A data type for additional information about a person.
Complex type information
Namespace: http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/jxdm/5.2/
Schema document: domains/jxdm/5.2/jxdm.xsd
- j:CODISNumberText [0..*]A number assigned by the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) to a CODIS DNA profile which consists of a specimen identifier, an identifier for the laboratory responsible for the profile and the results of the DNA analysis (DNA profile).
- j:DNACollectedIndicator [0..*]True if DNA has been collected; false otherwise.
- j:DNACollectionStatusText [0..*]A status on the DNA collection from a subject.
- j:DriverLicense [0..*]A license issued to a person granting driving privileges.
- j:PersonAdultIndicator [0..*]True if person is considered an adult, based on age/emancipation/etc.; false otherwise.
- j:PersonBOPRegisterNumberID [0..*]A number used by the Bureau of Prisons (BOP).
- j:PersonBirth [0..*]An event or details of a persons birth.
- j:PersonClothing [0..*]An article of clothing, dress, or attire for a person.
- j:PersonCollegeDegreeIndicator [0..*]True if person has completed a college degree; false otherwise.
- j:PersonConcealedFirearmPermitIdentification [0..*]A permit identification that allows a person to carry a concealed weapon.
- j:PersonDEAIdentification [0..*]An identification assigned to a person by the DEA.
- j:PersonDentalRecordsAvailableIndicator [0..*]True if dental records, including x-rays, photos, models or other records, are available; false otherwise.
- j:PersonDeporteeIndicator [0..*]True if a person is a deportee; false otherwise.
- j:PersonDevelopmentDisabilityIndicator [0..*]True if the subject is classified having a developmental disability; false otherwise.
- j:PersonDexterityText [0..*]A description of a dexterity of a person.
- j:PersonDisabilityCategoryText [0..*]A kind of disability.
- j:PersonDrugAlcoholAbuseTreatmentIndicator [0..*]True if a person has been evaluated or treated for a drug or alcohol abuse; false otherwise.
- j:PersonDrugAlcoholHistoryText [0..*]A description of the drug and alcohol history of a person.
- j:PersonDrugAlcoholOfChoiceText [0..*]A drug or alcohol type most often used.
- j:PersonDrugAlcoholPaymentMethodText [0..*]A method used to pay for drugs or alcohol.
- j:PersonDrugAlcoholUseDateRange [0..*]A period of time person used drugs or alcohol.
- j:PersonDrugAlcoholUseFrequencyText [0..*]A description of the frequency of drug or alcohol use.
- j:PersonDrugAlcoholUseIndicator [0..*]True if a person admits to having used or abused drugs or alcohol; false otherwise.
- j:PersonEducationTotalYearsText [0..*]A total number of years a person has been involved in attaining their education.
- j:PersonEmploymentIndicator [0..*]True if person is employed at time of report; false otherwise.
- j:PersonForeignBornIndicator [0..*]True if a person was born outside the US; false otherwise.
- j:PersonForeignNationalIndicator [0..*]True if a person is a citizen of a country other than the U.S.; false otherwise.
- j:PersonGamblingFrequencyText [0..*]A description of the frequency of gambling activity.
- j:PersonGamblingTreatmentIndicator [0..*]True if a person has been evaluated or treated for a gambling addiction; false otherwise.
- j:PersonHasChildrenIndicator [0..*]True if the subject has children with information viewable in this section; false otherwise.
- j:PersonHasDisabilityIndicator [0..*]True if the subject has a disability; false otherwise.
- j:PersonHearingProblemIndicator [0..*]True if a person has difficulty hearing; false otherwise.
- j:PersonIllegalAlienIndicator [0..*]True if a person is an illegal alien; false otherwise.
- j:PersonInterpolIdentification [0..*]An identification assigned to a person by Interpol.
- j:PersonIsStudentIndicator [0..*]True if the individual is enrolled as a student at an institution of formal learning; false otherwise.
- j:PersonLivingSituation [0..*]A set of details specific to a subject's living situation.
- j:PersonMedicalInsuranceIndicator [0..*]True if a person has medical insurance; false otherwise.
- j:PersonMedicalOperationText [0..*]A medical operation had by a person.
- j:PersonMilitaryVeteranIndicator [0..*]True if the subject is a U.S. Military veteran; false otherwise.
- j:PersonNumberOfChildrenQuantity [0..*]A number of children a person is responsible for as legal guardian, such as biologic children, adopted children.
- j:PersonParoleeIndicator [0..*]True if the person is known to be a parolee; false otherwise.
- j:PersonPhysicalDisabilityAwardedDate [0..*]A date a person was qualified as being disabled.
- j:PersonPhysicalDisabilityIndicator [0..*]True if a person has been qualified (state or federal disability) as being disabled; false otherwise.
- j:PersonPregnantIndicator [0..*]True if the woman is pregnant; false otherwise.
- j:PersonProbationerIndicator [0..*]True if the person is known to be on probation; false otherwise.
- j:PersonProfessionalCertificateText [0..*]A designation earned by a person to assure that he/she is qualified to perform a job or task, includes trade certification and professional designations.
- j:PersonProtectionOrderConditionsText [0..*]A description of the stipulations set forth in a protection order as they apply to the respondent.
- j:PersonProtectionOrderPetitionerIndicator [0..*]True if the person is the plaintiff/petitioner/protected party of a protection order; false otherwise.
- j:PersonProtectionOrderRespondentIndicator [0..*]True if the person is the subject/respondent of a protection order; false otherwise.
- j:PersonProtectionOrderRespondentInvolvedIndicator [0..*]True if a person is the respondent/plaintiff/petitioner/protected party of a protection order; false otherwise.
- j:PersonPsychologicalPsychiatricTreatmentIndicator [0..*]True if a person has been evaluated or treated for psychological/psychiatric concerns, e.g., anger management; behavioral concerns; cognitive concerns, including concerns related to suicide; false otherwise.
- j:PersonRegisteredForSelectiveServiceIndicator [0..*]True if the subject is registered for Selective Service; false otherwise.
- j:PersonRegistryOffenderClassificationText [0..*]A kind of classification for registered sex offenders.
- j:PersonSMTIndicator [0..*]True if a person has distinguishing scars, marks, or tattoos; false otherwise.
- j:PersonSelfInflictedViolenceIndicator [0..*]True if a person has physically abused his or her self; false otherwise.
- j:PersonSignature [0..*]A date on which the Staff Member signed the subject screening form.
- j:PersonSuicideAttemptIndicator [0..*]True if a person has attempted suicide; false otherwise.
- j:PersonUSMSFugitiveIdentification [0..*]An identification assigned to a fugitive by the U.S. Marshal Service (USMS).
- j:PhysicalFeatureAlphaNumericText [0..*]A word(s), letter(s), and/or number(s) contained in a SMT.
- j:PhysicalFeatureClassText [0..*]A feature class (general image content) of a SMT.
- j:PhysicalFeatureSizeDescriptionText [0..*]A description of the size of a physical feature if not measured in height and width, such as a numeric size for a prosthetic or a tattoo covering a specific area.
- j:PhysicalFeatureSubClassText [0..*]An indication of the general image content of an SMT.
- nc:EmployeeOccupationCategoryText [0..*]A general kind of job of an employee.
- Choice [0..*]
- j:PersonDentalCharacteristicCodeA dental characteristic of a person.
- j:PersonDentalCharacteristicNCICCodeA characteristic of a person's teeth.
- j:PersonDentalCharacteristicTextA visible problem or characteristic of a person's teeth.
from subst. group nc:PersonDentalCharacteristic - j:DriverLicensePermit [0..*]A driver license permit issued to a driver granting conditional or limited driving privileges.
- j:PersonAFISIdentification [0..*]An identification number issued by an agency's automatic fingerprint system based on submitted fingerprints other than PersonFBIID and PersonSSID.
- j:PersonBodyPartsText [0..*]A status of the body parts of a person.
- j:PersonCharge [0..*]A sequence of charges against a person.
- j:PersonConcealedFirearmPermitHolderIndicator [0..*]True if a person has a permit for a concealed firearm or gun; false otherwise.
- j:PersonDentalCharacteristicGeneralText [0..*]A person's general dental characteristics.
- j:PersonDentalCharacteristicRemovableAppliancesText [0..*]A person's removable dental appliance.
- j:PersonDentalPhotoModelAvailableIndicator [0..*]True if dental x-rays are available with a record; false otherwise.
- j:PersonDentalXRayAvailableIndicator [0..*]True if dental photos or models are available with a record; false otherwise.
- j:PersonSightedIndicator [0..*]True if a person has been sighted; false otherwise.
- j:PersonDrivingIncident [0..*]A driving accident in which a person is involved.
- j:PersonDrivingInsuranceCoverageCategoryText [0..*]A kind of insurance coverage a driver of a vehicle has.
- j:PersonDrivingInsuranceStatusText [0..*]A status of a person's driving insurance.
- j:PersonEmancipationDate [0..*]A date the subject will become an adult.
- j:PersonFBIIdentification [0..*]A number issued by the FBI's Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) based on submitted fingerprints.
- j:PersonFirearmPermitHolderIndicator [0..*]True if a person has a gun or firearm permit; false otherwise.
- j:PersonFootPrintAvailableIndicator [0..*]True if a footprint is available with a person record; false otherwise.
- j:PersonGeneralLedgerIdentification [0..*]A general-ledger account identification number associated with a person.
- j:PersonIntoxication [0..*]A physiological state of a person due to the presence of drugs, alcohol, or another toxic substance.
- j:PersonNCICIdentification [0..*]A file control number (FCN) identification that is often used to link a NCIC record to a person.
- j:PersonPasswordText [0..*]A password provided/used by a victim of Identity Theft to verify their ID.
- j:PersonPrimaryWorker [0..*]A primary social worker or other overseer assigned to a person that is not a caregiver.
- j:PersonReferralWorker [0..*]An Employee of State assigned to the particular juvenile.
- j:PersonRegisteredOffenderIndicator [0..*]True if a person is required to register as an offender; false otherwise.
- j:PersonStateFingerprintIdentification [0..*]An identifier assigned to a person by a state identification bureau, generally based on submission of the person's fingerprints to the state's Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS).
- j:PersonTemporaryAssignmentUnit [0..*]An organizational unit to which a person is assigned, specifically a temporary assignment.
- Choice [0..*]
- j:PersonIssuedItemRegistrationTitleA registration title which has been issued to a person.
- j:PersonIssuedItemTitleA title which has been issued to a person.
from subst. group j:PersonIssuedItemTitleAbstract - j:PersonVendorIdentification [0..*]An assigned identification to identify a vendor.
- j:PersonWorkLocationStructure [0..*]A work address or structure of a person.
- j:PersonPrenatalAgeMeasure [0..*]A measurement of the age of an unborn child.
- j:CrippledFingerPositionText [0..*]A finger position code for a finger that is crippled.
- Choice [0..*]
- j:PersonCautionInformationCodeA cautionary piece of information about a person.
- j:PersonCautionInformationTextA cautionary piece of information about a person.
from subst. group j:PersonCautionInformation - j:DiscoloredFingerPositionText [0..*]A finger position code for a finger that is discolored.
- j:FracturedFingerPositionText [0..*]A finger position code for a finger that is fractured/broken.
- j:HealedFracturedFingerPositionText [0..*]A finger position code for a finger that is healed from a fracture/break.
- j:MissingFingerPositionText [0..*]A finger position code for a missing/amputated finger.
- j:MoleFingerPositionText [0..*]A finger position code for a finger with a mole on it.
- j:NeedleMarkFingerPositionText [0..*]A finger position code for a finger with a needle mark(s) on it.
- j:PersonBirthplaceCode [0..*]A state or country of a person's birth.
- j:PersonFirearmSalesDisqualifiedCode [0..*]A status of person's eligibility to purchase firearms.
- j:PersonHitResultsText [0..*]A result of a NCIC Hit and the general disposition of the record.
- Choice [0..*]
- j:PersonHandednessCodeA hand with which a person is more adept using.
- nc:PersonHandednessTextA hand with which a person is more adept using.
from subst. group nc:PersonHandedness - j:PersonSexualOrientationCode [0..*]A target gender of the sexual interest of a person.
- j:PersonSpeechDescriptionCode [0..*]A description of any impediments that can affect the speech of a person.
- j:ScarFingerPositionText [0..*]A finger position code for a finger with a scar(s) on it.
- j:TattooFingerPositionText [0..*]A finger position code for a finger with a tattoo(s) on it.
- j:PersonDeath [0..*]A set of details about a person's death.
from subst. group j:DNACollectionStatus
from subst. group j:PersonDisabilityCategory
from subst. group j:PersonRegistryOffenderClassification
from subst. group nc:EmployeeOccupationCategory
from subst. group j:PersonDentalCharacteristicGeneral
from subst. group j:PersonDentalCharacteristicRemovableAppliances
from subst. group nc:PersonWorkPlace
from subst. group j:PersonAgeMeasure
from subst. group j:CrippledFingerPosition
from subst. group j:DiscoloredFingerPosition
from subst. group j:FracturedFingerPosition
from subst. group j:HealedFracturedFingerPosition
from subst. group j:MissingFingerPosition
from subst. group j:MoleFingerPosition
from subst. group j:NeedleMarkFingerPosition
from subst. group j:PersonBirthplace
from subst. group j:PersonFirearmSalesDisqualified
from subst. group j:PersonHitResults
from subst. group j:PersonSexualOrientation
from subst. group j:PersonSpeechDescription
from subst. group j:ScarFingerPosition
from subst. group j:TattooFingerPosition
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type structures:AugmentationType | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from type structures:AugmentationType | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:AugmentationType | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from type structures:AugmentationType |
Used by
- Element j:PersonAugmentation
Type inheritance chain
- structures:AugmentationType
- j:PersonAugmentationType