Schema Central > NIEM 2.0 > wfs.xsd > wfs:WFS_CapabilitiesType
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            XML encoded WFS GetCapabilities operation response. This
            document provides clients with service metadata about a
            specific service instance, including metadata about the
            tightly-coupled data served. If the server does not implement
            the updateSequence parameter, the server shall always return
            the complete Capabilities document, without the updateSequence
            parameter. When the server implements the updateSequence
            parameter and the GetCapabilities operation request included
            the updateSequence parameter with the current value, the server
            shall return this element with only the "version" and
            "updateSequence" attributes. Otherwise, all optional elements
            shall be included or not depending on the actual value of the
            Contents parameter in the GetCapabilities operation request.

Complex type information



version [1..1]ows:VersionTypefrom type ows:CapabilitiesBaseType
updateSequence [0..1]ows:UpdateSequenceTypefrom type ows:CapabilitiesBaseType

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Type inheritance chain

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