A kind of computer hardware and software.
Element information
Namespace: http://release.niem.gov/niem/domains/jxdm/5.2/
Schema document: domains/jxdm/5.2/jxdm.xsd
Type: ndex:DataProcessingEquipmentCategoryCodeType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable
Valid value Description ACCELERATOR BOARD Accelerator Board ACOUSTIC COUPLER Acoustic Coupler AUTOMATIC CONTROLLER Automatic Controller BAR CODE KIT Bar Code Kit BAR CODE READER Bar Code Reader BATTERY_CHARGEABLE_COMPUTER Battery_Chargeable_Computer (for computers) BATTERY_COMPUTER Battery_Computer (for computers) BLACKBERRY Blackberry BOARD_CIRCUIT_MEMORY Board_Circuit_Memory BUFFER_INTERFACE MODULE Buffer_Interface Module BUS EXTENDER Bus Extender (same as that for an extender) BUSINESS CARD READER Business Card Reader (scans business cards into a database; also used for other types of scanners) CABLE_TELECOMMUNICATION Cable_Telecommunication CARD_CIRCUIT_MEMORY Card_Circuit_Memory CARRYING CASE FOR PORTABLE COMPUTER Carrying Case for Portable Computer CARTRIDGE TAPE_BLANK Cartridge Tape_blank CARTRIDGE TAPE_ENCODED Cartridge Tape_encoded CASSETTE TAPE_BLANK Cassette Tape_blank CASSETTE TAPE_ENCODED Cassette Tape_encoded CD_ROM BURNER CD_ROM Burner (stand-alone CD_ROM duplication system_can be used to duplicate all types of CDs, e.g., computer data_compressed audio_video_mixed mode_CD bridge_also used for diskette duplicator) CD_ROM DRIVE CD_ROM Drive CD_ROM DUPLICATOR CD_ROM Duplicator (stand alone CD_ROM duplication system_can be used to duplicate all types of CDs, e.g., computer data_compressed audio_video_mixed mode_CD bridge_also used for diskette duplicator) CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT_CPU Central Processing Unit_CPU CIRCUIT BOARD_CARD Circuit Board_Card COMPUTER Computer COMPUTER_CD_COMPACT DISC Computer_CD_Compact Disc COMPUTER CONSOLE Computer Console COMPUTER_DISK Computer_Disk (floppy or hard diskettes) COMPUTER_DVD Computer_DVD COMPUTER SERVER Computer Server COMPUTER SOFTWARE Computer Software COMPUTER SPEAKERS Computer Speakers COMPUTER TAPE Computer Tape (all) COMPUTER TAPE_BLANK Computer Tape_blank COMPUTER TAPE_ENCODED Computer Tape_encoded COMPUTER TERMINAL Computer Terminal CONTROLLER_AUTOMATIC Controller_Automatic CONTROL PANEL Control Panel CONTROLS_COMPUTER HANDHELD Controls_Computer Handheld COUPLER_ACOUSTIC Coupler_Acoustic CREDIT CARD SCANNER Credit Card Scanner DATA PEN OCR SCANNER DataPen OCR Scanner (code also used for other types of scanners) DATA SET Data Set DATA TABLET_DIGITIZER Data Tablet_Digitizer DECODER MODULE_TELETEXT Decoder Module_Teletext DEMODULATOR Demodulator DESK JET PRINTER Desk Jet Printer DEVICE_VOICE RECOGNITION Device_Voice Recognition DIGITIZER Digitizer (acoustic coupler_modem) DIGITIZER_ACOUSTIC COUPLER Digitizer_acoustic coupler DIGITIZER_DATA TABLET Digitizer_Data Tablet DIGITIZER_ MODEM Digitizer_ modem DISK DUPLICATOR Disk Duplicator (used to duplicate computer diskettes_code also used for CD_ROM duplicator) DOCUMENT PROCESSING SYSTEM Document Processing System (consists of printer_paper fax_personal computer fax_copier_scanner_and telephone) DOCUMENT SCANNER Document Scanner DOT MATRIX PRINTER Dot Matrix Printer DRIVE SYSTEM Drive System (tape, disk) DRIVE SYSTEM_DISK Drive System_disk DRIVE SYSTEM_TAPE Drive System_tape ELECTRONIC DICTIONARY Electronic Dictionary ELECTRONIC ENCYCLOPEDIA Electronic Encyclopedia ELECTRONIC NOTEBOOK Electronic Notebook ELECTRONIC ORGANIZER Electronic Organizer ELECTRONIC SPELLER Electronic Speller EPROM PROGRAMMER EPROM Programmer EQUIPMENT STAND_COMPUTER Equipment Stand_Computer EXTENDER Extender EXTERNAL FAX MODEM External Fax Modem FLOPPY DISK Floppy Disk (blank_recorded) FLOPPY DISK_BLANK Floppy Disk_blank FLOPPY DISK_RECORDED Floppy Disk_recorded GLIDE POINT DESKTOP Glide Point Desktop (pressure sensitive device with no moving parts_used instead of a conventional mouse_can be used with fingers or stylus_code also used for computer mouse) GRAPHIC ACCELERATOR BOARD Graphic Accelerator Board (code also used for motherboards and other types of circuit boards) GRAPHIC INPUT DRAWING BOARD Graphic Input Drawing Board HAND CONTROLS Hand Controls (not otherwise coded) HAND HELD COMPUTING DEVICE Hand Held Computing Device HARD DISK Hard Disk INKJET PRINTER Inkjet Printer INTERNAL FAX MODEM Internal Fax Modem JOYSTICK_COMPUTER Joystick_Computer KEYBOARD_COMPUTER Keyboard_Computer KEYPAD_COMPUTER Keypad_Computer KEYPUNCH MACHINE Keypunch Machine (all key data entry devices) LABEL PRINTER Label Printer LABEL WRITER Label Writer LAPTOP COMPUTER Laptop Computer LASER PRINTER Laser Printer LED PRINTER LED Printer LIGHT PEN Light Pen LINE FILTER Line Filter (noise_static) LINE POWER_PROTECTION DEVICE Line Power_Protection Device LINE PROTECTOR Line Protector MAGNETIC COMPUTER TAPE Magnetic Computer Tape MAGNETIC DISK Magnetic Disk (hard_floppy) MAGNETIC DISK_FLOPPY Magnetic Disk_Floppy MAGNETIC DISK_HARD Magnetic Disk_Hard MAINFRAME_CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT Mainframe_Central Processing Unit MATH COPROCESSOR Math Coprocessor MEMORY BOARD_CARD Memory Board_Card MEMORY CHIP Memory Chip (circuit board_card) MEMORY MODULE Memory Module MICROFICHE_OPTICAL CHARACTER READER Microfiche_Optical Character Reader MICROFILM_OPTICAL CHARACTER READER Microfilm_Optical Character Reader MICROPROCESSORS Microprocessors (circuit board_card) MODEM Modem (acoustic coupler_digitizer) MODEM_ACOUSTIC COUPLER Modem_acoustic coupler MODEM_COMPUTER Modem_Computer MODEM_COMPUTER_EXTERNAL Modem_Computer_external MODEM_COMPUTER_INTERNAL Modem_Computer_internal MODULATOR Modulator MODULE_INTERFACE Module_Interface MODULE_TELETEXT DECODER Module_Teletext Decoder MODULE_VOICE RECOGNITION Module_Voice Recognition MONITOR_COMPUTER Monitor_Computer (All) MONITOR_COMPUTER_CRT Monitor_Computer (CRT) MONITOR_COMPUTER_FLAT SCREEN Monitor_Computer_Flat Screen MOTHERBOARD Motherboard (circuit board_card) MOUSE Mouse MULTIMEDIA PRESENTER Multimedia Presenter MULTIPLEXOR Multiplexor (includes concentrators) MUSICAL INSTRUMENT_DIRECT COMPUTER INTERFACE Musical Instrument_Direct Computer Interface MUSICAL LEARNING SYSTEM_COMPUTER Musical Learning System_Computer NOISE_STATIC FILTER_LINE PROTECTOR Noise_Static Filter_Line Protector NOTEBOOK_COMPUTER Notebook_Computer OPTICAL CHARACTER READER Optical Character Reader PADDLE_COMPUTER Paddle_Computer PC_PORTABLE COMPUTER_CARRYING CASE PC_Portable Computer_Carrying Case PC_TV CONVERTOR PC_TV Convertor PC_VCR CONVERTOR PC_VCR Convertor PERSONAL DIGITAL ASSISTANT_PDA Personal Digital Assistant_PDA (Hand-held Computing Device) PHOTO READER Photo Reader (compresses photographs and integrates a scanner algorithm to produce sharper details and colors; photographs can be viewed, enhanced, and organized; code also used for other document scanners) PIANO TEACHING SYSTEM_COMPUTER INTERFACE Piano Teaching System-Computer Interface PLOTTERS Plotters (all types) PLUGBOARD Plugboard (console_control panel) POCKET MODEM Pocket Modem POINT PAD Point Pad (pressure sensitive device with no moving parts_used instead of a conventional mouse_can be used with fingers or stylus_code also used for computer mouse) POWERBOOK_COMPUTER Powerbook_Computer POWER PACK_COMPUTER Power Pack_Computer POWER SUPPLY_COMPUTER Power Supply_Computer PRINTER Printer (all types) READER Reader RECHARGEABLE BATTERY FOR COMPUTER Rechargeable Battery for Computer REEL COMPUTER TAPE Reel Computer Tape (blank_encoded) REEL COMPUTER TAPE_BLANK Reel Computer Tape_Blank REEL COMPUTER TAPE_ENCODED Reel Computer Tape_Encoded ROUTER Router (wireless_computer) ROUTER_COMPUTER Router_Computer ROUTER_WIRELESS Router_Wireless SCREEN_COMPUTER Screen_Computer SOUND CARD Sound Card SPEECH SYNTHESIZER Speech Synthesizer (voice) SPIKE PROTECTOR Spike Protector STATIC FILTER_LINE PROTECTOR Static Filter_Line Protector SURGE PROTECTOR Surge Protector SYNTHESIZER_COMPUTER Synthesizer_Computer SYNTHESIZER_SPEECH Synthesizer_Speech (voice) TELETEXT DECODER MODULE Teletext Decoder Module TELETYPEWRITER Teletypewriter TRACKBALL_COMPUTER Trackball_Computer VIDEO ACCELERATOR CARD Video Accelerator Card VOICE RECOGNITION DEVICE_SYNTHESIZER Voice Recognition Device_Synthesizer WORD PROCESSOR Word Processor
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup |
Used in
- Type em:PersonPublicationType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element em:PersonPublication)
- Type it:CommodityType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements it:Commodity, it:CommodityInfo, it:LineCommodity)
- Type it:ConsignmentItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements it:ConsignmentItem, it:ShippingContainerCargoItem)
- Type it:CustomsGoodsItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:CustomsGoodsItem)
- Type it:EquipmentType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:Equipment)
- Type it:GoodsItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:GoodsItem)
- Type it:HazardousMaterialDataType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:HazardousMaterialData)
- Type it:MaterialHandlingEquipmentType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:MaterialHandlingEquipment)
- Type it:PackageType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements it:ConsignmentItemPackaging, it:ConsignmentPackaging, it:GoodsItemPackaging, it:Package)
- Type it:ShippingContainerType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:ShippingContainer)
- Type it:TransportEquipmentType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element it:TransportEquipment)
- Type j:CommercialVehicleType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:CommercialVehicle)
- Type j:ConfidentialityMaterialType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:ConfidentialityMaterial)
- Type j:ContrabandType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:VisitationContraband)
- Type j:ConveyancePartType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:ConveyancePart)
- Type j:EngineType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Engine)
- Type j:ExplosiveType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Explosive)
- Type j:FirearmType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Firearm)
- Type j:ForensicSpecimenType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:ForensicSpecimen)
- Type j:JewelryStoneType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements j:JewelryMainPendant, j:JewelryStone)
- Type j:JewelryType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Jewelry)
- Type j:MedicalEquipmentType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:PersonDisabilityMedicalEquipment)
- Type j:PublicationType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Publication)
- Type j:StructureType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Structure)
- Type j:WatchType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element j:Watch)
- Type m:CargoItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element m:CargoItem)
- Type m:CargoType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements m:CDCCargo, m:Cargo)
- Type mo:SensorType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements mo:RoleOfSensor, mo:Sensor)
- Type nc:AircraftType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:Aircraft)
- Type nc:ConveyanceType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements m:ConveyanceOnBoard, nc:Conveyance)
- Type nc:DeviceType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements nc:Computer, nc:SIMCard, nc:TelecommunicationDevice)
- Type nc:DrugType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements cyfs:Medication, j:DrugUseDrug, j:IncidentDrug, j:MedicalAssessmentRequiredMedication, nc:Drug)
- Type nc:IntangibleItemType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:IntangibleItem)
- Type nc:IntellectualPropertyType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:IntellectualProperty)
- Type nc:ItemType (Elements j:ArrestInvolvedItem, j:BookingDepositedItem, j:BookingRetainedItem, j:BookingSeizedItem, j:CourtOrderDesignatedItem, j:CustodyTransferItem, j:EvidenceKit ...more)
- Type nc:RealEstateType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:RealEstate)
- Type nc:SecuritiesType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:Securities)
- Type nc:SubstanceType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements j:Metal, j:PreciousMetal, nc:Chemical, nc:HazardousMaterial, nc:Substance)
- Type nc:VehicleType via extension of nc:ItemType (Elements j:NonmotoristStrikingVehicle, nc:Vehicle, nc:VesselTrailer)
- Type nc:VesselType via extension of nc:ItemType (Element nc:Vessel)
Substitution hierarchy
- nc:ItemCategory
- can be substituted with j:ComputerHardwareSoftwareCategoryCode
Sample instance
<j:ComputerHardwareSoftwareCategoryCode>ACCELERATOR BOARD</j:ComputerHardwareSoftwareCategoryCode>