A document intelligence category code.
Element information
Schema document: codes/dod_jcs-pub2.0/3.0/1/dod_jcs-pub2.0.xsd
Type: dod_jcs-pub2.0-3.0.1:DocumentIntelligenceCategoryCodeType
Properties: Global, Qualified, Nillable
Valid value Description CI Counterintelligence COMINT communications intelligence ELINT electronic intelligence FISINT foreign instrumentation signals intelligence GEOINT Geospatial Intelligence HUMINT Human Intelligence IMINT imagery intelligence MASINT Measurement and Signature Intelligence OSINT Open-Source Intelligence SIGINT Signals Intelligence TECHINT Technical Intelligence
Name | Occ | Type | Description | Notes |
structures:id | [0..1] | xsd:ID | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:ref | [0..1] | xsd:IDREF | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:metadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
structures:relationshipMetadata | [0..1] | xsd:IDREFS | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup | |
Any attribute | [0..*] | Namespace: urn:us:gov:ic:ism urn:us:gov:ic:ntk, Process Contents: lax | from group structures:SimpleObjectAttributeGroup |
Used in
- Type cyfs:DependencyPetitionType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element cyfs:DependencyPetition)
- Type im:FileType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Elements im:AlienFile, im:File)
- Type it:AdditionalDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element it:AdditionalDocument)
- Type it:AdditionalInformationType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element it:AdditionalInformation)
- Type it:CustomsDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element it:CustomsDocument)
- Type it:DeclarationType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element it:Declaration)
- Type it:ItineraryType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Elements it:Itinerary, it:TransportMeansItinerary)
- Type it:PreviousCustomsDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Elements it:PreviousCustomDocument, it:PreviousCustomsDocument)
- Type it:TransportContractDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element it:TransportContractDocument)
- Type it:UCRType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element it:UCR)
- Type j:AppellateCaseNoticeType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element j:AppellateCaseNotice)
- Type j:ContractType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Elements j:Contract, j:ProgramContract)
- Type j:RapSheetType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element j:RapSheet)
- Type m:CertificateType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Elements m:Certificate, m:VesselDOCCertificate, m:VesselSafetyManagementCertificate)
- Type m:InternationalShipSecurityCertificateType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element m:VesselISSC)
- Type nc:DocumentType (Elements it:AssociatedTransportDocument, j:AppellateCaseBrief, j:BirthRegistration, j:ChargeInstrument, j:ChargeModificationInstrument, j:ChargeNarrative, j:ConfidentialInformationDocument ...more)
- Type nc:ManifestType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element nc:Manifest)
- Type nc:PassportType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element nc:Passport)
- Type scr:BenefitApplicationType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:BenefitApplication)
- Type scr:BenefitDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:BenefitDocument)
- Type scr:EnforcementDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:EnforcementDocument)
- Type scr:FlightPlanSummaryType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:FlightPlanSummary)
- Type scr:InterviewStatementType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:InterviewStatement)
- Type scr:ScreeningTravelDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:ScreeningTravelDocument)
- Type scr:TravelDocumentType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:TravelDocument)
- Type scr:VisaType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Elements m:PersonVisa, scr:Visa)
- Type scr:WatchlistType via extension of nc:DocumentType (Element scr:Watchlist)
Substitution hierarchy
- nc:DocumentIntelligenceCategory
- can be substituted with dod_jcs-pub2.0-3.0.1:DocumentIntelligenceCategoryCode
Sample instance