Location can be one of four things: Position, POI, Address or Point. Each of those types has been defined in the XLS namespace with this in condiseration.
Complex type information
Namespace: http://niem.gov/niem/external/ogc-openls/1.1.0/dhs-gmo/1.0.0
Schema document: external/ogc-openls/1.1.0/dhs-gmo/1.0.0/ols.xsd
Properties: Abstract
- Empty content
Used by
- Element xls:_Location
- Element xls:Address via derived type xls:AddressType
- Element xls:POI via derived type xls:PointOfInterestType
- Element xls:Position via derived type xls:PositionType
- Element xls:_POI via derived type xls:AbstractPOIType
- Element xls:_Position via derived type xls:AbstractPositionType
Type inheritance chain
- xls:AbstractDataType
- xls:AbstractLocationType
- extended by xls:AbstractPositionType
- extended by xls:PositionType
- extended by xls:AbstractPOIType
- extended by xls:PointOfInterestType
- extended by xls:AbstractAddressType
- extended by xls:AddressType
- extended by xls:AbstractPositionType
- xls:AbstractLocationType