A data type for a sub-class of a physical feature. This is a sub-class of a tattoo.
Simple type information
Schema document: domains/biometrics/3.2/biom.xsd
Valid value Description ABBODY Abstract body ABBPART Abstract body parts ABFACE Abstract face Abstract Abstract animals Anklet Anklet Bird Birds (cardinal, hawk, etc.) BLUEFL Blue flowers BODBND Body band BRACE Bracelet BRIT British flag Cat Cats and cat heads CONFED Confederate flag Dog Dogs and dog heads Domestic Other domestic animals Dragon Dragons Draw Drawings of flowers FBODY Female body FBPART Female body parts FFACE Female face Figure Figure(s) Fire Fire FRATERNAL Fraternal symbols FREEFRM Freeform drawings Gang Gang symbols HEDBND Head band Horse Horses (donkeys, mules, etc.) Insect Spiders, bugs, and insects Lily Lily MABSTRACT Miscellaneous abstract MANIMAL Miscellaneous animal forms MBODY Male body MBPART Male body parts MFACE Male face MFLAG Miscellaneous flags MHUMAN Miscellaneous human forms Military Military symbols MISC Miscellaneous images MOBJECTS Miscellaneous objects MPLANT Miscellaneous plants, flowers, vegetables MSYMBOLS Miscellaneous symbols Myth Mythical (unicorns, etc.) Narcotics Narcotics Nation National symbols Nature Water and nature scenes (rivers, sky, trees, etc.) Nazi Nazi flag NECKLC Necklace Parts Animal parts Plane Airplanes and other air vehicles (incl. blimps) Politic Political symbols PROFESS Professional symbols REDFL Red flowers Roles Roles (knight, witch, man, etc.) Rose Rose Shirt Shirt Skull Skulls Sleeve Sleeve Snake Snakes Sport Sports figures (football player, skier, etc.) or sporting objects (football, ski, hurdles, etc.) State State flag Train Trains Tulip Tulip USA American flag Vehicle Cars, trucks, and other land vehicles (except trains) Vessel Boats, ships, and other vessels Vicious Vicious animals (lions, etc.) WEAP Weapons (guns, arrows, etc.) Wild Other wild animals Wording Wording (Mom, Dad, Mary, etc.) YELFL Yellow flowers
Used by
- Element biom:PhysicalFeatureSubClassCode via derived type biom:PhysicalFeatureSubClassCodeType
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- biom:PhysicalFeatureSubClassCodeSimpleType
- extended by biom:PhysicalFeatureSubClassCodeType
- biom:PhysicalFeatureSubClassCodeSimpleType