A data type for the set of all data collected during an Event that involves the inspection of an Item(s) for the purpose of detecting the presence of illicit goods and materials. This includes data collected by the device(s) used to perform the detection as well as information input by operator(s) involved in the detection activities that the event involves. A detection event can occur in many venues, such as a CBP Port of Entry, a USCG boarding, a state operated weigh station on a US highway, and a general aviation inspection at an airport in Mexico or Canada.
Complex type information
Namespace: http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/cbrn/3.2/
Schema document: domains/cbrn/3.2/cbrn.xsd
- Sequence [1..1]
- structures:ObjectAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for ObjectType
- cbrn:RemarkText [0..*]A placeholder for comments intended to help the consumer of the data to understand better the information encapsulated by the parent element.
- cbrn:RemarksComplexObjectAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for cbrn:RemarksComplexObjectType.
- cbrn:DetectionEventID [0..1]An identifier for a Detection Event applied by the site that performs the inspection activities of the Detection Event.
- cbrn:DetectionEventOnsetDateTime [1..1]A date and time of the start of a Detection Event (ISO 8601 format).
- cbrn:DetectionEventLocationText [1..1]A physical location where a detection event occurred.
- cbrn:DetectionEventSiteID [0..1]A unique identifier of the site at which a detection event occurred. Typically this identifier is specific to the organization operating the site.
- cbrn:RadInstrumentData [0..*]A set of all the measurement and analysis data reported by a radiation detection instrument, and all the reported information on the instrument, its radiation detector(s), and the item(s) it measured.
- cbrn:DetectionEventUserEntryData [0..*]A set of user-operator entered data relevant to a Detection Event.
- Choice [0..*]
- cbrn:AudioFileA digital audio data file.
- cbrn:DataFileA digital data file.
- cbrn:ImageFileA digital image data file.
- cbrn:VideoImageFileA digital video image data file.
from subst. group cbrn:DataFileChoice - cbrn:DetectionEventDataAugmentationPointAbstract [0..*]An augmentation point for cbrn:DetectionEventDataType.
from type structures:ObjectTypefrom subst. group structures:ObjectAugmentationPointfrom type cbrn:RemarksComplexObjectTypefrom subst. group cbrn:RemarksComplexObjectAugmentationPointfrom subst. group cbrn:DetectionEventInstrumentDatafrom subst. group cbrn:DetectionEventDataAugmentationPoint
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from type structures:ObjectType | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from type structures:ObjectType |
Used by
- Element cbrn:DetectionEventData
Type inheritance chain
- structures:ObjectType
- cbrn:RemarksComplexObjectType
- cbrn:DetectionEventDataType
- cbrn:RemarksComplexObjectType