Piles, PQ) ZELI Zeligson ZENN Zenn Motor Co., Ltd. ZEP Pelican Intl. (Laval, PQ) ZERO Zero Motorcycles, Inc. ZETA Zeta ZETR Zetor/Zetor North America ZEX Exe Fibrecraft, Ltd. ZFS Les Voiliers Performance, Inc. ZHA Harbor Mfg., Ltd. ZHEJ Zhejiang Xingfu Motorcycle Machine Co., Ltd. ZHGO Zhongmo Technology Co., Ltd. ZHNG Zhongneng Motorcycle Co., Ltd. or Taizhou Zhongneng Motorcycle Co., Ltd. ZHON Jiangmen Zhong Yu Motorcycle Co. or Zhong Yu Motor Group ZHON Zhong Yu Motor Group or Jiangmen Zhong Yu Motorcycle Co. ZHPI Zhejang Peace Industry & Trade Co., Ltd. ZHSA Shenmao Appliance Co., Ltd. or Zhejiang Shenmao Appliance Co., Ltd. ZHW Les Bateaux Peterborgh ZIEG Ziegler ZIEM Zieman ZIL Zil ZIM Zim ZIMM Zimmer Homes Corp. ZIMM Consort Mobile Homes ZIMM Zimmer Motor Coach Corp. ZIMR Zimmerman Automobiles ZINI Zini America, LLC (low speed vehicles) ZIPP Zipper, Inc. ZIS Zil (for reference only; see ZIL) ZJX Grand Banks Dory Works (Squamish, BC) ZKA Kawartha Canoe Co. ZKA Liftlock Fiberglass Products ZLJ Frontiersman Fiberglass Products ZLMC Zhejiang Lingyun Motorcycle Co., Ltd. ZLMI Zhejiang Leike Machinery Co., Ltd. ZLT Lucat Marine, Ltd. (3 Rs Marina) (Importer) ZLT Shelter Cove (Importer) ZMCC Zimmer Motor Car Co. ZMMN Zimmerman Trailers ZMR Misty River Marine, Ltd. ZNA North American Fiberglass (London, ON) ZNEL Zanella ZOBO Zoboda ZOLL Zollinger Trailer Co. ZONE Zone Electric Car, LLC ZONG Cixi Zongshen Motorcycle Co., Ltd., or Zongshen Motorcycle Co., Ltd. ZONG Zongshen Motorcycle Co., Ltd., or Cixi Zongshen Motorcycle Co., Ltd. ZPT Passarola Trading ZPYR Zephyr Trailer Marketing, Inc. ZUND Zundapp ZWIC Zwickau ZWO Woodstream Corp. ZXYV Xing Yue Vehicle Co., Ltd. or ZheJiang Xing Yue Vehicle Co. Ltd. ZXYV ZheJiang Xing Yue Vehicle Co., Ltd. or Xing Yue Vehicle Co., Ltd. ZYR York River Ind., Ltd. ZZA Altra Marine Products (Princeville, PQ) ZZG Suzuki Marine ZZM Mooney Enterprises, Ltd. (Surrey, BC) ZZN Sea Doo (Model of Bombardier Corp.) ZZN Bombardier Corp. (Wausau, WI)
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