A data type for the legal actions a child-support-enforcement tribunal can take regarding a child-support obligation.
Simple type information
Schema document: domains/cyfs/3.2/cyfs.xsd
Valid value Description Establish The tribunal entered the initial order establishing a child-support obligation. Modify The tribunal modified a prior order regarding a child-support obligation. Other The tribunal took an unenumerated action regarding a child-support obligation. Vacate The tribunal vacated a prior order regarding a child-support obligation.
Used by
- Element cyfs:ChildSupportObligationOrderActionCode via derived type cyfs:ChildSupportObligationOrderActionCodeType
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- cyfs:ChildSupportObligationOrderActionCodeSimpleType
- extended by cyfs:ChildSupportObligationOrderActionCodeType
- cyfs:ChildSupportObligationOrderActionCodeSimpleType