Schema Central > NIEM 3.2 > have.xsd > have:BedType
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Enumerated list of available Bed Types

Element information

Type: Anonymous

Properties: Local, Qualified, Block: restriction


  • Type based on xsd:string
    • Valid valueDescription
      AdultICUThese can support critically ill or injured patients, including ventilator support. This category includes all major subtypes of ICU beds, including neuro, cardiac, trauma, or medical, with the exception that this category does not include burn ICU beds.
      MedicalSurgicalThese are also thought of as ward beds. These beds may or may not include cardiac telemetry capability.
      BurnThese are thought of as burn ICU beds, either approved by the American Burn Association or self-designated. These beds are NOT to be included in other ICU bed counts.
      PediatricsCapacity status for pediatrics beds. These are ward medical/surgical beds for patients 17-years-old and younger.
      AdultPsychiatricCapacity status for psychiatric beds. These are ward beds on a closed/locked psychiatric unit or ward beds where a patient will be attended by a sitter.
      NegativeFlowIsolationCapacity status for negative airflow isolation beds. These provide respiratory isolation. NOTE: This value may represent available beds included in the counts of other types.
      OtherIsolationCapacity status for other isolation beds. These provide isolation where airflow is not a concern. NOTE: This value may represent available beds included in the counts of other types.
      OperatingRoomsCapacity status for operating rooms which are equipped staffed and could be made available for patient care in a short period of time.
  • Used in

    Sample instance
