A criminal offense within a code book.
Element information
Namespace: http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/jxdm/5.2/
Schema document: domains/jxdm/5.2/jxdm.xsd
Type: apco:IncidentCategoryCodeType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable
from type apco:IncidentCategoryCodeSimpleType
Valid value Description 911H 911 HANG UP - 911 hang-ups 911OPN 911 OPEN LINE - 911 open line ABDOM ABDOMINAL - Abdominal pain or problems ABDUCTF ABDUCTION FAMILY - Abduction/kidnapping by family member ABDUCTNF ABDUCTION NON-FAMILY - Abduction/kidnapping by non-family member ABUSE ABUSE - Child or Elder ACCIND INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT - Includes entrapment in major machinery, industrial disasters ADMIN ADMINISTRATIVE - Includes follow-ups, DNA collection, citizen complaints, law escorts, request extra patrol AIR AIRCRAFT - Aircraft related incidents including reported hijacking ALIEN IMMIGRATION - Immigration violation, illegal aliens ALLERGIC ALLERGIC - Allergic reaction, insect stings ALRBA BURGLAR ALARM- Audible - Includes audible Intrusion alarms ALRBOX BOX ALARM - Pull box alarm for police, fire or EMS ALRBS BURGLAR ALARM - Silent - Includes silent intrusion alarms ALRCO FIRE ALARM - CO - Carbon Monoxide ALRCO2 FIRE ALARM - CO2 - Carbon Dioxide ALRDEFIB DEFIBRILLATOR ALARM - Automated Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator (AICD) alarm or event ALRF FIRE ALARM - Generic fire alarm ALRGAS FIRE ALARM - GAS ALRHEAT FIRE ALARM - HEAT ALRKPAD FIRE ALARM - KEYPAD ALRMED MEDICAL ALARM ALRNGAS FIRE ALARM - NAT GAS - Natural Gas ALRPANA PANIC ALARM AUDIBLE - Includes audible duress alarm ALRPANS PANIC ALARM SILENT - Includes silent duress alarm ALRPROPN FIRE ALARM - PROPANE ALRPULL FIRE ALARM - PULL STATION ALRROBA ROBBERY ALARM AUDIBLE - Includes hold up alarms ALRROBS ROBBERY ALARM SILENT - Includes hold up alarms ALRU ALARM UNK - Audible alarm unknown type ALRVEH VEHICLE ALARM ALRWTR FIRE ALARM - WATER FLOW - includes sprinkler alarms ALS ALS - Advanced Life Support ANIMAL ANIMAL - Animal complaints including animal rescue ASSAULT ASSAULT - With or without injury ASSIST ASSIST - Assist to other agency or request for manpower ATL ATL - Attempt to Locate, BOLO BACK BACK PAIN - Non traumatic BARICADE BARRICADED - Barricaded person, gunman etc BIO BIOLOGICAL - Biological threat BITE ANIMAL BITE - Animal bites or attack by an animal BLDCLPSE BUILDING COLLAPSE - Collapsed building includes technical rescue incidents BLEEDING BLEEDING - Includes rectal, vaginal, non traumatic BLS BLS - Basic Life Support incident BOMB BOMB - Bomb threat or investigation BRGCLPSE BRIDGE COLLAPSE BURGLARY BURGLARY - Includes breaking and entering incidents BURN BURNS CARDIAC CARDIAC - Cardiac related event, heart attack, chest pain CARJACK CARJACK CHEMICAL CHEMICAL - Includes chemical and environmental incidents CHESPAIN CHEST PAIN - Chest pain non cardiac CHOKE CHOKING CITASST CITIZEN ASSIST - Public assistance, citizen standby, public service CIVDIS CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE - Riot, sit-in, protests, organized actions CIVIL CIVIL - Civil matters, codes enforcement issues CNTRFT COUNTERFEIT MONEY CRIMPS IMPERSONATION - Criminal impersonation of officer or public official CRIMTRAF CRIMINAL TRAFFIC - Driving with suspended license, no valid operator's license CURFEW CURFEW VIOLATION DEATH DEATH - Obvious death, found body DEATHNTF DEATH NOTIFICATION DIABETIC DIABETIC DISORD DISORDERLY - Disorderly conduct or disturbance DISVEH DISABLED VEHICLE DROWN DROWNING DRUGPAR DRUG PARAPHERNALIA - Possession of drug paraphernalia DRUGS DRUGS DUI DUI - Driving while intoxicated, under the influence DVA DOMESTIC VIOLENT - Domestic dispute with violence, family fight, assault DVNA DOMESTIC NON-VIOLENT - Domestic dispute non-violent, verbal EDP EMOTION DIST PERSON - EDP, emotional disturbance, abnormal behavior ELEC ELECTROCUTION - Includes struck by lightning ELECHZD ELECTRICAL HAZARD - Includes all electrical problems ELUDING ELUDING - Eluding law enforcement ENTRAP ENTRAPMENT - Includes accidental entrapments, inaccessible incidents, stuck elevator ESCAPE ESCAPE - Escaped prisoner EXPLOS EXPLOSION EXPOSURE EXPOSURE - Heat or cold exposure EXTORT EXTORT - Includes blackmail EYE EYE - Eye problems or injury FAIRC FIRE AIRCRAFT FALL FALL - Non traumatic fall FAPT FIRE APARTMENT - Multi-family dwelling, apartment building FARSON FIRE ARSON FBRUSH FIRE BRUSH - Includes tress, brush grass controlled burns with no structural exposure, outdoor fires FELEC FIRE ELECTRICAL - Includes arcing wires, shorted electrical equipment, light ballast, transformers. FFUEL FIRE FUEL FACILITY - Includes gas stations, fuel refinery FIGHT FIGHT - Includes verbal and physical disputes FIREWRKS FIREWORKS - Illegal use of fireworks FMARINE FIRE MARINE - Includes marine vessels & boats on waterways (for boats on land use FIRE VEHICLE) FORCENTR INACCESSIBLE INCIDENT - Includes breech, forcible entry required for structure, residential lock outs FOTHER FIRE OTHER - Includes other types not listed FRAUD FRAUD - Includes forgery, fraud, bad checks, identity theft FREPORT FIRE REPORT - Response to take fire report only no active fire, incident not in progress FSMOKE FIRE SMOKE - Includes fire investigations, smoke odors no flames seen FSTRU FIRE STRUCTURE - Includes sheds, attached garages, house fires FTRAILER FIRE TRAILER - Single wide mobile home fires-double wide should use FIRE STRUCTURE FTRAIN FIRE TRAIN - Any type of railway fire, locomotive, rail car, passenger car etc FTRASH FIRE TRASH - Refuse fires, garbage cans, dumpsters FTRUCK FIRE TRUCK - Includes large vehicles such as RV, tractor trailers, dump trucks, buses FUNK FIRE UNKNOWN FVEH FIRE VEHICLE - Includes small or medium size vehicles, passenger cars, SUV, vans, pick-up trucks GASLEAK GAS LEAK - Includes natural gas, liquid fuel or propane leaks HARR HARASSMENT - Includes intimidation HAZMAT HAZMAT - Hazardous materials incident can include fuel spill, chemical biological radiological or nuclear (CBRN) HEADACHE HEADACHE HEMRG HEMORRHAGE - Severe bleeding, lacerations HOMICIDE HOMICIDE - Includes murder, criminally negligent homicide, manslaughter HOSTAGE HOSTAGE INDECENT INDECENT - Includes indecent exposure, indecent liberties INFO INFO - Informational calls INTERNET INTERNET CRIMES - Obscene material, pornography, cyber bullying INTOX INTOXICATED - Intoxicated person, drunk & disorderly INVEST INVESTIGATION LARCENY LARCENY - Includes larceny attempt, theft, pick-pocketing LIQUOR LIQUOR VIOLATION - Includes selling to minors, underage drinking, over service MAJORINC MAJOR INCIDENT - Includes large scale weather related event, weapons of mass destruction event - typically used as a code declared by incident command MAYDAY MAYDAY - Immediate assistance request, emergency back-up request MCI MASS CASUALTY INCIDENT - MCI - typically used as a code declared by incident command MISBOATR MISSING BOATER - Missing person(s) last seen on boat out on a waterway MISCON MISCONDUCT - Includes conspiracy, falsifying information, plotting, other misconduct MVA MVA - Motor vehicle accident no injury can be received as automated crash notification MVAHR HIT & RUN - Vehicle accident hit & run MVAINJY MVA INJY - Motor Vehicle accident with injury can be received as automated crash notification, includes car pedestrian, ATV accidents MVAUNK MVA UNK - Motor vehicle accident unknown injury can be received as automated crash notification crash notification NEGLECT NEGLECT NOISE NOISE - Loud noise or music OD OD - Overdose accidental, poisoning, accidental ingestion ODOR ODOR - Odor investigation any type OPEN UNSECURE-BLDG - Includes Open door, open window ORDERV ORDER VIOLATION - Domestic violence writ violation, order of protection, custody disputes PANDEMIC PANDEMIC - Pandemic flu or illness outbreak, epidemic PARKING PARKING - Parking problems/complaints, handicap parking violation PERFND FOUND PERSON - Adults & children PERMISS MISSING PERSON PERSUSP SUSPICIOUS PERSON - Includes prowler, peeping tom PERUNCON UNCONSCIOUS - Unconscious person Includes fainting and near fainting PERWANT WANTED PERSON - Arrest warrant, fugitive information PHANDLE PANHANDLING PREG PREGNANCY - Pregnancy problems, childbirth, miscarriage PROPFND FOUND PROPERTY - Includes abandoned bicycles, found cell phones, purses PROPLOST LOST PROPERTY PROPSTLN STOLEN PROPERTY - Includes retention of, transferring or receiving stolen property PUBWKS PUBLIC WORKS / UTILITIES - Public works, utility company requests, transportation infrastructure PURSUIT PURSUIT - Includes vehicle or foot pursuits RADIAT RADIATION INCIDENT - Includes nuclear incidents RECKDRV RECKLESS DRIVER - Careless driving and other driving offenses REPO REPO - Vehicle repossession RESCUE RESCUE - Includes lock-ins, high angle rescue RESIST RESISTING ARREST RESP RESPIRATORY - Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, respiratory issue RESPARR RESPIRATORY ARREST ROBBERY ROBBERY - Includes strong arm and attempted robbery excludes car jacking RUNAWAY RUNAWAY - Includes thrown away children SAR SEARCH AND RESCUE SEIZURE SEIZURE - Includes convulsions SEXOFFNS SEX OFFENSE - Sexual offenses, assaults, rapes, sex abuse, molestation, incest SHOOT SHOOTING SHOPLIFT SHOPLIFTING SICK SICK - Sick person non specific, general illness, flu SMOKING SMOKING - Smoking violation STABBING STABBING STDBY AGENCY STANDBY - Police, Fire or EMS STROKE STROKE - Stroke or cerebral vascular accident (CVA) SUBJSTP SUBJECT STOP SUICIDE SUICIDE SUICTHRT SUICIDE THREATS - Attempt or threatening suicide SUSP SUSPICIOUS - Suspicious incident, circumstances, unknown problems TERROR TERRORIST ACTIVITY THAZ TRAFFIC HAZARD - Includes debris in roadway, black ice THREATS THREATS TOW TOW TRAIN TRAIN - Incidents other than fires or derailments related to trains TRAINDRL TRAIN DERAIL TRANSFER TRANSFER - Inter-facility transfer, palliative care TRAUMA TRAUMA - Traumatic Injury including head injury TRAUMAP PENETRATING TRAUMA - Other than shooting or stabbing TRESPASS TRESPASS TROUBLE TROUBLE - Unknown type trouble TRUANT TRUANT TSTOP TRAFFIC STOP VANDAL VANDALISM - Vehicle tampering, graffiti, criminal mischief VEHABND ABANDONED VEH VEHASST MOTORIST ASSIST - Assist to motorist includes vehicle lock outs VEHLOCK VEHICLE LOCK OUT VEHREC RECOVERED VEHICLE - Recovered stolen vehicle VEHSTLN STOLEN VEHICLE - Includes Lo-Jack alerts VEHSUSP SUSPICIOUS VEHICLE VICE VICE - Prostitution, gambling, betting, wagering, embezzlement WARRANT SEARCH WARRANT WATER WATER RESCUE - All water incidents, diving & scuba accidents, boat/jet ski accident, water evacuations WEAPON WEAPON VIOLATION - Brandishing a weapon, CCW, illegal discharge, displaying, drive by WELFARE WELFARE CHECK - man down check, welfare check WILDLIFE WILDLIFE VIOLATIONS - Illegal hunting, game violations, fisheries WIRES WIRES DOWN XTRACATE EXTRICATION - Confined space rescue, vehicle extrication
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup |
Used in
- Type j:StatuteType (Elements j:ChargeStatute, j:OffenseViolatedStatute, j:Statute)
Substitution hierarchy
- j:StatuteOffenseCode
- can be substituted with j:StatuteOffenseAPCOCode
Sample instance