Simple type information
Schema document: ansi-nist/2.0/ansi-nist.xsd
NIEM properties:
- Base: s:ComplexObjectType
Valid value Description 0 NONE - Uncompressed 1 WSQ - Wavelet Scalar Quantization 2 JPEGB - Baseline mode of the JPEG algorithm used to compress an image 3 JPEGL - Lossless mode of the JPEG algorithm used to compress an image 4 JP2 - Lossy mode of the JPEG2000 algorithm used to compress an image 5 JP2L - Lossless mode of the JPEG2000 algorithm used to compress an image 6 PNG - Portable Network Graphics image format
Used by
- Element ansi-nist:ImageCompressionAlgorithmCode via derived type ansi-nist:GCACodeType
Type inheritance chain
- xsd:token
- ansi-nist:GCACodeSimpleType
- extended by ansi-nist:GCACodeType
- ansi-nist:GCACodeSimpleType